Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Jeff Webber Mention! 2x!


OMG The Fireman's Dance. Jesus help me not make too much fun of it...Ok, I am going to. It's COWBOY THEMED. Good Gravy. Sonny almost kissed Nina... but Elijah interrupted. 

Cam and Joss still saying "Will you be my friend" or NOT??  :eyeroll:  He leaves. Jax consoles Josslyn.  He leaves to go fly his plane. 

Scott goes over to Liz' house..Cam is late to babysit the boys. He mentions Sarah or Jeff WEBBER coming to help with the boys!! WHATTTT!! He mentions Jeff again! Says he's a good guy. Hmmmmm Then Cam comes home, Liz leaves and he and Scott talk 

Finn yells at Portia that the labs aren't back yet and he can't treat Chase without the baseline data. Anna just stands there and watches.  Peter says stupid stuff to Anna about Chase and walks away. Why is he still alive? 

Portia says that Finn is acting more like Chases' father than his brother and shouldn't be his doctor. He disagrees.

Michael sees Willow sitting next to Chases' bedside. Michael mentions a sponge bath? Um.. okayyyyyyy Willow leaves and Chase and Michael talk about Willow. 

Carly goes to jail to yell at Jason, tell him they are going to do things HER WAY now.  I think Sean Blakemore will get him out? Or help him? 


Josslyn and Cam make up on the phone. 

Scotty called Lesil to say good night

SHAWN is Jason's cellmate (remember him? TJ's Daddy?)

Jax flew to Nixon Falls to find Nina LOL 

Anna tells Finn she knows what's wrong with Chase 


  1. Maybe Roger is the new Jeff???? That would be stupid, but then again Mike living in Dixon Falls and no one knowing about it is stupid....I WILL say at LEAST Nina said, "You know, Mike, if you really wanted to know who you were, you could find out."
    Read that Elijah shoots Jax as Jax sees Sonny - which makes sense and then Nina will say 'no you didn't'...…..but the longer this goes on the worse it will be for Nina and Wiley...….
    I haven't watched, but I guess Shawn is JUST NOW Jason's cellmate since it has never been mentioned...also read that he shoots Jason on purpose to get him to GH and Britt helps Jason escape? But I don't know Jason is escaping...
    the Cassadines and Anna are an embarrassment to spies and criminals.....STUPID that Peter is still alive!!!!!!!!

  2. If Roger Howarth is Jeff Webber that is stupid and kind of gross and incestuous

    1. Roger can't be Jeff Webber. Too young

    2. Could Cameron Mathison be the new Jeff Webber or is he too young?

    3. I feel like Cameron Mathison is too young. Jeff Webber would be like 65ish I would think

  3. If I remember correctly Richard Dwan Anderson played Jeff Webber and he is 71

    1. Richard Dean Anderson did play Jeff before he became MacGyver. I remember when he started on GH. His character has married to Monica.

  4. it's all stupid because Roger is too young...…..but you never know...….cause the writing is stupid so many times.

  5. Nixon falls spinoff: Pennsylvania side of the river square dance: YEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LITTLE DOGGIE!

    Come to the corner and hook a wing; Alum and left, grand right and left,Come to your partner and promenade home. And sashay out and bow The best that you know how;And right and left through to your partner,Right and left through to your partner,Right and left back to your partner,And all promenade.Indian style, single file,Stop and swing her once in a while.

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :) Come on little doggie! :) Oh wait Sonny was going to kiss Nina, but stupid Elijah Crow had to interrupt!!! GRRRRRRR! Awww Sonny and Nina going to dance again. Too bad we don't see it ah well. Jax?!?!?! RA RO! Oh and Lenny wins the line of the day.

    Lenny: Just as long as we're clear. You are my date, not his.


    Back to Port Chuckles:

    Jail meeting area:

    Carly and 415690: It's Carly's way now!!! HER WAY YOU GOT THAT 415690?

    415690 and Shawn: SHAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Shawn is his roomie! Man Shaun looks so different.

    Carson home:

    Cam and Joss: They are friends, they aren't friends, they are friends, they aren't friends.. Wow I'm dizzy.

    Jax and Joss: Joss go with your father!!!! You are 18 now. You don't need your mother's permission!

    Joss and Carly: I'm glad Carly remembers her home and that she has a daughter. :)

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Scotty: LIZ!!!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!! Wow love that Scotty brought up Liz's sister and father. I was waiting for Liz to say, that Liz's sister has a kid. :)

    Scotty and Cam: Scotty is so good with Cam!!!! Listen to him Cam!!!! And why did he first call him Scotty when he first showed up? he is your grandpa!!!

    Cam and Joss: Awwww glad Joss called him. :) They are friends again YAY!

    Scotty and Dr. O: I love that he called her and left a message!!!! YAY! :)

    The hospital:

    Portia and Finchy: Finchy is acting like a scared father! :) Stupid Anna is watching! UGH!

    Liz and Finchy: Awwwww love their friendship. :)

    Anna and Hiney: Oh come on Anna!!! Just scoop up the antidote and take it with you!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE ANNA BOT!

    Anna and Finchy: OH! Well I'm surprised she is going to tell him the truth! Unless they get interrupted.. Hmmm.

    Chase's room:

    Chase and Michael: A sponge bath?!?! Michael are you going to give him a sponge bath? 00

    Sidenote: Last night on Big sky, Sabastian Roche was on it as a sheriff!!! :) He looked good. :) He didn't have an accent.

    1. Sonya, I haven't seen today's show. You said that Shawn looks different. Please say that he still looks just a fine as he did.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, I haven't seen today's show. You said that Shawn looks different. Please say that he still looks just a fine as he did."

      He looks so different. I hardly recognize him. He looked thinner. Have you watched it yet?

    3. Thanks for the recap because I ff thru all of the hoedown. Good grief! :(
      I hate AnnaBot, too. Seriously, I would have knocked Pooter down the stairs. Another good grief.

      Sean looked good, but yes, he looked different to me too!

    4. "Julie H says, Thanks for the recap because I ff thru all of the hoedown. Good grief! :("

      ROFL! You're welcome. Well we didn't see the dancing. :)

      "I hate AnnaBot, too. Seriously, I would have knocked Pooter down the stairs. Another good grief."

      Yeah what the hell!!! Come on AnnaBot DO SOMETHING!!

      "Sean looked good, but yes, he looked different to me too!"

      Oh good glad you see it too. The only way I recognized him was his voice!

  6. watched the way we were, last night. the actress who plays josslyn looks like barbra streisand when she was young

  7. also if they change Sean's personality and he works for Cyrus, I am gonna be mad.....cause someone had to put Jason and Sean as cellmates ---- maybe Mac???

    1. I'm assuming Carly set it up. This is part of her plan.

  8. Laura used her influence to put Jason and Sean together?
    (This is my first ever comment after being a lifelong watcher
    and a long time reader on this site.)

    1. Hi lizwebber30064. Maybe it was Laura. So glad that you posted. Welcome. I love posting. On here most days. Hope we hear from you again. :)

    2. Well hi lizwebber30064! Glad you finally commented. Hope you comment more! :)

    3. Welcome! I'm guessing Carly, but Laura sounds good too! :)

  9. This Hiney/Anna dance is repulsive.
    William Lipton is such a good actor but what's with all the facial distortions. Are they trying to ruin him too?
    I really want to find something good about GH. Having a hard time.
    Joss had my line of the day. Describing Gladys as a witness: "A lying liar who lies about everything".

    1. I don't think William Lipton was doing that before with his face.

  10. Joss could have been describing her own mother. I wish Jax would have said, You know Jason DOES kill as part of his job, right sweetheart?

    Carly I am assuming set up Sean and Jason rooming together.

    Guessing Anna will go to Maxie and tell her the truth so Maxie will play along? I'm sure she won't tell Finn tomorrow. Peter will walk up I'm guessing

  11. Just shoot Peter and take the antidote Anna. So, so stupid. These writers have ruined Anna

    1. They have ruined my favorite character Anna to favor LW and WR. This is so so horrible.

  12. OMG. This is so stupid. Chase doesn't even look sick.

    What, no dancing? They are only going to show Maurice looking lame in a cowboy hat?

  13. Oh this was just such a bad episode all around. Wow. What is going on with GH?? I mean, we've have plenty of bad episodes for many years but damn,this is not good.

  14. Ugh, I couldn’t watch the dance. And Anna should have pushed Heiny down the stairs and then asked for the cure.

    1. I was waiting for Anna to grab that vial and knock Peter down the stairs with her elbow as she did it. This cloned Anna was useless.

  15. Unintentional Hilarious line:
    Lenny:"This is going downhill fast.."
    My sentiment on the story!

    Since this storyline implied they are in Pennsylvania, could it mean that Pine Valley may be coming? Cameron Matthison could be playing his AMC role.

    Maybe GH is setting up a massive prison break. Jason, Alexis and Sean all break out and Heather randomly picks them up in a stolen Shadybrooke van.
    Heather:"Who wants to go Kelly's and get some BLTs?!
    Jason, Alexis,and Sean:"wut..."

    1. "Matthew says, Maybe GH is setting up a massive prison break. Jason, Alexis and Sean all break out and Heather randomly picks them up in a stolen Shadybrooke van."

      Haha sounds good to me! :)

      "Heather:"Who wants to go Kelly's and get some BLTs?!
      Jason, Alexis,and Sean:"wut..."

      ROFL! Now that is funny. :)



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...