Wednesday, October 29, 2014

And, Donna Mills goes FLYIN!

Carly's Wedding Bouquet!! How lovely!! Cameras at ALL ANGLES!!

Today was filler filler. Donna Mills got bitch slapped by Nina--HARD when she told her Silas was at Ava's all night. LOL whoops. Nina readies the oxy to induce labor.

Kiki visits Franco and gives him cufflinks "C" and "F".. and says how proud she is of him. And proving the "whole town wrong"--and how much Carly must love him. 
He's like..gulp.

Anna is at Sonny's house.  She goes IN on him! About all his kids..all their mothers-- and says she's sure he'll kill Ava after he cuts the umbilical cord.  She basically laughs in his face!! 

The time is SO OFF. It was suppose to be morning--- and  then Shaun closes Kelly's. And.. then, Kiki is dressed..and so is Michael but Carly says it's "hours until the wedding"..then Franco dresses...UGHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh.

ANYHOO... Shaun shows up to shoot Franco!! He'd better not, I need Sonny TO GET what's coming!! 


  1. Dr O's office: Oh this scene was SO much fun! :) Madaline wins the line of the day.

    Madaline: Thank you mother, for sitting up ALL night in a car in an awful neighborhood that the gays have yet to discover.

    What?! ROFL! Oh no Maddie! You shouldn't of brought up McSilas and you shouldn't of made it seem that he was doing naughty things to Ava!!! Nina is gonna lose it!!! She is touching her hair again! Her head is spinning around and around!!!! WHAT A SLAP! :)

    Nina: So what mother?!!?!?! SO WHAT?!!?!?! OH Silas is having an affair AGAIN!!! REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM! They are going to die! I'm going to kill Ava first and then Silas!!!! I will NOT be invisible!!!!!!

    Madaline: I'm sure Silas was there to insure the health of the baby.

    Nina: Ohhhhhhhhh! Silly silly me mommy! Of course! I'm so silly! I have to keep my eye on the prize!I want that baby!!!

    Oh Nina has liquid! I was starting to think Nina was going to cut the baby out of Ava! Whew!

    Brownstone: Oh who is in that car watching the house?!!?! Nina?!!?! Sonny!?!?!?!!? No it was Madaline! She sure was fast driving from the brownstone to Dr O's office in the hospital! Is the brownstone next to the hospital?! Morgan and Starki you both look nice! Are you two going to a a funeral?! Actually Starki's dress is pretty I like it.

    Sonny's home: Sonny on the phone with Shaun. It's time to kill Franco! Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh hello Anna! :)Oh Anna! Do you really think Sonny is going to admit to you that is going to kill Ava? ROFL!

    Carly and BobTodd's home: Oh it's going to be hours and hours and hours and hours until Carly and BobTodd get married! When Carly opened the door, I thought it was Jax at first. :) HI MIKEY! Mikey wants to investigate his daddy's murder! Oh Carly stop lying to your son!! And no he won't stop investigating!

    Scotty's room: BobTodd's video is delicious! OH THERE IS THE BEACH MAN! He is awake and okay! :) Oh there is Starki with cufflinks! C and F. Oh Starki! BobTodd HAS a last name for crying out loud. Not you too! His last name is Frank! Or Baldwin!

  2. She really thinks Silas went over there to **** a woman who's 8 months pregnant?

    Lovely cufflinks. CF for Crazy Freak. lol

    And we all know Shawn's not going to shoot. *yawn* He's going to try talking him to death until they're interrupted. The predictability is what makes this show so boring at times.

  3. "Di said...She really thinks Silas went over there to **** a woman who's 8 months pregnant?"

    Hahaha! Sure why not? A pregnant woman can have sex. :)

    "Lovely cufflinks. CF for Crazy Freak. lol"


  4. I'd love to see Heather come up behind Shawn and whack him over the head with a cast iron skillet.

    While eating a BLT with one hand.

    This way she can still be a part of Franco's wedding day.

  5. Oh shoot I forgot a couple of things!

    Kelly's: Secrets secrets secrets! What is the secret? Is Shaun TJ's papa? TJ's daddy? :) Or was Shaun a woman and had sex with TJs dad?! :)

    Scotty's room: Awwww! Shaun got a gift for BobTodd's wedding! A gun! How sweet. I think I'm going to cry!

  6. Sonya said: Kelly's: Secrets secrets secrets! What is the secret?

    I'm assuming it wasn't that he killed him by friendly fire or he wouldn't have told her to go ahead and tell TJ as he'd know the truth about her too. It must have been that they were having an affair behind his back.

    Given the predictability of the show, I'd go with option A.

  7. We were promised that Sonny would be off canvas for several months a long time ago. Yet he is on almost every damn day. I am so sick of him.

  8. I still love my Sonny, I am never sick of him, I just wish the writers would give him a storyline that makes sense.

  9. Sonya, I love your recap. REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM! LMAO!!!

    Great scenes in Dr O's office with Nina & Madeline. Nina at her cray-cray best!

    As for Franco's name, how about we call him Franco Frank BobTodd Baldwin ;)

  10. "Di said... I'm assuming it wasn't that he killed him by friendly fire or he wouldn't have told her to go ahead and tell TJ as he'd know the truth about her too. It must have been that they were having an affair behind his back."

    Yeah they must have been having an affair behind Jordan's hubby's back, and TJ is Shaun's papa! :)

    RedSoxFaninVA said...Sonya, I love your recap. REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM! LMAO!!!

    Hahahahaha! Thanks! :)

    "As for Franco's name, how about we call him Franco Frank BobTodd Baldwin"


  11. DIdn't we already KNOW Shawn killed TJ's "Dad"?? I could have sworn when he first came on they went through all that--- and he had flashbacks?

    AM I nuts?

  12. Karen, I think we knew Shawn killed TJ's dad by "friendly fire" but I'm thinking the circumstances may not have been what we're led to believe, so there's a secret.

    I'm not a bloodthirsty person but I really wish Shawn would just pull the trigger on Franco already! But as Di said, Shawn will no doubt be interrupted as usual.

  13. Doesn't anyone in the hospital hear Nina screaming? And why have we seen Maddie, Nina and Nathan in Maxie's apt. with no Maxie there? It's hard to believe Maddie is so money hungry that she will go along with Nina's plan. She had plenty of opportunities to call the cops. She is so expressionless that it is hard to see how she really feels. Anna was divine as always playing cat and mouse with the little greaseball. Wish she was on more!

  14. "Linda: Anna was divine as always playing cat and mouse with the little greaseball."

    The little greaseball! ROFL! Good one. :)

  15. I really like the Anna/Sonny scenes but that's about all I like about him these days.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...