Wednesday, June 13, 2012

CNN: New Soap Champion!?


This is an AWESOME video about General Hospital. Great interviews and insights. Given the fact that Headline News is embracing the Daytime Emmys this year, I think we should be so happy these stations have "found" us!! Yeah!! Watch the Video, it's really good. NLG even mentions FANS, FANS, FANS!


  1. What am I missing Karen? I saw the ad yesterday on hln, and I posted it on my blog.
    Is HLN trying to get viewers for the Emmys?
    Is there changes that are coming? Because so far, I don't see much change in the format of GH. Its better, but its far from earth shattering GOOD.
    Is HLN thinking of carrying soaps?
    When did CNN get involved in promoting soap operas?

    I am really confused with what this is really about.

    So lets figure out the reasoning behind all this......and why HLN is promoting scenes from a soap.

  2. If more promotions like this were run, I think the fallen away fans might find their way back and that is SO important. Over the past few years so many fans got fed up with Sonny and the mob every day and the up-side-down morals on GH and tuned out.

    There will have to be some major touting to reach them and draw them back.

    And the show IS far and away better than it was last year or even the last five years! I'm seeing so many positive posts on my favorite site--and it was a site that used to have tons of complaints.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...