Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Luke's BDAY


Michael and Kristina eat at Kelly's. He wants to tell her about Sonny.  He says the way he's acting he won't get custody but might get a restraining order! 

Tracey and Ned in the horse stall. She's not in a good mood. I guess she hasn't been sleeping well. Ned patches up a nip she got on her wrist from Hades the Horse. He says he knows what today means to her. It's Luke's birthday. She says he was the love of her life. Nice scene. they hug

Carly goes to Sonny's. Tells him Jagger is after him. Sonny is like: Yeah, so what he has been. Carly is saying he has to watch out. Sonny is like: Meh. Carly says that Jagger could use Dex's beating against him. Sonny's like, he's not finding out. Carly asks who knows about it. OMG he remembers AVA KNOWS! AHAHAHAHA. Then he tells Carly about his fight with Michael and wants her to smooth things over. She's like: NOPE!!! You drove everyone away. Do you even have ONE Friend to help you? He says: YOU. Carly says that he called her a traitor in that very room and she's done. Cries and leaves. WOW GOOD STUFF. 

Jagger goes to Ava's hotel room. He says everyone is on Sonny's side and she's brave to go for sole custody. Ava says she feels so alone. He says she's not alone now. Ava flirts like a damn ninja with him!! WOO HOO. He says she has to give him something on Sonny and she's like, he will never go to jail. "He killed a Quartermaine and got pardoned"!! LOL  He finally tells Ava he will protect her and Sonny will never see Avery again. She says it's been a long time since anyone has had her back. They kiss.  Then he gets a call--his boss. Has to leave. 

Jason goes to Anna's office. He tells her Jagger is pissed Valentin got away and now he has a whole new assignment he has to do. Anna tells him to go to the press and tell them the FBI went back on their word. Jason says that they'll put Carly in jail on RICO! He says it's her fault this happened because he made her wait while Valentine got away. They really YELL--wow. Jason is furious. Anna tells him most of this is Carly and his fault because of their lifestyles. She finally says she promises to get him out from under the FBI. He says he hopes so and leaves. Slams that door. 

Carly walks into Kelly's and sees Michael. Starts to tell him about Sonny but Jason comes in and says he has to talk to Carly. They go upstairs and he tells her he has to go tonight to Quantico. 

OMG.. Maurice and Jane are outside ...really outside and they both visited Luke's Club (across the street) on his birthday. They talk about him and what a good friend he was. Wow, unexpected. NICE

Carly says she's going to turn herself in

Anna tells Jagger to stop Jason going

Ava calls her lawyer to ask about Sonny being investigated by the FBI 


  1. -----I do not like Anna - when she was yapping about 'too bad Jason' course SHE got HER way - I LOVED the Jason yelled at her - she semi-redeemed herself by her call to the FBI.
    -----Karen is exactly right - JohnJag is doing this on his own -----I want him gone but I like him at first but NOT NOW
    ------It would be SOOOOOOOOOo much soapier if Carly had flounced into the bathroom, stolen a pill and left ---------------had it tested and then tried to prove Ava was doing it...and she could deny but no one would believe her - THAT should be the story...
    ----HOW can Carly and Jason and Michael NOT think "hm, Ava lived with Sonny and now he is acting weird - what about placebos?
    ------Sonny and Tracy - very very nice
    -----still wating on Liz to mention Finn --------------------------and still looking for Selina, Cyrus, Marshall and Marty

  2. Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Ned and Tracy: Awwwwwwwwww beautiful scene!!! :) Also love the hug between them! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!!!! Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Touch that horse and I'll make glue out of you.


    Ned: He was the love of your life.

    Awww that's nice. And Laura was the love of Luke's life.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Carly: Zzzzzz. The Greenies giving Sonny the side eye. Scene was boring, until Carly got emotional and the scene got better. :) I noticed yesterday that she got a haircut.


    Michael and Krissy: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Carly and Jason:

    Jason: Quantico. Tonight.


    Carly turns into


    Across from Luke's club:

    Sonny and Tracy: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need more scenes of Tracy and Sonny!

    Metrocourt hotel/Ava's room:

    Ava and John: They need to have a fling!!! Come on now! Oh wait, a kiss!!!!! YUMMY! :D

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Jason: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Anna and John: Hmmmm. Anger sex? :)

    1. Damn we don't have a delete button or an edit button. Anyway I forgot to add, that I love that John touched Queen Ava's hair, and said he wants to pick up where they left off!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Melt* Hmmm Java? Johnva? :)

    2. No Sonya don't go to the JohnJag-Ava side!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. "mufasa says No Sonya don't go to the JohnJag-Ava side!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

      I can't help it!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a great scene! Come on! Admit it! :)

    4. I like JAVA - because - Jaggar.

  3. Jova....But don't you dare go to his side. I will take him out myself...hang him high by his chinny chin chin...lol

    1. "Di says,Jova...."

      ROFL! Thanks. :)

      "But don't you dare go to his side."

      TOO LATE!!!!! :D

      "I will take him out myself..."


      "hang him high by his chinny chin chin...lol"


  4. and again Ava is in fall sweater and Anna in a fall-colored suit.

    1. Ava looks fabulous, season appropriate or not. So much better than those matronly shiny blouses she wears.

  5. I liked today's episode. The scenes between Carly and Sonny (yikes, am I actually typing that), Jason and Anna, Ned and Tracy, and Tracy and Sonny were all well done. The mentions of Luke were a great touch.

    It seems like they are speeding up the custody suit storyline. I am beginning to think Cates will not make it out alive.

  6. The Tracy and Sonny scene was great....would have been good to have Robert and Laura share a scene as well and remember. Or even Robert and Anna as both we close with Luke at times. -OldSchoolGHfan

  7. Agree with everyone about the Tracy/Sonny scene. It was fantastic! In fact, I enjoyed all of yesterday. Not going to the JohnJag/Ava side but the kiss....it was a good one! Too bad the writers are destroying his character. He is very easy on the eyes. Not as pretty as Mr. Brennan (yowser!) but VERY close.
    Carly just needs to go public about the blackmail and have it tried in the court of public opinion. This crap is getting on my nerves.
    I've been on vacation and it took me forever to catch up, but I read this blog and comments faithfully everyday!

    1. "Julie H says, Not going to the JohnJag/Ava side"

      I'm starting to like the name JohnJag! ROFL!

      but the kiss....it was a good one!

      YES!!! IT WAS!!! :D

      "Too bad the writers are destroying his character."

      Meh he can be fixed.

      "He is very easy on the eyes."

      Mmmm hmmm and nice body. :)

      "Not as pretty as Mr. Brennan (yowser!) but VERY close."

      Ooooo he is really good lookin too! :)

      "Carly just needs to go public about the blackmail and have it tried in the court of public opinion. This crap is getting on my nerves."


      "I've been on vacation and it took me forever to catch up, but I read this blog and comments faithfully everyday!"

      OH! I wondered where you were!!!! Welcome back! Where did you go on vacation? I added a group text to my fun comments. ROFL!

  8. The RICO threat is silly, tape or no tape.

    1. exactly ---- and it was 3 years ago - I can't wait until they find out JohnJag has done all of this on his own ---------------------- and FBI didn't know it -


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...