Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!


GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat right out!! Other times I was struggling to stay awake. A new face popped up like magic with no accent as welll

 Want to count Lulu's turtlenecks with me while we read?? 

Let's GO GO!! 


Monday:  Another day to forget-- D 

Tuesday-- First 55 min: C    Last 5 min A+

Wednesday-- B-  A lot of movement but a lot of weird, rando stuff. 

Thursday: Very soapy B+ 

Friday:  A bit of Cyrus movement, a little surprise but still a C+

NOTE: A LOT happened this week and I'll try to cram in as much as I can. Get another coffee or tea and sit back. 

GOSSIP MAVEN: Emma, along with Cody got news around town in a flash about "BABY DADDY JASON" ... She was listening in to Maxie and Sasha at the Surf Shop. In a bid to make Gio more relevant, he was there too. (Photo thx to Sloan on BSky) 

SURPRISE!! (said in Gomer Pyle's voice):  Exactly one day before the switch, GH announced that Chris McKenna (Joey #5 OLTL) was taking over for Charles Measure. Charles took to one of the soap mags and said it was just "too much". (or something like that) This came after that epic Carly-Brennan snog in Germany. We all felt that!! We knew how twinkly Jack was and he made Carly somewhat tolerable. So, Charles leaves and Chris comes in and I'm baffled. Sure, you probably had to hire someone in a hurry, I get that. Um, you forgot the accent and the charm. So far total dead-pan delivery and just low energy. Lord have mercy. 

AUSTIN'S HOUSE:  Anyway! French lady tells NuBrennan to come deep into the woods to see Cyrus "Hideout'. It's Austin Gatlin-Holt's old digs!! Fancy that. GUESS WHAT ---Josslyn also finds Austin Gatlin-Holt on her computer and Brennan tells her to 'find more'.  WHY would Josslyn be told all this?? Oh, Jack's testing her out to be a WSB agent. You heard that right. First of all AHAHAAHA. :wiping tears: and second of all, Carly's going to kill him for putting her cherub at risk. Everything everyone told her about not trusting him will be true.  

THE MAKING OF AN ICONIC MOMENT:  Holy SHIRT BALLS!! When Carly found that tie, I had NO IDEA what was about to happen. I did wonder for a minute why they were holding a Deception meeting in the Metro Restaurant but I quickly understood why. SQUEE!! Carly stomped off the elevator and headed directly to DREW. She did not hold back and for once I was so happy for her temper, shrill voice and big mouth. What a soapy event. 'YOU SLEPT WITH YOUR NEPHEW'S WIFE, ON HIS COUCH WITH THE KIDS UPSTAIRS" (paraphrased). Jaws dropped. Tracey was having such a gleeful moment!! Lucy?? Totally in her element. Then the BOMB came. Drew shouted back "YOUR PRECIOUS JASON KNOCKED UP THE FAMILY COOK" . When I tell you I hooted out loud and almost fell off the chair, I am not making that up. It was awesome. Simply taking me back to the OG soap days. *sigh* I watched it 2x. LOVED. 

TRACEY GETS TENDER: The other thing that happened after the above scene was that Sasha didn't deny that Jason was the father. (why not? again, soapy). Tracey shows up at the Q kitchen and we all think poor Sasha and her belly will be out in the cold. NOPE!! Tracey is amazingly nice to her and basically says no matter who the father, she'll stand beside her. Awww. Dang. :hugs all around: Jane was so good--and I like Kate as well so this was just a great follow up for me. 

KAI QUINN: So, not that I care, but everyone's trying to talk Kai into not giving up and yada yada. The thing I want to mention is...Quinn! Here I was bitching about the kid having no friends and this one pops up!! He was at the Surf Shop previously but we haven't seen him since then. I'm saying it: Should have been Kai. Way more passion and power in his acting. Liked the Trina scenes with him. I keep getting big-sister vibes with her and Kai. 

THE DANCE OF BOREDOM:  yeah, I said it. Lucky has been so isolated since his return. He got one day in the bar and it's back to Liz' house (sans Aidan) to scowl at Ric. Just such a waste. I feel like JJ comes on set maybe 3 full days a month, tapes a bunch of stuff and it's inserted in there. At least these two went to Turning Woods and got some goods on Cyrus. You'd think they'd run straight to Anna with the info...but...??? 

DESTINATION: DANNY:  Alexis decides to tell Danny about Sam's murder. Kristina, sage woman that she is, balks at the idea. Thankfully, Molly realizes the kid will hear about it on Snap Chat soon enough so the tell him. Not a huge reaction to be sure but he did mention "his father" (who I don't think knows unless someone texted him) and that got Alexis all worried they'd go out for vengeance. Meanwhile the other kid that looks like Danny (Rocco) overhears Dante and Chase talking about the case. Then the two meet up. Then.. we don's see them again and probably won't until sometime next week. There's that epic "Flow" GH goes for. :eyeroll: 

SWEET SUMMER CAMP: It all came out this week. We knew it was coming but some of it was still soapy as heck! Brook Lyn was actually talking to Cody (who was at camp as well) and we found out "he put her on the bus" all those years ago AND he knew she was PG with Dante's kid. I have no idea how long that summer camp was but--geesh!! Anyway, Cody's kept this secret for 21 years. CODY. CODY!! ahahahaha. Okay. Even if I believe that I have to think he'll blab in about 2 seconds once he gets drunk and feels like spilling. 

HELP! HID MY DAUGHTER'S BABY!! Over on the other side of town, Lois is talking to Martin about what she did all those years ago. It sounds like a 1970s plot but I'll allow it. She placed Brook's baby with a family she knew. Didn't tell Brook about it and watched Gio grow up. Gio  doesn't even know he's adopted. (I still think a 23 and Me story would be great here) Lois is frantic to keep it quiet. Why she thought going to a lawyer would do anything?? Is he going to draw up "gag clauses"?? It makes no sense but I'm here to say, having Lois and Marty together was great. Two characters that seldom interact together just puts layers in there that we need. Rena and Michael E are so entertaining! 

LULU:  I'm cracking up at her turtlenecks but I have to say, SHE dresses like the rest of us in WNY. I'm mentioning her because her Charlotte obsession is getting obnoxious. I mean the girl is trolling social media for horse posts to see if Charlotte's around. Yes, it's her daughter and yada yada but damn, when WILL WE SEE HER WITH ROCCO??  Maybe baby Ace? Visiting Nikolas? Her story (like Lucky's) is so lack-luster. The best part was when Cyrus came into Bobbie's and told her she has no idea what he's done for her. (you know it's killing Sam). 

WELL, WELL, WELL: This was the surprise on Friday. No, not that lady with the neon pink scrub set on. It's that Sidwell is tailing Natalia!! Was she his ex?? Is she working for him?? Although her boring meter remains high, this just might be interesting. 

OTHER NOTEABLES:  Brad continues to be a highlight for me. First he's showing off his muscles to Stella and then he's telling off Cyrus. Curtis gets suspicious when Portia is nice to him but he doesn't know what Brad is holding over her head. Love this guy. 

Lucas and Carly were gossiping it up and talking about relationships. Another good idea. Lucas is telling her he should have warned her about Sonny way back when. Her telling him Brad is bad news. Carly definitely needs someone like this. Lucas involved with her and Josslyn last week? I'll take more please. 

Nina and Carly teaming up. Grandma Wars turn into Bring Down Stalker Drew? I'm here for it. I don't care if they cut his brake lines --just make his life hell! 

Willow and Maxie being friends. Maxie decorating Drew's new house. Um.. what. WHY. What is going on? No thank you. 

Sonny won't tell anyone about needing a pace maker until the bomber is caught. 

Drew bought a big house  and visited Selina Wu.  My House of Wu love will never stop no matter who she's talking to. 

The Qs really, really like oranges. 

The best things that are happing on GH are happening when there's a lot of the cast around. Q house... Tie incident.. you name it. We need MORE of this. We need more of this with Lucky, Lulu, Laura and that side of the family. Bring some things together more and you'll have gold. Yes, budget. Yes, scheduling. It will be worth it in the long run for sure. Also, longer scenes. I say it all the time but jumping around just takes the wind out of the sails. The Cyrus story is heating up so concentrate on that for a minute. The comedy can be good (thanks Scott Sickles) and we do need to keep that up. I really did want to tune in most days this week and that's a win-win. 

One more note: Feature Terry as much as possible. Make a statement. Be bold. Take a stand. 



  1. Thank you Karen

    Not sure what to say.

    This whole thing with Sonny haven't heart problems and not doing anything and being ALIVE is just killing me.

  2. I loved, loved, LOVED Elizabeth and Lucky’s scenes on Tuesday! I almost cried! This is why I watch GH. I want honest heartfelt dialogue with characters being vulnerable. JJ and BH are so good together. They have effortless chemistry.
    I also enjoyed the confrontation between Carly and Drew at the MC. This is what soaps are all about.
    The rest of the week was mostly garbage as usual.

    1. I agree Ghost. I love LL2 as well. They need to be on MORE

    2. I liked their dance scene too, but we waited years for JJ's return, and its still flat. He & Genie barely share a scene lately.

  3. Today's SS rocks! Thank you.
    Do not care one bit about Charlotte or her mother's obsession to find her. Lulu would be a better character without her.
    If Sidwell was trailing Natalia wouldn't he already know about her and Sonny? He sounded so surprised.
    At this point Drew and Willow deserve each other. Into the sunset they should go.
    Puppy Bowl today! Enjoy your Sunday.

  4. Another 8 inches of snow here.............

    1. Still feel for Lynn Herring; she and her husband were married a LONG time

    2. Yes. They were married for over 40 years. I feel her pain.

  5. -----I am intrigued by WHY Brennan wants JOSS to help and WHY he cares about Cyrus and Austin's house, etc. There was a moment I thought Austin isn't really dead and the WSB has him......and HE comes back and kills Austin but we don't know for a time that it is Austin.....but I DO think he is gonna be back somehow...
    -----I don't think Blaze is Sidwell's daughter though......but the son we have never seen? Maybe....I just want Natalia GONE
    ----This is the worst February sweeps ever -----------Brook Lynn made up story/Kai and Trina/Lucky is a bust/Joss is whiny etc------except Carly exposing WIllow at the Metrocourt.
    (DISCLAIMER - I DO realize that watching the 2019 episodes are influencing how I am judging these shows....)

  6. by the way - HOW does Nina plan to break up Willow and Drew cause "she can get in the house' what does that even mean?????

  7. I can't see I'm not missing much. I catch clips on FB and sometimes via the link that Sonya shared but my streaming plan doesn't include the networks so I don't watch on TV anymore. However, I am re-watching episodes on Amazon Prime. They're now in late 2019 right before Covid. Nikolas has returned. The actor got a bad rap. Marcus was a decent recast. The writing was good for him in the beginning...but failed toward the end of his run. I'm wondering if in 5 years I'll look back on what's airing now and see it in a different way. But right now, not much is watchable because the stories aren't there. Back in 2019...whether we liked it or not, there at least were stories driving the show. So many wasted opportunities. Rebecca Budig, Tamara Braun, Michael Easton, Roger Howarth...even Ingo Rademacher (despise his politics, but he's great as Jax). Even the character of Jordan was more prominently featured. The current actress is stunning but she's on so rare she's like an extra.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...