Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Merry, Happy Happy!


Just a note to say how much I appreciate those of you that read the blog and the few of you that comment!! It's always strange to sit on this side of the keyboard and wonder if anyone is ever going to read your stuff. 

I've been doing this so long it's probably time to hang it up but I just can't quit GH. The community we've built here and on other social media platforms is priceless. I wish I had enough money to have a super Wub Party Bash-O-Rama and invite everyone for a fun filled weekend somewhere warm!! 

This year on the show had it's ups and downs. Hopefully the writing roller-coaster has settled a bit. I do feel like some "cleaning house" has been happening with the cast (not always agreed upon by me!!) and who knows what 2025 will bring. With Emma Drake back and perhaps more 20 somethings coming it could shift to a younger set. I'm all for that. 

It will also be an interesting year as "Beyond The Gates" will start in February on CBS. For me, it will air the same time as GH: 2pm/est.  I really wish it was at 1 or 3 because I'd love to start it fresh and maybe live sky it a bit. BUT, GH comes first for me and I'll have to catch it later in the evening. 

Here's hoping you have a wonderful time whatever you do during this season. We are busy cooking and baking and merry-making. Another giant thank you to my second in command, David and also Sonya who recaps on the daily! 



  1. Merry Christmas Eve!!!! :)

    "It's always strange to sit on this side of the keyboard and wonder if anyone is ever going to read your stuff."

    I'm reading!!!! :)

    "I've been doing this so long it's probably time to hang it up"


    "but I just can't quit GH."

    YAY! Neither can I! :)

    "Another giant thank you to my second in command, David"

    Yes! Thank you David!!!!! :)

    "and also Sonya who recaps on the daily!"

    Awwww Karen! :) You're welcome!!!! *BEARHUGS* Love to help! :)

  2. Thank you. The enjoyable part of my day includes daily doses of reading your blog and the peanut gallery's comments.
    I felt Genie Francis' mayoral Merry Christmas wish captured her personal one, too. I felt like it was a nod to all of us who have been watching the show year after year and growing old with her.

    1. I agree. As I said Genie is my favorite. She is not much older than me and I feel that she has been my t.v "friend" since 1977

  3. Genie Francis is my #1 fave of ALL time

  4. Merry Christmas and thanks for keeping up the blog. I have been here lurking since Gedstern days and then when you took that over. I appreciate all that you, David and Sonya do for us.

    1. Aww thank you Vicki! Don't lurk anymore!!! Join in on our fun! :) *BEARHUGS*

    2. OH! You're a VET!! LOL... wow. That's a long time xxoo

  5. I had not watched soaps (ABC only) in year - YEARS. Then when OLTL and AMC were having their swan songs, I stumbled on your blog and it interested me enough that I got back into them in their final months. Then your blog get me back into General Hospital. When there have been times that I couldn't watch (or didn't want to - like months this years with the weird writing), your blog and community kept me informed and when to come back to watch. I don't comment that often but I read every day. It matters.

    1. Welcome back!!! You should comment from now on! :)

    2. I too appreciate all you do Karen, David and Sonya. I don't always watch since it's not always good, but I sure do LOVE this blog. Even so I have been a GH fan since 1977

      Happiest of holidays to all of you that "lurk", post, run this blog. :)

    3. "lindie says, I too appreciate all you do Karen, David and Sonya."

      Awwwwww lindie!!! *BEARHUGS*

  6. Karen you HAVE to continue - I need your blog - WE need your blog - I need everyone's thoughts ----it is SO fun to comment and see what others are thinking. Ya'll are my friends - whether you like it or not!!!!

    1. Agreed 100%. Merry Christmas. You are all my friends too!!!!!!! Wish we could all meet

      Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I just discovered old episodes of GH are running round the clock on the streaming service Freevee. They are currently airing 2018 and the plots driving the show are Dawn of Day, Alex/Anna. I have to say...some of it is quite compelling and more interesting to watch than what's airing today. Michael Easton and Finola Hughes had more chemistry than I remembered. The beginning of the Nina-Willow conflict started, with Michelle Stafford playing Nina. Willow was far more interesting back then with Chase. Also interesting to watch the previous actresses playing Kristina and Molly and I have to say, the recasts have really captured and continued what those characters are about. They haven't missed a beat. Also interesting to see Kelly Monaco actually a major player in a story. She was definitely wasted in the last few years.

    1. THEY ARE? WOW, I had no clue!! I really wish they'd go way back to the 80s. Thanks for letting me know!

    2. Ditto. Would LOVE to see the 80s again and very early 90s

    3. WHAT?!?!?!! They are?!!!?! WOW!!!! :0 Thanks for letting us know!

    4. I never post but read this daily, I really appreciate all of you. I started watching GH when AMC and OLTL were cancelled. I also watch the CBS soaps and GH is by far my favorite.

    5. "Holly says, I never post but read this daily, I really appreciate all of you"

      Awww Hi Holly! :) You should start posting.. We don't bite. :) *BEARHUGS*

      "I started watching GH when AMC and OLTL were cancelled."

      I started watching Y&R when AMC was cancelled. :)

      "I also watch the CBS soaps and GH is by far my favorite."

      YAY! :D

    6. been watching today - Kristina being inituted in DOD - wow oh wow they have SOOOO changed Kristina's character - from that version to this version with Kate M that I canno stand......

    7. Yeah I watched the first half of it!! UGH Hiney! I don't miss him!

    8. I just watched more and there was the scene with Chillow!!! I love them so much!!! My Chillow heart exploded!!! It's the first time they had zex. He kept making sure she is okay!!! GAH! I love Chase. :)

    9. The Dawn of Day story was better than I remembered because it involved a huge number of characters. And it kind of topical. Shiloh was a much better baddie than Peter August and totally creepy. I think Lexi Ainsworth's interpretation of Kristina is pretty much the same as Kate Mansi's. Kristina is still impulsive, erractic, is run by her emotions. I also think the current actress who plays Molly has nailed the same mannerisms from Hailey Poulos. The recasts are believable to me...what's not as great today vs. then is the story. Michelle Stafford's pairing with Roger Howarth's Franco was a bust. But seeing these scenes with Valentine...there was chemistry there. I also think Cynthia Watros has done a pretty good job keeping the character consistent from Michelle Stafford's interpretation...Though never in a million years could I see Michelle Stafford playing opposite Maurice Bernard. Seeing Billy Miller again. How sad. He was underrated and the show did him a tremendous disservice. The story of Josslyn and Oscar was poignant. Willow...I have no use for the character now...but I found her interesting back then. She played the damsel in distress to the hilt and she had chemistry with Josh Swickard. Looking forward to the point where they introduce Spencer and Esme for the first time and seeing how Nicholas Chavez grew as an actor. I remember he was pretty green in the beginning.

    10. so this morning I get up to watch and it is the same episodes from yesterday - what is going on there? I was waiting for the Nurses Ball!!!

  8. and not a complaint - but Ava looks better today-Laura looked better then-Sam looked better then and Felicia looks exactly the same! LOL

    1. Kristina Wagner never ages. Jack Wagner was an idiot to cheat on her; just had to say that

  9. Karen - I read your blog regularly and am amazed by your dedication to it. Thanks as well to Sonya and Dave. You are all so clever and funny! Don't ever stop! Happy Holidays to one and all!

    1. "Karen - I read your blog regularly and am amazed by your dedication to it."

      Yeah she is awesome. :)

      "Thanks as well to Sonya and Dave. You are all so clever and funny! Don't ever stop!"

      You're welcome and awwww thank you. :) I hope you join us more and make comments! :)

      "Happy Holidays to one and all!"

      Happy Holidays to you too! :)

  10. I'm a relative newbie here but definitely enjoy the recaps and the commentariat. Happy New Year to all!

    1. HI!!! Welcome to the board! :) Happy new year to you too! :)



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...