Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Mixed Day


Some of the cast will appear TODAY on Jennifer Hudson's show. Check your local listings. Will prob be on YouTube tomorrow. 

I had mucho dental work done this morning for a bridge. I've had trouble with ONE damn molar since I was in my late 20s and it just goes ON and ON and.. ON. I had an implant for 28 years and now it's this. SO MUCH NOVOCAINE! 

Anyway, Today's SHOW: (has there ever been a dentist on a soap??) 

Joss goes to break into Cyrus' apartment. The super stops her and then lets her in when she says she's getting a food list from "Brother Cyrus".  She enters the room. He goes to fix pipes. She finally finds a bible and in there is a daisy and I think someone gave that to Sam? The super comes back in and she leaves. 

Brad tells Cyrus to get out of the hospital.  Cyrus finally leaves. 

Liz and Lucky's dancing is interrupted by Ric. He tells Liz she can go back to work at GH. Luckys' snotty to him. THEN he ASKS him for help with Cyrus!! Wants to know what his parole conditions are. Ric will find out as a favor to Liz. 

Alexis tells Molly and Krissy she wants to tell Danny that Sam was murdered. Molly goes to pick her up and Kristina says "not a good idea". In the most stupid dialog exchange I've heard in awhile, Kristina thinks Danny is "too young" and they "don't even know the killer". Alexis asks how long they would have to wait until the killer is found and Kristina says: Well, Maybe Dad could help. :EYEROLL: WTF. Like the internet doesn't exist so Danny WILL find out. Alexis says Sam would have wanted them to tell him. 

Cody goes into the Q kitchen and sees Dante. Dante tells him that Sam was murdered.  They are sad. Molly shows up and takes Danny. Would have been nice to give Dante a heads up, no? 

Nina finds Willow at the Gate House. Willow tells her Carly was there and bolted before drinking her tea.

Metro Court. Drew says Jason probably used 'power' to get Sasha pregnant--Carly's like shut up. Sasha gets up and says THIS IS MY LIFE! She says to leave her and her baby daddy alone. BUT-- doesn't say Jason isn't the father. The ladies at the table gossip a bit. Tracey wants to talk to Willow but Brook goes instead. Brook stomps into Willow's and tells her what happened at The Metro. 

Drew wants to talk to Maxie about getting "a mother's advice". Um..okay? He bought a house and wants help decorating. After talking Maxie says you're a good dad and I'll help. 

Anna and Lulu talk about things. Where's Brennan? Would Carly know? Anna's knocking back whiskey-- because of Jason?? I'm not sure. 

Sasha goes to the Qs and confronts Cody. BUT she still doesn't say Jason isn't the father. He leaves. Tracey comes in and is surprisingly soft...she wants to talk to Sasha. She says it doesn't matter who the dad is she'll have her full support. 

Carly goes to GH and Lucas is all quizzing her about Jack Brennan. Jack went to see him and he wants to know if she's dating a WSB agent and if they've slept together. VERY cute scene. Very natural. Carly eats a sucker. Lucas says he should have told her all these things when she hooked up with Sonny. Jack's a liar. 

Anna says that Valentin was sighted in Germany but he's gone

Tracey will stand with Sasha, knows what it's like to be a single  mother and she raised Dillion alone, away from PC. 

Liz says she's all in on framing Cyrus if that's what it takes

Cyrus sees someone was poking around in his room. 


  1. Yesterday we saw NuJack and Hayden look-a-like in front of a cabin. Wasn't Cyrus mentioned? Joss goes to his apartment. I am confused.
    Maxie helping Drew is ridiculous and disgusting. But what was really worse was when Drew said he wanted to keep Scout in the "school she is at". Who is writing this??? Maybe it's minor but simple correct grammar should be required. This makes me mad.
    Elizabet wants to frame Cyrus? Again I ask who the heck is writing this crap.
    No, I don't think there has ever been a dentist. At least on any ABC soaps. Sorry for your discomfort Karen.

    1. "Zazu says, Elizabet wants to frame Cyrus? Again I ask who the heck is writing this crap."

      Yeah that's what I want to know!!!!!!

      "No, I don't think there has ever been a dentist."

      I wish there was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    2. I've heard characters use "her" when it should be "she" so many times!! I often wonder if the dialog was written that way, or the actor actually thinks that is correct.

  2. There were a lot of funny one liners today. :)

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Lucky: Awwww dancing. Looks like they are about to kiss! OH HI RIC! :D

    Liz, Lucky, and Ric: YAY! Liz can go back to work! Thank you Ric! Hug him Liz!!! :) Lucky is the one who wins the line of the day.

    Lucky: GH caved. They want you to go away, and I can relate.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Lucky is so jelly. :)

    Liz and Ric: Liz it's freezing outside! Get your coat!!! Great scene. :)

    Liz and Lucky: Wait what?! Set Cyrus up? Yeah I know that Liz changed, but I don't like her changing like that. It's not surprising that Lucky would do it, but come on! Not Liz!! I don't want Cyrus set up! I want him to go to jail when he is caught! Unless they mean to set him up as in to get caught. To catch him in the act. Hmmmm.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Sasha: GO SASHA GO GO GO GO GO!!! :D

    Lucy, Brooky, Lulu, Maxie, and Tracy: Hahaha. Lucy will always be Lucy. Never change Lucy! :)

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Anna: Yeah Anna won't help you, you slimeball! HA!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Maxie: Yeah right if Maxie told him what she REALLY thought, then he will just be so rude to her.

    Anna and Lulu: Waste of time.

    Lucy, Lulu, Maxie, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery:

    Ryan Lavery: Should my ears be burning?

    Lucy: Actually your entire head should be burning.


    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: You gotta tell Danny Cheeto the truth Krissy or he will learn it from somewhere else!!!! NOT telling him is a mistake. Sonny could help? What?!?!?!!

    Alexis, Krissy, Molly, and Danny Cheeto: Will Alexis decide not to tell him?

    Q mansion:

    Dante and Cowboy Cody: Give him a hug Cowboy Cody!!!!

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: The way she was looking at him, RUN COWBOY CODY RUN! ROFL! Anyway great scene!!! GO SASHA GO!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Sasha and Tracy: Awwwww. Great scene!

    Willow's home:

    Willow and Nina: Nina did you like that pat down you got? I bet you did. ;)

    Willow, Nina, and Brooky: Willow!!!! Listen to Brooky and Nina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nina tell Willow the truth about you and Drew aka Ryan Lavery!!

    Cyrus's home:

    Carly Jr (Joss) and the super: That was really odd hearing her say God bless you. ROFL!

    Carly Jr (Joss) alone: I guess that is a flower she found. It looked like pot to me too. :)

    Cyrus alone: Oh oh. Will he think it was Carly Jr?

    The hospital:

    Brad and Cyrus: GO BRAD GO! Although be careful! Yikes!!! Where is Portia? Someone get Portia!

    Lucas and Carly: Brennan was there? Huh?

    Lucas: Have you slept with him?

    LUCAS!!!! Ewwwww! ROFL!

    Lucas: You cannot be okay being with someone who refuses to tell you the truth.

    Lucas are you talking about Carly with Brennan? Or are you talking about you with Brad? :)

    1. It looked like a dried sun flower to me. The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, justice and truth ” ( Ephesians 5: 9 ). Just as sunflower flowers produce oil, the believer who sets his sights on God shows his characters of goodness, righteousness and truth.

    2. "Di says, It looked like a dried sun flower to me. The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, justice and truth ” ( Ephesians 5: 9 ). Just as sunflower flowers produce oil, the believer who sets his sights on God shows his characters of goodness, righteousness and truth."

      Ooooo thank you Di!!!! :)

    3. Thank you Dirus. Sorry Di, I couldn't help myself lol

    4. Remember that Cyrus left a flower on or next to Lulu as she slept, before she was recast. Dante went crazy because someone had been in her room. Probably means nothing.

  3. So many annoying and delusional people on this show, Drew, willow and Kristina being the worst. Whish Cyrus wld kill them... idk what is with Anna and Cody's dumb behavior lately, they need to grow up.

  4. I want Willow, Drew, Lucy, Cody, Cyrus, Lulu and Lucy to go on a 'three hour tour' abooard a boat and be gone for like 8 years.......



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...