Monday, February 3, 2025

BORING DAY-O and Casting Shock


Monday. Hey. How ya'll doin?

Me? Meh.... I can only hope GH will be good. 

Dante and Lulu talk in the Horse House. They are sad Sam was murdered. Lulu is sad she was so mean to him. Sad horn. He tells her about proposing to Sam at her hospital bed. 

Lucky and Liz find more victims of Cyrus' digitalis in Turning Woods. Laura comes in and tells him Sidwell is in town.  Tells him he bought Wyndemere. "Be careful" she says. 

Laura and Jordan talk at The Metro bar about Sidwell. Laura leaves. Isaiah comes in Jordy tells him Sidwell is in town. Isaiah really doesn't care he's in town. He gets a phone call. 

Brook and Lois meet at The Metro. Lois has on the MOST FUGLY OUTFIT LOL... Brook says Dante has too  much going on to know he has a kid running around. Lois says why not? Like, changing her tune on that one!! Brook says the child might not even know they are adopted. 

Sonny and Alexis talk about Sam's murder. Good Lord, Sonny has all the emotion of a dead fish. PLUS his HAIR! god! can it BE any blacker? LOL  Sad that Sam was murdered. Well, Alexis is...who knows what Sonny is.  He says he knows what it's like to lose a child. He says he's there for her. 

At the Surf Shop, Maxie talks to Emma about "how to live with Anna". Then she tells her to find her own table when Sasha comes in. Then Emma is talking to Gio but gets up to listen in on Maxie and Sasha. She hears Maxie say "Some people" think Jason is the father of her baby. Then runs to GIO and tells him. He's like: NO, Jason was there when she told the family and he had no reaction. Emma says that's just him. "How cool that my Mom's new 1/2 sister is going to have her best friend's baby"... Good grief. 

Trina called Curtis to talk to Kai who's just sad. Kai has a TEAMMATE IN THE ROOM! Another person!! WOW. Curtis is going to talk to him about what he went through when he was shot. Quinn is the other kid in there. He leaves. Kai doesn't want a pep talk from Curtis. 

Quinn yells at Trina for distracting Kai with the Art project. That's why he's hurt. I tell you what, "Quinn" is way better an actor than Kai. 

REALLY boring show today


Charles Measure is being REPLACED BY ex-JOEY Buchanan Chris McKenna. This starts TOMORROW. !!! I guess CM left by his 'own accord' ...but CHRIS McKENNA? What. 


  1. OMG... I am beyond upset. One of the best cast adds as of late. But on the other hand if he left on his own accord I'd say he is a smart man because this show does suck.
    Today was a tedious rehash. Talk about cast newbies. Emma can go away. She is awful. And take Lulu with you.
    That's all I got.
    I'm sure we will see Mr. Mesure somewhere else soon. You never know. Maybe he'll be hiding "Beyond the Gates".

  2. I was so bored!!!

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Dante and Lulu: Poor Dante! I want to hug him!!!! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jordan and Laura: Oh goodie. Sidwell cookie talk. They really need some milk.

    Jordan and Gannon: They talk too much. Time to ask her out on a date and then kiss. :)

    Brooky and Lois: Same conversation. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Jordan and Sidwell cookie: Wait didn't they meet for the first time at Laura's office?!?!!!

    Liz's home:

    Lucky and Liz: Keep on working together and then hopefully a kiss will be involved. ;)

    Lucky, Liz, and Laura: Yes be careful with Sidwell cookie. If you see him give him some milk! Chocolate milk is good too.

    The hospital:

    Quinn and Kai: Zzzzzzzzz.

    Trina and Kai: Zzzzzzzz.

    Curtis and Kai: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Quinn and Trina: Whoa whoa whoa! You leave her alone Quinn you jerk! None of this is her fault! Hmmm their scene wasn't boring. Maybe Quinn and Trina should be together. :)

    Miller and Davis office:

    Alexis and Sonny: Alexis is really struggling. I wanted to hug her!!

    Alexis, Sonny, and Laura: More Sidwell cookie talk. Alexis and Sonny need to get some milk too!

    Port Chuckle surf lodge:

    Emma and Maxie: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh hi Sasha. Maxie! Why don't you get a different table for you and Sasha. Why did Emma have to leave?

    Maxie and Sasha: Rumor blah blah blah. So stupid. Are we in high school?

    Gio and Emma: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    "Charles Measure is being REPLACED BY ex-JOEY Buchanan Chris McKenna. This starts TOMORROW. !!! I guess CM left by his 'own accord' ...but CHRIS McKENNA? What."

    Yeah when I saw it on bluesky, that is really shocking. I wonder why. Ah yes Chris McKenna as Joey. I remember. I don't like this. I really like Charles Measure!!!

  3. Not happy about the recast. This dude could be Jack's son. He resembles Cody. This is why they should have casted Charles as Jax he could have been on and off canvas as he pleased. He will be missed.

    1. He would have been a very fine Jax. Will NuJack have an accent I wonder.

  4. CM, NuJack, is 7 years younger than CM, old Jack. And what a coincidence...same initials.

  5. I will take the distinguished look any day!

  6. Measure apparently didn't like the hectic pace of daytime TV production. It's a shame, because he was a damn fine addition to the cast, had chemistry with Laura Wright and actually made Carly tolerable.

    This new guy looks blah but I will give him a chance.

  7. I wish the other CM was leaving instead. Charles has been on prime time and will probably always find less stressful work there, but he was just so perfect for the role. I always liked him on Once Upon a Time.

  8. LOLZ. I can tell you from being in PR that the statement "Charles Mesure opted to exit the role of Brennan. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors" is usually BS. Chris McKenna is only 6 years younger than Charles Mesure, but he looks a lot least in that photo. TBH, Charles Mesure looks older than 53. I've seen other photos of Chris McKenna and he definitely looks older in more recent photos, including ones of his first scenes with Laura Wright. I vividly remember him when he was 12. Yikes. I must be old.

  9. The later picture of CM # 2 look more likely to play the part except for 1 thing...He's missing those gorgeous come hither eyes.

  10. And what's up with JPS? He was on for 5 minutes last week and one day I think in Jan.?



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...