Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Squid vs Octopus


Anna and Dante plot the way they will lure the killer out. Mac rings the doorbell. He wants to know where Felicia is... Anna says: Lucy is out of town too. Ut OH... (see below)

Jackson has Lucy arrested for fraud and Felicia arrested for breaking and entering. He says Lucy tried to push him down the stairs and took his car keys to try to stall. She says he couldn't drive drunk lol. The cop puts handcuffs on Felicia. They decide to call Anna

Anna's with MAC!! She puts it on speaker phone and Felicia is trying to NOT tell what's happening. Lucy finally jumps in and says: ANNA, tell your friend JACKSON MONTGOMERY NOT TO ARREST US!! 

Jackson and Anna talk. He tells her he knew Lucy was lying because she knew about Hummingbird Cake. He knew the exact recipe because Martin retained him to sue his Ex-Wife over trying to sell the recipe to Little Debbie's!! AHAHAHAHHAAA. Anna says that Lucy is just in love with Marty and that's why they are doing what they are. She asks him as a favor to drop the charges. 

Mac talks to Felicia and Lucy on the other phone. Lucy tries to explain. Mac is like WTF have you two gotten yourself into!? He's mad because they called Anna not him first LOL!! HAHHAHA. 

Ned is 'home' because Chase asked him to stop in. Olivia is angry because he's not staying. Chase thought he could explain things to Leo and make it better. Olivia says it will make things more complicated. Brook gives Eddie a drink and Cody wants to talk to Olivia alone. Cody says that she should try to calm down and just talk to Ned as "Eddie" he has an idea: Eddie can move above the stables into his room and he'll move to the mainhouse. She thinks that's a good idea.

Leo runs out.."DAD"!!! He asks Eddie what's better a squid or an octopus? He says octopus. Leo says: You're really not my dad, are you? He says no I'm not. They talk about Squids and Octopus. Eddie says he's sorry he's not his Dad. Awwwwww. Goes on to ask what Eddie likes and he says music. Gets the guitar. Leo says that's his dads. "Can you play'? Eddie plays and Leo says he can borrow it until his Dad comes back.. I HOPE he's coming back. 

Chase tells Brook he loves her. She loves him too! He says he doesn't want to know what's going on with Tracy and her. He trusts her. 

Alexis goes to Sam's house to talk to her about Kristina. They can't get either one on the phone or text. Dante comes home, Alexis leaves. Sam is going to tell Dante what she's been working on. She tells him about Cody and Selina Wu. She also says that she thinks Mac is sad Cody isn't his biological son. 

Tracy talks to Greg in the park and he says thank you for helping Chase get his badge back. IT's a filler conversation for sure. She talks about Finn and he goes to leave and drops his keys and falls on one knee. She's like "you can't even make a good exit"... Alexis comes up and helps Greg. They sit on the park bench together. 

Lucy finds out that Martin is getting alimony from his exwife. 

Jackson calls someone to say they were trying to get info on them and the company 

Eddie is going to keep staying at Sonny's.  


  1. ---Leo saved this Ned/Eddie/Olivia crying fiasco
    ----ENJOYED the back and forth of Jackson and Anna then Mac/Felicia/Lucy phone exchange
    ------Just ASK ANNA who is the third ex? She knows...
    -------Walt W said he shot three episodes so I think today was it - SO MUCH POTENTIAL if he would move to Port Charles -----
    ------WHY are they pushing Greg and Tracy together cause all couples who fight end up together.
    -------Cody and Chase were SO good today!
    ------the pay-off better be good for whoever is this ex-wife.....please!

  2. Some funny one liners today. What a great show today! :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and Dante: I was still waiting for them to kiss because I felt a strange vibe between them.

    Anna, Dante, and Mac Daddy: Awww poor Mac daddy is worried about Felicia! :) Yes Mac listen to your bad feelings! :)

    Chandler Mansion/Port Charles

    Anna, Felicia, Mac,Jack, Lucy, and the cop: GAHHHH! I love their scenes!!!! ANNA AND JACK TALKING ON THE PHONE! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D Jack wins the lines of the day.

    Jack: You tried to push me down the stairs! Why am I attracted to these fiery women!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you talking about Erica, Jack? :) Can we keep him? Please writers please?!?!?! :) Who is Jack talking to on the phone? Is it Marty's ex wife number 3?

    Sante home:

    Sam and Alexis:

    Alexis: I miss actual words.


    Sante: Is Dante going to worry about Cowboy Cody with Ms. Wu now?

    Rice Plaza:

    Tracy and Gregory: I thought they were going to kiss!!!

    Tracy, Gregory and Alexis: Awwww so glad Alexis was there. :)

    Gregory and Alexis: Awww holding hands!!! Maybe they are going to kiss. He was looking at her lips. :)

    Q home:

    Eddie Maine and Uncle Leo: Awwwwwwww! What a great scene!!!

    Uncle Leo: You can play it. At least until my dad gets back. At least I think he is coming back.

    GAH! That made me cry!!!

    Brase: Awwww they wuv each other.. :) Well at least they kissed geez! What do we have to do to get people to kiss around here! ROFL!

    Tracy and Brooky:

    Brooky: You need to find another way to get info on deception.

    *Brooky walks away*

    Tracy: Good thing I have one.

    Ooooooooooo! Tracy always has a back up plan! :D

  3. Another good show today.
    Leo is a gem.
    Uh-oh...tomorrow looks like Ashford's return. And some Davis action. Sorry Alexis.

  4. I'm all for Jackson Montgomery being a permanent GH cast member!!! (And I usually complain about the large cast!!!)

  5. Leo is so cute! Lynn H. just never ages and she is always on fire as Lucy. Tracy is also on fire but she sure loves her son. Jackson would be a good addition-maybe as a partner for Martin G. I love the relationship of Anna and Dante. Seems like FH didn't take a summer vacation this year but I miss Val. Good!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...