Tuesday, July 30, 2024



So...how's it going?? I guess Jagger is goading Sonny and he will have his epic 'flip out' soon. Molly and Krissy going at it about the BAY-BAY.  I wish I was more enthused!! I just can't believe how Carly-Centric this show has become. I mean, I KNOW she's a big part of it but geesh-Louise. 

OK! HOPE you are well. I'm hanging in there. It's going to be August soon! Yikes!! Summer is 1/2 over!! 


  1. Some funny one liners today!

    WSB offices:

    Brennan and Anna: HOLY COW! So Brennan has been a WSB agent all this time?!??!!? :0 What an interesting twist!!!!!!


    JohnJag and Molly: GO MOLLY! She is telling it like it is! Hmm she should throw a tribble at him.

    The judge and everyone in the courtroom: The recording is gone!!! Case dismissed! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :D Who the heck is that other lawyer? He is hawt! He needs to take of his shirt. I hope we get to keep him and he goes to the rooftop pool. :)

    Sonny, Joss, Michael, Jason and Carly: Everyone wants to celebrate. Michael asks if they want to go to Wiley's birthday party. Sonny asks what is wrong with all of you? The look on everyone's face when he confronts them. Hahahahaha. Sonny says this didn't have to happen! And that Jason should have told him about what happened to Jason 2 years ago. He will take care of Cates!

    Police station:

    Dante, Molly, and Alexis: Alexis has paperwork from Diane. Alexis is officially a lawyer! YAY! Dante says they need a new dart bored. The one they have is full of pictures of Diane and now they need pictures of Alexis. ROFL!

    Molly and Alexis: They talk about Krissy Krissy Krissy. Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: You both have all my genes.

    BAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Including talking so fast right Molly? :) Molly just needs a brown paper bag to breath in. ROFL! Sounds like Nancy Lee Grahn has a cold.

    Metrocourt hotel rootop pool:

    Nina, Wiley, James, and Spixie : Awww happy birthday Wiley! Love Wiley and James together. Love their swimming and playing with toys at the pool! Love the Wiley hugging his grandma Nina. Awwwwwww. :) Where is Mac and Felicia? Where is Mac?! I hope John J York is okay!!

    1. I love the Brennan twist. I could look at that handsome face and gorgeous blue eyes all day. I'm glad he's on the good side now and we'll hopefully see lots of him. (Ties Sonya's hands so she can't get near that shirt.) hehe
      Molly was really acting like a DA today. ( I skipped the surrogacy stuff that was on later. It's really starting to get on my nerves.)
      I loved the court case. What a great way to end that. It left me with a nice warm feeling, and a great little chuckle at Cate's dismissal. hehe Your turn is coming, ya loser.
      Party stuff was cute and fun. (John J is probably on reduced hours. He's still in treatment.)

    2. Love me some Brennan!!! He can be in every scene and I'd be good with it!

    3. "Di says, I love the Brennan twist."

      Me too!!! So soapy! I did not expect that! Good job writers! :)

      "I could look at that handsome face and gorgeous blue eyes all day."

      Yeah me too.. *Sigh* So many men with blue eyes. :)

      "I'm glad he's on the good side now and we'll hopefully see lots of him."


      "(Ties Sonya's hands so she can't get near that shirt.) hehe"

      ROFL! Damn you Di! *Shakes fist in the air* *Giggle*

      "Molly was really acting like a DA today."

      She was! Very good job!

      "( I skipped the surrogacy stuff that was on later. It's really starting to get on my nerves.)"

      Yeah Krissy is annoying. I'm on Molly and Tolly's side!

      "I loved the court case. What a great way to end that. It left me with a nice warm feeling,"

      Yeah it was really good. The judge made a comment about JohnJag that made me laugh.

      "Your turn is coming, ya loser."


      "Party stuff was cute and fun. (John J is probably on reduced hours. He's still in treatment.)"

      OH! I thought treatment is over. Oh okay then good.

      "ladderr says, Love me some Brennan!!! He can be in every scene and I'd be good with it!"

      Me too! We just need to give him a love interest. :)

    4. My reply to Sonya yesterday disappeared from the blog. (Sad face!) Sonya should be in charge of wardrobe as she'd save GH a fortune. No man would have a shirt, lol!
      I'm with you ladies, Brennan is super hot and I want him on all the time! Loved the twist that the tape disappeared and you know he made it happen.
      Definitely team Molly/TJ. Krissie has lost it.
      Carly centric lately and I'm over it. And JohnJag had such potential. Like Kevin said below, probably dead by Friday. :(

    5. "Julie H says, My reply to Sonya yesterday disappeared from the blog. (Sad face!)"

      I read it though. :) It happens to me. Hate that!

      "Sonya should be in charge of wardrobe as she'd save GH a fortune. No man would have a shirt, lol!"

      Hahahahahha! And you would thank me. :D

      "I'm with you ladies, Brennan is super hot and I want him on all the time!"

      Yeah so do I! He is great!!!! :)

      "Loved the twist that the tape disappeared and you know he made it happen."

      My first thought was that McKonky did it. (However you spell his name haha) But I guess Brennan could have done it.

      "Definitely team Molly/TJ. Krissie has lost it."

      Hell yeah Krissy lost it!!

      "And JohnJag had such potential. Like Kevin said below, probably dead by Friday. :("

      I hope not! They can fix him! If JohnJag dies, who is going to take care of his son?! :(

  2. I so agree Karen, too Carly focused for sure.

    I don't think it's out of the ordinary for an FBI agent to want to take Sonny down. The writers just always make him seem like a hero when really he is 100% criminal. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike him, but it really gets old all this back and forth. Laura and Ana loving him, now he's a criminal and they must distance themselves and so on. He's always been a criminal. And what he did to Karen WAS gross. We all turned our heads like we did with Luke as he is so handsome and had chemistry with some of our favs.

    1. I completely agree that Sonny should be treated like the criminal he is. I've said it before and I will say it again: At any given time, half the town should hate him.

  3. Well, I think Brennan is now a regular and Cates will be dead by Friday.

  4. Notice Wiley only had one other kid at his pool birthday party

  5. I just feel - not a joke - that the writers sit in a room and discuss a storyline and write it and then weeks later, they say, 'okay we are bored'

    AND they either finish in one day like Pikeman and today OR OR OR they drop it i.e. who bought Spoon Island/where are Marshall and Stella/where are Selina, Marty and Cyrus

    and then there is one writer who says 'ah, did we ever finish that pill storyline'?

  6. but I DO like Brennan and I KNEW he would help Carly!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...