Tuesday, December 3, 2024



Yeah,  I have stuff to do and I'm needing a little break from the show because I'm getting way too crabby watching!! Between these middle of the night scenes and Lulu just floating around it's not doing it for me. 

We got our first snow today!! Only a covering but it's here. Cold too. Like Brrrrrrrr. Cold!! 

Have a good day. I think it will still be in the middle of the night for today's show-- who knows!! 


  1. Kevlar home:

    Lucky and Lulu: Great scene!!! Lulu sees something is different with Dante. Lucky had to tell her about Sam and the liver transplant and her death, Lulu figured out what's different about Dante! He loved Sam and he is grieving!! Lucky had to tell her about Luke's death and she cried. :( Oh yes he also talked about his parasite. Good ol Parasite. That parasite is so loyal to Lucky. :) Damn I can't even call her coma zombie girl because these are great scenes with her brother.

    Laura's office: Why the hell is Laura in her office and not out looking for Lulu?! This isn't like her at all!

    Laura and Anna: What?! Anna is searching for Lulu?!!! HUH?!

    Laura, Cyrus, and Anna: Great scene!!!! Cyrus in handcuffs! ROFL! Yes Cyrus is responsible for Lulu's disappearance!

    The Q boathouse:

    Jarly and Danny Cheeto: Great scene! Danny Cheeto is going through so many different emotions. Carly says it's okay! He does tell them that Lulu is awake!

    Jason on the phone with Anna: Anna wants to talk to Jason at her home, to talk about Charlie! They gotta find her! Why at your house Anna? Why not at your office? Are they going to be so angry that they end up having zex? I hope not!

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and James: Maxie calls her dad and she found out Lulu is awake!! James says I told you so. ROFL!

    Maxie and Dante: Maxie is all excited about Lulu being awake! Dante wins the line of the day.

    Dante: What took you so long?

    ROFL! Wait what was with the fake flashback of Lulu and Maxie? Why does Lulu have black hair? What's with the black wig?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *dead*

    Tolly home:

    Molly and her journal: Reading from her journal about TJ. I wonder how many journals she has. I have 2 diaries and 1 journal. :)

    Molly and Ric: Great scene!!! All the things she said to Krissy, Ric said it on the stand. She doesn't want Ric to be there right now. Awwww. :(

    Deception office:

    Sonny and Natalia: Sonny brought up how she perjured herself on the stand. And of course Sonny blames Ric for using his daughter just like Cates did. Oy! This was a boring scene!

    1. That wig! 😆 Made zero sense. Alexa is killing it as Lulu! 😍

    2. No one is out looking for Lulu because they don't know she made it to Port Charles. She wasn't in the hospital there.

    3. "Di says, No one is out looking for Lulu because they don't know she made it to Port Charles. She wasn't in the hospital there."

      Well, Laura did put a BOLO alert out on her, but it was strange that Anna went looking for Lulu. Laura should be out doing that. BOLO alert is just not enough. There should be an APB out too. Hmmm. Maybe helicopters.. ROFL!

    4. Baby Leslie Lu did have jet black hair but only then. Alexa is terrific! Felt sorry for Ric since he looked hurt. He's just trying to look out for his daughter finally. Danny always seems to be smiling even when he has to be sad. Inexperience I guess.

    5. "Baby Leslie Lu did have jet black hair but only then."

      Sure, but only when she was a baby! :) Not when she was an adult.

      "Alexa is terrific!"

      She is!!! :)

      "Felt sorry for Ric since he looked hurt. He's just trying to look out for his daughter finally."

      Poor Ric. :(

      "Danny always seems to be smiling even when he has to be sad. Inexperience I guess"

      It's still affective. He breaks my heart. :(

  2. "Paul773 says, That wig!😆"


    "Made zero sense."

    I agree!!!!

    "Alexa is killing it as Lulu! 😍"

    She is!!!! She is doing a great job! :)

  3. Only got half the show today because the ex governor of CT passed and the local channel does love to cover funerals.
    Doesn't really matter because this coma girl, yes sonya that's what I'm calling her, flitting around town and no one with a cell phone to call Laura as she sits at her desk at work. I think GH has hit a note. The lowest one yet. This whole thing is so totally ridiculous. In aminute she will be the head of ELQ, Aurora and/or Deception. The recast is an excellent choice but that's it.

    1. "Zazu says because this coma girl, yes sonya that's what I'm calling her,"

      ROFL! Don't forget Zombie!!! :) Coma girl zombie! :)

      "no one with a cell phone to call Laura as she sits at her desk at work."

      Lucky DID call Laura. :) Oops forgot to mention that. I love Laura's facial expressions! :) She is so expressive! :)

  4. I liked the scenes between Lucky and Lulu, especially Lulu's reaction to Luke's death. Also, Dante has great hair and Laura looked fantastic today.

  5. Breaking news: Lucky washed his hair

    I don’t Come here often I’m too busy doing filler. I thought that lucky and Lulu had incredible brother sister chemistry together and their scenes were just stellar. The writing was good too with lucky slowly, revealing the facts of the things that happened over the past four years. I thought this was a good episode. I mean, even the queen can’t trash this and Sunday surgery. And you are right Alexa is killing it as Lulu.

  6. delcodave says, Breaking news: Lucky washed his hair

    He did?!!??!! :0

    "I don’t Come here often I’m too busy doing filler."

    Filler for what? You gotta come here more! You are funny! :)



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...