Wednesday, July 26, 2023

FOGGY Parapet


Ava tells Sonny everything including the fact Mason has Nikolas' body. AND the whole Nelle thing and taping Nikolas' confession. Hiding the body and all that jazz. That Austin caught her hiding Nikolas and how he helped her. 

Sante talk...kiss. They talk about Gladys/Cody and Selina. Sam doesn't like Gladys LOL Dex tells her about the dead guy in the alley. Then they make out. Someone pounds on the door. Dante finally opens it and Cody faints into the penthouse. He left GH and wants to figure out why Sasha knifed him "it makes no sense" he says. 

Jex talk...kiss. He tells her everything about the dead guy in the alley. Kiss more.

Curtis and Portia just talk about his not walking and yada yada. He thinks she just feels sorry for him and wants an annulment. (they never consummated the marriage LOL). She says: You said you loved me!! He says: I was on heavy medication! He doesn't want to see Trina again. EVER. Pfft. 

Millow...just talk. OH! They are folding laundry! They talk about her cancer, getting better, how precious life is...yada yada Then all of a sudden cut to Wiley having cookies with them at the table LOL. OKAY? 

I am so upset about Sinead. 


  1. So much talk today! Talk talk talk. The only scene I am interested in today is with Sonny and Ava!


    Sonny and Ava: I love that Ava spilled everything to Sonny! Sonny will fix it! :) Will they have zex? No? Too bad. :)

    Dex's home:

    Jex: Talk talk talk and then........ DAMN! The scab writers really know how to make a scene zexy!!! Yowza!

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: I always love when characters do small things like folding laundry, but not with this couple! They are so boring and make things so boring.

    Mildew and Wiley: Awwww Wiley is so worried about his mama! How sweet!!!! :) Oh a midnight snack of cookies. Wouldn't that make him to riled up he won't be able to sleep?

    Mildew, Wiley, and Osaka walnut: Awwww Osaka walnut is awake! :) She is so adorable!!!!! :D Chad Duell with that baby is adorable. :)

    The hospital:

    Purtis: Oh Portia! Stop being so pushy! Give Curtis some time to process everything!!!!

    Sante home:

    Sante: Whoa! Sam is dressed like it's summer! :) Not sure why they both have to wear black, but okay. Damn it's hot zexy time! Everytime they start to make out, her bread heaves! :) Hey where is the Tribbles on the table?! Did they melt because it's so hot? :)

    Sante and Cowboy Cody: I forgot that Cowboy Cody was stabbed by Sasha. I thought Li beat him up again. Awwww he is sleeeeeping on the couch shhhhhhh! :)

    1. Yeah it's shocking about Sinéad O'Connor!! WOW!

    2. I just watched the episode again with Sam and Dante, because people kept saying that Sam talked about Molly in an accident. WHOA! They were right! What accident? Are they referring to the actress's accident? OO

  2. She had a rough life from the start it seems. Very sad.
    The best thing that's happened on GH in a long time is the Ava/Sonny reveal and caper to come, I hope. And finding Nikolas whoever he may be this time. Hoping for MC but probably won't be.
    And now it's pity party time for Curtis. It will all work out in about a year or two.
    That baby made me smile again. Which ever twin....they sure are cuties!

  3. repeating from yesterday - new writers do love romance.......
    ------Curtis is lyin and it's annoying for both of them -----especially when he suddenly didn't want Trina around him? ugh..
    ------shocking that previews show I guess Cody was stabbed this very day/Nina told Millow/kids stayed up late/Gordon was killed? I dunno
    ----I see sparks between Sam and Cody - there I said it...
    ----it's kinda sad they can't do flashbacks but with nu-Nick at the time???
    -----Read that next week we see Laura and Valentin
    -----saved the best for last---------------------I am so giddy with Sonny and Ava ------------giddy I tell you-------------I wish I had a Sonny in my life to take care of things!
    so I think Sonny called Brick but WHO is he looking for? He didn't say man or woman - I hope he's finding everything about Betty Lou......
    -----just too giddy!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. Think he's looking oking for Mason

  5. Far too much repetitive dialogue. It's like watching a repeat.

  6. thank ya'll for mentioning the accident - that was BIZARRE!! WHY would the writers have Sam say 'she's fine = Krissy is with her at the hospital - it could have been worse' writers that was weird and outta the blue!

    1. "mufasa says, thank ya'll for mentioning the accident"

      You're welcome! I didn't hear it the first time.

      "that was BIZARRE!!"

      Yes!!! VERY BIZARRE!!!!!

      "WHY would the writers have Sam say 'she's fine = Krissy is with her at the hospital - it could have been worse' writers that was weird and outta the blue!"

      Yeah I don't know what they are doing. That was just creepy!

  7. A big shout out to the strings holding up Sam's tiny top. They had a mighty job and did it well.

  8. How true! I was waiting for them to fall out

  9. I liked the Sonny/Ava scenes. Let's see them work together to take down whoever is controlling Mason. (I also think I saw a glimmer of respect in Sonny's eyes when Ava said she clocked Nikolas with the statue.)

  10. Sonny and Ava were fantastic. Their scenes should have been the entire show! So far I'm liking the writers. We had all kinds of interruptions due to severe weather so thanks for the recaps!
    I was so shocked and saddened about Sinead.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...