Friday, December 27, 2024

Frosty Friday!


Anyone watch Hot Frosty? LOL...what a ridiculous movie but so fun. (Netflix)  Hallmark but tongue in cheek. Maybe Drew can change INTO a snowman and just melt away?!!! 


Lulu is in Prague already and waiting for Char in a bar that looks like every other bar they use for a bar in Europe. LOL they see each other through the window. Charlotte comes in with her suitcase. She's taller than Lulu! They talk and that's NOT a suitcase, sorry. She's going to have to leave before Papa finds out. Lulu wants Char to come home.  Charlotte says she can't. Papa would be all alone and Lulu has a lot of people in Port Charles. 

Marty wants to meet with Laura and Alexis. They are all in the mayor's office. Marty heard from Greece and Ace is the new heir to the fortune and Alexis is the executive. AHAHAHA. Then Laura and Alexis decide they should just give all the money away to charity. BTW, Nikolas isn't dead so how's he not getting the money? Martin says they can't give his money away, it's there until he comes of age. 

Joss is working at Bobbie's, talking to Jason-- she has to keep working.  She wants to find who knifed Dex. Jason leaves. Then Brennan comes in and orders a burger. She has a favor for him. She wonders if the WSB satellites could tell who stabbed Dex. He says no, they only keep the footage for 48 hours. 

Emma comes into Anna's after being at the gym all morning. Anna is like "Well, you were out until 4am". Anna found out that Robin didn't know Emma was in PC-- and Emma actually got expelled from Berkley. She had a big party and a sprinkler went off and the dorm rooms destroyed. She was out for 2 months and her parents didn't know because she impersonated her mother on the phone. She's registered at PCU and Anna says she's going to live with her where she can keep an eye on her.  Emma says NOPE she signed a lease. Anna says unsign it. Then Emma flounces out to get a coffee. Jason walks in. He tells Anna Lulu found Charlotte and Anna realizes she probably led the WSB to Valentin. 

Later, A VERY awkward scene with Joss and Emma. Emma's acting like an ass and that Joss shouldn't be working in a 'diner'. She orders some fancy Starbucks drink thing. She also tells her she saw Cam all the time in CA because their colleges were close. SHE introduced him to Gretchen. 

Maxie and Sasha are at the nail place and Sasha wants to move to the Hamptons. Um, she get a lot of money from somewhere? Maxie wants to know who the father is. She knows it has to be someone because Sasha wants to move.

Michael and Diane. He tells her that Willow and Drew messed around. She asks about all of it. He tells her about the nanny cam and them doing it in the playroom and she's all "EWWW ICKY". She said he shouldn't have let her take the kids. 

Ava gives Trina a painting instead of a bonus because of her financial distress. Trina thanks her and Kai comes into the Metro dining room. He orders a beer and pouts alone. It's so hard being a hot-jock. EVERYONE wants a piece of him. Just then a guy and his kid come in to get a selfie with him. 


Lulu puts a tracker in Charlotte's purse. 

Brennan says to pull footage from Rice Square. He lied to Joss. 


Valentin is in the WINDOW!! JPS IS BACK! 


  1. ----what day is it after Christmas??? Brennan said last night but Maxie said she was glad the holidays were over. AND Michael was supposed to eat breakfast with Willow and kids on CHRISTMAS and yet he hasn't seen them?  the papers said Dec 27

    ----Sasha can afford to buy a house?----Watchin the 2018 episodes on Freevee - Charlotte is LITTLE and loves Nina/Nina found Sasha etc but Charlotte is SOOO grown up...-----
    Nope, I do not like this character of Emma.....she is annoying....and not like Emma that we know - I would NOT care if it was a new character but this is EMMA...I WILL however happily accept this version of Emma if Anna will STOP crying about EVERYTHING...(forget solving murder cases/she has her hands full)------wonder what the purpose of this new storyline/new Emma is? There aren't any guy college kids except Gio - and Joss and Trina wouldn't be candidates for friends...---I don't even like her smirks like with Joss.....

    -----will Dex ever have a funeral or how about contacting his family?---

    --is SPENCER alive or did Valentin name Ace as the heir....why didn't Alexis and Laura ASK who did all of this???-

    --Lulu has a passport, visa, money, credit card and a freakin TRACKER???----
    -oooo I hope Brennan sees it was Cyrus who stabbed Dex..he would be a hero--

    -JPS in the house -WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!

  2. Well, in one day...they destroyed Emma. Congratulations, a new record lol. I get that characters grow up, change. But this one has Esme vibes. The original was far more interesting.

    1. GH is never happy until they DESTROY every character. Why not? They destroyed Anna, Valentin, Nicholas, Emma, Laura, Ava at times, Carly, Willow etc etc. etc.

  3. Trina and Kai. Is it too late for Most Painful Pairing of 2024? This actor is painfully green.

  4. I haven't watched, just read the blog. But, it really infuriates me how these "writers" have totally reversed Emma's character. I mean, is there an ABC mandate to kill this show?

  5. Laura's office:

    Laura, Alexis, and Marty: Wait yeah Nik isn't dead, so this whole scene is confusing.

    Anna's home:

    Anna and Emma: Expelled?! From Berkley?!!? Why is she rebelling? I hope she doesn't say that her parents don't understand her and that they are neglecting her and they spend all their time with Noah!

    Emma: TBH.


    Anna and Jason: When Jason said that Lulu found Charlie, I thought Anna was going to hug him. Whew! Glad she didn't.


    Joss and Jack: I'm thinking is Jack lying about the video being deleted? Hmmm.

    Jack alone: AH HA! I knew it! He was lying.. Why though?

    Joss and Emma: What the hell was that all about?!

    The nail salon:

    Maxie and Sasha: I hope Sasha doesn't move!!!!!

    Miller and Davis office:

    Diane and Michael: Yup! This is ALL Nina! She is manipulating Willow. Michael it's sweet that you don't want a divorce, but Willow wants that scuzzball, so divorce time!

    Diane: Drew. Drew Cane? Turned Quartermaine. Your uncle Drew?

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Trina: I love Trina and Ava's hair! Who does their hair?! They are magic. :)

    Trina and Kai: Zzzzzz.

    Trina, Kai, and 2 football fans:

    The football fan guy wins the line of the day

    Football fan guy: Nothing is more important than football.


    Trina and Kai: Oh goodie. They are going off to have some fun. Zzzzzz. Where is Gio?

    Prague restaurant:

    Lulu and waiter: Lulu did you really have to ask the name of the restaurant? I mean the name is right outside the building isn't it?! Just a dumb scene.

    Lulu and Charlie: Geez Lulu is so pushy! Charlie said no! She don't want her papa alone and I love that! :) Glad Lulu stopped being pushy, but then a tracker? Where did she get a tracker from?! V.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my he looks so creepy, but yet zexy at the same time. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to watch people slap!* Kim, Lucy, Nina, and Reese hits! :)

  6. Replies
    1. This Emma is rebelling is SO STUPID. Another character being ruined. Shocker

    2. lindie says, YAY Valentin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      YAY!!!!!!!!!! :D

      "This Emma is rebelling is SO STUPID. Another character being ruined. Shocker"

      I KNOW!!!! So stupid! Oh and I forgot to mention about while Jack was leaving Bobby's did you see that guy at the table with long hair? Man he was hot! :)

  7. Don't like Laura's blouse, but she always looks so good in BLUE

    1. Yes, the blouse didn't suit her but I loved the buttons on the sleeves of her jacket.

  8. This is interesting. Especially Michael and violence. And clearly Sonny is having a heart attack

  9. So glad they brought another totally unlikeable character on board. Did they change Emma because they so drastically changed Anna?
    I am in a small minority of not caring at all about Charlotte or her "poppa" (that's the way I see it spelled in my mind).
    Drab show.



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