Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ric Hearst Back for Aug. Stint


Ric Hearst is returning for the surrogacy story starting Aug 19th according to TV LINE.  I guess Daddy Ric will have a part to play in that whole Drama!!


  1. Looking forward to another familiar face.

  2. Can't wait can't wait! I miss Ric!!! Last time we saw him he went on the elevator and wasn't seen again!

  3. He should've been brought back for Mike's Alzheimer's storyline.

    1. I don't think Sonny and Ric have the same father, so maybe that's why.

  4. They are probably just gonna crap all over him. Another target for Carly and Sonny to rip apart (and bring them back together....puke!)

  5. Another link about it. This is my favorite part. Also there is a video of him! :)

    "The actor admitted that he hadn’t been following General Hospital, so as soon as he got word that he’d be bringing Ric back, he went through and started catching up on all the goings on in Port Charles. That’s when he found out about Kristina’s surrogacy for Molly."

  6. SO glad to hear this! But I hate that he never gets a really good storyline. They always crap all over him. But I will love seeing Ric again.

  7. I have never cared for the Ric character. Regardless, it doesn't matter how many old characters they bring back if they are not written well and don't have good material to perform.

  8. IT had BETTER not be for one side (MOLLY) baby and other (Krissy)--it's just another Sonny/Ric fight

  9. I am looking forward to it! Rick Hearst is a good actor. I remember how awful Ric was to Alexis when he slept with Sam, and Alexis caught them, but he will be a good addition now!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...