Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Un-Kiss!

Dante took his shirt off-- and we saw the loft for the first time in a long time.  He's not happy about the Haunted Star action with Johnny. And Carly's not happy either.

Luke and Anna. Luke looking at her in her yoga gear!! LOL..I love them..AS FRIENDS people. I'm so happy that he and Tracy may be getting back together. Tracy and Alice all pally around, dishing about the relationship!! eeeeeeeeee!! 
FUN dialog today!
I DIDN'T LIKE that massage!! No! stop it. And they KISSED! Better be more of a "Marty McFly and his Mom" kiss

Sonny and John-- talking about Theresa and the CLUB.  Sonny's trying to say nothing is his fault. OF COURSE IT'S NOT! Whatever.  He tried to save her. Got it. He's always the "hero"!

Alert: Connie and Sonny never had sex. Period. This is obviously a rewrite to give Sonny yet more kids..unless it's Dante. UNLESS HE'S NOT THE DADDY--whoa. What is this?! She was raped by Joe Scully. Interesting! Total shift of paradigm. Didn't see that comin'. These guys are good at keeping mum! That kid Trey has to be Joe Jr. JR. He'll be all revenge like on Sonny--he'll find out he was a rape baby or something. 

Wait until you see Connie CHOKE HERSELF. Pfft. Sorry. but 


  1. So, does that mean "Kate" is really Connie's first alter? And that sexpot "Connie" is another alter? And that 17-year old Connie is the REAL personality and she has been buried all this time? That would be kind of cool!!!!

  2. WOW!!!! WHAT A GREAT SHOW TODAY! For people who haven't seen it, YOU GOT TO!!! :)

    17 year old Connie17 and Ewen/Sonny and McBain: The back and forth thing they did was PERFECT! Normally I hate it, but they used the back and forth thing correctly!! Sonny was talking about Joe Scully! And Joe had a son named Joe Jr!!!! Joe Jr is the one who killed Theresa! McBain's sister!!! I was thinking was Connie raped, and that Joe Scully raped her? 17 year old Connie talked about Joe Jr!!! I was thinking did Joe Jr raped her? WELL HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she got pregnant! That whole scene with 17 year old Connie, was WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! I got shivers when Connie talked about Joe Jr raping her!!! The actress should win the emmy! SHE HAS TO!!!!! *Stands up and gives a standing O*!!!! Wait Karen, you didn't like the scene?!!?! :)

    Lulu and Dante: She is home all sweating. She is drinking ice tea. The lights are off. She has the fan on. Dante comes in and she says the reason the lights are off is because the fuse blew when she turned on the fan! They talk about getting a air conditioner, but Lulu talks about how expensive it is! Wow that scene is so REAL!!!! :) Then he takes a shower! Shirtless Dante YUM! After his shower, they talk about the haunted Star, and that she is co-owner with Johnny. Dante don't like it, because they won't be seeing each other at night and he has to go to work at 8 am! He walked out.

    Johnny and Carly: Johnny tells her that Lulu is co-owner at the haunted star. Carly don't like it but she will trust him. Ghost grandpapa Z is haunting him in his mind!! :) And he tells her that his grandfather is talking to him.

    Tracy and Alice: Tracy tells Alice, all about kissing Luke! ROFL! Tracy thinks they will get back together. Alice is excited! Is Tracy getting drunk? Hahaha!

    Luke and Anna: Luke is looking at Anna because she is attractive. They eat and laugh! They have fun. After dinner he gives her a massage and they kiss. :) I don't mind really. It's hell of a lot better than Luke and Felicia! UGH! They had 0 chemistry. Anna and Luke do.

  3. Am I the only one who is sick to death of rape storylines? Why do they have to keep doing this? There is nothing entertaining about rape.

    Note to writers air conditioners are cheap. Police detectives in Buffalo earn $60k plus. They don't worry about how to pay for an air conditioner. So stupid.

  4. as soon as both Connie and Sonny were talking about Joe Scully Jr. I knew the baby was Joe Jr.'s, but i didn't see the rape thing coming. I just figured 17 yr old Connie was trashy the way alter Connie is trashy.

  5. I think Kate is the alter,which means Johnny had sex with the REAL person and did not rape anyone.

  6. Carey, I tend to agree with you. Kate was the first alter and 17 year old Connie is the real Connie and has been buried all this time. Kate has always seemed like an act to me and I never really liked the character, or the DID storyline, but I thoroughly enjoyed the scene with young Connie today. I agree about the Emmy too, Sonya. She was fantastic!

    I loved the way they played the Tracy/Alice scenes across the Luke/Anna scenes. that was sooo well choreographed. Kudos for that. And I loved all 4 of them. Alice and Tracy getting a little pie-eyed together was hilarious as was the Luke/Anna scene. I'm so glad we have this fun loving Luke back again.

    I'm also thinking that maybe Kristina's producer might be Joe jr. That should make for an interesting mix-up.

    And if Sonny finds out what happened to Kate he won't be so blase about what happened to McBain's sister. Everything is always worse when it happens to HIM.

    And, of course, it wasn't Sonny's fault,kdmask. As you said; it never is.

  7. Dead babies and rapes. GH is such an uplifting soap.

  8. See now I'm looking forward to the Johnny-Lulu-Dante Haunted star story, some different, hopefully without Jason or Sonny.

    I can live with the 17 yr old Connie rape thing; I'm just glad that there is not another Who's the daddy, DNA switch story.

    Thank God Luke is back. I've missed him. Not sure I'm with this whole Anna/Luke storyline.

    I think he should have drinks with Flea really get Tracy's goat.

  9. Great show today..

    Dante's turn to be orange.

    Kelly Sullivan knocked her scenes out of the ball park again.

    Luke, Tracey, Anna PRICELESS. As I watched Tracey blushing over Luke, Luke was with another women, Tracey from from his mind. Gee I bet that has happened to me in the past too! lol

    Who is Joe Jr?? Is he Krissy's new friend?? Besides being the new bad boy on the block? You know he is making his way to Pt Chuckles soon.

    Who is their kid?? Spinelli?

  10. Joe Jr. would be Sonny's age. Kristina's producer would be Kate's kid. Did anyone else find it ridiculous that Kate is in a hospital- yes a mental hospital, but it IS a hospital, yet she got a home pregnancy test from somewhere? Did Ewan just run out and buy it somewhere? I know we needed the pee stick for the effect of Kate thinking it was positive, but...I like that RC is putting a spin on the DID story and not just redoing the same stories from OLTL. And for people complaining about another rape, it is not just GH- every soap pulls out the rape storyline every few years.

  11. Joe Jr. would be Sonny's age. Kristina's producer would be Kate's kid. Did anyone else find it ridiculous that Kate is in a hospital- yes a mental hospital, but it IS a hospital, yet she got a home pregnancy test from somewhere? Did Ewan just run out and buy it somewhere? I know we needed the pee stick for the effect of Kate thinking it was positive, but...I like that RC is putting a spin on the DID story and not just redoing the same stories from OLTL. And for people complaining about another rape, it is not just GH- every soap pulls out the rape storyline every few years.

  12. I thought that the KS "rape" scene was terrific, it was so real, and so moving! You know, I am a psychotherapist and I practice in Bensonhurst, and the mob stuff is very real there, as portrayed. Unfortunately, so is the rape of teenage girls, who have no recourse due to the power of anyone who is "connected." It is hard to believe, but this stuff still goes on in this neighborhood.

  13. Di said... but I thoroughly enjoyed the scene with young Connie today. I agree about the Emmy too, Sonya. She was fantastic!
    FANTAS wait for it, TIC! :) I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

  14. just a guess, not a spoiler- Richard Steinmetz= Joe jr. He is playing the "son of one of Sonny's former enemies" which joe was when he died. Tired of Sonny's enemies, but believe that RC will make it compelling. BTW- I love Luke and Anna together- Luke Anna, and Tracy triangle- rock it

  15. AntJoan, my family almost moved to Bensonhurst back in the 80s when my grandparents were looking for a new house. my grandfather, who was fed up with all the mob crap that he grew up with, decided at the eleventh hour that Bensonhurst was not where he wanted to be. It is so sad that it is still like that, although I'm not surprised. i live in a mostly Italian neighborhood (Howard Beach, Queens) and most of the people here still have that mob mentality: I'm above the law; I'm going to do anything that I want and you can't stop me. If my grandfather was still alive, we would not be living here. lol

    Mosbp said:
    And for people complaining about another rape, it is not just GH- every soap pulls out the rape storyline every few years.

    mosbp, GH seems to rely on rape as a plot point. Sure, it is trotted out on other soaps from time to time, but GH has had way too many in a very short timespan: Michael, Sam, and Kate/Connie (twice--unless of course, you go with the idea that Connie is the original not the alter, then she was raped once and Johnny was raped once, since he didn't want to sleep with her and only did so under duress).

    I like the dynamic between Luke and Anna, but I would prefer that they stay just friends. I think that he and Tracy need to get back together, and i'm really glad that she wants him back and that she realizes that he was good to her.

  16. I am so happy to see Luke back to his romantic self. He is more mature about it, but he was always a romantic and Anna is perfect for him.

    I have always hated that they married him off to Tracy, the most unlikely pairing imaginable. They were nothing but some slight comic relief and not that funny. Maybe now Jane E can have some good stuff to play as the heart-broken lady--I do like the actress, just not with Luke! He would never take up with someone like nasty-tongued Tracy.

    But Anna and Luke, two of a kind, witty, intelligent, adventurous and sometimes at odds with the law--so some tension will be there for sure and that will keep them interesting. I'm thinking this pairing could almost help me adjust to no more Laura.

  17. I like the Anna/Robert pairing the best BUT(as I probably have posted on here a number of times ;) ) Anna loves her bad boys:
    - Roguish Robert Scorpio
    - Mobster Duke Lavery
    - Devious Dt. David Heyward
    - Eli Love or Noah Drake...Honestly, from those two summer storylines I can never remember who she flirted with LOL
    - Weird fixation with Ceaser Fiason

    And now, former mobster and rapist, grifter and con man...Luke Spencer. Given her history, it is not out of character for her to fall for Luke.
    *** And like mother, like daughter...Robins falls for Stone (former drug addict and mobster in training), Jason (mobster hit man), and Patrick (cheating, arrogant playboy)

  18. How much do you all want to bet that Kristina's new friend,the producer is Kate's son with Joe Jr?

  19. Elizabeth says If my grandfather was still alive, we would not be living here. lol
    ROFL! Why did you move back? :) You shouldn't be living there! You should move out!!!

  20. While I agree that both Anna and Robin have always been attracted to men with dark sides, I am for some reason compelled to defend Stone. His girlfriend Crystal was the one on drugs; he was never a drug addict. So... he, in fact, wasn't a drug addicted mobster in training, just a runaway mobster in training~ ^-~

    I'm really behind on the show lately, I must admit. Just reading how hit or miss the episodes are lately is jarring. I hope they find their footing soon.

    I do like that things are starting to come off as a bit more real... perhaps partly due to the new guys knowledge of NY? If we're lucky we may be able to avoid anyone skinny dipping this December~ *^^;*

  21. Andrea said, 'See now I'm looking forward to Johnny-Lulu-Dante"....

    Me. too! Can't wait to see if we finally get an attractive set on this show, for one thing. And Lulu and Dante can be interesting--it's all in the writing.

    And I can't to see more Luke and Anna. LOVE it!

    Or Todd with anyone, even Carly. And McBain with Sam (who I have always disliked!)

    I even look forward to Elizabeth and Ewan's date. But I wonder if she and Patrick will get together down the line. They must find a story for this talented actor soon.

    Looking forward--that's what real soaps are all about and that is why I am so excited about the new regime. They know how to get us anticipating! Guza didn't. Half the time he began something you knew you didn't want to see. And it would turn out to be just that--something depressing, character-ruining, or repetitive. And usually all about Sonny or Carly.

    No, these nuguys are doing just fine. Look how neatly they dove-tail stories and characters--this Scully thing, for instance. Todd and Heather.
    I don't understand any viewer not cheering them on!

  22. "Looking forward--that's what real soaps are all about and that is why I am so excited about the new regime. They know how to get us anticipating! Guza didn't. Half the time he began something you knew you didn't want to see. And it would turn out to be just that--something depressing, character-ruining, or repetitive. And usually all about Sonny or Carly.

    No, these nuguys are doing just fine. Look how neatly they dove-tail stories and characters--this Scully thing, for instance. Todd and Heather.
    I don't understand any viewer not cheering them on!"
    Soaplover, you are right! The dovetailing is great. Great melodrama is like a dine woven blanket.

    My lone negative is STOP MAKING SONNY LOOK GOOD by having him be the hero against an even worse scumbag. They should make it come out that Sonny really did waste McBain's sister, not pin it on Scully Jr. Let him have raped Connie (redeeming a silly storyline) but let Sonny be the killer of McBain's sis.

  23. @Adora:
    You are right re: Stone! I had forgotten about the old girlfriend. He was a just Goodfella wanna be, I guess (which Zander was too, now that i think about it!).

    Would have been interesting to see an on screen conversation between Anna and Robin delving into that stuff and why they were attracted to the men that they were. Some ladies just like the bad boys I guess! :)

  24. I'm having ROBIN MATTSON WITHDRAWALS!!!!! Heather hasn't been on since Tuesday or Wednesday. Ugh!

  25. I really enjoyed KS rape reveal. Not in the ooohhh, I enjoyed it, I meant like her portrayal was so believable, I could feel her hurt, I felt it. I thought the acting was outstanding!

    This show is really coming around for me!

  26. Sonya, we didn't move back--just to another crazy Italian neighborhood--and I can't leave since i don't have a job, so i don't have the money to leave.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...