Monday, December 9, 2024

Martin Is Back


The shooter news made GH a bit late today but just by a minute or 2, no biggie. It's time to get into a new week. Looks like Christmas! 

The Square has all the Christmas stuff happening. Lucky runs into Liz. They talk about Christmas Trees and picking one out. Memories of when they wanted to move to NYC when they were young come up. Nostalgia! GAH. They take a tree to her house. He's going to help decorate while Aiden is with his friends. Liz says that's great because Aiden probably doesn't want to do it anyway.  Lucky tells her it was hard to tell Lulu about Luke being dead. He says he's staying but needs a job. Liz says he can busk but Lucky says he doesn't have a guitar. She goes up and gets one from upstairs. 

Dex, Joss, Trina and Gio are getting a tree for the girls' apartment. The girls go off to find a tree holder and Dex goes t get coffee and CYRUS pops up and stares at him. Dex says: hey, you know..I saw you on Halloween by Lulu's room. Cyrus gives him a dirty look. 

Back at the apartment, they put up the tree. Gio talks about all his family traditions too trim the tree. Dex gets quiet and I think he's sad because his family sucked. Joss suggests they go out and take a walk because she "forgot something at Rice Plaza..."

Martin is home and sees Laura. She says Lulu has a clean bill of health and her scar just has to heal. They talk about how bad Cyrus is.  They are proud of Lulu getting out of the facility. Laura says how hard it was to tell Lulu all the bad stuff that's happened in the last 4 years. She knows how that goes because she too had a memory/time lapse. Martin hasn't heard from Valentin and has no idea where Charlotte is. 

Alexis and Molly talk about what Kristina said to her.  Molly says if Alexis doesn't take Krissy's side, she'll cut her off. That's why Molly needs to leave. Alexis says no, she's going to take care of her now. Molly wonders how she feels about the verdict. Alexis accepts it and isn't wasting her time blaming Ava. Molly is glad she understands her. They are going to live together for now. 

Over at Puzzoluos', Sonny and Kristina talk about after the trial. Kristina says she doesn't regret telling Molly she was never Adela's mother. Kristina will never forgive Ava for killing HER BABY Adele. Sonny says one way or another, she'll pay. Krissy isn't sure she wants to work in the coffee business. She doesn't want to lead the Youth Organization because she brings controversy to the whole thing. Sonny might have another idea. In the stupidest thing I've heard, he says That PHYLLIS moved back to Nixon Falls and he wants Kristina to RUN CHARLIE'S...????????? Wasn't she already running it???????? He says he'll give her the restaurant. I think I hit my head. WHAT.


OH! Joss and Dex Zex scene

Lucky sings "Elizabeth" to Liz like he did long ago ....with flashbacks

Flashback to Cyrus killing Sam with the digitalis. 


  1. I HATE that they made Cyrus Sam's killer. HATE it.
    Guess the writer's forgot that Kristina ran Charlie's. Totally stupid or intentional? Either way it's really stupid.
    Liz and Lucky are kind of looking like each other...minus the facial hair.

  2. Oh man, I was 14 again watching this episode - Liz and Lucky were my couple back then so the nostalgia was pretty sweet. That said, please don't let Lucky pursue a music career. I say he takes up Sam's PI business - get him involved with Spinelli, Anna, and Jason.

    Cyrus killing Sam has potential. I feel like Dex is in his crosshairs now because Dex knows Cyrus was at the hospital the night she died. Dex is growing on me as a character - I kind of like that he is around (not MIA for weeks and then shows up) / involved with different characters but doesn't really need a story of his own at this point.

    If Cyrus killed Dex, you could have a good investigation story with Lucky/Spinelli looking in to how it all ties together - get Jason and Alexis involved. Or maybe someone murders Cyrus and we have a who done it - nearly everyone in town has a motive.

    I thought today's episode was pretty good. I liked the Alexis/Molly stuff and Sonny/Kristina - I laughed when even Sonny thought Kristina was a bit cruel to Molly and she still didn't see it that way. The Charlie's stuff is silly but I can live with mistakes or rewrites like that if it gets us to a good place.

    1. Lucky singing to Liz and the flashback. I love it. Would like a LL2 reunion IF JJ is sticking around

  3. well at least we know they DID skip Thanksgiving.
    ---writers are stupid and don't care - YES KRISTINA was already running Charlie's cause Phyliis left...................SCREAM
    ------I just can't believe it - Cyrus was SO obvious that I didn't think he would be the killer so now I am wondering if Jeff Kober wanted to end his storyline this way? Cause now there is no going back....and beyond stupid he wanted to kill Sam
    ------what woulda been soapy would have been for Isaiah to be the serial killer/related to his mental state the past years.........I LOVE the actor but we coulda had everything thinking it was Cyrus and then BOOM - Isaiah - OR someone after Liz.
    ----I'm shocked they showed it this early which must be it wraps up soon. (No cameras in the hallways at GH is stupid)
    -----the most ridiculous line for ME was Molly asking 'what if my dad wants to visit?" like she can't meet him somewhere else or even the fact they Ric rarely visits Molly and certainly not at Alexis. LOL

    1. I kinda figured the Cyrus-redemption arc was over when they jammed his hair back into his bad-guy ponytail. Like Samuel L. Jackson says he finds his characters by changing his hair.

  4. Rice plaza:

    Gio, Trina, and Jex: CHRISTMAS?!?!?!! So they just blew off Thanksgiving!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Dex and Cyrus: Cyrus is so creepy! ROFL!

    Lucky and Liz: Great scene!!! History talk! GAH is right! I love it! Yes I remember Liz wanted to be an artist and Lucky wanted to sing in NYC! :) In Greenwich village. :) Great memories!

    Joss and Trina's home:

    Jex, Trina, and Gio: Trina and Gio are fun!!! Great scene! I had my tree decorated and I googled what you should do first. The light first, Tinsel, then the ornaments!!! :) I've been doing it all wrong. I used to put the ornaments first. :)

    Dex's home:

    Jex: I love Joss's bra! I want it I want it!!!! :) Hmmm Joss isn't opening her legs. ROFL! Is this the new zex? Have zex with clothes on, (Brooky) and also to not open your legs. ROFL!

    Laura's office:

    Laura and Marty: HI MARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Wait did bring back his accent? I could have sworn.. Hmmm. Well I love how excited Marty is about Lulu being awake!!! We need a scene with Lulu and Marty! I would love to see a hug. :)

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Krissy: UGH UGH UGH! I hate this scene!! Sonny stop saying you are proud of her!!! Wait Phyllis has moved back to Nixon Falls?!?!! WHAT?!?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Yeah Krissy was the manager of Charlie's!!! So stupid.

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Molly: It's about time Alexis takes care of Molly! Although she should stop making excuses for Krissy. We didn't even get to see Alexis chew out Krissy! Did she chew her out?! Or did Krissy just walk away? You see Alexis? Molly wants to see her father! So you have to put your distain over Ric aside for your daughter. Man Alexis reminds me of my mom.

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Lucky: Lucky wins the line of the day.

    Lucky: You are still directionally challenged.

    ROFL! Lucky you should have told her, HER left from the beginning! :) Oh dammit! Lucky singing to Liz and the flashbacks, made me cry!! :'( I'm glad he can still sing and play while he has that parasite in his head.

    Hospital flashback: IT WAS CYRUS!!!! I thought at first they weren't going to show Sam. Cyrus you naughty bad messy man! :)

  5. WHOA! What a promo!

    1. Oooo maybe someone played that tape of Willow and Drew.

      And I hope you know who is not dead.

    2. Saw that earlier. I hope they don't kill Dex. It's the holidays. Enough already.

    3. "Di says, Oooo maybe someone played that tape of Willow and Drew."

      I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

      "And I hope you know who is not dead."

      Sam? :)

      "zazu says, Saw that earlier. I hope they don't kill Dex. It's the holidays. Enough already."

      Yeah I don't want him to die!!!! I didn't hear anything about the actor leaving. Hmmm.

    4. No. I was just hoping Dex isn't dead but didn't want to put the name in case some people didn't want spoilers.

    5. I think there is a mix-up and the video is played - I do not think it was Michael - BUT I am SOOO ready for it......

    6. "Di says, No. I was just hoping Dex isn't dead but didn't want to put the name in case some people didn't want spoilers."

      Oh! Well, this is just speculating. We don't know what's going to happen. :)

      "mufasa says, I think there is a mix-up and the video is played - I do not think it was Michael - BUT I am SOOO ready for it......"

      I'm SOOO ready for it too!!!!! :)

    7. I am, ok with killing off Dex. He is not on much and others are much better actors that deserve screentime. It would also open a spot at the police academy (Lucky).I would feel for Joss losing another boyfriend.

  6. Adam Huss and his husband on their weird clothing line. I didn't know he is gay and that he is married. Cute shirts!!! :) Come back to GH Adam Huss!!!! :)



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