Thursday, February 6, 2025



Alexis tells Danny that the authorties don't think his mother's death is an accident.  He freaks out. Should they tell Scout? They decide not to. 

Lois goes to see Marty because she 'needs a lawyer". She pays him his retainer and says she has to tell him something that happened 21 years ago involving her daughter. She tells him the entire story and "no one can find out....ever"!! 

Brook Lyn is at the Gate House and GIO comes in (anvil) looking for Willow but Willow is at Nina's. Then Tracey comes in and Brook has to tell her Willow moved out. Tracey doesn't really care, she's going to go talk to lawyers.

Nina and Willow talk about her situation. Then DREW shows up. Nina tells him to back off and she'll fight for her daughter. 

Brad shows off his "guns" to Lucas and Stella. Lucas is impressed lol ==they chat and laugh it up. 

Curtis wonders why Portia is being so nice to Brad.  Then he goes to tell Stella how bad Brad is. Portia tries to stop him.  He asks Brad if he's still involved with Selina Wu. Brand says no. Curtis says you'd better not me!! 

Chase and Dante talk about Sam's murder. Rocco hears that Cyrus is the lead suspect.  Oh Hardy Boys with him and Danny ?  Danny leaves. 

Joss and  fake Brennan.  They talk about her looking at Cyrus' apartment. He suggests that Cyrus could have 'another place" to find. Then Carly walks in with Lucas. She wonders why Brennan is talking to Joss. He makes up some excuse. 

Joss talks to Lucas and looks up Cyrus on the phone. Wonders if he's heard of "Austin Gatlin Holt' 

Tracey shows up at Martins' room, wonders why Lois is there. Lois says she's there because of Willow. Tracey is upset Willow took the kids. Marty is saying it was her choice. 


Drew wants to go public with Willow 

Lois tells Martin that Gio is Brook's son

Joss asks Brennan to find out about Austin's property


  1. Ok, maybe it's because I am in a good mood today, but I actually liked Thursday's episode.

    Storylines involving multiple characters are starting to cross over with one another, Lois actually had something to do for a change, Austin was finally mentioned (15 months after he was murdered) and there's the prospect of Nina and Carly teaming up to take down Drew.

    I agree, a lot happened today and that's a good thing.

    1. Are they finally going to solve Austin's murder?????

  2. I haven't watched the show today but watching last night Laura Wrights hair is just always so perfect. Beautiful!

    1. I know, I love Laura's hair. Curly or straight her hair is awesome.

    2. It's her best feature. It's like a luxurious lion mane. LOL

  3. Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Krissy, Molly, and Danny Cheeto: Great scene! Uh but Alexis, he is not a young man! He is a boy!!!!

    Q mansion:

    Dante and Chase: Great scene! Poor Dante! :( Oh oh! ROCCO!!!! :0

    Danny Cheeto and Rocco: Will Danny Cheeto or Rocco get revenge on Cyrus?

    The hospital:

    Purtis: Curtis is just so sweet wanting to protect his wife. :) He still looks yummy! :) He needs to be at the gym with his shirt off. :)

    Stella, Lucas, and Brad: Brad's guns hahaha. You look good Brad. Lucas thinks so too. ;) Stella agrees hahaha.

    Brad and Curtis: Great scene!! Now why don't you both go to the gym and be shirtless. :)

    Carly and Lucas: Hahahaha. Carly don't like seeing Lucas with Brad. :) He understands hahaha.

    Nina's home:

    Drillow: UGH! Kisses! Oh sure he agrees with you Willow! He is a lying snakey scum!

    Nina and Drew (Ryan Lavery) Oh Nina really? Anything? So will you tell Willow you slept with him?! Hmmmmmm?

    Nina on the phone with Carly: Hmmm teaming up? :D

    Willow's home:

    Brooky and Gio: Why are they still at Willow's house? That's just strange. I would hate to come home to see people even if they are family at my house!

    Brooky, Gio, and Tracy: Tracy fix your hair!!!

    Metrocourt hotel/Marty's hotel room:

    Marty and Lois: This is an odd scene. What the heck is wrong with you Lois? This is not a life or death situation here. This is not the 1940's!! The truth has to come out eventually, and it will!

    Marty, Lois, and Tracy: I love the Marty and Tracy banter. :) Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: Oh never mind get out!

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! I didn't get it either Marty!!! What did you mean?! :)



    Carly Jr (Joss) and Brennan: She would be great as a WSB agent. :)

    Carly Jr and Lucas: Huh? Bringing up Pawtucket Holtster? I never thought any character would say his name ever again.

    Carly and Brennan: Why is Brennan so serious all of a sudden? Where is his charm and sense of humor? Oh and his flirty nature?

    Carly Jr (Joss) and Brennan: Hmmmm. Interesting. Will he help her and tell her what he finds?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 9th 2015* When Drew and everyone thinks he is Jason!

    1. Sonya, forget Curtis going to the gym and taking his shirt off. He can come to my house and take his shirt off. His pants too. 😊

    2. I like Joss with Fake Brennan in a purely mentor apprentice kind of way. I miss our Sliver Fox Aussie! Sigh......I'm pulling a Gary and saying he can come to my house any day minus a shirt and pants, lol!
      I enjoyed Lois spilling her guts and her interaction with Marty. Good stuff!
      Adding brainless Willow to my digitalis list. Gosh she's pathetic.

    3. "Gary says, Sonya, forget Curtis going to the gym and taking his shirt off. He can come to my house and take his shirt off."

      ROFL! Well okay, but only if I can come over. :)

      "His pants too. 😊"


  4. Gio has blossomed suddenly. The story has soapy merit.
    "Fake Brennan" It's hard to believe he is younger than Real Brennan. A bit slovenly.
    Can the writers really think that anyone will ever like Willow and Drew? BTW...didn't she make a promise, through Carly, to Michael to keep the kids in the house for now? Pathetic.

    1. Sadly they ruined Willow through this storyline. Not that I was ever a big fan (I did like her back when she was a teacher with bratty Charlotte and with Chase). I wish she would apologize to Nina for all those months of praising Carly over her mother (even though Nina was cray cray)



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...