Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Lab Results

Oh yepper..there it was. Most of us speculated---and some of us hoped--and SOME of us wanted a Baby FRONKEY Franco. BUT!! Heather did the deed and switched the results. After Sam said "he looked like you" about 3x, I knew it was a done deal. St. Jasus Jr. Lives. And yet ANOTHER DNA switch has been in the works. Not only that, the baby is switched too. If you watched OLTL you know it could have been a double-blind DNA triple-switch so I guess we got off easy. 

I still say to writers to TRY just ONE year not to write a who's the daddy, DNA switch or baby kidnapping. I mean. Really, can you do that!!?? I don't think so.

This week was up and down. There were days I was just about ready to say I'm not watching tomorrow. Then a day like Friday came along, I was BACK IN IT baby!! What an awesome show  on Friday. Great flow, wonderful dialog and just plain good TV. GH is like a giant mood swing.  I'm up, I'm down..I'm bored, I'm on the edge of my seat.
I'm exhausted.

We are going traveling to Llanview. Part of me is wondering how they are going to pull it off and part of me knows other fans are going to freak out. That's really starting to crossover soaps! Starr will sing and Blair comes to hear her I think. Maybe Mama and Daughter duo? LOL.  

Things I'm grateful for: More Luke and Tracy--that's nice.  Anna taking over the PCPD-- Todd's conflict. Heather's glee at being a psychopath. Spinelli and Olivia teaming up. Carly's calmed down a notch.  Liked the FleaMac scenes. She finally got a new outfit! woot!
Things I'd like to change: Too choppy. The Dante/Lulu stuff is just like scissor cut.  Ewan and Liz? They are on like every 12 days. Can't really care. We need more Patrick. We need more Monica. They can't put Molly and TJ on and then not.  Sean has disappeared again. Not feelin' NuKrissy. I'm hoping Mac doesn't leave with Felicia. Starr and Michael--another choppy story. They aren't on enough or consistently enough to care.

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I'm taking this one. ANNA TELLIN' THE PCPD what's up. I loved it. I love her. Love FH's take on this character. She even blasted Luke and told him to keep it clean. Luke had a little twinkle in his eye when he found out she took the job. Ah, I just thought it was a great, great scene. 

 RUNNER UP: Steve and Kelly did a great job with the dead baby scene outside the cabin. I don't like the whole idea of the switch but they gave a fantastic performance. 

FUN SCENE: I don't like the "reality show" crap--but NLG was hysterical running around in her PJs with no make up freaking out.

NOT the SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Um, until I looked at last weeks screen caps, I totally forgot Ewan was even on. Don't care, don't care---don't get why Liz is so involved with him. Just don't care. And he looks like a big ol' Q-tip there!! hee hee

WELL, I hope you had a good week. Were you surprised about the results that Heather held? I wasn't surprised but I was surprised we found out that way. It was something that wasn't in ANY of the spoilers or rumors (that she'd open the envelope). 
Side note: I had really bad vertigo today! First time ever (besided bed spins lol)--it's horrible. Ugh. It had better clear up and soon!! 

THANK YOU again to Lisa W for her FOTKI screen caps. I use them a LOT!


  1. Question for you OTL fans: Can Starr sing better than she can act. I hope so or this will be really ugly.

  2. The best part of that screen cap with Ewan is that he has more gauze on his head than Jason through any of his many brain surgeries~

    Great summary of the week Karen!

  3. KeMo and SB did an amazing job, imo. I love Anna a nd loved her scene with Jason at the PCPD. Very sweet when McBain brought Sam flowers and did not tell her what Jason did. Still can't believe Jason could be such an idiot throught this entire storyline.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dar-NO.

    Karen spot on again. One day this week I ff the entire episode, the other 4 I watched.

    We are going to Landview to break up with Gnat from what I hear, are we going to get surprised and run into Vicki & Clint??
    Or am I hoping too much.

    Lots of good stuff this week.
    Starr not being one of them..
    Also very little Sonny.
    I did read more Ewan scenes to come.
    As far as Liz goes, she really has the best of both worlds right now. The show needs to keep her, so she is on contract getting paid. Whether they use her or not.
    If she works a half day a week, whats wrong with that?? It gives her time with her children or to look for other work in her spare time.

    Anna calling Jason down to the station to give him a warning was PRICELESS. There is a new Sherriff in town!

    Don't think Fel/Mac are leaving. I think maybe they start something together. Like maybe buy the floating rib? Who goes there for coffee like they did on Friday?? Just a hopeful thought.

    I forgot about Shawn and TJ

    NuKrissy has had 2-3 scenes. Nobody can determine if they like her or not this soon.
    However, I believe she is doing just fine.

  6. The show is still way to choppy for my liking, but I did really enjoy Friday's episode.

    I honestly didn't care for KeMo or Burton's scenes. They fell flat for me. Maybe it's simply because I can't stand that boring pairing. They've long since run their course in my opinion.

    The Anna/Jason scenes were fabulous! She basically told him, look, I know how much you meant to my daughter but don't F**K with me cuz I will take you down. It's about time someone put Jason in his place. Nicely done! Looking forward to where this is heading with Anna in charge of PCPD.

    The ratings are still not great. Ron and Frank better tighten up the storylines/timelines/editing ASAP.

  7. I watched Friday after being too busy for several days to watch and I'm back in to. It's what I want in my soap. I didn't ff at all.

    I don't think Mac is leaving either. I'm hoping they'll go old fashion and give him a mystery to solve - such as where are all the missing people (myTodd, Alan, Georgie, Robin, etc.)

  8. I think Kris A can sing ok.... a LOT of people don't like it.

  9. hmmm. Considering we could still be watching Guza or Wolfe's GH, I have to consider this past week gold!
    Stories moved. Characters pretty much behaved in character and the stories were character-driven for the most part. I really enjoyed the days before the birthings: Heather in the car with Anthony, Carly catching Jason ordering his goons, John helping Sam, and Todd still managing to get in a few one-liners while seriously helping Tea. The aftermath has been absorbing, too.

    The editing could use some smoothing out and there could be fewer fast cuts (putting two short scenes together to make a longer take before cutting away to another too short scene...) and interspersing the missing people with main story better. Some stories seem hurried, some out of sight too long. Surely they could slow down a main story long enough to add in a couple scenes with Patrick or Ewan or Molly.
    Just so we don't forget where they last were.

    But I am NOT complaining. I am enjoying GH on a daily basis for the first time in YEARS!

  10. "This week was up and down. There were days I was just about ready to say I'm not watching tomorrow. Then a day like Friday came along, I was BACK IN IT baby!! What an awesome show on Friday. Great flow, wonderful dialog and just plain good TV. GH is like a giant mood swing. I'm up, I'm down..I'm bored, I'm on the edge of my seat."

    No wonder Sonny is the default star: GH is BIPOLAR!

  11. It seems to me that Steven Lars woke up and didn't even ask what his surgery was, didn't understand that, wouldn't he want to know?

  12. About your vertigo, go to the drugstore and buy motion sickness tablets that contain MECLIZINE HCI 25mg. You will want to see your doctor if it keeps up. I had an inner ear thing some years back - very scary. It did clear up on it's own. My doctor gave me a prescription for antivert which is less expensive than the over-the-counter pills. Good Luck!

  13. About your vertigo, go to the drugstore and buy motion sickness tablets that contain MECLIZINE HCI 25mg. You will want to see your doctor if it keeps up. I had an inner ear thing some years back - very scary. It did clear up on it's own. My doctor gave me a prescription for antivert which is less expensive than the over-the-counter pills. Good Luck!

  14. Karen, My sister has developed vertigo, as has one of my girlfriends and a client. This is what I have learned from them: If it's caused by an inner ear problem, due to allergies or something else, it can be treated relatively easily w/decongestants (see your doctor, though). This likely is the cause. With my sister, however, after several years of testing, they identify the problem to be more in the brain (although it's triggered when she gets a cold). In that case, they do give you Antivert, WHICH DOES NOT HELP WITH THE VERTIGO, just with the nausea. My sister couldn't take it, as it made her more dizzy and also drowsy (side effects).

    Usually it's an ear problem, however, so I'm sure you can get this cleared up. Let us know how you're doing.

  15. It disturbs me greatly that Elizabeth is basically an afterthought while KA has been front and center. Also, wow, a 1.6 for the Jasam baby entrance even though it was mentioned that it trended on twitter that day. Guess trending on twitter didn't translate into a ratings bonanza. Didn't seem like many cared for the Victor/Tea or Jasam baby entrance into the world.

  16. I adore the moments when Heather becomes rational, calm and downright normal. I think of all of Robin Mattson's bad girls this is the one that possesses the most logic.

    Her true test of power will be filming a scene with roid boy that doesn't make me want to change the channel. I think she can do it.

  17. The trending on twitter is planned. I get about 50 emails and tweets the day before telling me what time to tweet with #jasambaby DO you notice it only trends during the east coast showing of GH not during the west coast? they give you the exact time based on where you live. It is a scam.

  18. I am Jasam, but I can see the writing on the wall. I don't see Jason feeling that much remorse for his part in Sam's baby supposed death.

    This is how I think the story line will go down. Jason will get back together with Liz, after having long meaningful conversations at nauseum. She's as fertile as Sonny is at impregnating women. Anyway, she will get pregnant with Jason's kid again. Sam won't be able to handle it because she holds Jason responsible for her baby's death and will cause her to miscarry.

    I really hope this doesn't happen, because Sam is my favorite character on GH that I don't want destroyed. I'm not in favor of destroying one character to bring another couple together.

    I think it would be a cool story if Liz pulled a Maxi and faked a pregnancy and made it look like Sam made her miscarry. Then, after the truth came out about the deception, Lucky could come take her and the boys far, far away.

    If you can't tell, I'm not a Liz fan. I don't really care if Jason and Liz get together, I just don't want her pregnant again. I don't want Sam to become evil or do something horrible that would make Jason hate her.

    It would also be cool if Franco wasn't really dead and kidnapped Liz to steal her baby in retaliation for the death of Sam's child. Then, John and Sam could help Jason hunt down Franco and Sam could off Franco herself.

    One last idea Is to have Lucky come back and fight for custody of Cameron and Aiden when he finds out about Jason and Liz reuniting. Sam could testify against Jason for his part in her baby's death to prove he is an unfit parent.

  19. Haven't watched jasam all week.They are dull. Not surprised GH is last again for that week. Things I like are heather, felicia and mac date, Anna and Liz. Liz is a legacy character who should be front and center. More GH vets should be seen. Baby turning out to be Jason's is so predictable.

  20. Kristen A's singing reminds me of Annette on the old Mickey Mouse Club..She was sweet, beautiful, and totally darling (as is Kristen)but it took an echo chamber to beef up her vocals. The records sold by the millions, but it was more the fact we loved Annette herself. Kristen's voice is weak, untrained and has practically no vibrato. TPTB want to make her a star (or maybe it is in her contract) and so we are going to get mechanical enhancements to her voice. Cassie raises her performance up...wish GH would hire her permanently. Meanwhile, we get what we get...sigh.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...