Saturday, October 25, 2014

Connie's Hair

That's all I got.


  1. Connie's hair indeed!! One would hope that in the afterlife, we will look better, not worse. The color might have been okay if it hadn't been in such a fugly style.
    (Whether or not anyone believes in an afterlife is not the point; looking ugly in one is what I am driving at. After all, we believe in a lot of other stuff that we don't hold with in real life that happens on the soaps!! Why not an afterlife??)
    Oh, wait. Maybe she is in hell!

  2. That was more than I got.

    I'll record next week and hope that we get to Hallowe'en at some point.

  3. The very first thing I said was, I guess they don't have bleach in heaven.

  4. But they do have manicures, she had a lovely pastel gray! I liked her hair, thought she looked more like her cuz, definitely more like a Connie form Bensonhurst!

  5. and Sonny even makes excuses to a ghost

  6. I wonder how many more people, real or imaginary, Sonny is going to have the same conversation with? It's getting so boring it's painful.

  7. What was bad about her hair? Nicely styled like a grown-up, good color (and why should the actress want to bleach for a couple days work on GH?)

    As for Sonny--he's been boring for years now. Been on too damn much--seems weary and I am more than weary of him. The character needs to be done (and gone).

  8. Sonny even has to whine to a ghost! ROFL!

  9. I guess they have hair salons in Heaven . . .

  10. As a old time Liason fan I enjoyed this week. I can see how if not a fan it could be boring.

    Connies hair color was funny. No bleach in heaven it would seem.

  11. As a old time Liason fan I enjoyed this week. I can see how if not a fan it could be boring.

    Connies hair color was funny. No bleach in heaven it would seem.

  12. I think she dyed it for her role on Y & R.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...