Friday, February 7, 2025

Horses on Socials


Portia apologizes to Elizabeth. She thought Ric Lansing fought well for her. Portia thinks there are only 3 digitalis deaths at GH. 

Nina finds out Drew bought a house and Maxie is helping him decorate it. Nina's losing it. NO WAY!! Maxie thinks she's jelly of Willow. 

Turning Woods nurse won't let Cyrus see an old lady until he talks to the director first. Director tells him to get lost. He thinks it's all Elizabeth's fault. Leaves mad. 

Lulu thinks that following European horse-sites might help her find Charlotte. Through her social accounts. While in Bobbie's, Cyrus comes in and she reminds him there's a restraining order out on him. Get out or she'll call the police. He says you don't know what I did for you. She goes to call the police but he leaves. 

Laura goes to meet with Drew at the Grille, not knowing Sidwell is there. Sidwell is trying to get Drew to take Sonny's Pier 55 for the new boardwalk and use eminent domain if you have to. Laura walks in. They bicker. Drew finds out Sidwell held Lucky hostage in Africa. They talk about the docks and Laura says she doesn't trust Sidwell and leaves. 

Lucas and Carly, who are now BFFs talk about her being 'loud' about Drew's tie at The Metro Court. He says they make it worse by trying to get to Drew/Willow. They'll just stick together. She doesn't think she'll help Nina. 

Later, Lucas apologizes to Willow for yelling at her that one time. 

Carly walks into Nina's office just as Maxie is talking about how Nina did everything she could when SHE was in love with Sonny, so don't judge Willow. Maxie leaves. Nina admits she was wrong to do what she did during Carly's marriage and Nixon Falls. Yada yada. Carly's stunned. Carly doesn't think they should do anything. Nina tells her Drew bought a house. 

Sonny and Natalia are at the doctor's in California. He goes into the office. OMG this was the most dragging thing all day. He'll need a pacemaker but Sonny wants to put it off until he finds the bomber.

Jordan talks to Anna about being a honey trap for Sidwell. Getting close to him and figuring out what's going on. Anna's like:COOL! I'll give you the equipment!! But you know, he's dangerous. 


A guy was in the doctor's office and he calls Sidwell---he was following Natalia...NOT SONNY! But heard everything. Nat must be one of his ex's. 

Cyrus sees Liz and Lucas talking--flashes back to the bible and flower


  1. I'm going to call the flower in Cy's bible "Lulu's petals".

    1. Hmmm from It's a wonderful life? ROFL!

    2. With no slight intended toward our own zazu, of course!

    3. Thanks! I believe her name was Zuzu. That's okay...I have a thing for Z names. Love them all.

    4. "zazu says, Thanks! I believe her name was Zuzu."

      Yes!!! Zuzu! So when she said Lulu's petals, it made me think of Zuzu! :)

      "That's okay...I have a thing for Z names. Love them all."


  2. Finally a good scene with Lulu not making me want to FF. She and Cyrus were good. He emoted pure evil and she reacted perfectly.
    My word for this show is convoluted. Some major trimming of story lines is desperately needed. And some cast members. Most of the ones who have left, on their own or forcibly, have been my favorites. Soon another as Cyrus bites the dust in some way. Of course that could take years.
    Why hasn't Nina tried to trap Drew by seduction? Or is that her plan.
    Snowstorm for us New Englanders this weekend. Enjoy! Puppy Bowl Sunday!

    1. YES, good Lulu scene!! She and Cyrus were great

  3. Bobbie's:

    Lulu and Laura: Very good thinking Lulu! :D And I'm glad you are with Rocco, but damn we need to see your scenes with him!!! Hi Greenies! How are you all since The green beans died in that fire? :(

    Lulu and Cyrus: Yikes! Cyrus is so creepy!!!! The greenies are freaked out themselves.

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Jordan: Oh oh. I don't have a very good feeling about this plan.

    Anna and Lulu: I don't blame Lulu for freaking out about Cyrus!!!

    The hospital:

    Lucas and Carly:

    Lucas: Is that really something that you think that's something you should be doing?

    Carly and I said our comment at the same time.

    Carly: No.

    Me: Yeah! :)

    Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Clearly we are the kind of people who act first then act later.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But Carly your scene with Drew (Ryan Lavery) was epic!!! :)

    Nina's office:

    Maxie and Nina: Nina you know what to do to break up Drillow!!!! Tell Willow the truth about you sleeping with him!!!!!!

    Maxie: Are you doing this because you really think Drew is bad for Willow, or is it because Willow is now with the man you wanted for yourself?

    THANK YOU MAXIE! That has been my question!!!! :D I did want Drew (Ryan Lavery) with Nina, but not anymore. Nina deserves better.

    Carly and Nina: Yes yes! Work together!!!!! :D But still Nina tell Willow the truth!

    Turning woods:

    Nurse on the phone with Liz: I'm glad Liz had help with that nurse. :)

    The manager and Cyrus: Oh boy! Cyrus is NOT happy! Will he get his revenge?

    The hospital:

    Liz and Willow: I thought Willow said happy birthday to Liz. I just looked back at it and Willow said happy first day back! Ooops hahahaha.

    Liz and Portia: Yes Portia! Ric a really great lawyer! :) He can debrief me anytime. ;)

    Lucas and Liz: Oh oh! Cyrus is watching Liz! Liz yes Joss should be careful! But so should you!!!! Cyrus is giving you the death stare!

    Cafe Cherie: Why is this place so dark now?!!?

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Sidwell Cookie: The esplanat (However you spell it) sounds like a boat.

    Drew, aka Ryan Lavery, Sidwell Cookie, and Laura: I'm glad Laura doesn't trust him. I hope Ryan Lavery doesn't trust him either!

    California hospital: Ooooo great shot of the California hospital!

    Giggle mouse and Sonny: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wait what? He needs a pacemaker?! Sonny don't be stupid and get a pacemaker NOW! Oh my! Man legs following them!

    Man and Sidwell Cookie: Hmmmm who is this handsome man? Hello there. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 1st 1982* Heather, Joe, Anne, and Noah. And others.

    1. Oops forgot to mention that the flashback has two parts to it. :)

  4. You bought a house? I thought he was a senator is he ever going to actually go to Washington although if it’s a state senator shouldn’t he like have an office somewhere and actually you know go to work once in a while

    1. I really am puzzled why they didn't make him a state senator. Albany would be easier!

  5. I forgot to mention something that I think is gonna be important down the road. Martin made a big deal of taking notes when talking to Lois - all the other times he talks with clients, I don't remember him doing that? I am wondering if TRACY looks inside his briefcast and finds his notes?

  6. and cause I am on a roll - Nina's perfect place is no place for kids - my gosh - not one toy or anything around that apartment.

    1. No house on soaps are set up for kids. Occasionally they may show a toy or 2, but that is all. I remember when Wiley was first on and little they had a toy or 2 to entertain the little actor

  7. Crazy how willow gets treated with kid’s gloves for being an unfaithful skank. And acting like the guest house is HER house. No fool, this is the house they are allowing you to stay in.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...