Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Twinkle, Twinkle


Three days of Christmas on GH. Only three days and yet I managed to write quite a bit because you know me, have to get those thoughts on paper!! 

Let's all have some mulled wine and hopefully not singing by anyone around us. Not even on our soap


In them olden days, the holidays were usually marked by the whole cast coming together in some way and marking the occasion. The reading at the hospital, dinners with family and crew members kids sitting around with stars in their eyes. This year we did have a soapy family dinner with the Qs but it quickly went from YEAH! the video is out to OH MY GAWD, Drew is just gross. My saving grace in the aftermath was Lucas going to Nina's and telling Willow what a jerk she's being. PLUS saying "We Jeromes" to Ava. :clapping: 

Listening to Jason and Michael on the terrace at Carly's coupled with Nina and Drew pushing Willow, there's a giant custody fight coming. Great. ANOTHER CUSTODY FIGHT. Is Michael going to become Edward and Alan screetching: THAT IS MY SON over and over? We didn't even finish the Avery one yet. I just don't have the patience. Can't stupid Drew spend time with his daughter and get busy for Washington? Congressmen have like NO time. He sure has some to stalk Willow at the Charity event then show up at Nina's apartment. Also noted: Willow called her relationship and finding Drew "like a dream".  M'am! Three episodes ago you wanted him to stay away from you and wanted your family together. Now he's your everything? Again: EW --or as Diane said "ICKY". 

Nina, we feel you girl!! 

HEY DREW: NO ONE LIKES YOU!! It makes it 10x worse to know that CM went on in an interview about Drillow's "Love" and becoming a 'super couple'. Um, sir, have you been microdosing??? Because.......NO. None of that is true. I can't tell at this point if the writers are punking us and will finally switch to the "Willow has PTSD from her cult days".  She all of a sudden went from "this is a terrible mistake" to "So glad we found each other" :shudder:. I actually rewound that part because--WHAAAAAAAT. Girl.. you need a break in Beecher's Corners. 

IN OTHER NEWS:  Emma comes back to Port Charles in the strangest way yet ...a total character change in looks and deeds. Now, I know BS is going to nursing school so the recast isn't a problem for me. The newbie looks so much like Sasha it knocks my socks off so yeah, she could be in that Scorpio mix. BUT-- (and a BIG BUT) what the hell with that wallet caper and then dropping out of school and not telling Robin? AND She got expelled from Berkley! WOWZA. My our Little Emma has changed. Her scenes with Anna were ok and maybe Anna having a pain in the neck around might be fun?? Maybe?? Joss and she are already frenemies and then Emma says she "saw Cam all the time" in California and introduced him to Gretchen. That was a cheeky little exchange (and not expected). So.. verdict is??? We need a baddie type for the 20 something set, this girl has the IG  influencer look down's EMMA lol. Yikes. 

NOT PREGNANT:  Well, we've had enough anvils with ol' Hoodie wearing Brook to know Gio is her first born. I'm certain Lois knew of a family that wanted a baby and he was given to them without Brook Lyn's knowledge. Now, she can't get PG and I can hear the reason: "We can't find any problems with lab testing, just keep trying."  THEN Brook reveals to someone she feels so guilty about her first baby, she has a mental block for getting PG now. (or something to that effect). By the way, THERE ARE CUTE FLANNEL JAMMIES OUT THERE. No need to put that girl in a damn hoodie AND a PJ top while in bed. Thanks. 

LULU HOOPLAH: All you need to know is she is off to Prague to 'rescue' her daughter while leaving her other kid to have Christmas alone because... 'she's a Spencer'.  Also going on that journey is French Lady Camille because of course the WSB has to be involved. :eyeroll: Scuttle butt on social media is: HOW could Lulu just leave the country in just a few hours? Maybe her passport was still valid but last I knew, a visa was needed along with some money. She have a stash somewhere? Rocco gave her his saved up birthday money? Who knows. 

SURPRISE!!  YEP, I was surprised when Valentin popped up Friday. I really wasn't sure JPS was coming back (even for a cameo/short time). And there he is!!  You know he's taking Charlotte back but!! Lulu put a tracking device in her purse. The plot thickens!! 

THE JOSS is extremely calm, don't you think? Laughing it up, playing card with Brennan the working at Bobbie's. I would have rather her try to get in touch with Dex's family? He died like 2.3 seconds ago. I guess maybe she's numb. It's playing very strangely however, and Brennan looking for footage on the WSB satellite might lead to something? Just.. weird. 

THE BOSS:  What is this? Angina? Heartburn? An attack? All I can think of is: Sonny's going to the hosptial for an angioplasty and the needle-bandit strikes again. St. Jaysus comes in the room just in time and Cyrus is arrested before killing Sonny. (Because Sonny isn't going anywhere). We didn't see Sonny again after this on Friday so I bet it will be a 'come and go' thing until he gets to GH. 

TRI AND KAI are the up and coming. He's the mopey jock that doesn't like the fame. She's the "nerdy" art girl trying to expand his world. I was happy they had a fan follow him into the Metro dining room because other than that, the kid is always alone!! 

WYNDEMERE is apparently back in Cassadine hands. How do we know this? Martin meets with Laura and Alexis to tell them the "trust" has given everything to Ace and Alexis is the trustee. Laura is horrified! Tained Cassadine MONEY!!? NO WAY. They want to give it to chairty. Marty explains that's not going to happen. Why this is transpiring now is anyone's guess. Nikolas is still in jail and not dead so why isn't it his anymore? WHO did this? WHO is the "Cassadine Trust".? 

I wish the paper had also said: You must change his name to Apollo or Vasyl  before anything can happen. 

CHEM TEST ALERT:  Just kiss already. I also want to say, I hope Brennan turns out to be a good-bad guy and Jason is proven wrong. I'd hate it if Carly's sobbing in his arms says "you were right" at some point. Just let this develop. I can tolerate her around him a bit more then usual.

RUMORS/SPOILERS AND SPECULATIONS:  The Writers did an interview about 'what's coming' coupled with some mid-winter spoilers. I didn't read the whole thing because I don't like to know exactly what is coming. I DID see a ton of chatter on socials about everything and lordy, you sure can't please everyone!! For me? The biggest issue will be a 'developing' Sasha Jason relationship. Um, no thank you. Why? Because if she's pregnant and it's Michael's and Jason steps in, I just can't relive the entire Jarly story again. Jason's old anyway and *sigh*. Just no bueno.  Looks like Lucky and Liz might be the endgame and I'm hoping it doesn't get into boring-town too soon with guitar nights in the parlor. OH!! BUT!! Selina WU is coming back so I'm over the moon about that. Get Dr. O as well and I'll be smiling. 

That's it I think! It was a very choppy few days with the stories not flowing very well. OH! I did forget Maxie and Sasha went to get their nails done in the middle of everything (I have no idea what Day it was or night...or anything!) and Sasha might be moving to The Hamptons. She must have modeling money squirreled away! Kirsten Storms looks wonderful and I'm so happy her health seems to be good.  

NEXT WEEK'S Schedule: Repeat episodes Tuesday and Wed. Looks like bland episodes from August and September of this year are planned. 



  1. "I wish the paper had also said: You must change his name to Apollo or Vasyl before anything can happen." LOL... yes, please. The fact that the kid is still named Ace is a crime. Yuck.

    I am not all that enamored of the show lately. There are interesting bits here and there, but too much is a snoozefest or insulting to our intelligence (like how did Lulu get a passport so quickly). Lucky's return should have been spectacular but so far it's "meh." Jason lacks any real direction or story. At least give him his Jason Q preppy memories back, so he is conflicted and has to forge a new path.

    I don't mean to be a downer but unless there are good stories, having some stellar actors in the cast doesn't matter much.

  2. Not sure what to say. Genie looks happy in the picture, not sure about the other 2. I love JJ, but he still looks like he doesn't shower or wash his hair. Sorry.

    Kirsten Storms looks great; hope she feels great.

    Joss sure doesn't seem like she's grieving or anything all happy around the holidays and working. Did I miss Dex's funeral?

    I don't like this Rice Plaza thing; what happened to the reading at the hospital? What happened to a Pizza singing Thanksgiving?

    1. Yes, if you are going to pay Steve Burton and Jonathon Jackson big money for coming back and firing others PLEASE at least make sure there is a good storyline going on...................

    2. I agree Lindie, No love story for Jason all these months is a shame. He has been a great dad as of late, but IMO that does not make up for the years of absence.

  3. Last SS of the year...and I thank you for keeping us interested!
    No Thanksgiving and barely a Christmas. These holidays in the past were illustrations of the strong family bonds on GH. Gone.
    I don't mind the possibility of Sasha and Jason.
    Do the writers really think that Willow and Drew will grow on the viewers? Maybe like a deadly toxic growth.
    Constant talk etc. about baby making is tiring. As are custody disputes.
    Side note: I watch a lot of Perry Mason. Love seeing GH alum in their early days. The other night I recognized a voice. It was Peter Hanson, Lee Baldwin, playing a very young DA.

  4. ---I need intervention......LOL....I started watching the 2018 episodes on FREEVE and even though they repeat many of them, it's still got me hooked......Kiki is about to be killed...Oscar is dying......Monica is everywhere......I had completely forgotten the episode where Sonny imagines what his life would be like if he hadn't shot Vincent Marino for Joe S. It was fantastic: Julian and Ava run organized crime/DANTE helps them and is married to Sam...Dante turns them in and shoots Jason to have the organization himself. Sonny and Olivia are married and Sonny is a police officer in Benzonhurst and hates organized crime....Carly and AJ are married and she hates him. Ryan is pretending to be Kevin and divorces Laura to be with Ava//
    -----and then I watch the current episodes and it is so depressing....
    ----for me the biggest "WHAT THE" moment was two smart women Alexis and Laura NEVER ask Martin WHO did all of this??????? and where is Ava's (Jerome) money???
    -----the 2nd "WHAT THE" moment was Dex died, Joss cried and then played games and not ONCE did anyone mention his FAMILY or a service? I HOPE HOPE Brennan helps Joss.....
    ------somehow I don't feel JPS is here long.....and I hate hate this Emma and not fond of Lulu....
    ----finally the most intriguing thing in 2025 is Michael and the violence.....surely he doesn't die???? I want Selina Wu back but I also want her storyline to make sense=she is going to target Curtis???? Over a back room poker game?

    1. I loved that old "What If" episode. So much fun.

    2. Those 2018 episodes are far more addicting than I remember the first time watching. It's neat to see and remember when some of these stories started...Willow meets Chase for the first time when she's parked in a no parking zone and asleep behind the wheel and Chase pounds on her window...the whole Dawn of Day story when Kristina is working in Charlie's and someone at the bar gives her the book and sparks her curiosity...Michael meeting Willow for the first time when they went to grief counseling over the loss of their babies...Margeoux or however she spelled her name lol...Elizabeth Hendrickson was wasted. She had some chemistry with both Steve Burton and Billy Miller but the writers couldn't figure out what to do with her....the scenes were Anna and Finn visit Britt in Pentonville to get her out in exchange for going after Liesel. Hilarious. Kelly Thibeaud was gold. She could do comic relief, drama and make you cry all at the same time....the original Spencer. He was perfect in the delivery of his lines....And Billy was clear he and his character was shafted as soon as Steve Burton returned. Another wasted opportunity. The teen cast was very good, the only thing missing was a character to stir things up like Esme did. But they were plucked right out of Disney. Couldn't have been casted better. It's too bad they can't figure out anything better to do with Jon Lindstrom. As Kevin and Ryan, he is masterful.

    3. I know - right? THe past two days I have sat for 8-10 hours straight watching!!!

    4. Forgot how Ava set Sasha up to make it look like she was fooling around with Griffin for Kiki to find out right before she was murdered by Ryan. Ava is fun to watch, but she has really done some horrible things.

  5. Article about CD leaving GH: https: //

  6. The Emma retcon is so jarring because the last view times Brooklyn Rae Silzer visited, she didn't have much of a story, but she radiated like a homecoming queen. She had grown up to be such a lovely young woman. The recast is kind of like if they threw a cold bucket of water on Emma. She has that simpering, spoiled brat look. I agree there's a need for that kind of character to mix things up like Esme did...but it's too bad they decided to force that characterization on an existing character who we know to be different.

  7. "and hopefully not singing by anyone around us. Not even on our soap."

    Oh bah humbug you! ROFL!

    "My saving grace in the aftermath was Lucas going to Nina's and telling Willow what a jerk she's being. PLUS saying "We Jeromes" to Ava. :clapping:"

    Yes!!! Loved Lucas telling Willow off! And we Jeromes! SQUEEEE! :)

    "M'am! Three episodes ago you wanted him to stay away from you and wanted your family together. Now he's your everything? Again: EW --or as Diane said "ICKY"."

    Yeah Willow is nuts!!!!!!!!!!!

    "It makes it 10x worse to know that CM went on in an interview about Drillow's "Love" and becoming a 'super couple'. Um, sir, have you been microdosing??? Because.......NO. None of that is true."

    Is he toeing the company line? Or does he really think that?!

    "So.. verdict is??? We need a baddie type for the 20 something set, this girl has the IG influencer look down's EMMA lol. Yikes."

    Yeahhhhh no. Let someone else be a baddie. That scene with Emma and Joss was weird.

    "By the way, THERE ARE CUTE FLANNEL JAMMIES OUT THERE. No need to put that girl in a damn hoodie AND a PJ top while in bed. Thanks."

    YES!! She get the Julian Jerome flannel Jammies collection! :)

    "THE BOSS: What is this? Angina? Heartburn? An attack?"

    Maybe he got heartburn from Sasha's cooking! ROFL!

    "WYNDEMERE is apparently back in Cassadine hands."

    YAY!!!!! Who was the other owner?

    "CHEM TEST ALERT: Just kiss already. I also want to say, I hope Brennan turns out to be a good-bad guy and Jason is proven wrong. I'd hate it if Carly's sobbing in his arms says "you were right" at some point. Just let this develop. I can tolerate her around him a bit more then usual."

    I LOVE JACKLY! Kiss already!!! Go on a date already!

  8. I was trying to come up with a reason for the change in Emma's character and my theory is that she felt overwhelmed with unintentional pressure to live up to her parents and grandparents. Emma's parents are both brilliant doctors. Her maternal grandmother is a former WSB agent and current police commissioner. Her maternal grandfather is not only a former WSB agent he once served as acting WSB Director. Emma's paternal grandfather is a famous rock star. I think the pressure may have gotten to her.

    1. I think if she felt a it more guilty about it we would understand it. She is very punk like where the old Emma although not at all soapy, was such a goody goody.



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