Thursday, August 1, 2024

Jagger and the Towel


Molly and Sam have lunch at the Surf Shack. Molly talks about the Perez Hilton interview. Molly goes through the whole thing about being mad Krissy implied the baby was hers yada yada. She's sad it's not her egg. 

Pool: Lois and Brook talk about the record label. Lois has a lot of questions. Like a lot. Then she leaves and Blaze comes in. Brook tells her about the record label. Then Natalia walks in and Brook says "oh it was your mom's idea, actually'! She leaves so Blaze and Nat can talk together. 

Trina is in Ava's room getting an update (because Ava never moves from there) and Jagger walks out in a towel.  Trina's like: I'm outta here. She leaves. Ava says that Jagger was USING THE SHOWER BECAUSE THE WATER PRESSURE WAS bad in his room! DERP. Anyway, why the hell would she see Trina in her ROOM if he was there anyway? Dumb.

Trina RUNS to Joss at the pool to tell her about Jagger sleeping at Ava's. Joss is mad because he tried to put HER MOTHER IN JAIL! Trina wonders what Ava was thinking. WHY IS it their business? LOL Geesh

Kristina tells Sonny she doesn't want to testify and he says it's not going to get to that point. He has a plan. Scotty comes in and tells Sonny the judge said Avery IS visiting Ava this weekend and he can't stop it. Then he tells Kristina she has to give a deposition tomorrow. Scotty tells Sonny he's going to win the case for Ava. They leave. Sonny is angry.  Lois goes to talk to him about the label and the money used for it. 

Then Kristina goes into Ava's and tells her she's not testifying. Ava's like: Um, you have to. Kristina wants to know why she's doing this. 

Jordan and TJ. TJ says the situation with Kristina is getting worse. He's afraid they are headed to a custody battle with Kristina. 



OMG!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT!! Get this! Kristina and Ava argue, Brick is taking photos and Ava grabs Kristina. Kristina trips over her bag and FALLS THROUGH THE WINDOW and into the Metro POOL!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!! OMG



  1. The surrogacy crap dominated the show today. I now FF/mute all of it.
    Blaze and her mother. More snooze.
    And then....SPLASH. That was a Friday ending.

  2. I think the editors DELIBERATELY place the stupid surrogate storyline in the days of Ava and Sonny.............HATE IT
    -----don't care about Blaze either...
    -----why doesn't Ava ever leave the Metro Court? and Trina tells Joss who tells Carly and SOnny about Ava and JohnJag
    -----BUT BUT I can count on 1 hand the times GH has SHOCKED me and TODAY was that day----------------first of all baby lives and maybe they have to decide whether to take the baby or let Kristy live-------------------don't ya'll think? Molly and TJ have to decide what to do? I still think they both live but great drama for sure in deciding who lives.....
    -----Kristina was the FIRST person too who said she would testify that Ava killed Morgan and Connie - wonder why Sonny hasn't thought of that???
    -------HOWEVER today was another nail in the coffin for Ava's character - Brick has pictures so she can't deny it-----------she will never get custody/probably arrested for attempted murder....

    1. No it can't be attempted murder. It was an accident. Ava grabbed her arm and Krissy fell from JohnJag's bag.

    2. We know that but the picture doesn't show the bag. It looks like Ava pushed her and I doubt Kristina will be looking to back her up.

    3. "Di says, We know that but the picture doesn't show the bag. It looks like Ava pushed her and I doubt Kristina will be looking to back her up."

      Yeah good point. Krissy might just lie!

    4. And Brick will have gotten a great pic to shut Ava up. hehe

  3. The hospital: Love the mug! I will shoot you! ROFL! The mug would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    TJ and Jordan: Great scene. Felt so real! I wish Jordan could help!

    Port Chuckles surf lodge:

    Sam and Molly: Great scene! That felt real too! Especially the part about who pays for the lunch.

    Sonny's office:

    Krissy and Sonny:

    Badger Bob: Hi Krissy!

    Krissy: Hi.

    Badger Bob: How is the baby?

    Krissy: Good thank you for asking.

    Scotty, Krissy, and Sonny:

    Badger Bob: Hi Scotty!

    Scotty: Hi. Bob is it?

    Badger Bob: Badger Bob.

    So anyway of course Krissy didn't read the whole paperwork. Just like her not to do that.

    Ava's hotel room:

    Ava, JohnJag, and Trina: Oh my oh my oh my! Hello JohnJag with only just a towel. ;) Java had sex and we didn't get to see it? DAMN! Oh Trina wins the line of the day.

    Trina: Of course. Showers are important.


    Ava and JohnJag: Ooooo leaving his bag there. :) Oh come on Ava! You couldn't have your meeting at your art gallery? And didn't JohnJag hear voices?

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Brooky and Lois: Brooky isn't dressed for the summer and her mother is. Oh look! People in the background. That lady in her pink two piece swimsuit and that guy sitting at the table. I'll call her Cassandra, and I'll call him, Vern. :) Hmmm. They should meet and date. :) Then they can be called Vernandra. :)

    Brooky and Gio: Oh! She has a gig for him how cool. :) Vernandra are still there. :)

    Brooky and Blaze: Brooky and Blaze should go talk to Vernandra.

    Blaze and Mami Natalia: Seriously! Talk to Vernandra and get to know them!

    Joss and Trina: What is the point of talking about Java zex? You two should meet Vernandra!

    Ava's hotel room:

    Ava and Krissy: I thought Krissy was just going to slap Ava! When Krissy fell out the window and into the pool I covered my mouth with my hands and screamed!!!!! Then I had tears! I gotta watch it again! I did NOT see this coming! What a soapy goodness drama scene!!! You got me writers.. Thank you! The look on everyone's face! Looked like Gio was going to cry!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go watch slaps* There are 7 parts to it. Enjoy! :)

    1. Oops forgot one thing.

      TJ and Alexis: Awwww great scene! She loves him. :) He is family. Awwww. :) Make peace sure right. Then Krissy pulls the rug right under him and says she wants the baby.

    2. OMG.I was not expecting that ending either. I'm glad I always record it. I watched the scene several times.

      And what a let down to see the previews for tomorrow back to TJ arguing about the baby with Alexis again, rehashing eveything that we REHASHED today and that was talked about all day yesterday too. Enough already.

      I'll also just add that It was very funny watching Natalie walking off the Mom helicopter today as Lois walked on. lol

    3. Sorry Sonya but I can't stand TJ so his talk with Jordan and Alexis - yuck

    4. "Di says, OMG.I was not expecting that ending either. I'm glad I always record it. I watched the scene several times."

      Yeah I can watch it on dailymotion. The looks on everyone's faces! Including Ava's!!!

      "And what a let down to see the previews for tomorrow back to TJ arguing about the baby with Alexis again, rehashing eveything that we REHASHED today and that was talked about all day yesterday too. Enough already."

      Yeah come on that's enough!

      "I'll also just add that It was very funny watching Natalie walking off the Mom helicopter today as Lois walked on. lol"


      "mufasa says, Sorry Sonya but I can't stand TJ so his talk with Jordan and Alexis - yuck"

      Hmmm well, maybe when you see TJ hold his baby, then you will like him again. :)

    5. Vern. HAHAHAHAHA!
      I knew Sonya would thoroughly enjoy JohnJag in towel.
      For once I liked Sam and her chat with Molly. Go figure.
      Just have to add (like everyone else) the ending was WOW! Everyone's reactions were great! And yeah, hotels have pretty strong glass, but I don't care. YOWSER!
      (Ava is so screwed and that makes me sad/mad!)

    6. "Julie H says, Vern. HAHAHAHAHA!"


      "I knew Sonya would thoroughly enjoy JohnJag in towel."

      Mmmm hmmmm. ;)

      "For once I liked Sam and her chat with Molly. Go figure."

      Yeah it was really good. :)

      "Just have to add (like everyone else) the ending was WOW! Everyone's reactions were great! And yeah, hotels have pretty strong glass, but I don't care. YOWSER!"

      Maybe the hotel glass was sabotaged!!! Maybe Sonny had his men do it and it was meant for Ava! That's what someone on twitter said.

      "(Ava is so screwed and that makes me sad/mad!)"

      This sucks. :(

  4. kd said: " WHY IS it their business? LOL Geesh"

    Name me any girls their age who would not discuss it. Many their age today would have snapped a picture as they left.

    1. "Di says, Name me any girls their age who would not discuss it. Many their age today would have snapped a picture as they left."

      Hahahaha. Good point. :) These youngins nowadays! ROFL!

  5. Trina is supposed to be great friends with Ava

    1. I think Ava blew that friendship when she asked Trina to lie for her.

    2. The trust they had was better than this. They are writing Ava completely without heart and forgetting the past 4 years

  6. and yep JOHNJAG luggage is what she tripped over.......course the windows aren't as strong as they would be in a hotel...........

  7. Bo\ig twist at the end but they had better not use it to get rid of Ava. If so, they have lost a loyal viewer.

    1. I am mad too - no way Ava stays - SO will she be killed OR will Sonny blackmail her to leave town and he won't show Brick's pics OR will she just run away?

    2. Well she can definitely forget about getting custody of a child considering what the results of today's ending was.

    3. 100% True but a mobster/killer/criminal is no better...

  8. I wonder if they are going to reshow the scene tomorrow!!!!!



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