Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Layers Upon Layers


It's Hump DAYYYYYYYYYY! Again, I keep saying this but the summer is just flying by!! It will be September soon.  I'm hopeful now that the show is a bit more back on track? This summer was so jumbled up it's hard to even remember all the weird things that happened. 

Ava is giving her deposition. Tells Anna that Kristina kept saying she'd kill her over and over. Ava looks a Jagger, he smiles. Anna notices Ava looking at Jagger. Wonders why she never said that before. Ava says she was in shock. Anna wonders why her lawyer thinks. Ava says if she can find Scott, she can ask him. She and Jagger basically say they think Jason Morgan killed him. Anna doesn't buy it. She leaves. Jagger tells Ava she did things perfectly and he is now going to go look for leverage on Sonny. 

Jason tells Sonny the pharmacist is on the island, safe. Sonny says they can't lure Valentin out using Anna as bait. Jason doesn't like it. Anna comes into Sonny's office. She tells him Ava's statement. They both think Jagger told her to say that. THEN!! Sonny tells Anna this is all her fault because she let "her boy Valentin go".and Anna says it's HIS FAULT because he got Karen Wexler up on that stage! WOWWWWWW. Then Anna and Jason leave because she has to question him about Scotty's disappearance. 

Anna and Jason talk and in the end, Anna tells Jason to choose sides: Her or Sonny. WHOA. "aren't you tired of taking orders from him? You could when you were young and damaged but now you know it's wrong". Jason says that she's one to talk...especially all the compromising SHE did with the WSB, Faison and now Valentin. Anna gets all teary. 

Molly and TJ are getting ready for the funeral. Molly wants to give the baby a name. Curtis, Marshall, Stella and Jordan come to the apartment. They are early but want to settle in and have coffee. Molly says she has something to do before the funeral...alone. Leaves. TJ tells the family the name is Irene Marie. Stella was talking about her sister Irene and they decided they love the name.  Crying ensues. Stella has to go out into the hall and sobs. Curtis hugs her. 

Alexis is ready for the funeral too. She talks to Kristina. Krissy says that she wonders if TJ and Molly would still consider her family if they knew she wanted to keep "her" daughter. Alexis says that Molly and TJ hurt enough and they can never know they drew up something saying Krissy wanted custody. Molly comes in and tells Kristina they named the baby. Krissy is mad "Without ME"? Molly says yep, we are burying her and we are her parents. Kristina says she gave birth to her. Molly says; It's Irene Marie after TJ's grandmother. Kristina says: I wouldn't have named her that! Then John Jagger is at the door!! He says he's taking Kristina in. They say no. HE says if she doesn't go, he's taking them ALL IN and NO ONE will be there to bury the baby! Alexis tells Molly to go look in her briefcase for the trial agreement. She says he can't do it. He leaves. 

Looks like Joss and Trina are going to the funeral too. They are in The Gallery. Joss thinks Ava is going to prison. Trina says "don't count her out just yet". They argue about Ava's guilt and Trina wants to wait until the court date. Good stuff. Trina basically tells Joss SHE looks the other way a lot with people in her life, so back off. Ava walks in. Joss tells Ava if it was her in that hotel room instead of Kristina, Ava would have gone through the window. Trina tells Joss she's getting an uber to the funeral. Joss leaves. Then Trina asks Ava if it's true she told the police Kristina tried to kill her. She says that Ava never said that to her, so is she lying? Ava says she's in trouble and if she doesn't do what the FBI says, she'll be dead. Trina tells her she will stand by her but she'd better tell the truth. 


Sonny comes in to The Gallery. Ava thinks he's going to kill her. He says he's there to save her

MOLLY SEES THE CUSTODY AGREEMENT that Alexis drew up for Kristina! 

Anna tells Jason she will take down Sonny and hopes he's not standing next to him when she does. 

OMG WATCH TODAY. SO many layers and details. 


  1. Police station:

    Ava, Anna, and JohnJag: Wow! JohnJag! WOW! Your plans do not work! Just give up already!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Jason: Badger Bob wants to go to the island to see how the pharmacist is doing. So Badger Bob packs up a suitcase and is about ready to go. :)

    Sonny, Jason, and Anna: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: He might have been doing it from your bed.


    Police station:

    Jason and Anna: All the compromising Anna did! YEAH! You tell her Jason!

    Tolly home:

    Stella, Jordan, TJ, Curtis, Mr. and Hat man: Hey where have you been Mr. Hat man!!! :) Irene Marie Ashford. Awwwwwwwww. :) I thought Ric was going to show up.

    Mr. Hat man: Don't you dare

    GAH! That made me cry! Great scene!!!!

    Curtis and Stella: Dammit made me cry! :(

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: Yes Krissy everyone knows that you were going to take that baby. We don't need to hear it again.

    Alexis, Krissy, and Molly: Oh shut up Krissy! I don't care if you are the biological mother! It was Tolly's baby! They have a right to name the baby anything they want to! I wonder out of curiosity what Krissy would have named her.

    Alexis, Krissy, Molly and JohnJag: Oh JohnJag just give it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since the door was wide open, I thought Ric was going to walk in. I love Alexis kicking him out! Hahaha. And I love that she was acting like a lawyer yesterday! :)

    Alexis and Krissy: Oh oh. Molly you found the papers! Now what? You going to tell Krissy off? :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Joss and Trina: As if there are plenty of people in your life that you constantly look the other way for. Please give me a break.


    Joss: Just so you know, if it had been me, not Kristina in that hotel suite, I wouldn't have been the one who went through the window.

    Oh Joss shut up! Don't act like Cujo. That was uncalled for and unnecessary!!! GO AWAY!

    Trina and Ava: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Sonny and Ava: Oh. Interesting!

  2. Damn where is my post? I'll do it again then.

    sonya has left a new comment on the post "Layers Upon Layers ":

    Police station:

    Ava, Anna, and JohnJag: Wow! JohnJag! WOW! Your plans do not work! Just give up already!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Jason: Badger Bob wants to go to the island to see how the pharmacist is doing. So Badger Bob packs up a suitcase and is about ready to go. :)

    Sonny, Jason, and Anna: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: He might have been doing it from your bed.


    Police station:

    Jason and Anna: All the compromising Anna did! YEAH! You tell her Jason!

    Tolly home:

    Stella, Jordan, TJ, Curtis, Mr. and Hat man: Hey where have you been Mr. Hat man!!! :) Irene Marie Ashford. Awwwwwwwww. :) I thought Ric was going to show up.

    Mr. Hat man: Don't you dare

    GAH! That made me cry! Great scene!!!!

    Curtis and Stella: Dammit made me cry! :(

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: Yes Krissy everyone knows that you were going to take that baby. We don't need to hear it again.

    Alexis, Krissy, and Molly: Oh shut up Krissy! I don't care if you are the biological mother! It was Tolly's baby! They have a right to name the baby anything they want to! I wonder out of curiosity what Krissy would have named her.

    Alexis, Krissy, Molly and JohnJag: Oh JohnJag just give it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since the door was wide open, I thought Ric was going to walk in. I love Alexis kicking him out! Hahaha. And I love that she was acting like a lawyer yesterday! :)

    Alexis and Krissy: Oh oh. Molly you found the papers! Now what? You going to tell Krissy off? :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Joss and Trina: As if there are plenty of people in your life that you constantly look the other way for. Please give me a break.


    Joss: Just so you know, if it had been me, not Kristina in that hotel suite, I wouldn't have been the one who went through the window.

    Oh Joss shut up! Don't act like Cujo. That was uncalled for and unnecessary!!! GO AWAY!

    Trina and Ava: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Sonny and Ava: Oh. Interesting!

    1. Oh my! My first post came back! ROFL!

    2. Double recap, thanks Sonya, lol!
      Good grief, I was so Team Jason, Molly and Trina yesterday. So much stuff going on my head was whirling. Alexis is just so great in lawyer mode and it makes me happy. Cates has totally gone off the rails but I think the actor is doing a fine job. Same with Krissie. The character is honking me off to no end, but GH hit the jackpot with the actress. :)
      I cannot wait to see Ric Lansing. I always liked him (love the actor) and every time he did something despicable I would say, it's the writers, it's the writers. HA!
      Get teary eyed Anna away from me, stat!

    3. I forgot to mention that I REALLY want to see Molly go off on Krissie and Alexis. Shoot, let her holler at everyone! Poor girl is suffering and I want to see some rage. It's a soap for crying oud loud!

  3. Riveting show today for sure ------
    ------I TRULY am having a hard time with Cates, though....WHY would Anna allow him to be in the room? at least she saw Ava glance at him......and then he goes to bring in Kristina for questioning? IS NO ONE CHECKING WITH HIS BOSS TO SEE IF HE HAS THE AUTHORITY!
    ------I can't stand hypocritical Anna----this crap of protect and serve is a joke......she only cares about Valentin and Jason's speech was EVERYTHING!! I know Laura and Anna completely turned on Sonny but am I remembering correctly WHY? Laura cause of Cyrus? and then Anna cause of Dex????
    -----I KNEW Molly was gonna see those papers but if I remember correctly, the FIRST time Kristina drew up the papers was months before? Cause when she brought it up again to Alexis, didn't she say 'I kept the papers but that was months ago'
    ----JUST when I think Ava had changed, she lies to Anna and then lies to Trina about FBI threatening her life???? Previews look like she doesn't succumb to what Sonny wants but she will - not sure when..................funny thing is that Avery hasn't been mentioned in weeks......NOT ONCE has Ava asked how her daughter is doing...
    ------LOVE STELLA LOVE LOVE.......not sure why Trina is going to the service though...
    ---worst part of the show for sure is Cates and then Anna -

  4. also Ava had on white while everyone is wearing black - okay, wardrobe I see what you did there - got it!
    Sonny better be on his way to the funeral......wonder how Molly and TJ will treat him?

  5. Another good show. Three in a row.
    Cates is ridiculous.
    Anna has a bad addiction to Valentin. She needs rehab or an intervention.
    I hope we don't lose Kristina to this seemingly never ending surrogacy story.
    Loved Ava's outfit. She's looking rather svelte.

    1. I wonder if it's OZ? Everyone seems to be on it!

    2. What's OZ? Seems to be on what?

  6. Today was a great show, so well-written. I hope they can keep this up and it's a sign of things to come.

    I am wondering if Ric will be Ava's new defense attorney while Scott is missing. It appears like Sonny will excuse Ava if she turns on Cates.

    1. Oh MAYBE!! I'd love for Ric to be Ava's lawyer! Sonny would HATE IT

  7. Go Trina tell Joss how it is! How she has watched and defended killers her entire life.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...