Thursday, July 18, 2024


I'm out today so please enjoy this special fun blog!! 

Remember the Love Boat from the 70s? Well, I guess you would have to be of a certain age to remember it. It was a campy show on Saturday nights with tons of guest stars every week and the storylines for that week involved the guest stars and the cast. I always liked the idea of guest stars on a show. They add an air of freshness and best of all, they don't wear out their welcome. "One and done" or maybe a two-parter and that's it.

So… what if GH had guest stars? Not for weeks on end, but just for a day or a week? Karen and I came up with a few. Who would YOU like to see as a guest star on GH?

Kimberly McCullough (two weeks) - Returning for a few days to meet her cousin Cody and to bring Emma to PC to attend graduate school at PCU (and have Emma become a cast member.)

Jane Lynch (one day) - Sonny's therapist. This would be a one-off episode that takes place in Jane's office giving Maurice a chance for a tour-de-force stand alone episode. Plus a PSA on manic-depression. (She played a therapist on Two and a Half Men, but that was comedy. Would love to see her on a drama)

Cameryn Manheim (about a week) - She can play a non-nonsense barracuda of a lawyer going up against Alexis or Diane in court. Then, at the bar afterwards, she can display her comedic skills and be crazy and boisterous, sitting on the bar and singing while taking everyone off guard with her lunacy. Maybe 2 people in white coats can come and take her away at the end of the episode.

Alison Arngrim - Let's try to get Alison Arngrim in there. Nellie Olsen? I've seen her in person on her "bitch" tour and she's delightful. She could totally come in with a mystery illness and it turns out to be a twin growth that never severed from her body. 

GUESS WHO?? YEP... a surprise bartender just for 2 weeks at The Savoy. We'd have some great musical guests (NO VIOLINS) and JESSE behind the bar!! 

GET THE TIKTOK crowd here!! KEITH LEE--doing a little food review for Port Charles. The highlight?? KELLY's BLTs!! "I got it, let's try it" .... 

We are just going to leave all this here.  Hope you have a great day!!! 


  1. -----I think Jason isn't telling Carly about Anna and Valentin and how the evidence came about cause he looked funny when she said 'no more secrets'/-----HOPEFULLY Jason and Sonny will reconcile - at least Jason admitted he now can tell Sonny the truth (does that mean the WHOLE truth about Carly)
    and we all know Cates isn't gonna let Jason go
    UNLESS JohnJag IS about to leave the show----
    ----we all knew we wouldn't see Anna or Cates today----and I think Anna owes SONNY an apology....will people ever know VALENTIN was Pikeman (i.e. Nina and Sonny)
    -------still wondering where Dante is.......and I'm gonna need time to adjust to Dex's hair
    ----what time is it?????Tracy says it's late YET everyone is still at work?
    ------STILL angry that Sonny is letting Natalia BE THERE ---- he shoulda shut the door in her face - I totally thought Nina wasn't in charge of the Invader anymore - she runs both the Invader and Deception?
    ----LOVE Tracy and Cody's friendship - nice pairing!! at least she doesn't mention Deception anymore or stupid Scott and Lucy...
    ----Brook Lynn dressed like winter again....I guess Violet is asleep since Chase and Brook Lynn are out...will we EVER see Liz visiting Violet???
    -----BRITT mention - SO glad they didn't forget Jason and Britt!!
    ------alert - Dex talking about his family (not having a family) means-----you know - maybe Dex and Gio are brothers?????
    ----so I guess James showed up at the end????
    -----one final thought - Val is gone - so the pharmacist does truly work just for Ava now.....guess no one will ever find out that Valentin started the meds fiasco

    1. "Mufasa says, what time is it?????Tracy says it's late YET everyone is still at work?"

      Yeah I was really confused about that!

  2. also NED needs to know Valentin is gone.

    1. Right, isn’t Valentin still running ELQ? As a matter of fact, why would Valentin want to run pikeman when he has his hands full with ELQ? While we’re on the topic of who runs what…who’s in charge of cassadine industries? Nikolas? In jail. Valentin? Doubtful. Victor? Dead. Spencer? Dead. Ace? (What a stupid name) still a baby.alexis? She should technically be the head of the family since everyone else is pretty much over and done for.

    2. and they dropped who bought Spoon Island.....Anna even asked Val why he would want to run Pikeman when he had ELQ!
      NO ONE is running Cassadine Industries-------------HATE stories that are just dropped


  3. Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Tracy and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody says that he has put Comet to sleep. How do you put horses to sleep? Sleeping pill or something? :) Cowboy Cody told Tracy who his bio papa is and Tracy is in shock. This was a great scene I thought. Tracy says she is just like her father and her mother was too nice. It looked like in the beginning there was a blooper because they were laughing. Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: You paint quite a disgusting picture.

    BAHAHAHAHA. Yeah because Tracy talked about lists and it's like eating an elephant if it was bite sized. What?! ROFL!

    Tracy: Oh no.

    Cowboy Cody: What are you doing here?


    Nina's office:

    Kraze, Nina, and Mr. Dimwit: Nina made him apologize to Kraze. That was a good apology, but Krissy don't forgive him. Nina kicked him out hahaha. She practically said shoo! :)

    Kraze and Nina: Nina is going to help them practice for the interview that's coming up!! First she said she would help tomorrow, but then she saw their disappointed sad faces, then she says she will help them now.

    Sonny's abode:

    Sonny. Natalia, and Brooky: Brooky is taking control of all aspects of the business hahaha! Good for you Brooky! Natalia didn't like it at first, but then she finally agreed! Good! Natalia won't have a say about anything! Good!

    Police station:

    Chase and Dex: Awwww new besties. New bromance. :) They got to know each other and they talked about their fathers.. Nothing about their mothers! Too bad! Great scene I thought. Hey where is Dante? Isn't Dante still Chase's partner? Or is Dex, Chase's partner now? I think I'll call them Chex! :)

    The foot bridge:

    Jarly: Awww is this a date? Jason brought up Britch! Carly said that she was jelly of Britch, and she noticed that Jason was falling in wuv with Britch and she hated it, and only wanted Jason to love her.. *Snicker* Then Britch saved Joss and then Carly changed her mind about Britch!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 16th 2007* To prove that Ghost Alan was talking to Tracy, Monica wanted Tracy to ask Ghost Alan what was her favorite thing to do in bed.. OOPSY DAISY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DEAD*

  4. Whoa! Where the heck did my comments about today go?

    1. I've had comments disappear too. Try again.

    2. "zazu says, I've had comments disappear too. Try again."

      Luckily my comments came in my email whew. :) I wouldn't want to rewrite everything again.

  5. I thought today's show was really good. Forgetting about all the crap that has been lingering for months and months, the conversations were entertaining today. I could watch Tracy all day.
    Sonny/BLQ/ Natalia were interesting. I am obsessed with Eva LaRue's stiff upper lip. Can't stop looking at it.
    Beer me! LOL

  6. I don't me, this show seems like it's out of gas and floundering, can't decide where it's going with the new headwriters. It's clear the story that was initially envisioned for Steve Burton is not the nothing burger we've been fed in the last few months. I'm not a huge fan of his, but the character is legacy, he's a perfectly fine actor...but the story is what? Sheer boredom. All of this build up over Pikeman for this? The bright spots have been the rejuvenation of Maxie. She still needs a better story than managing Deception. Again, zzz. Where is Laura? Where is the center of the show? I know she has her annual summer vacay. But even before summer, her story was...oh, that's right...what story? Why can't the writers figure out how to write for her? The relationship between her, Cyrus and Martin was interesting to watch, but that seems to have been jettisoned. Trina...what on earth are they doing with her? ZZZ. Whatever they're doing with Gio, it's too GD slow for anyone to care. The actor has basically done nothing but fold towels at the pool. Josslyn...seriously, Emmy winner here and she has done nothing this summer but kiss Dex in the hall and wear that lifeguard suit. Love that Rena Sofer is back. Is this all they are going to do with her? Sorry for being so negative. I just feel the show has been a disjointed mess with things coming out of left field.

    1. It does seem like all of the writers -- old and new -- don't know what to do. At least some of the blame must be put on their boss, Executive Producer Frank Valentini.

    2. 100 percent agree - I would LOVE to be in that writing room and see their process - I taught 8th grade English for 25 years and 13 year olds at least keep it consistent and write interesting things --------------- the writing is boring and exactly as you said: characters have changed/been destroyed

  7. I watched the love boat back then! Love the show and the guest stars.. Let's see.. Who could be a guest star.... The Tribbles, Greenies, Green beans, Tommy Tapeworm, Badger Bob, Comet the horse, and Alley Mills! :)


Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas

  Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...