Monday, June 18, 2012

 Spinelli is down on all 4's like a Basset Hound today, "Retracing" Heather's footprints. IN THE POST RAIN...days after the storm. Well, that's stupid.

TAWWWD takes his shirt off to show CARLY!! WOOT! that's my Todd!! He bought like every media outlet in PC and named it Manning Enterprises "ME" ...get it? LOL!

Jason didn't go to the dang memorial. Idiot. I loved when he said he wasn't invited and Michael said "that doesn't mean you shouldn't go"!! Micheal went, Carly went and Todd went.  Jason does show up at the cemetery last minute. Cue Music.

AnnaLu--slept together -at least we didn't see it. NOT COOL. He did have a robe on too. UGH. He looked like Obi Wan. Tracy walks in on Anna in bed! Interesting. They have a chat and Luke over hears. You know Tracy will find out about the sleeping together eventually. ouch.

Heather says to "Olivia"  "don't you just clean rooms" (at the Metro) LMAO.  They were awesome today.

My Boy Joshua, after his first audition! He did me proud.


  1. Jason didn't go to Jake's memorial either, and he knew that Jake was his son at the time...

  2. on a positive note, at least Jason wore black to see Sam.

  3. I thought today was a well done show. I laughed and I cried.
    Good acting.

    For those who HATE on Carly, take note, she went to the cemetary and held Sam. That shows class....And we heard Jaspers name today!

    LINE OF THE DAY (photo my blog)
    Olivia asking Heather if she was going to deliver newspapers by bike. I LMAO!!

    Its OK Anna...we all have had one of those nights.(wink wink)
    Time to move on though!!
    Heather, Anna, Tracey..gee Luke is 'da Man' in Pt Chuckles!!

  4. All I could think about was how Tony Geary was notorious for doing love scenes in the buff back in the day lmao!!! And so yes, I had to wonder if he was commando under his Obiwan robe.

  5. So Todd owns the paper and Heather is the new gossip columnist. I guess that means no more Mayor Flloyd/Preston or Diane?

  6. Lordy! The exchange between Jane Elliot and Finola Hughes today was cringe-worthy at best. These two women would NEVER fight over a man, especially a Luke Tug of War. I guess when you only have four soaps vs. 12, pride and integrity loses out and you do things you normally wouldn't do.

  7. Anyone see CH (Diane) on True Blood last night?

  8. WHAT was dripping during the Spinelli scenes on the road. . . the sun was out, but it was drip, drip, drip, coming from where? Was the ceiling leaking on the set? Was it bird droppings? WHAT WAS IT??

  9. Lori totally thought about TG doing things NUDE!! LOL
    you are too funny.

    I didn't hear that drip!? Darn it!

  10. Karen, No I didn't HEAR the drip, I SAW it, something wet was dripping down, can someone who hasn't watched yet confirm that I wasn't seeing things? Thanks. . . .

  11. Nope, AntJoan, I saw the drip too when Spin was talking to the officer. I thought, wow, how authentic for after a rain...then again, the roof might be leaking for all we know, lolol.

  12. I haven't watched this one yet...I have to sneak watch at work becuase I'm waiting on Direct TV...I *am* going to watch now after hearing Carly held Sam at the cemetary. I love Carly, she is my fav as she is tough and strong willed... and I love that she has her sweet moments

  13. I have to say that either Todd or Roger H. is winning me over, not sue which is which, LOL. And the shirtless scene was nice. Loved the Tracy/Anna scene and Tracy's newfound friendship with Big Alice. I really want Tracy with Luke.

  14. LaTanya... I saw Diane on True Blood. She was her fabulous self as usual!

    I also saw Trevor St. John (Victor, OLTL) on The Client List again. I think he's going to play a bigger rold next season. He's such a great bad guy!


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