Monday, July 29, 2024



Carly in CUFFS!! What will happen? Will she go down for RICO violations and spend years in jail? HAHAHA. Come on now. 

Today it's HOT AND HUMID in ROC-- not fun for being outside for long. I shouldn't complain because it will be snowing soon enough.

Still not watching yet. If something happens that I need to see, I guess I'll jump back in but until then, enjoy space to write your thoughts. 

PS! RUMOR has it Jagger Cates gets shot and Sonny is blamed...not sure if it's true. If it IS true--I saw Brennan did it from the shadows. 

Oh, and how much longer until Drew/Willow do the deed? 


  1. GH promo for this week!

  2. Good time for a break. Today's show was all about being obnoxious.

  3. I don't know who was worse Molly the "perfect sister" or Carly the teenager

    1. Hahaha! That would be a tie. With Krissie coming in third. :)

  4. Jason's home:

    Jason and JohnJag: JohnJag really really REALLY wants Jason to give up Sonny! Same ol same ol. They both have blue eyes, so I think the blue eyes should spar. :)

    Metrocourt hotel/Ava's room:

    JohnJag and Ava: JohnJag left his stuff at Ava's and she doesn't have a problem with it. JohnJag changes his shirt right in front of her!!! :) He is topless. :D Ava tells him about Sonny's pills!!! He wants to know if she told him. She says no and he wants to know why. She says it was never a good time and she was afraid he would blame her. Hmmmm. Is that really the truth?

    Sonny's office:

    Badger Bob sees Dante and in the group chat he tells everyone that Dante arrived. Everyone including Badger Bob are relieved.

    Sonny and Dante: Dante finds Sonny! They talk about JohnJag, Carly and Jason. Nothing really new in this scene.

    The hospital:

    Dante and TJ: Dante is having TJ look for Brennan!! Nothing on the file!!! It's like Brennan never came to the hospital after he stabbed himself. They think its strange. Where the hell did Brennan go?

    Tolly: They talk about Krissy and her craziness. They don't want to lose each other! Awwwwwwww! :(

    Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Alexis: Krissy won't stop talking about what if Tolly break up! Alexis has noticed Krissy talking about that a lot, and Krissy doesn't think she does. Nothing new here folks. Same conversation! Zzzzzzz.

    Police station:

    Carly and Michael: Carly thinks she is going to jail, so she wants Michael to keep trying to make peace with his father and she wants Joss to do the same thing!

    Carly and Jason:

    Carly: How mad at me are you?

    *Jason is quiet*

    Hmmm very mad? ROFL! Carly talks about kicking JohnJag out of the Metrocourt. Jason gets why she did it, but he wishes she didn't!

    Jason: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need you to play it cool for awhile.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Oh Jason you know Carly won't play it cool! :)

    Carly and Dante: As they were passing by each other, she asks him if he found him. (Sonny)


    JohnJag and Molly: Molly wins the line of the day.

    Molly: Maybe when women talk, you should listen.


    JohnJag and Sonny: JohnJag is provoking Sonny! Sonny was going to hit him, when Michael stopped him.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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