I've heard I should watch the last 10 min of yesterday's show and that's about it! LOL.. I'll watch Friday on Hulu and catch up. (I HOPE!!)
Another fun day with the 2 year olds. One of them knew what a lobster was yesterday and I almost cried (these kids are mostly non-verbal). They are joyful but the energy level is at like a 22!
Awwww they knew what a lobster is. So sweet. :) Now will there be a lobster talk part 2? :) I hope!
ReplyDelete----Willow is THE whinest, most pathetic 'poor pitiful me' character on the show. and YES Tracy, Willow needs to give back Lila's ring!!!
ReplyDelete-----and on what planet did the writers think we would LIKE this version of Emma? I mean she was sprung on us quickly and with a personality change....for what purpose??
-----I know someone said this yesterday but I see it too - if we hadn't seen Cyrus put the thing in the IV, I might believe him too...when he yelled at Martin he didn't seem to be lying.
-----yep, Sasha looks pregnant in real life. Isaiah is good with everyone....
------where is Spinelli? Aiden?? poor Scout??? wow Anna's hair is long....guess cause I have watched the 2019 episodes, it stands out..
-----Maxie with Jack was very entertaining but I just didn't 'feel' the Lulu Dante interaction...but the 'eyelashes' comparison was SOOOO obvious...
-----love love that Jason doesn't lie to his son....
----going back to editing - so Charlie's Bar has closed and yet Emma and Gio are at Bobbi's passing out flyers where people were still eating dinner....
"Mufasa says but the 'eyelashes' comparison was SOOOO obvious..."
DeleteIt was!!!! ROFL!
I enjoyed Nina supporting her daughter. I enjoyed Sasha/Jason/Danny being honest. I enjoyed Anna calling out Jocelyn and Martin calling out Anna. They are setting up a “ who attacked or killed Cyrus story” by end of sweeps. I can see something happening at the fundraiser against cruelty to animals event.i see chemistry between Lulu and Dante.
ReplyDeleteDon't recall anything worth seeing in last 10 minutes of yesterday's show.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that hasn't changed about Willow. From the start she has been wishy washy. She changes her mind and/or attitude in mid sentence. Even when whining.
NuJack is the worst recast. Sorry and do not mean to offend but no. He is the total opposite of who JB presented himself as. With a little 'ew' thrown in. There must be lots of actors looking for work and this is what they came up with. Or maybe he's a buddy of FV. That sounds more like it.
Obviously a Cyrus whodunit is coming but something is definitely 'off'. All this and it will turn out that he was injecting vitamins into their IV's. lol
Sasha and Jason and a bit of scarce honesty was nice. I like them as a couple.
There are some funny one liners today!
ReplyDeletePort Chuckles Grille:
Nina and Willow: Nina was going to tell Willow the truth, when Tracy walked in and disturbed them!
Nina, Willow, and Tracy: Tracy brings up Willow moving in to her mother's house. Tracy wins the line of the day!
Tracy: How nice! All the better to commit adultery my dear!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tracy is loud and wants Willow to give her back her mother's ring! Alexis comes and stops Tracy.
Tracy and Alexis: Alexis wants her to leave Drew and Willow alone because she wants her granddaughter to stick around and be with her brothers. She don't want to lose her granddaughter. Alexis brought up what Tracy did to her in that car a few years ago and she didn't have her in jail. Tracy says can't I write you a check! ROFL! Tracy will try not to start trouble. Alexis wants her to more than try!
Nina and Willow: Weeping Willow is all boohing because people are judging her and yelling at her. Awww poor weeping Willow. She is thinking she is a bad person. Nina is all gushing about her how she is so amazing! Willow says they have gotten closer. What were you going to say? Oh I know what you were going to say, about Drew and you see him the way I see him. Nina agrees. ROFL! Damn Nina was so close on telling the truth!
Ritsy Charlie's bar and restaurant:
Jason, Danny Cheeto and Cyrus:
Jason: TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON! You touch my son again, and they will NEVER FIND YOUR BODY!
Kai, Trina, Emma, and Gio: Kai says that was craazy. Trina tells Kai that Cyrus is crazy and that he held her and her mother and gut point and shot her dad. Emma was talking about her Zaac. Gio wanted to talk to Emma alone.
Kai and Cyrus: Kai is acting all tough with Cyrus. Oh brother. Kai says he will pay for the drink just go!
Emma and Gio: Gio didn't like that Emma was talking about Zaac and that she should have read the room. Emma said she wanted to help Trina so she changed the subject. Gio realized he was wrong. Man Emma and Gio are so boring!
Trina and Kai: Kai can't believe she is so calm! Trina says those things that happened isn't who I am. I can't control what other people do. I'm taking control back! That's my Trina! :)
Dr. Gannon and Krissy: She talks about how her dad and Lucky's dad used to have a night club and it all comes full circle. :)
Lucky and Liz: Awwww they are alone and dancing with the same song. :) Great scene! Oh oh Cyrus is watching Liz again! EEP!
Joss and Lulu: They hug and Lulu is happy that a Spencer is behind the counter. Oh oh Chase wants Joss to come to the station because Anna wants to talk to her.
Lulu and the patrons: Hahahahahaha. Lulu is messing up people's orders and one lady gets a spaghetti but she didn't order yet! Hahahha! Lulu is running ragged. :) Oh Dante shows up! :)
Lulu and Dante: He is helping, but Lulu is supposed to watch the toast but it burned! Hahahahaha! So much smoke in the kitchen. Dante apologizes to the patrons. ROFL! Lulu and Dante laugh. Lulu feels egg in her hair and she didn't serve egg. Great scene! Dante feels guilty for laughing because he thinks that means he is moving on from Sam. No Dante it doesn't have to mean that! :(
Police station:
Anna and Dante: Dante wants an update on the Sam's murder. If Anna has something she will tell him she says.
Chase and the super: Chase has questions to that super guy. Chase asking him if Cyrus had any visitors. The Super says he had one. Blonde hair girl. Ra ro!
Anna, Chase, and Joss: So that is why Chase got Joss to see Anna. Joss isn't confessing to Anna. Anna is afraid for Joss's life! Yeah if Carly hears what Joss did, she will be furious!
Chase and Joss: He is telling her that Dex wouldn't want her to put herself in danger! Let them handle it!
Anna and Marty: Marty is furious with Jason for threatening Cyrus and wants to file a complaint about Jason. The look on Anna's face, I don't think Anna wants to do that.
Damn too long again.
Brown dog bar:
DeleteCarly and Brennan: First time at the brown dog bar for Brennan.
Brennan: If there is something or someone I want, there is very little that could stop me.
Okay okay that was good. That was hot. Sometimes he shows charm and other times he doesn't. This was a good scene though.
Lucas and Maxie: Maxie has someone who she can set Lucas up with! He doesn't want to! He keeps looking over at Carly and Brennan:
Lucas and Carly: Lucas warning Carly about Brennan again. They talk about love and to not be afraid of bad things that could happen. They both agreed.
Maxie and Brennan: Maxie talks to him about how if she wants to have fun with Carly that's fine but don't get to serious because he works at the WSB and he can't be serious with anybody. Maxie brings up Frisco and how he took the job away from Frisco.
Carly and Brennan: Carly wants to know what Maxie said.
Brennan: Some nonsense about Frisco Jones.
Q mansion:
Sasha, Jason, and Danny Cheeto: Great scene! I am so glad Jason wanted to tell his son the truth! :) Wait Jason isn't going to tell Monica? I thought he was going to!
Oh wait a minute!!! Lulu worked at Kelly's before!!!!! *Facepalm*
DeleteWho was watching Lucky and Lulu dancing? I couldn't tell; was it Cyrus?
ReplyDeleteYES!!!!! RUN LIZ RUN!
DeleteI still love Lucky and Liz! They still have magic to me. This Brennan is such a miscast. C Mesur had a sense of danger about him and C McKenna is a good actor but just not Brennan It looks like Carly is trying to hard to make it really him. Love that spunky Maxie!
I loved how NotBrennan interrupted Maxie and she said, "Still talking!" and continued on.
ReplyDeleteNo Thursday blog yet but I have to say how appalled I am at GH for having Sasha do something so stupid and disgusting. I can not stand for any kind of crap like this whether it is real life or fiction. If I sound crazy so be it. Be it known that the dog is probably fine but it still pisses me off.
ReplyDeleteToday's GH! Some funny one liners today!
ReplyDeleteThe hospital:
Liz and Ric: They talk about what happened at the park and Ric wants to know if she is okay. Ric is about to ask her if she wants to do something. She has to go because she got paged. Ric are you still interested in Liz? And also Ava?
Liz and Cowboy Cody: He needed a tetanus shot on his finger because he had a metal in it. Ouch! They walk out of the room and he sees Molly and really really wants to talk to her badly! She went into the elevator and didn't see him.
Liz and Chase: Chase is so happy that Liz is back at work! :)
Molly and Cowboy Cody: He is trying to apologize to her, but she is in a hurry!!!
The roof:
Molly and Cowboy Cody: Great scene! He wanted to apologize to her! The door got stuck! ROFL! Her phone is dead! ROFL! She is yelling at him! Hahahah! They tried to get someone's attention with the camera, but I don't think anybody is paying attention. ROFL! Cowboy Cody tries to knock on the door and yell for help, but that doesn't work. This is definitely chem testing. Cowboy Cody left his coat at the hospital and his phone in his coat pocket! He talks about waiting for someone to get to the helepad to transport something. Molly wins the line of the day.
Molly: Your plan is to wait until someone gets hurt badly enough that they would have to get transported here by helicopter?
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay I can see them as a couple. :)
Sasha, Mavis the dog, and Elaine: They are outside. Sasha loves little Mavis. Mavis is adorable! :)
Elaine: When are you do?
Sasha: July 23rd.
What?!?!?! July 23rd?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *dead*
Felicia and Sasha: Felicia talks all about Elaine and Mavis, and what Elaine does when she has a case. Oh oh! Well anyway Felicia had to go, so Sasha goes outside to call Elaine's office to see where Elaine is.
Jason and Sonny: Sonny tells him about his heart surgery in 3 months. Will the writers even remember in 3 months? What if one of the writers don't know about the 3 months? I hope whomever wrote 3 months tell the other writer about it. Sonny talks about no stress. Jason says how will he have no stress? Sonny says something has to give!
Sonny and Nina: Sonny says one part of him wants to tell Nina whats going on, but another part of him knows that she is close to Willow, Ava and Drew. Great scene!!
Damn too long again.
Ava's home:
DeleteAva and Nina: Ava has been so distracted this morning, that she forgot that she is supposed to have breakfast with Nina.. Yeah I bet Ava was distracted. ;) Nina tells her about how she was going to tell Willow the truth about her and Drew aka Ryan Lavery, but then Willow gushed about Nina and she couldn't. Ava agrees with Nina that yeah she couldn't tell Willow! Ric shows up and Ava was going to tell Nina about them, but Ric stopped her!
Ava and Ric: Ava thinks Ric is ashamed of her. Ric talks about the case and that is why you shouldn't tell anybody about them. Uh huh. Ric your nose is growing. You don't want people to know that you slept with Ava, because you don't want it to get back to Liz!!! Because you still love Liz!!!! Ooooo Ric and Ava are kissing!! Sonny knocks on the door! :)
Police station:
Dante and Anna: It's the same conversation. Nothing new here. Nothing to see here.
Chase and Anna: Chase blames himself for why Dante knows about Cyrus killing Sam, and that Rocco overheard. He wants to be put on leave. Anna is upset and says she needs him! To do his job!
Miller and Davis office:
Krissy and Alexis: Krissy tells her all that happened at Ritzy Charlie's with Jason and Cyrus.
Krissy, Alexis, and Dante: Then they all talk about Cyrus.
The park:
Elaine and Marty: Marty hired her. :) Soapy delicious! She can't find anything about Michael, but she did tell him about Sasha.
Elaine: Beautiful woman, but she seems dumb.
ROFL! She would have won the line of the day! :)
Elaine, Mavis, and Sasha: Sasha really needs to get to Elaine's purse. Elaine's phone rings. It's Marty. Elaine gives Sasha the doggy to watch. Sasha takes off the leash, and Mavis runs away! Elaine goes to find her and Sasha looks through Elaine's purse. A car comes and oh no! An accident!!!! MAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What did Elaine say to Marty? Oh right Sasha seems dumb!
Preview: OH! Sasha has Mavis at the hospital and the doggy looks okay. So Elaine is the one who got hit by a car then?! :(
Ooops! Forgot throwback Thursday!
DeleteThrowback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 16th, 2011* Lulu DID work at Kelly's back then!!!!!
----where is TJ? Could GH BE more obvious in throwing Molly and Cody together? I mean Molly didn't even mention TJ working at the hospital....I did NOT see it coming that Molly is taking the records about Sam's death though---
ReplyDelete-Sasha was quite good and clever today but I did NOT see it coming that Mavis was gonna be hit by a car.-Is it wrong I was afraid the dog got hit?
---When is Jason gonna tell Carly and Sonny about the baby?---
-Where is Detective Bennett? they need to use him----not a criticism but Cynthia's hair is an odd color?---
--Rick is using Ava/still wants Liz - Ava ain't gonna do well but I would LOVE if Kristina (even though I don't like it) would find out and say on the witness stand that Ric and Ava are together. SOAPY that would be
Sasha was clever to risk Mavis' life to search the purse? The epitome of stupidity to me. I'm sure both woman and dog will be fine but I just abhor the writing.
Deletenoooo not at all - I mean to call and find out where she was, etc ----- I thought she would just steal the notebook pages about her...
Deletealso I am the problem I am sure, but Anna is almost unwatchable...when not crying, she actually uttered "leave it alone and let my department do its job and solve this case' and then 'Let me do my job and follow the proper 'something' and arrest Cyrus.
ReplyDeleteShe has NEVER EVER solved ONE case.....to recap"
----the PCPD will find out who killed Austin Gatlin Holt
----I will not rest until Cates killer is behind bars.
I will not rest until Charlotte is back with her mother
I WILL find Valentine, with or without your help, Jack Brennan.
Lulu you are under arrest.
Jason, you are under arrest.....
---She never finishes anything or solves anything - HOW does Finola say these lines with a straight face? #ruinedhercharacter
She thinks about her regular pay check in these hard times.
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