It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!!
Yesterday's show was painfully slow--TODAY'S SHOW is going to be the NUJACKBRENNAN. I'm so sad. BOOOO. BUT! I will give Joey #5 from OLTL a chance.
First scene is NuBrennan and so far... sad horn. Carly's on the plane going back to Port Charles. Oh HOLLYWOOD Teeth. Eesh. French Lady calls and says she has to show him something.
Anna is talking to Joss about Dex. Dex listed no family besides Joss on forms so she wanted her to know. She tells her Sam was murdered too. Joss says: Yeah, it's Cyrus. Joss volunteered at Turning Woods to get info on Cyrus and says she can find out about other patients that may have died. Anna says NO! Stay out of this investigation!
Gross Drew is coming down the stairs of Willow's, doing up his shirt. He says "he'll always see her". Barf. They talk about stuff. She's sad to be living in the lap of luxury because everyone keeps an eye on her. He leaves and I think he left his tie under the couch.
OH! Carly comes over. Says she's home because Jason was visiting Michael and brought presents for the kids. Willow goes to make tea and Carly finds Drew's tie.
Lucky and Liz still talking about Sidwell. Bore. The poker games. How he stopped JASON from killing him. His Dad was 'guiding him' during the poker games. Then he says
Isaiah sees Sidwell and Jordan, goes over and asks him if he's going to kill him "himself" this time. Lucy comes over and chats. Jordan is trying hard to charm Sidwell and get information from him. Isaiah doesn't get that clue and finally leaves.
Deception meeting in The Metro: Lucy, Brook and Tracey arrive first. Lulu's late and Tracey yells at her to be on time. Sasha comes in with Maxie. She's already got a BELLY. Anyway, she's meeting Felicia to have some cake. Tracey isn't happy she's goofing off from work. They talk about Natalia being in LA. Tracey isn't happy that Sonny is there too.
Felicia and Sasha sit and talk. Felicia says she really should try to get her Baby Daddy's medical records. Sasha says she can get in touch with the father if she has to.
Then Drew is meeting Anna at The Metro restaurant too. He says he wants to put Sonny Corinthos in jail and clean up the organized crime in the area. THEN! Carly stomps in and says: "Congressman?? I found YOUR TIE in Michael's house when YOU WERE HAVING SEX WITH HIS WIFE" ahahahahaa!
YEAH! Selina WU has an office and wants to make an offer to Cody. She wants him to sit in on a high stakes game (SIDWELL I'm sure). She'll pay him, give him money to play with and forgive his debt. He'll think about it. Then Drew comes in to talk to her and get dirt on Curtis. "you used to partner with him, right". She wants some information too. Then Cody walks in and is like: Um, WHY ARE YOU HERE, DREW? Says it figures he's hanging out with Ms. Wu. Asks if he has a gambling debt. Then drops that Sasha is pregnant with Jason's baby LOL!! (You have to see it to believe it)
The French lady meets NuJack outside of "Cyrus' hideout" ... I think it's Austin's old house. He says to wait and see if Joss finds it
Carly STOMPS into the restaurant and holds up Drew's tie: I BOUGHT YOU THIS TIE!! She says she found it at Willow's and he's having sex while Michael is in a BURN UNIT. She says he's sleezy and yada yada. Everyone's eyes are @@!~
Liz and Lucky dance
Looks like Jack Brennan is 'testing' Joss for the WSB? I don't know...
Carly yells at Drew and then he blurts out: well, YOUR PRECIOUS JASON KNOCKED UP SASHA WITH HIS BABY!! Gasps all around.
WOW that was awesome.
Go Carly! Shut the F up Drew. Go Sasha...I hope.
ReplyDeleteNuJack...looks like average Joe. Too much facial hair. No accent or come hither eyes. Did I miss something about Jack and Cyrus.? I remember nothing of those two being in the same story. I thought he was after Sidwell. Will Joss be Cyrus' next victim? Never enough doom and gloom here on GH.
Yeah, not feeling NuJack at all and I didn't see any chemistry with Carly. Man, what a loss!!
ReplyDelete----I still think Cyrus killed Austin but I don't know why Jack cares about Cyrus.
ReplyDelete-----HOW does Selina have an office and why would Drew see her? Blackmailing something about Curtis cause we never saw the conversaton. PLUS Cody knows Drew and Nina were together but he never says anything
----Drew is so despicable that I DO think he is not long for the show.
-----I HATE that Sasha is gonna let Jason pretend to be the daddy....
----SO when did Carly and Jason talk that she knew he was going to see her ------ what would Jason give as a reason for seeing Michael PLUs I missed the reasoning that Carly is going home now....
-----Carly was fantastic today!!!! Now we need everyone to have recorded it and it go viral.
-----finally - where is Detective Bennett?
Muasa says Carly was fantastic today!!!!
DeleteShe sure was!!! :) If I was on GH, I would do the same thing!!! :D ;)
"Now we need everyone to have recorded it and it go viral."
Yeah that needs to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!"
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. I know. It's crazy, but it's Rochester for ya.. :D
Anna's office:
Anna and Joss: Anna it's really stupid to tell Joss anything! Now she is going to keep doing what she wants to do even though you tell her not to!
The plane:
NuBrennan and Carly: He has no accent.. :) I used to watch OLTL. :) I remember him as Joey!!!
NuBrennan: If I'm ever lucky enough to spend the night with you, we will have complete privacy.
Oh my my my! That was hot. :) Okay I'm liking him so far in the role.
Cyrus's hideout: Cyrus has a hideout?!!?!?! 00
NuBrennan and WSB lady: Okay I like him as Brennan. :)
Ms. Wu's office:
Cowboy Cody and Ms. Wu: MS. WU! YAY! :D Hmmm great offer you are giving him Ms. Wu! :)
Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Ms. Wu: Hmmmm. I hope she double crosses him. :)
Cowboy Cody, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, and Ms. Wu: Why does it always sound like Cowboy Cody is drunk?!
Cowboy Cody: What happened? Did you get lost on your way to help some blind orphans? Or what you are going to raise my taxes?
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Cowboy Cody would have won the lines of the day, but someone else wins it. No Ryan Lavery he isn't a loser.. You are!
Willow's home:
Drillow: UGH! Willow!!! Did you know your man had slept with your mother?!!!
Willow and Carly: That's sweet of Carly to give the kids presents! :)
Liz's home:
Liz and Lucky: What he saw Luke while he was in that cell? They didn't show that!!!!
Lucky: I don't need you to be an angel, I just need you to be you.
Awwwww! :) My L&L2 heart exploded. :) Awwww dancing!!!! My L&L2 heart is exploding again! Now kiss her dammit!!
Metrocourt restaurant:
Deception table: Why is Tracy's hair messy? ROFL! That's not like her.
Tracy: Can you have that sparkling conversation some place else?
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Tracy would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.
Sasha and Felicia: Sorry Felicia she won't tell you who the father of her baby is either. :)
Anna and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: HA! The look on Anna's face when he told her what he wanted to do. ROFL! Yeah she don't want to do that! ROFL! She likes Sonny and Jason! Oh hi Carly! Carly wins the line of the day.
Carly: You left this at Michael's house, while you were having sex with his wife.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dying! I laughed hard and covered my mouth and I noticed Tracy covering her mouth too! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Your beloved Jason knocked up Sasha Corban.
BAHAHAHA! That's not true you idiot! Sasha go tell him off! :)
Jordan, Sidwell cookie, and Gannon: Jordan giving Gannon all the signs! ROFL! I hope he figured it out. Lucy being there is just icing on the cake.
Port Chuckles surf lodge:
Jordan and Gannon: Oh okay whew! Glad Gannon figured it out.
Jordan: He can't know about our connection.
Ooooooooo A connection! :D ;)
Sidenote: I've been watching GH on freevee.. Why do they show the same episodes over and over? Is that all they have? Strange.
Beck is just the beautiful woman, the way her eyes teared up she is just a gem! I whish their story was more exciting.
DeleteYes it is bizarre that only 1/2 of 2018 and then 2019 episodes are played over and over....and it seems that the middle of the night they repeat the earlier morning is frustrating.
Delete"Linda says, Beck is just the beautiful woman, the way her eyes teared up she is just a gem! I whish their story was more exciting."
DeleteShe is!!!! Yeah her storyline needs a bit of a spicy kick.
"mufasa says, Yes it is bizarre that only 1/2 of 2018 and then 2019 episodes are played over and over....and it seems that the middle of the night they repeat the earlier morning is frustrating."
Don't they have episodes from the 80's 90's or 2000? It would be really nice if they do!
Loved the Liz and Lucky scenes today! I almost cried! They are so good together ❤️
Delete"GH" still has pacing and editing issues galore, but I *LOVED* Carly's publicly calling out Drew at the Metro Court. We need more of that. Much more.
ReplyDeleteI also liked Lucky and Elizabeth finally reconnecting, and seeing Ms. Wu again. I even liked when Joss laid down boundaries with Anna.
I am willing to give NuJack Brennan a little more of a chance, but... what made Oldjack interesting wasn't the character himself, it was the actor's charm and his chemistry with Laura Wright. So far, I see none of that in the new guy. With a bloated cast, it may be best if they let this Jack go.
Agree old CMJack and Carly sparked, not feeling the same cute chemistry.
DeleteSlow clap for Carly at the Metro Court, hahahahahah! She was fabulous!
ReplyDeleteNow I need Sasha to rip it up today.
That's not Brennan. Nope. Such a big fat loss for GH.
I also need Joss to slow her roll at Turning Woods because I've hired Cyrus to give Drew and Cody digitalis.
"Julie H says I also need Joss to slow her roll at Turning Woods because I've hired Cyrus to give Drew and Cody digitalis."
DeleteROFL! No no not Cowboy Cody!!!! Drew aka Ryan Lavery AND Natalia! :)
As much as I love Eden, I don't think she's believable as an agent being groomed. Shouting at Ana was no bueno even though like mother like daughter.