Wednesday, July 31, 2024

DAY 5: With Commentary


Oh wow. So, I've been "watching" a bit of GH just by reading Twitter and Sonya's stuff on here. WTH! LOL I mean, I know we LIKE Brennan and he's a good character but--they didn't even try to make the Pikeman mess make sense. AT ALL. So, Brennan stabbed himself to get out of jail to talk to Valentin in the stairwell and see Carly? He was ok with Sonny's medication meddling? BTW, now it's Jagger that's the bad guy. 
WELP! And Carly goes free. JUST. LIKE. THAT. :eyeroll: 

So, I guess the next thing is someone gets hurt in a shooting-- and we will get the "Who Gets The Baby" Is there anything else? I guess the Cody/Mac story? OH! Yeah-- Drew and Willow (Laughing hysterically) 

OK! I'm visiting my Aunt today and I MIGHT be watching again by tomorrow!! 

NOTE!! I decided to jump in TODAY!! (Dave was right!!) 

Kids are in the opening now? Hmmm. Donna and Wiley.  Kristina just has the same dang shirt on LOL And...SO does Carly. You'd think she would have gone home to shower and stuff after being arrested? 

Jason tells Sonny the entire FBI story and Greece and why he was working for Cates. Sonny's still mad at him because he didn't trust him with the information and now Jagger is still coming for him. :eyeroll: "I can't trust anyone"!!  Dante comes in, Jason leaves.  Dante and Sonny argue. 

Jagger just yells at Anna. Says it's her fault neither Valentin or Sonny are in jail. 

Krissy and Molly seem to be making up? Kristina's been served by Scotty. He's going to grill her about Sonny's beating Dex. 

Anna and Jason talk about the whole Pikeman thing. She thinks that Brennan erased the tape because he likes Carly. 

END: Sonny finds out from Brick that Ava and Jagger are together in her room. Tells him to "take a lot of pictures"



  1. "Oh wow. So, I've been "watching" a bit of GH just by reading Twitter and Sonya's stuff on here. WTH! LOL"


    "I mean, I know we LIKE Brennan and he's a good character but--they didn't even try to make the Pikeman mess make sense. AT ALL. So, Brennan stabbed himself to get out of jail to talk to Valentin in the stairwell and see Carly?"

    Hahahaha. Meh I want the Pikeman thing to end, so I'm okay with it.

    "So, I guess the next thing is someone gets hurt in a shooting."

    I don't want JohnJag to die!

    "and we will get the "Who Gets The Baby"

    I'm on team Molly and Tolly!!

    "Is there anything else? OH! Yeah-- Drew and Willow (Laughing hysterically)"

    I'm sure they will have zex. :) If it breaks up Mildew, I'm all for the zex! :)

    1. Drew & Millow could all 3 leave together and I wouldn't care

    2. "Linda says, Drew & Millow could all 3 leave together and I wouldn't care"

      Hmmm. To me they can all three stay, but Mildew can break up and be with other poeple.

  2. Maxie (KS) looks so beautiful!
    Carly, Molly and Kristina all seem to be wearing clothes for days.
    Ava with JohnJagger makes me want to vomit.

  3. Lots of pictures made me chuckle. Brick will come up with the evidence to shut Ava and Cates down. hehehehe

  4. haven't watched it all but a few thoughts:
    I think Trina sees Ava and Brennan together (aka the previews)
    I actually think Wiley gets hurt in the pool-----------just think cause then Nina and Drew would be around and Willow could do whatever she does around Drew
    -----since Michael never met with Congressman, are he and Nina still even?
    -----Maxie wearing jeans at the pool seems weird -
    ----it is still beyond my comprehension that NO ONE has stolen a pill from Sonny (to have tested)
    ------okay Brick taking pictures I did not see coming..................still think Cates is gonna get shot.....

  5. "NOTE!! I decided to jump in TODAY!! (Dave was right!!)"

    ROFL! Damn and I didn't go on twitter to see you blog! I should have listened to Dave hahahha!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Jason: Group text time!

    Badger Bob: Jason is here talking about his whole situation from 2 years ago.

    Greenies: Are they shirtless?

    Badger Bob: No! He is wearing a suit.

    The Tribbles: Jason with his blue eyes looks hot in a suit.

    Comet: Is Sonny okay?

    Badger Bob: No.

    Green beans: Anything new they are talking about?

    Badger Bob: No.

    Green beans: They should be taking their shirt off.

    Sonny and Dante: Ooooo Dante all yelly! :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: What do you want me to do play dead?

    BAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA! Group text time.

    Badger Bob: Oh Dante is here. They are arguing. Dante is yelling!

    Green beans: Is Dante shirtless?

    Badger Bob: No now cut that out.

    Police station:

    Anna and JohnJag: Man! JohnJag is so pissed off and whiny! He really should take his shirt off like he did yesterday.

    Anna and Jason: Brennan might have erased the tape because he likes Carly? Hmmm is this a foreshadow? Will Brennan and Carly be together? :)

    Ava's metrocourt hotel room:

    Ava and Scotty: Love their scene. Love them working together. Is Scotty still sleeping with Lucy?

    Ava and JohnJag: Great scene and more kissy kissy! YUM! :D She can make him feel better. ;)

    Metrocourt rooftop pool: Geez Michael aren't you hot? It's summer! Oh okay he took off his jacket. :) Spinny knows where his priorities are. His family! Which of course includes Maxie! Awwwwwwwww. :) I love seeing Wiley and James in the pool! :) Oh Carly get over it. Stop beating yourself up. Enjoy your freedom!

    Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Molly: Oh yes Molly suck up to Krissy by apologizing to her and telling her to throw out the paperwork. When the summons came in, I thought it was from Molly at first.

    1. OH! Forgot to mention that Molly was telling Krissy about all the plans for the baby! And just yesterday Krissy had all those questions when she was with here mother, so there ya go Krissy! Molly answered all your questions! So what is going to be your next excuse?

    2. I loved that Molly/Krissie scene! Krissie had a brief look cross her face, it was subtle but you could tell she was surprised and confused. Loved it! And you're right. What excuse are you going to use now Krissie?
      I'm with Badger Bob....Now Stop That! Lol!
      JohnJag is just plain old irrational now. If I was Anna I would have punched him in the nose. You want shirtless men and I want a brawl!
      Steve Burton looks very, very good in a suit. Just saying!

    3. "Julie H says, I loved that Molly/Krissie scene! Krissie had a brief look cross her face, it was subtle but you could tell she was surprised and confused. Loved it!"

      YUP! And it also looked like Krissy was thinking oh crap! ROFL!

      "And you're right. What excuse are you going to use now Krissie?"

      I'm sure she will think of one, and it will be stupid.

      "I'm with Badger Bob....Now Stop That! Lol!"


      "JohnJag is just plain old irrational now."

      Yeah he is! He is desperate!

      "If I was Anna I would have punched him in the nose. You want shirtless men and I want a brawl!"

      I want a brawl too!!!! :) I still want my Carly and Nina brawl.

      "Steve Burton looks very, very good in a suit. Just saying!"

      Oh yeah! :) Along with his blue eyes!! *sigh*

  6. So, the way they're handling Jack Brennan reminds me of what happened when they introduced Sean Donely. He was brought on as a villain, audiences liked a charming actor, and -- presto change-o -- he became a good guy and a regular. The more things change, etc.

    So, I have two questions now that the Pikeman story is wrapped up. 1) Are we ever going to find out which mob boss recorded Carly at that meeting? 2) Did we ever learn who the rat/mole was in Sonny's organization after Dex was cleared? (I was so hoping it would be Brick.)

    There is a rumor floating around the Internet that Chase and Brooklyn will soon learn that Finn died in a car accident on the way back from rehab.

    1. Oh, and for the record, it's been nine months since Austin was murdered and we still don't know who did it. They should just say Cyrus ordered it and he also had Selina tape Carly.

    2. Kevin 100 percent - at least say something about these things - happened off camera whatever - but at least ACKNOWLEDGE the the recording, Austin's death, etc.

    3. "Kevin says, So, the way they're handling Jack Brennan reminds me of what happened when they introduced Sean Donely. He was brought on as a villain, audiences liked a charming actor, and -- presto change-o -- he became a good guy and a regular. The more things change, etc."

      Presto change-o ROFL! Yes they can change the villain if they really want to. I love/loved Sean Donely!!!

      "There is a rumor floating around the Internet that Chase and Brooklyn will soon learn that Finn died in a car accident on the way back from rehab."

      Oh I hope not!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    4. Kevin you are spot on comparing with Brennan with Sean Donely. Nicely done. I was one of those ladies swooning over him in my younger days. He and Tif were awesome together, and I loved his friendship with Robert Freaking Scorpio. Good times!

    5. The Pikeman thing was just so... disappointing. I know we had SEVERAL writers in there (including the strike) but geesh

    6. Can Valentin and Charlotte come back now?

    7. "LSV422 says, Can Valentin and Charlotte come back now?"

      Yes please!!!!

  7. OMG...I was not expecting that ending. (But what a letdown to see the prviews for tomorrow back to TJ arguing about the baby with Alexis again. rehashing eveything that we REHASHED today because it was talked about all day yesterday. Enough already)

    And it was very interesting watching Natalia walking off the helicopter as lois walks on. lol


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