Monday, February 10, 2025

THE Park

 Monday after the SB!! Are you bloated? Hung over? NOT ME!! I only watched the halftime show. Which I thought was brilliant. :Clapping: 

Felicia invites Cody for a lecture and lunch. OH! She also invited Sasha..ahahaha. Wants them to make peace. He says he's sorry. She's saying it was really awful what he did to her. Cody says he only cares about her. Sasha says she can take care of herself. 

Willow and Marty meet at the Grille as well. He wants to know about the divorce standings. Does she still want to save her marriage or no? She wants to go ahead with the divorce. Nina runs in and is like: YOU SURE?? She gets Willow thinking about putting it off until Michael is back. 

Joss is working at Kelly's and has the girls with her..because, why not? She asks KRISTINA to watch them because she has 'something to do" wtf...! Krissy is going to take them to the PARK (where Ava is) and collect pinecones for a project for Avery. She asks if Avery's been asking about her mom and Joss says they talk at bedtime, as per agreement. She misses her daddy tho. Oh geesh. Cyrus comes in later and Joss says she owes him an apology. She says she knows he didn't kill Dex and the PCPD doesn't think so either. 

Later, French lady comes in and gives Joss a note from Jack Brennan. It's the address of Austin's old cabin. She gave it to her so it didn't leave a digital trail. 

Ava and Trina are walking through the park. Ava talks about having 2 mortgages and about Trina and Kai. Then Kai comes into the park and Ava goes to get coffee. Later, Ava sees Avery playing with Donna and Kristina. Avery says: MOMMY!! Ava wants to take he r to her new apartment. Krissy is like: Um no. Then Ric comes over and pull Ava away. 

Carly and Nina talk about Willow and Drew. Carly agrees they have to do something but they have to be careful. She's all in.

Cyrus is stalking Liz at GH. Ric brings her flowers to welcome her back. Cyrus still stalks her. 

Ric and Liz go to the park. She says she'll be careful around Cyrus and besides, he's banned from GH. Then she says Lucky is helping and Ric gets a jelly look on his face. 

Tracey tells JASON what went down at The Metro Court and Drew saying Jason was Sasha's baby Daddy. Jason is like: WHAT Tracey says: DENY IT!!  Jason says it's not her business. She says that confirms it!  She also says Danny and Monica don't know yet. He goes to find Sasha. 

Tracey is on the phone with Diane-- then Carly stomps in and stops her. I think she's going to be part of the plan. She wants Tracey to back off Drew/Willow because it will drive them together. 


Jason comes in and Cody's all: SO you the father!!?? HUH? HUH? 


Ric takes Ava to her apartment which is decorated in GIANT MOTH PAINTINGS. WEIRD. He says she's too desperate to get Avery back and she'll get in trouble. 

Kristina says to Liz: "if I can't have my daughter, neither can Ava"

Cody challenges Jason to a, actually he screams JUST SAY IT, YOU'RE THE FATHER OF SASHA'S BABY!! right in the Grille. 

Tracey tells Carly to "make it hurt" when it comes to Drew. 



  1. Joss' apology was quite believable.
    Kristina acts about as old/young as her little sisters. Will she be saying that Ava killed her baby for all eternity?
    I'll give a bit of blame to Sasha and Jason for creating the chaos that is haunting them both.
    And Ava devours Ric. The end.

  2. ---hate Kristina
    ----so Jason still doesn't know about Sam I guess. I HATE this stupid Jason baby daddy story)-----and Sasha told Maxie that the baby daddy/one night stand didn't know about the baby and then she told Felicia last week that the baby daddy will be there 'if I need him'...
    ----I have ZERO interest in this custody case that has dragged on for months and months.
    ----guess Cyrus tries to hurt Liz (not Joss) and Lucky saves her???? BUT I still wanna know WHY the WSB wants Cyrus and cares about Austin---------------------still think the great twist would be WSB won't let Brennan touch Cyrus and Austin is alive somewhere and he kills Cyrus...
    ------Monday - my weekly ----- never a service for Dex.........LOL...........
    ------repeating myself - worst February sweeps ever.

  3. I'm trapped in 2019 lol. Can't stop binge watching. I'm sorry to say. Jonathan Jackson just doesn't have the same chemistry with Rebecca Herbst as Roger Howarth did. The scenes leading up to Franco wanting to get the treatment to restore his memories and Kim leaving (pregnant!) were great! And the introduction of Brook Lyn. Julian thought she was a hooker lol. She was a sassy thing in the beginning. They need to get back to that.

    1. Girl I am watching right now. last week i sat 6 hours straight watching

    2. "Diana Taylor says, I'm trapped in 2019 lol."

      ROFL! Me too!!!! It's like that's all they have!!!! Get some 1980's 90's or at least 2000!!!

  4. "Monday after the SB!! Are you bloated? Hung over? NOT ME!! I only watched the halftime show. Which I thought was brilliant. :Clapping:"

    ROFL! The superbowl commercials were not that funny. Some were. Some were disgusting. Like the tongue commercial! Gross!!!! The winner of the superbowl commercial is Harrison Ford commercial!!! :D

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Carly: Oooooo! I love that they are coming together to ruin Drillow! :D

    Nina: Do you think they will call Drew, daddy Drew? Or just plain daddy.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! She would have won the line of the day but someone else wins it.

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Jason:

    Tracy: Try her room. I'm sure you know where that is!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tracy wins the line of the day! No Tracy! Jason does NOT know where Sasha's room is! :)

    Tracy and Carly: I thought Carly was going to have Tracy join the alliance. Damn too bad.

    Port Chuckles Grill:

    Marty and Willow: When Marty asks her if she still wants a divorce or to save her marriage, I'm like no! Please don't save your marriage!!!!! Oh is that the Tribbles on the table?! :)

    Marty, Willow, and Nina: Nina has her own agenda, although I'm glad Nina talked about Michael's strategy and about negotiating.. :) I'm glad Marty says that's true. :)

    Felicia and Cowboy Cody: Awww Felicia is so wise and smart. :)

    Felicia, Cowboy Cody, and Sasha: I'm glad they are both listening to Felicia!!! :)

    Felicia, Cowboy Cody, Sasha, and Jason: OH SHUT UP COWBOY CODY! Now you sound drunk!!!


    Joss, Donna, and Avery: WOW! Donna and Avery look so much alike! Same facial features. Either they are sisters in real life, or great casting! They are dopplegangers. :)

    Joss and Krissy: Isn't Krissy too busy with her new ritzy Charlie's?! How can she watch the kids?! OH! I'm glad Avery gets to talk to her mother on the phone every night!!!! :D

    Joss and Cyrus: Oooooo very smart Joss. :) Good girl. :) I knew he would look at her through the window. He must be confused or suspicious. :)

    Joss and Collette (Lookalike RayRay aka Hayden) Damn Collette looks so much like Hayden!! Now what are you going to do with that address Joss?

    The hospital:

    Liz and Ric: Ric are you still interested in Liz? :) My Liric heart. :) Mmmm beautiful flowers! :)

    The park:

    Trina and Ava: I kept wondering what is Ava looking for!!! Poor Trina is cold! ROFL! Ohhh Ava's new apartment is HOT! ROFL!

    Trina and Kai: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Where is Gio? I want a Gio and Trina scene!!!

    Ava and Avery: Awwww! :)


    Ava's home:

    Ava and Ric: Why hasn't Ric commented on how hot her apartment is? :) Oooooo a Rava kiss!!!! ZEX TIME WOOT WOOT! :D

    Tomorrow preview: And there you go! Sasha asking Jason to be pretend her baybay is the father!!! I knew it!!! UGH! This is the 3rd freakin time! Why do women want Jason to always pretend he is the baby's father!!!! UGH!

  5. Replies
    1. When my neighbor's grandchildren come they do. When I walk by, I do. So I guess yes.

  6. This week's promo!

    TELL HER NINA! TELL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  7. Cody is just so obnoxious now. And Kristina really needs psychological counseling - don't know why no one has recommended it yet. She is just not all there and hateful to boot. I can't remember ever hating the old Kristina. Maybe they are dredging up Austin Holt's house so they can finally resolve his murder. Ah, Ric and Ava!


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...