Friday, June 15, 2012


Mr. Trouble
 NEW Scoopies are up..and Joe Jr. will be coming back-- he's the guy that raped "Connie"-- I also don't think Sam will find her baby anytime soon and looks like the Llanview piece will be coming. See you for Sunday Surgery!!


  1. Nothing major until the Fall happens besides the 'high school' prom!

    I believe it is the early Fall before Sam finds her baby. Just think, if they age the baby, the child may be Mollys age!!

    Anyone hear anything about poor Morgan? Who hasn't been seen or heard from in a year?

  2. Oh, that's right, Morgan should be home from boarding school soon. WHERE IS HE?

    Anna and Luke---Nooooooo--so wrong! I really think that, after you've been friends w/someone for so long and it's never been romantic, that chances are it never will be.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...