Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Just a Flesh Wound



Sasha is decorating a tiny gingerbread house for the 'main decoration for the Q dinner and Maxie walks in to see Lulu. Lulu's not there. They talk a bit about Sasha being PG. Willow walks in! She's all pissy to Sasha. Grabs Amelia's medicine and leaves. Maxie wants to know why they are so cold to each other.  Then Sasha and Maxie talk about cheating and Maxie being with Lucky and Liz judging her. Sasha says shes' not going too tell the father about the baby. 

Lulu is at Nina's office wanting to know where Charlotte is. Nina's like: I don't know. Lulu doesn't believe her. Nina says she's not with Valentin anymore anyway. Lulu yells at Nina about being a bitch to her and trying to get custody of Charlotte. Then Nina gets a call from Erica Kane and Lulu grabs the phone an hangs it up. Security comes. Lulu says she's going to call her cousin Carly, who's everyone's boss and tell her what's happening. 

Carly comes in and is so shocked to see how Lulu looks and hugs her. She says she doesn't think Nina knows where Charlotte is but she might be able to help her. 

Curtis called Drew into his office about the CEO Job and giving it to Michael. Drew tells him sorry, he changed his plans. BUT doesn't tell him Michael is taking over! He's faking it..!! Curtis says he knows he's a man of his word and he'll be happy to talk to him later. Then Michael comes in and Drew leaves. Curtis says that Drew didn't tell him about the CEO thing but wants to meet the 22nd. He says Drew is going to get what's coming to him. 

Jack is in Carly's office and throws the bug on her desk he found. He's not happy. He said he only called Valentin as a favor to her. They banter. Blah blah. He's so angry. She's defiant. She gets a phone call and leaves. 

Trina gets an email from Kai and he finished his half of their project during the night. She says it's awesome. She's miffed because it might be better than her part. She says he didn't use AI because she checked. Was she too hard on him? Joss says YEP! 

Lucas finds out that Brad is going to Miami and he's surprised. Not really happy but he says they are professionals and can do this. 

Rice Plaza: Felicia, Georgie and James looking for a tree. Dex comes along and introduces his new partner, Lauren. Cyrus is trying to get people to give to the kettle drive. Felicia is not happy to see him. OMG..then a big FIGHT breaks out with drunk PCU and Llanview guys!! ahahaha. Felicia sends James away because he wants to watch. Cops come and breaks it all up. Dex takes some vodka from a guy and goes to pour it out. When he does, someone knifes him in the back and he falls down. 
That was less than dramatic. Dex is in GH, talking with Chase and telling him what happened. Lucas comes to treat him. He says the wound is not by any organs and such. Dr. Gannon will operate on him soon. 

Over at the Square, Chase questions Cyrus who pulls and innocent act. Felicia tells Chase she was right there and saw it all. She gives him details and thinks that Dex was targeted because he was alone and isolated at that point. 

Felicia says that there's a part missing about the Dex stabbing but she's not sure what. 

Joss finds out Dex was stabbed

Carly takes Lulu to Brennan and says he can get in touch with Valentin. 

Willow tells Drew she's going to tell Michael after Christmas that they slept together. 


  1. I often judge the episode by time going slowly or fast.  When it was only 30 minutes in and I thought surely it's the end = not a great day.I'm the problem:
    ----don't care about Brad and Lucas--
    ---Lulu was ridiculous with Nina (the whole convo)- I am beginning not to like her.--
    --don't care about Trina and Kai--
    ---I DO think the kids fighting is gonna tie in to Dex's stabbing--otherwise no point--that we think Cyrus did it but a college kid did it OR he claims one of them did it.....clearly the gloves were a large man and it was Cyrus's coat..---  But it was very anticlimactic, which must mean Cyrus tries again at GH with an IV?  #wherearethecameras----Thanks GH for ruining Cyrus, too.....I am SO ready for him to be caught and go away.....----

    Sasha/Drew/Willow - don't care--
    --I MIGHT care about Curtis' revenge if it was gonna be good---maybe CURTIS shows the video at the party???--
    -I'm fascinated that very few women EVER carry a purse - very few - but of all things - LULU has a PURSE?  WHAT is in there?  #thisisridiculous
    ---very picky but young people do not have the ringtone of a phone LOL
    I DO still like Brennan and Carly though......

    1. Lulu and Nina never did like each other

    2. I'm hoping he airs the tape at the Q's Christmas party. lol

    3. "Mufasa says, When it was only 30 minutes in and I thought surely it's the end = not a great day.I'm the problem"


      "maybe CURTIS shows the video at the party???"

      Oh I hope so!!!!! :)

    4. I'm betting $5 in Rice Plaza coupons that Wiley gets bored with the party and wants to watch cartoons on Dad's phone. He accidentally hits "Play on TV", and the nanny-cam video.

    5. "Judith says, I'm betting $5 in Rice Plaza coupons"


      "that Wiley gets bored with the party and wants to watch cartoons on Dad's phone. He accidentally hits "Play on TV", and the nanny-cam video."

      Hey! That sounds plausible! :) Although I don't want Wiley to watch the video! I hope maybe he accidentally shares it with the world.

    6. Wiley is still young enough to be hustled off with, "Isn't nice that Mummy and Uncle Drew were hugging? Just a shame they fell on the floor and all their clothes popped off. Who wants cookies?!?"

    7. "Judith says, Wiley is still young enough to be hustled off with, "Isn't nice that Mummy and Uncle Drew were hugging? Just a shame they fell on the floor and all their clothes popped off. Who wants cookies?!?"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's good! :) You win. :)

  2. and by the way - Willow leaves her sick daughter to go meet Drew in PUBLIC?

    1. Willow works and there's several nannies at the Q;s.

  3. OK, so if Cyrus is the one to stab Dex, then WHY? Was he started to put 2 and 2 together about something Cyrus did? I don't get it

    1. Dex said he saw Cyrus at the hospital on Hallowe'en and that would make Cyrus a suspect for the poisoning.

    2. Thanks Di. I don't watch much anymore. Mostly just come on here

    3. You miss a lot by not watching at all. People here often only discuss bits and pieces that they like or don't like a lot of the time. And others, like you, don't watch and just go by what they read online. And we all know how unreliable that is. ...I usually tape the show and then watch it. I Fast forward through parts I get bored with, usually the filler stuff, But I watch the main conversations and follow the main story-lines. If something is mentioned that I seem to have missed I can go back and watch that part again.

  4. Rice plaza:

    Felicia, James, and Georgie: Haha no James you do not need to watch idiot drunk college boys fight!!! :)

    The college boys: Damn! Where the hell are the cops when you need them? Oh there Dex is! Wait! Dex you can't just look into the boy's bag without a search warrant!!!

    Dex alone: Man!!!!! Dex sucks at being a cop! First he looks through a boy's bag, and then he gets stabbed! Where the hell is your cop instincts Dex? I don't want him to die!!!! I also don't want Joss to lose another boyfriend. :(

    Chase and Cyrus: Yes Cyrus acting all innocent. ROFL! Hmmm or maybe he is and he is just a red herring? Hmmm.

    Felicia and Chase: Great scene! Felicia was very helpful! Being married to a cop really helps her. :)

    The hospital:

    Lucas and Dex: Whew! Dex will be okay!!! YAY! And Dex is shirtless!!! :D

    Lucas's thoughts: You are going to be just fine handsome. You look really good shirtless.

    Lucas and Brad: Great scene!!! :D

    Lucas calling Joss: Yeah it doesn't matter if you say he is fine now, he was stabbed and that's all she is going to think about.

    Joss and Trina: Oh goodie. Kai is a good guy after all! *Facepalm* Where is Gio?

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Lulu: Wow Lulu really reminds of me of Julie Marie Berman!!! Lulu! Nina does NOT know where Charlotte is!!!!!!! Ooooo Erica Kane!!!! YAY! :D Whoa Lulu you do NOT hang up on Erica Kane!!!!!

    Lulu and Carly: Well, I'm glad Lulu believes Carly! Yes Carly knows who to talk to.

    Brennan's office:

    Carly and Brennan: Yeah you see? I don't like that Carly bugged Brennan's office! I want them together!!!! They need to forgive each other!

    Carly, Brennan and Lulu: You heard Lulu! Start dialing!!!

    Q kitchen:

    Maxie and Sasha: Oh seriously Maxie?!?!! You have no character growth at all when it comes to the situation you had back then with Liz?! You freakin slept with her husband! What did you want her to do?! Give you a cookie?! If this was the other way around you would be furious! Unbelievable!

    Maxie, Sasha, and Willow: Uh wow! It's good to see you Maxie. Willow has turned into a 13 year old girl.

    Rice plaza:

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: They have a scene together and I rolled my eyes. I really don't want them to be a couple. I just wanted them to sleep together so that Michael and Willow can get divorced. I want Drew aka Ryan Lavery with Nina. Willow doesn't seem to look guilty about sleeping with him. Before she was all upset over a kiss, now after sleeping with him, it's all meh I'll tell Michael.

    Willow's thoughts: If it's over between Michael and I, that's okay I will be with Drew. I can trust him. He wouldn't keep anything from me and lie to me.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's thoughts: Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina. Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina.

    Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Curtis looks so FOINE!!! Mmmmmmmm! Now Curtis take your shirt off. ;)

    Michael and Curtis: Yes Curtis get your revenge on Drew aka Ryan Lavery. Revenge is best served cold and chilly! :) Show that beautiful bean footage!!! :) Or would it be called beautiful hump footage? :D

    1. Th boys were in the act of committing a crime and were threatening to kill each other. He had every right to stop them and search the bag the kid had been reaching for.

    2. "Di says, The boys were in the act of committing a crime and were threatening to kill each other. He had every right to stop them and search the bag the kid had been reaching for."

      Oh okay. I thought he would need a search warrant. Oh well. The look on that boy's face when Dex took the alcohol hahaha! Priceless.

  5. It was so nice to have an episode without Kristina! Here's hoping that she's not in tomorrow's either!
    I think that Cyrus stabbed Dex because he thinks that Dex saw him near Sam's room.
    I also don't like Lulu anymore; she was awful with Nina today.
    Love Brennan!
    Can't wait for Drew to go down!

  6. I understand the Lulu scenes with Nina. Lulu was in a bad place with Nina before the coma, so I get her anger. She is still in that "time." Also, I think that the writers (and the actress -Alexa) want to establish right away that this is a "strong" Lulu. Maybe they are pushing it over the line a little, with Nina.

    The missed opportunity here is with Nina empathizing with Lulu, because Nina was also in a coma for many years. Not just the "missing your daughter" but missing your entire life. Did they touch on that?

  7. I actually like Lulu and never liked Neener (Nina)

  8. When Felicia said that "there was something missing" from her memory, there was a part of me that thought maybe Felicia blacked out and did the stabbing. Like, she's going to have a split personality. LOL Now, that would be soapy!

  9. I think the part Felicia was missing is that while Cyrus was stabbing Drew the bell wasn't ringing. She subconciously noticed it.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...