Friday, June 1, 2012

Blair Will Be Back!

 Frank Valenti just tweeted this:
You're hearing it here first... 's BLAIR will visit this summer!

Here We go...more OLTL to come! 


  1. Todd and Heather = heaven.

    You know Sam's baby will end up as Victor Lord III, and then Victor comes back. This will be the story of 2012!

    God = Todd
    Heather = Heaven

    in soap terms!

  2. In related news:
    "GH fan faves to receive less screen time this summer."

  3. To quote myself from an earlier thread:

    Now, as for the OLTL hatred.

    Most people on this blog hate the Sonny-Jason-Carly-Sam axis. They also tend to not like Ewen or Kate or Michael or Dolores or Olivia or Shawn or TJ or NuKrissy- who's said 2 words. Spinelli and Maxi (Jen Lilley version) are constantly slagged.

    So that leaves Tracy, Johnny, Edward, Luke, Monica (sometimes) Epiphany, Patrick, Anna, Mac and Felicia. Not exactly primetime soap material. Who will Patrick bed next? Epiphany? Be Monica's 263rd lover?

    Gimme a break. Todd and McBain are fine. The writing has been schizo and the editing terrible.

    I wish the writers would rewatch the 80s vintage clips. Hell, I recall when the Kevon O'Connor storyline with Teri Brock was considered a bad story for it dragged on too long, but it's really a masterfully told tale, as were the Prometheus Disk and Susan Moore stories. There were multiple characters with in depth scenes, and we didn't have this hyperkinetic editing where we get six seconds of dialogue, switch to another scene for 6 secs, then back.

    But NONE of this has to do with the 4 OLTL characters now on, soon to be 3.

    Really, look at all the bitching and whining- from Jen Lilley to Kelly Sullivan to the Mob crap to the endgame of Lisa Niles. I mean, it's not vintage 80s yet, but it's far above what was happening in January.

  4. Todd and Heather- 2 of the best soap villains of all time = delight.

    Lighten up Frisco

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I've always made it a priority to watch GH even if I missed it but if they kill Tea's baby that priority will be done. They've done the baby switch on every soap but at least with Babe and Bianca on AMC their chidren were alive just switched.

    This is GH so we know Sam's baby will be fine and even though she's not a favorite of mines I don't want anything to happen to the baby. But Tea has been through too much she already lost her husband (yeah I know he's alive but it doesn't look like their gonna let that be known) Besides haven't we've already killed enough kids on GH I believe we've reached our quota a long time ago!!!

  7. I look forward to seeing Blair again. Over the years I came to really like the character and the actress.

    I do not see how the OLTL stars are taking ANYthing away from GH--they are adding great story! We were barely seeing our favorites for years because of the domination of the unholy three: Sonny, Jason, Carly. For YEARS we complained how they ate up all the air time. (Unfortunately, they are still on too much.) But the OLTL actors are not dominating anything or stealing anything from GH characters. They have been well integrated and they are some of the best actors in the business, so they fit right in.

    If their fans help raise the ratings it is nothing but positive. The show is really cookin' these days and that should make everyone happy, given where it was last year...

  8. soaplover said...

    I do not see how the OLTL stars are taking ANYthing away from GH--they are adding great story! We were barely seeing our favorites for years because of the domination of the unholy three: Sonny, Jason, Carly. For YEARS we complained how they ate up all the air time. (Unfortunately, they are still on too much.) But the OLTL actors are not dominating anything or stealing anything from GH characters. They have been well integrated and they are some of the best actors in the business, so they fit right in.


    Spot on! Most folks here cannot stand secondary characters or the Big 4. Now the Big 4 are being phased, the 2ndary's are being gotten rid of, and STILL the complaints!

  9. Okay...let's make sure our opinions align with those of Cosmo...and as far as telling others to lighten up - you should do the same...

    BTW, it's still 2 comment per post (yes, even you, Special Snowflake).

  10. I love Blair and couldn't be happier. I can't see Todd with anyone, but her for keeps.

  11. gmjl:

    The point is that the show is better than its been since the end of the 20th C. and all you folks do is complain, EVEN when you get what you ask for- less Sonny and co., less Steve and Ewen and Maggie, etc.

    Such whining invalidates the substance of the complaint.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...