Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Pickled Pikeman


Well, this week supposedly brought an "end" to the Pikeman Saga. One that has gone on so long, I no longer can recite it's timeline nor do I care to. I have no idea how this blog is going to go so hold on tight. 

Grab what you go and let's give it a go! 

SLAPTASTIC OF THE WEEK: Nina sure got the most meaty scenes. Willow tells her about the fireworks kiss and that's a whole drama within a drama. Then Nina gets to smack Drew right in the kisser. Nice. Cynthia carried those scenes beautifully.  My only hesitation with this story is how long I'm going to have to listen to Willow whine about whether or not to tell Michael. 

BARCELONA OF THE WEEK:  Barrthelonaaa... Anyway, Jason went over and gave Jake the money to go to art school. I mention this because I'm not sure what Hudson West's status is on the show. Then again, they hardly ever showed Jake anyway so maybe it won't change much having the character leave for school. Weird to have him out of the country though, isn't it? Is Lucky in Barcelona? Hmmm...OH! Can we maybe turn to Aiden's dropped story now?? 

REWARD OF THE WEEK: I know!! Let's make the homophobic awful MOMAGER not only get no guff from Sonny about her hateful views, let's give her a RECORD label with him!! That makes so much sense. :shakes head: 

GRIEF COUNSELING OF THE WEEK: If things had been moving along since Spencer's death, this scene may have been more poignant. Instead it was a confusing mess of Trina "losing" the one connection she has to Spencer and Joss finding it. I just didn't get any feels off of this at ALL. I did get confused about now the turtles came to be and was told Cyrus made them in prison, gave them to Spencer--Spencer ditched them when he saw Tri with Roy and Victor picked them up. They were in Victor's safety deposit box along with the Esme evidence tape. Last we saw of Spencers' bird was washing up on some shore in France. 

GEEO-GIO OF THE WEEK: First Lois tells Carly his entire history of dead parents and talent to reach the stars. Gio turns down a trip to NYC and Broadway because he loves PC so much. Then he and Tracey talk about the wonders of "The City" over a sandwich during the night. Gio comes off as some 50 year old Eagle Scout. I suppose his father will show up at some point --wasn't killed overseas and I'm hoping it's not Sonny. 

THE 'CONCLUSION' OF THE WEEK: So this entire story came down to Anna finding Valentin's phone, giving it to Jason and then telling Val to leave the country with Charlotte.  Am I going to try to explain things? Nope. Am I wondering where Brennan was taken and then not mentioned again? NOPE.  So, there it is. 

JAGGY JAGGER OF THE WEEK:  I have no clue what's happening with this guy anymore. He came to town on the Pikeman case because "Pikeman" was killing off Mob Bosses and he was "protecting" Sonny and trying to get information. Cut to now where he's got a personal vendetta on the guy and is trying to get him in jail. Ava goes to him for help, he believes her pleas of being in danger from Sonny. Jag does get the phone with the evidence that Valentin is the head of the organization now but on Monday tells Jason he's not out of the woods yet. Why? Because he has to get the goods on Sonny.  I'm tired. Just tired. 

COMIC RELIEF OF THE WEEK: I know the whole Mac-Daddy story is supposed to be full of angst but we all know where it's headed. Mac will forgive Cody and yada yada. I did delight that James stole his sister's phone, snuck out of the house and called a ride share so he could visit Cody. The fact that Tracey was there made it all the better.  The part afterwards where Sasha shows up was complete filler however and just goes to show there's just too much of that around. Ditto for the Gio/Tracey late night sandwich talk. 

GIRLFRIEND IN A COMA:  Lulu's still out and I was SURE she was waking up or moving a finger on Friday. It was such a filler show--something had to happen, right? Well it didn't.  Laura and Dante talked about family.  Laura put cream on Lulu's hands.  They discussed Rocco and how often he should go (or not) so see his mother.  I have to believe something is going to happen with her because why show all this? Plus with Lucky coming back, it probably has something to do with all that. 

THE BRIDGE OF THE WEEK:  WHY ??  This is so not needed. We've heard over and over how much Jarly love each other--they are so loyal. They are soul mates. Carly cries and tells him she owes him and he says no, you don't. They look at each other. Then...then...hold hands. Both decide that Cates is going after Sonny so they'll have to 'save' him. Jason wants back in with Sonny. Welp. Whatever. I really wished one of them would have fallen off or a dead body float by because it was boring. 


Nina punches Drew when she finds out his lips met Willow's

Anna gives Valentin's satellite phone to Jason and warns Val to get out of town with Charlotte

Jason gives Agent Cates the phone and hopes he'll be free of the FBI 

Laura and Dante visit Coma-Lulu and talk about Rocco 

Sonny, Natalia and Brook are making a record label 

Gio likes the Bronx Botanical Gardens and Tracey wants to show him Port Charles' flowers

Lois tells Carly all about Gio's parents dying

Joss helps Trina with her feelings about Spencer

James goes to Cody to find out why he can't ride horses at the Qs anymore

Jarly needs to have a plan to save Sonny from Agent Cates

No one knows where Bennett went when the men in black took him out of prison

AND---that's that. I'm sure I left some holes because I just couldn't be bothered with some of the lesser-plots going on. Patrick's name was still up last week as co-head writer so I have to think this is a big transition time. Wouldn't it just be something if Ron came over after leaving Days? Ok, ok, I was kidding.  

In this summer of soaps I really wish there was one exciting thing I could cling to in all of this. Or someone to root for-- but I've got nothing. My fave things are The Spixie Family and Tracey. How about you? 

See you Monday! CHEERS! 


  1. There were bits and pieces that I liked (Nina's slap, Anna saying goodbye to Valentin) but that damn sure isn't enough to carry an entire show. All I can say is the producers better thank God every day for Jane Elliott coming out of retirement.

  2. OH NO! Esta Terblanche from AMC as Gillian Andrassy passed away at 51!!

  3. Stinko week. Hoping GH gets better!

  4. Great SS! Thanks. It's funny that this blog makes GH sound better than it is.
    Nina and Tracy were the best things of this strange, mostly filler week. Tracy could talk to anyone about nothing and I'm entertained.
    SB came back for this? Boring is an understatement.
    So happy for Sonny's amazing recovery from whatever.
    They should have Natalia meet a woman she can't resist.

  5. Karen once again knocks it outta the park. I'm gonna pretend people care and write in order my 'scream' moments this week (also known as what the heck)
    -----MONTHS of Pikeman and bam it's over - Valentin leaves......with no great answers from him to Anna-------------
    ------the complete turnabout of Cates always hating Sonny but came to SAVE him from Pikeman and even had sweet moments with Carly and Lois and NOW he is determined to put Sonny in Jail - using Jason?????? CLEARLY the writers didn't know what to do with Cates and chose to keep Brennan (who is gonna help Carly) AND is Brennan EVEN gonna be connected to Pikeman legally?
    ----Natalia is STILL in good graces with Sonny and AVA is the bad guy?
    -----Valentin leaving: who runs ELQ, when does Laura find out her granddaughter is on the run? Lulu is SO coming back soon.
    -----turtledove + Trina = whole thing was stupid...
    BEST part of this week was hands down TRACY with Cody and Gio......
    PLEASE don't let Sonny OR Drew be Gio's father.....or Jason.......LOL

  6. I REALLY need at some point for Liz to acknowledge FINN IS GONE.


Day Off For WUBS

  My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an epi...