Thursday, July 25, 2024



Of my self-imposed break!! I want to say I reacted to what I saw yesterday in REAL TIME. I'm passionate about the show and was genuinely floored with the direction it has taken with the Kristina/Blaze story. It's not cute, funny or anything other than bizarre. Why did they even GO in this direction? Minimalizing the things Natalia said? I don't understand. She got blasted by Blaze day one then...meh. It's been ALL about Ava. Ava, who they are writing into some corner because they clearly can't figure out what to do with her. 
This is the new writer's vision for the show? Pikeman stretched out until I'm crying for it to just END? Cassadines are gone and I'm watching Anna just twist in the wind. 
I want to be entertained by my soap. I'm no longer being entertained and I'm sure you're tired of my bitching about it all. 

I'll be watching Neighbours on Prime (2019 is an awesome year) and just enjoying my summer afternoons for a bit. You know me, I'll be back but right now? I need time off. I will post fun things daily so check back!! 



  1. Will miss you. That picture of screechy says it all. Two days this week she gave me a monster headache. Whoever wrote that line "I am a grownup" should find a new job that is something a kid would say

    1. They must have had fun with that rehearsing

  2. I don't blame you, but here is some great news! Ric is coming back!!! WOOT WOOT! I'm so excited!!! I hope he doesn't dye his hair!

  3. So thrilled to hear about Rick Hearst!!!

  4. Yes another article with an interview with Rick Herast! Man, with JJ returning as well, these guys are going to be burning up the screen with top shelf acting in the coming weeks...AWESOME Also...not sure if it was noted by Doug Sheehan who played lawyer Joe Kelly passed a few weeks ago:

  5. That photo of Snarly says it all, LOL.

  6. one is tired of anything you might say. Most of us feel the same way. Like passing a terrible auto accident that you just can't look away from.
    Carly's screaming today was called for. JohnJagger is an idiot and the RICO case is absurd. And Ava waits for him in her room.
    Why are scenes with Molly and TJ always so ridiculous. They haven't had anything to do with "their" pregnancy since the beginning.

    1. And I believe Kristina said she was respecting Molly's privacy. She said it was Molly's to tell. You hit it on the head ridiculous. Sorry still can't take the screeching. It's unbearable

    2. I agree about Molly. She sounds like she's coming unbalanced. If she was Sonny's daughter I would suggest she get tested for bipolar disorder. I don't ever remember the original Molly character being this out of control. You'd think she was the one with hormones running rampnt inside her body.

      And I agree about Carly today, zazu. Her screaming was called for. Jagger is out of control and he has to be stopped.

    3. I'm enjoying my break and keeping up by Twitter and Sonya's recaps!! Just feels good right now.

    4. "kdmask says, I'm enjoying my break and keeping up by Twitter and Sonya's recaps!!"

      GREAT! :) I miss you though! :)

      "Just feels good right now."

      That's good. You should take a break for your mental health! :)

  7. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Q boathouse:

    Willow and Wiley: Ohhh so Osaka Walnut is sleeeeping. Shhhh don't wake her up!

    Willow, Wiley, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Man! Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavary are having eye zex. He doesn't have a top on though! :D

    Willow, Wiley, Michael, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Geez Michael! Can't you see they are having eye zex? Right in front of you! He is blind as a bat.

    Willow, Wiley, and Michael: Love the thorn and rose game. :) Oh my! Drew aka Ryan Lavery walking by seeing Mildew kissing and is jelly! :)


    Tolly: Great scene!!!! Yes I would be very upset too! Get the law involved? Sure go get your father! ;)

    Q kitchen:

    Sasha and little V: OH! I remember ants on a log!!!! :) Great scene!!! Little V made me sad. Yeah no more grandparents on earth. I can relate. :( Yes great idea for Sasha to teach little V how to cook!!! :) Little V wins the line of the day.

    Little V: And you will be like my cool grandma!

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Priceless. :)

    Metrocourt/Ava's hotel room:

    Ava and JohnJag: Oooo more kissin! :) She is all flirty and showing her naked shoulder. :) He leaves, and she is surprised with herself. First time with an FBI agent hahaha! Great scene.

    Metrocourt lobby:

    Joss, Gio, Diane, Sonny, Carly and JohnJag: Hahahaha. JohnJag arrested Carly! Well, she baited him! Funny scene. :) I thought Carly was going to slap him. Oh yes Joss go get Jason! So that was Carly's plan all along? :) Too bad Ava missed the whole thing. Too bad The Tribbles and the gang missed it too!

    Bus station:

    Danny Cheeto and Jason: GAH! Made me cry!!!!!!!!!! :( Great scene!!!! Oh hello Gio and Joss. Jason has got to go back now! ROFL!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go see Ned* Ned's punches! :D

  8. Ava just looks so stunning lately, although she always is. Regardless of the reason, I can’t stand the the yelling anymore.

  9. Carly was great today cause it is WAY PAST TIME to wrap up Jason being blackmailed by Cates.....(can he arrest her???? I thought only Anna could)
    I thought it was a good scene.......don't want Cates to die cause he has a son but he for sure can't stay much longer....
    -----I don't want Brennan with Valentin - last time we saw him the guy in the suit asked was he ready and Anna and Valentin were together that time.
    anyway------I like Jason and Danny scenes - Sonny just staring was intriguing..
    NOW people will find out WHY Jason stayed away: LIZ, Jake, Danny, Sonny, Michael, Drew, Monica, Nina, Ava to name a few.

  10. The Molly/TJ scenes were badly written. They sounded like two immature brats.

  11. I give it until next Wednesday

    1. He knows my viewing habits the best, people!!

    2. "kdmask says, He knows my viewing habits the best, people!!"

      ROFL! I hope he is riiiiight! :D



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...