Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday Thirst Trap


Photo thx to: @BillingsOctavia 

SHAWN BUTLER is back, baby!! Thank Goodness Sean Blakemore wanted some work! Yeah!! We've been waiting. He's in jail for a crime he didn't even commit. But yeah!! I'm glad Carly sent him. Did you remember he's TJ's Dad? 

What did you think of all the Webber mentions yesterday? I'm thinking Steven Lars will be back. Neither Cam M or RoHo are old enough to be Jeff, that's for sure. 

And... that's that for today. See you tomorrow! 


  1. Think I liked him better without the goatee. Still a hottie though

    1. Considering the state of my legs since we've been in lockdown, I'll forgive him his well trimmed goatee. lol

    2. me too...…….but still sexy!!!!!!!!!

    3. Does Sean have a painting hidden away somewhere that gets old for him? Still looks mighty fine and doesn't look like he has aged a day.

    4. Yes Lindie! I watched yesterday on Hulu and heard Jason had a new roomie and was like?? Then I remembered! He's looking mighty fine!! ❤❤❤

  2. PLUS no goatee in jail, right??????????

    1. Goatee is not allowed in jail? Why?

    2. I was asking - I dunno - cause who shaves them and keeps them shaved daily?

  3. Anna out talking open in the hospital about poisoning Chase and Franco being killed by peter, SMH! Go in a private room

  4. I actually get to watch LIVE....😁😁😁late day to work and Sean or Shawn?? LOL! pulls a knife??? THAT'S Carly babes plan???

    1. He will be safer at GH and easier to break out

    2. I can't wait to see what Jason tells Carly about her plan when he sees her next.

  5. Bringing Jeff and Steven Lars back would be a great way to revitalize one of the core families from the 70s. Jeff was the son of Dr. Steve Hardy. It’s never been answered who exactly is Liz’ mom. Jeff was married to Monica when he came on the show but in the Gloria Monty era, that relationship was forgotten and there was never any mention that they’d been married which I found very odd.
    When Scotty mentioned Jeff, I wondered if they would actually be on good terms given Scotty’s involvement with Heather.

  6. Bringing Jeff and Steven Lars back would be a great way to revitalize one of the core families from the 70s. Jeff was the son of Dr. Steve Hardy. It’s never been answered who exactly is Liz’ mom. Jeff was married to Monica when he came on the show but in the Gloria Monty era, that relationship was forgotten and there was never any mention that they’d been married which I found very odd.
    When Scotty mentioned Jeff, I wondered if they would actually be on good terms given Scotty’s involvement with Heather.

  7. Nixon Falls spinoff - Pennsylvania side of the river square dance:

    Mike, Elijah, and Nina: Oh boy! Who's manhood is the strongest? :)

    Jax, Phyllis, and Lenny I love that Phyllis and Lenny are protecting Nina!!! :)

    Jax and Nina: GO AWAY JAX!!!! You two are OVER!!!! GO HOME! Sonny and Nina still need to kiss yet!!! Don't ruin that! GO HOME!

    Jail cell:

    415690 and Shaun: Oh I see. Mob boss Carly's plan is to have 415690 stabbed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Carly! :) Oh look the blood is just pouring out like chocolate sauce.

    Carson home:

    Carly and Jordan: Blah blah blah Cyrus. Blah blah blah agreement. Where are the Tribbles?

    The hospital:

    Willow and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Finchy and Anna: Wow! She wasn't interrupted!!! She actually told Finchy about the poison! AND SHE IS SHOWING HIM! Anna the smart woman is back and Anna bot is gone! Finchy wins the lines of the day.

    Finchy: Another name I never get sick of hearing. Did Franco even do anything, or was Peter just bored.

    ROFL! Oh wait when he was yelling at Anna, I thought it was fake at first. Poor Finchy. :( He even called Chase his son!!! Awwwwwwwwww! :(

    Olivia and Dante: Adorable scene. :)

    Chase's room: Boy oh boy! So many visitors.. Ouch Chase is still in pain! :(

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1981* When Robert meets Laura. :)

    1. Manhood?? HAHAHAHAH! You Harlequin romance writer, you! Loved Finchy yelling at AnnaBot. I was cheering him on! And line of the day was definitely his!

    2. "Julie H says, Manhood?? HAHAHAHAH! You Harlequin romance writer, you!"

      Hahahahha. It felt like that is what they were fighting about. :) Sonny also looked jelly and wanted Nina all to himself. :) I mean he was going to kiss her when Elijah interrupted. :)

      "Loved Finchy yelling at AnnaBot."

      Yeah it was glorious!!!! :)

      "And line of the day was definitely his!"

      Yes yes yes!!! :)

    3. Mike, Elijah, and Nina: Oh boy! Who's manhood is the strongest? :)

      Nina's. 😁

    4. "Gary says, Nina's. 😁"

      HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. I actually meant with Mike or Elijah, but that was really good. You win! :)

    5. Now you both know it's Phyllis, especially when she has the tone! :)

  8. Who wants to bet that "Mike" and Jax run into each other before Jax leaves? Cause you just know we need a Friday cliffhanger like that! 🤣😂 Nina gonna be in trouble!

    1. We can only hope....might move this snoozer of a story along! :)

    2. Won't happen. They love to drag stuff along forever.

    3. I heard that Jax gets shot and sees Sonny before he's taken away in the ambulance.

    4. Tracy, I read the same thing. Also, that Jax sees Sonny but Nina convinces him that he was mistaken.

      I so want this storyline to be over. I like Phyllis and Lenny and hope they move to PC, but I do not want Nina thrown under the bus to prop up Carly and that is what is going to happen here.

  9. I hope Shawn is not back just for 5 minutes to stab Jason and be done

    1. I read that Sean got a 3 year contract, so it looks like he will be around for a while. Just get him out of prison and back to PC where is son is.

    2. Wouldn’t mind seeing him back with Alexis. Glad he will be around for awhile. Anna deserved what Finn gave her and lore-all this is her fault.

    3. 3 year contract sounds great. Maybe he'll get out go work for the new Doña.

    4. "Di says Maybe he'll get out go work for the new Doña."

      New Doña? Who? :)

    5. lol Doña is a female Don or mob boss so I was referring to Carly.

  10. There is an article confirming that Roger Howarth will be returning for May sweeps. So, we will soon know what character he will be playing.

    1. Steven Lars, perhaps? that way they can apply the great vibe between the RHs to a close sibling connection while allowing him to be paired with other actresses (annoying). I don't think the switch from spouses to siblings is an easy one to pull off for many actors, but RH and RH are pretty stellar - they could make it happen. Still hate that they killed Franco and ended this family.

    2. Me too! I wish it were Franco coming back in a twist....

  11. Why would Olivia go to the cemetery with flowers? Can't remember who she'd see that is dead

    1. Maybe she's @ the cemetery to visit the grave of her cousin Connie.

    2. Ya, Connie makes sense. Or Oscar?????



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