Monday, April 5, 2021

Cameron Mathison JOINS GH


YEP!! No word on who he's going to play but word on the Tweet is that he's a Drew recast?? 

Kevin and Laura . They talk about Cyrus and how he outted Martin about the whole Julian thing. Kevin leaves. Cyrus comes by later.  He tells her that with Jason in jail if she doesn't help with his mother, any war will be on her hands. Nikolas comes up and slams him against the door. 

Carly and Valentin talk about Jason and Peter. She also tells him he has to get closer to Gladys. NOW. 

Gladys and Brando are going to eat lunch at the Metro. He's talking to Sasha first. He tells her that Dev wasn't his son and why. She wonders if Michael knew.

Valentin is at the bar. Gladys saunters up and is like "'member me"?? 

Ava at the Gallery. Nikolas is looking concerned. Spencer isn't answering his phone calls. "He's almost graduated" says Nik. WELP! They going to age him? Martin walks in. "You're my nephew"! Nikolas tells Martin he knows what he did to help Julian. Ava wants to know. 

Olivia tells Brook she can't have sushi. Brook Lynn gets mad...they end up fighting a bit and the sushi falls to the ground. Ned walks in. 

Willow talking to Chase at the Qs. He wants to work things out with his family. She matches the drapes LOL. Then Michael and Willow talk. -- about...WILEY. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Mostly boring show today

What we learned: 

Willow and Michael might like each other :eyeroll:

Gladys likes Valentin

Sasha finds out Dev wasn't Brando's son

Laura yells at Cyrus

Martin warns Nikolas that Cyrus is trying to get closer to Laura 

Nikolas slams Cyrus into the door when Cy threatens Laura 


Willow and Michael almost kiss and Sasha walks in

Ava opens a package up and it's a FAKE RUBBER HAND. I'm callling it and saying it's Spencer is doing it. 


  1. With all the Spencer references I'm hoping it means he is coming back. I used Mr. Google to check on Nicolas Bechtel's and Eden McCoy's ages. Eden is 17 and Nicolas is 16, so age wise he would fit in the teen scene. Trina would not put up with any of Spencer's "you are just a townie" attitude.

    1. "Gary says, With all the Spencer references I'm hoping it means he is coming back. I used Mr. Google to check on Nicolas Bechtel's and Eden McCoy's ages"

      Yeah when Nik was talking about Spencer almost graduating, I looked up his age, and yeah 16! Oh and Brooklyn Rae Silzer who played Emma, just put up a picture of herself on twitter. She looks so grown up!!! She is 14.

  2. Black leather jacket giveaway? Hiney, Chase, Nikolas and even Gladys. Weird.
    Cameron Mathison and Ingo Rademacher are so similar in looks and acting. IMO.
    Yes, Spencer is surely the culprit. It was nice to see Ava and Nik again today.

  3. do not care for cameron mathison. what GH needs is more characters

  4. maybe he is a peter replacement. that is the only way I can handle another actor

  5. I was hoping Lucky - but I guess Drew would make more sense.....we don't need any new characters.

  6. Could Willow have picked any more of Wiley's toys? Cameron M. - no thanks!

    1. One by one...with two hands yet. I was thinking the same. LOL

    2. They have a house full of servants and every scene they're playing 52 pickup with toys.

    3. Agree with both things! The toys were ridiculous and I don't see the need for Cameron M. at all, as NuDrew or NuLucky. Spare me.

  7. Levon's home:

    Laura and Doc: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) Wow!!! They hardly show them in their home! It's been awhile. Awwww love. :)

    Laura and Bro Cyrus: He really really REALLY wants to know where his mommy is. OH HI NIK! YAY!!!! :) Nik protecting his mama! Gotta love that! :)

    Laura, Bro Cyrus and Nik: Bro Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Bro Cyrus: Well isn't this a nice family reunion.


    V.C.'s home:

    V.C. and Carly: Uh this is the next day right? Why is Carly still in her red dress and a ponytail?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Gladys:

    Gladys: Remember me?

    Well, it wasn't like it's been a month!!! It was just last night!!! ROFL! Man she is so smitten!! :)

    Gladys and Sasha: Hmmmmm. Will they be inlaws eventually? :) Unless Gladys dies soon.

    Sasha and Brando: Oh! I'm glad Brando told the truth about Dev to Sasha.

    Brando: I want you to trust me, like I trust you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) I so love them together!!!! :)

    The Q home:

    Olivia and Brooky: I was thinking, that Brooky doesn't care what she eats!!! Because he isn't preggers!!!

    Nedlia: Awwwwwwwwwww come onnnnnnn! Corona kiss and get back together!!! :)

    Chillow: Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Willow and Michael: Blah blah blah.. Willow has a nice dress out, but I don't like that shoulder thing. Come on! Where are the Tribbles? They can make the scene better. It's so boring!

    Brooky's room: Oh look the baby bump is born!!!! :) Brooky Jr? AH HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW SHE WAS FAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    The art gallery:


    Marty and Nava: Awwww family. :) Marty go ahead and use that southern charm of yours. :)

    Doc and Ava: My first thought about that rubber hand, was Ryan strikes again.. But hey it could be Spencer. :) Or The Tribbles..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I was really liking Sasha and Brando, too Sonya! We'll be their cheerleaders. :)
      Same with Martin, I like him in every scene. Laura needs to cut him some slack.

      It was good to see Nik manhandle Cyrus. Ponytail needs to keep 2 steps back from Nik's momma.

      I'm really hoping it's not Spencer messing with Ava. But he does need to come back, whether it's the same actor or not. And seriously, biggest fake baby apparatus on Brooklyn that I've ever seen. HAHAHHAHA!

    3. "Julie H says I was really liking Sasha and Brando, too Sonya! We'll be their cheerleaders. :)"

      YAY! Okay!!!!! :) #Brasha

      "Same with Martin, I like him in every scene. Laura needs to cut him some slack."

      Yes she does! Stop being so Judgy Laura. You have done things too in your past! Don't let Cyrus win!!!

      "It was good to see Nik manhandle Cyrus. Ponytail needs to keep 2 steps back from Nik's momma."

      Yes Ponytail does!!! Nik protecting his mama awwwww. :)

      "I'm really hoping it's not Spencer messing with Ava. But he does need to come back, whether it's the same actor or not."

      I hope it's Ryan who is messing with her. I hope it's the same actor playing Spencer! :(

      "And seriously, biggest fake baby apparatus on Brooklyn that I've ever seen. HAHAHHAHA!"

      Hahahahahhahahahahaha! It's so BIG! :)

    4. Brasha it is! :)

      (I would like original Spencer too, but we need a Spencer!)

    5. "Julie H says, Brasha it is! :)"

      Haha yup! :)

      "(I would like original Spencer too, but we need a Spencer!)"

      Yeah we do need Spencer.

  8. I used to like Carly, but now I am with the "screeching Shrew" club. She needs to leave with her boyfriend (Peter).

    1. Welcome to the club, lol! And I agree, PLP needs to go and Carly needs to take 3 month vacation off screen!

  9. re: Cameron Mathison. He could be playing a prison guard. We have enough cast members in jail now to shoot some scenes there. Or he could be there to play a doctor who's Alexis's addiction counsellor.

    1. Sounds like he will be on more than a prison guard though

  10. did anyone notice willow's dress matched the drapes?

    1. Matched the drapes and the cushions on the the sofa, too. Cute dress but still doing nothing to help her happy homemaker image. Only Anna has a great wardrobe.

  11. If he's Drew recast, he actually age wise is much closer to Steve Burton's Jason...52 this year to Steve Burton's 51 while Billy Miller is only going to be 41. As much as I miss BM, if CM is going to play the role hope he makes it a fresh take and like Cynthia Watros created her own take on Michelle Stafford's Nina that has grown on a lot of fans I hope the same can be done with Nu Drew(should that be the actual character CM's set to play).



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