Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Diane and Nathan


MICHAEL'S FACE! Ahahahahaha. 

Today is Oct 30th on GH.."Beggar's Night"-- Joss goes to Wyndemere with Lucas and Maxie to see Spencer. She wants OUT of the wedding.  She tells Spencer he HAS to help her because she helped him. 

Patrick shows up with Emma and Cam at Sam's. Sam has decorations????? I wouldn't have guessed that. Patrick is Paul Bunyon..Cam is Underdog and Emma is Sweet Polly Purebread. 

Diane is at Kelly's with Nathan. She buys him dinner.  He tells her about the judge saying they can't date each other.  She says well, he can do that actually and crossing him may make it harder on Maxie.

Joss tells Spencer he has to hide her because she hid him!! Then Cam and Emma show up with Sam and Patrick. Awkward. 

Michael meets up with Jake. "Do I know you"?!!  Nope.. but there's a glimmer. 

Scotty and Franco in bed together in matching robes, eating strawberries. LMAO... oh how fun. Scott tells her about Logan and Lulu stabbing him. Franco says "I don't feel badly about strapping her to a bomb then" LOL

Sonny tells Carly he loves her


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is Beggar's Night reaaly only in Western NY? I never knew it was a local thing. I just assumed everybody did that.

  3. I grew up in Buffalo, NY, and we had Beggar's Night, so I second Dar's question.

  4. I grew up in WV and we had Beggar's Night there.

  5. It's called Cabbage Night in Saratoga Springs area.

  6. WNY had Beggar's night when my kids were small. They were able to Trick-or-Treat both nights. But then the municipalities outlawed Beggar's night and most of the local towns work together to make it only on the 31st. It's easier for the people giving out the candy and running back and forth to the door... Some neighborhoods have literally hundreds of kids.

  7. Not in PA, LA, or TX where I have lived.

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  9. sonya said...

    Wyndemere: What?!!?!?! I'm from Rochester N.Y. and I never heard of Beggar's night!!! Beggar's night is odd.

    Spencer wins the line of the day.

    Spencer: Wait wait wait. Here's the key. Alfred left it laying around because he's old, and I picked it up for him for safe keeping.

    ROFL! Oh no! Spencer has still not moved on from Emma! This is getting old! And now he and Joss are going to pretend they are a couple?! This is getting really old! Oh but the plan is working! Emma looks jealous! And she starts talking to Cam about Joss and Spencer! SHE IS JEALOUS! :) And Cam notices too! I love Maxie's hair!!!! Altho it does look like she has a 5 year old hairdo. :) I would LOVE to see Maxie put that hairdo on her daughter, and also see Maxie with it awwww! :) Sam is a tree hahahaha!

    Sam's home: I'm glad we didn't have to watch Sam tell Patrick the long version of what happened at the Q's home! Also I'm glad we didn't have to hear the long version of Cam explaining to Sam about beggar's night.

    Carly and BobTodd's home: It is very odd that Carly didn't know where Joss was! She should be furious!!! She should have said that she should have been told! It is also odd that Bobbie didn't know anything about what is happening to her brother!!

    Sonny: I love you.

    Carly's thoughts: I love you too Sonny!!

    Scotty's metrocourt room: BobTodd is here! Poor Scotty! All horny and can't do anything about it ROFL! BobTodd naked and in a robe just like his dad! ROFL! Oh I hope the next time Scotty has sex with Bobbie, that he says Lucy's name! :) BobTodd you didn't have to get naked hahahaha! Great scene! This wins the scene of the day! :)Awww BobTodd trying to call Beach man! Is Beach man still out?! Damn! That must have been one strong hit Shaun gave him! Scotty talking about Logan! WOW! :)

    Jake Doe and Michael: Wow they look like each other a little. Mikey spilling his guts to a stranger! People like to spill their guts to strangers. :)

    Sonny's home: Shaun and Sonny scene. Franco blah blah blah. BLT's blah blah blah. Heather blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Kelly's: What?!!?! 50 bucks?! Is Kelly's getting expensive?!!?! Nathan in a scene with anybody else has a constipated look, but when he is Maxie, he has a soft and relaxed face.

    Karen great picture of the wedding! Michael's face hahahaha!

  10. I've never heard of Beggar's Night either. Sounds like an excuse to double up on the candy. Yay or nay: Should Joss recruit Spencer to join Nina's League of Loonies? It beats pining over Cam and Emma...

    Sure is a bummer that Diane came up empty on ways to put that creepy Judge Walters in his place. Maxie misses Nathan's bare chest, dammit!

    Sam & Pat where cute together as lumberjack and, um, tree ;) It looks like Sam gets the Emma stamp of approval, at least as her dad's "adventure buddy".

  11. Never heard of Beggar's night in Alabama... though many here won't 'trick or treat' if Halloween falls on a Sunday. (Ridiculous, IMO.)

    I thought Emma was a Pink Lady ala Grease.

    Is the young blonde Jerry sent to get the ELQ shares from Tracy a Cassadine (Stephan/Katherine Bell) secret/unknown child? I would love to see Stephen Nichols back as Stephan. Though with the multitudes of character story lines currently running, we'd onky see him once or twice every three months.

    I like Billy Miller's portrayal of Jason and sincerely hope he doesn't revert to the "stone cold", blank face, emotionless Steve Burton portrayal of Jason. Also, I hope he does not like Sonny.

  12. NJ here. never heard of Beggar's night. on Oct 30, as kids, we would soap up the windows of cars and pelt them with eggs and ring doorbells and run away. It was called "Mischief Night".

    Of course now, being NJ what it is, it pretty much happens every day.

  13. It's Beggars Night in central Iowa.

  14. In some large cities, including Detroit, it was Devil's Night and quite destructive. A lot of younger people set fires, and the city instituted a very strict curfew. This was some years ago - the vandalism has been over for quite some time.

  15. I don't know what they expected when they called it Devil's Night.

  16. Di, it became Devil's Night because of the vandalism, not the other way around...

  17. I thought recasting and bringing Jason back was a bad idea. But, you know, I like this Jason much better than the old one! He has charm, a sense of humor and some animation, which the old one didn't. As Helkatmat said, I hope he does NOT like Sonny. That would be very satisfying. I also hope he has morals. I like that he seems to enjoy pushing Obrecdt's buttons and conspiring with Liz. I might add that I think this Jason is not for Sam.

    I like the way they are taking time to build some romances and making them romantic by doing so.

  18. Grew up in Virginia and there was no Beggars Night there. I'm in SoCal now and none here either.

    When Spencer and Joss were conspiring, Spencer told an anecdote about a boy and girl pretending to be in love to make the people they loved jealous. And Joss asked what happened to them, then Spencer replied "He died and she left town." Obviously this was a reference to an old GH story line but I can't figure out which one. Anybody have any ideas?

  19. I grew up in Akron, OH--we had beggar's night! We did not go out again on Halloween though.

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  21. "CareyN said...When Spencer and Joss were conspiring, Spencer told an anecdote about a boy and girl pretending to be in love to make the people they loved jealous. And Joss asked what happened to them, then Spencer replied "He died and she left town." Obviously this was a reference to an old GH story line but I can't figure out which one. Anybody have any ideas?"

    I assumed he was talking about Rafe and Felix's sister.

  22. That's it Sonya! Thanks. Totally forgot about that.

  23. Live in VA and grew up in NYC and never heard of Beggar's Night. I did enjoy Scotty and was glad to see Diane. Jake sure is getting to meet people, quite coincidentally those he already knows. Carly responded to Sonny's love declaration with the same look she has for everything.

  24. So I take it from the comments that Patrick was a lumberjack so Sam dressed up as a tree? If so, could we say Sam gave Patrick wood? hahaha.

    After weeks of not watching I will be tuning in for the wedding only in the hopes seeing the start of Sonny's demise. Although I cringe knowing I am tuning in to what will be a Franco, Kiki and probably Nina filled show(s).

  25. "CareyN said...That's it Sonya! Thanks. Totally forgot about that."

    You're welcome!! :)

    "friscogh said...So I take it from the comments that Patrick was a lumberjack so Sam dressed up as a tree? If so, could we say Sam gave Patrick wood? hahaha."




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...