Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day

In the UK that is...we need to have that in the States I think! Well, hope you had a relaxing 2 days off. 

Rice Square: Kirstina is looking for Lulu and Laura says she's at the Q's waiting to spend it with Rocco. Kristina and Sonny then go admire the tree. She's still hopeful for the New Year because of Sonny. They go to Sonny's place. She talks about redoing Charlie's. 

Brook Lyn shows Chase a pregnancy test "I'm late" He asks if she feels differently..then goes "Oh, you wouldn't know" LOL Brook looks nervous. THEN he says "Our FIRST baby will be special". Anvil Anvil Anvil. Brook isn't pregnant. She's upset and doesn't know what's wrong.  They are going in for tests. 

Over at the Qs, Dante tells Rocco his mom will be there really early because she loves Christmas and yada yada. Rocco's like: Um, she'll have a big day tomorrow for sure!! Then Laura comes in and they figure out she told her she'd be at the Q's and Dante she'd be at Laura's. Rocco finally caves and tells them Charlotte called and Lulu was leaving to find her. Dante is going to the airport and he knows someone there that might find her. 

Meanwhile, LULU is in the airport going to Prague. The Fancy French WSB lady is sitting next to her. "Your first time in Prague"?? yada yada. Then French lady calls Brennan and she says she's going to Prague too and then they can get Valentin. 

Over at Nina's, Ava and Drew and Willow stand around. Then Lucas comes to the door looking for Willow. Willow? Um, ok. He's like, Why isn't he with his father ? I didn't rip my heart out for his. GO LUCAS! Stupid Drew opens his mouth and Willow quickly shuts him up. Lucas lays into her for sleeping with Drew. IT WAS GLORIOUS. Finally, Ava tells Lucas they are leaving. 

Nina and Drew tell Willow she has to fight to keep her children and don't let Michael win. 

Carly's house: . Carly is all giggly about being with Jack and Michael mopes to Jason on the balcony. Joss is trying to act sad. They talk about the rescue in Africa and Joss drops that she knows about mining being in the Environmental Studies in college. Oh cripes, is she going to be a WSB agent? He says one person can help save the world in a smarmy weird speech LOL. Joss goes to bed. Brennan thanks Carly. 

Jason and Michael talk about Willow and the kids. Jason tells Michael to fight for them. 

Maxie's: Emma is like 'SURPRISE GRAM! I'M GOING TO PCU"! we didn't want to tell you, we wanted to surprise you. OMG Emma could be Sasha's twin. Anyway, not sure Anna looks that thrilled.  Anna is going to call Robin and Emma tries to change the subject-- a lot. Doesn't want her to call. They keep talking about Sasha and cooking for the Qs and such. 


Drew and Willow kiss while Nina looks on with a mean face

Dante misses the plane to Prague but the French lady is on there 

Sonny turns out the lights and grabs his chest a bit. Pain subsides but is it a heart attack in the making? 


  1. Oh good, Sonny grabs his chest. More gloom to come.
    Willow and Drew make me physically ill. However, she is of a cult mentality. Like the writers would even factor that in. Just like they did with...
    Totally disregarding anything that Kristina had to do with Charlie's. So bad.
    My vote for best transformed character goes to Jason. He has been great.
    Lastly...I concur. GO LUCAS.

  2. I am just wondering how Lulu has a valid passport.

  3. Rice square:

    Krissy and Sonny Daughter and father bonding. Awwww. :)

    Q mansion bedroom:

    Brase: Well gee Brooky stop having sex with your clothes on and then you will get the preggers! Chase's never had a child before comment, and Brooky's look on her face! Brooky tell him the truth and tell us the truth too!

    Q mansion kitchen:

    Dante and Rocco: Come on Rocco! Tell the truth! Spill the beans! Show that beautiful bean footage! :)

    Dante, Rocco, and Laura: Oh good I'm glad Rocco finally told them. :) Oh so Charlie didn't text you all this time. Okay.

    Nina's home:

    Nina, Drillow, Lucas, and Ava: Lucas wins the lines of the day!!!!

    Lucas: How is sleeping with Michael's uncle best for your children?! You took actions that you knew would hurt him. Why?! Your emotions don't excuse absence of integrity. Of course you did!!

    GO LUCAS GO!!! I was clapping!!!! :) YES LUCAS YES YOU TELL THEM! And shut up Drew aka Ryan Lavery. THIS is not any of YOUR business!

    Nina, Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Wow Nina just swoops in and brainwashes a vulnerable Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery jumps on that bandwagon!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow:

    Willow: Is this my life now? People judging me.

    Awwww poor misunderstood weeping Willow. Boo hoo!

    Rice square:

    Lucas and Ava: Great scene!!!! :)

    Carly's home:

    Carly, Joss, and Jack: Yeah will Joss be a WSB agent?

    Michael and Jason: Yeah you are right Michael! Willow does want a hero! And yes just let her go! No Jason don't tell him to fight for her.

    Carly and Jack: Kiss already dammit!!! GAH!


    Lulu and WSB lady: Oh oh. What is the WSB lady going to do?

    WSB lady on the phone with Jack: Is the WSB lady going to kill V.C.?


    WSB lady and Lulu: Geez doesn't Lulu have a gut feeling? Where are her Spencer spidey senses?!

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie, Anna, Felicia, Sasha, and Emma: Hmmm Emma doesn't want Anna to call her parents? And she says she just called them? Yeah Emma is SO lying! What is going on Emma? Boy Emma's facial expressions were odd. The actress just needs to relax. :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Krissy: More bonding from them! :)

    Sonny alone: Ooooooo a heart attack?!!?!?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to little V* Little V meets her uncle Chase.. She was so teeny tiny!! Awwww. :)

  4. watching episodes from 2018: Mike's diagnosis breaks my heart again,
    Kiki and Griffin, Michael about to find out that Wiley is his, Oscar dying, Julian and Kim etc.....clear.y contrasts to the disaster that is 2024-2025.
    -----Lulu getting on that plane just makes me mad.......agree with others; passport, money, etc etc .......Tracy would absolutely let Dante use the Q jet to go to Prague...
    ------not sure why Sonny is about to have a heart attack but I guess there isn't much left for his character???? Hope Avery doesn't find him/Ava wants to keep her while he is recovering (by the way WHERE does she live? STILL with NIna?)
    -----LOVED me some Lucas......especially watching the old ones cause Brad knows but Lucas doesn't (it's the heart issue that Wiley has that Michael had)
    ----Joss STILL hasn't acted like she is in grief......and again is she ever gonna mention her father? Dex's death or even Christmas.....
    ------I got physically sick too when Drew uttered the words: "we finally found each other".. what the heck????? I SOOOOO want Willow to find out about Drew and Nina NOW and in the real world-----being a Congressman he WOULD be exposed cause so many people know about them
    ------This Willow and Drew thing is just sickening.

    1. She COULD have a valid passport still BUT would need a visa. Can't get that in a few hours. But, it's a show and if they had to do everything by the book, we'd never get anywhere. MORE infuriating to me is the Fancy French Lady. *sigh* whatever.
      I think Sunday Surgery might be dedicated to the barf-fest of Drillow.

  5. and I HATE this character change of Emma

  6. I read something about BLQ (AS) having some personal beliefs that keep her from going to bed without clothing, just on the show I hope. It wasn't from a reliable source but that's what I figure. But in these times it could be done a little more realistically. Personally I never get in bed with any clothing that I wear around the house and/or elsewhere. No zex involved.

    1. It's true. BUT-- HOODIE? I mean.. come on. lol. flannel jammies can be cute!

  7. with Alexis and Laura meeting Marty, that must mean Valentin is behind Ava's losing Cassadine money??? OR maybe he doesn't know who did it cause he does say in the previews: Trust me - you will wanna hear this



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