Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Whole Lotta Lawyers


I'm back. What a day yesterday! It's all taken care of and other than being swollen and tired, I'm almost normal. Not that I'm ever normal!! LOL 

Heard yesterday's show had 2 things: looks like Portia can use Brad as a scapegoat for the lab tests and... Steven Lars is living in Sedona! Apparently he got outta jail!! 


Molly brings TJ breakfast at GH. "Where were you last night"? he asks.  She says the Brown Dog and she saw Dex. He says he was in surgery and was sorry he wasn't there. She didn't answer his texts. He says she can always talk to him and he loves her. She's upset about her mother and thinks Kristina killed Cates. Sam thinks Sonny did. Molly has to leave for a meeting. Stella comes in and they decide to visit Irene's grave. 

Dante is taking Kristina home from Alexis. They get to her apartment and talk about Lucky and Lulu. She's freaked out to be home when so much has changed. Chase comes to the door. Wants to ask her some questions. Dante leaves. Chase wants to talk about where Kristina was the night of the murder. HE says her car hasn't left the Metro Court since her accident. Did she drive her mother's car that night? Finally Diane comes because Dante called her. She makes Chase leave.

Jack is at Bobbie's telling Carly the updates from Lucky's rescue. Then Diane comes in. Brennan leaves-- Diane says she has to pretend to be back with Sonny. Live together, pretend to have the hots for each other as the PCPD and FBI are probably watching. Carly gets mad. Diane says she has to.

Natalia is at Sonny's office place. He's mad at a new coffee maker he has. She .says maybe a new model is better. (GET IT?) They talk about the machine a LOT. She knows how to work it. Banter about the coffee maker. *sigh* They giggle and talk. Blaze mention. They hold hands and then Carly walks in. Carly is like I need to talk to you. Natalia leaves. Carly says stop flirting. She can't flirt so  YOU can't.  She said Diane said they have to fall in love again. 

Heather and Alexis in jail. Supposedly hilarious.  Alexis gets a visitor. Her lawyer is there. IT's Marty. He says she was dumb to talk to the police. She says YEP. She hires him so she can tell him the skivvy about why she's doing what she's doing. Says Krissy didn't kill Cates but the jury might think she did. Marty says she has to amend her statement. Then she tells him about the OTHER part--the car and the Q house and Krissy wanting to kill Cates. 

Diane tells Kristina to get a lawyer

Carly and Sonny are going to be seen out and about together but they won't lie to Donna

Marty tells Alexis the only way she gets off is to prove Sonny killed Cates. 


  1. ----Everyone on the show today was stupid....(except maybe Stella) These ADULTS are all acting ridiculous and just making up stuff ----------------again writers??????? #theydonotcare
    ------I was confused about Dante but at least Chase said Dante had recused himself from the case cause I thought Dante was taking time off for Lulu....and is Chase trying to clear Alexis? WHAT is he doing?
    ------NO Sonny and Natalia.
    ------and at least Diane said she wasn't Krissy's lawyer - we need Ezekiel back (don't want Scotty back) but we are running outta lawyers...
    ---one of the stupidest group of people in one day in quite some time.....

  2. A cop going to question a possible suspect at their home w/o a lawyer present. How realistic.
    Carly could easily catch Sonny "cheating" on her. Big public scene. And they are done. Simple.
    The surrogacy story will go on forever, in one form or another.
    Has anyone watched Monsters yet? I've read that NC is fantastic.

  3. Any mention of Avery? The missing kid

    1. exactly - Ava never asks HOW is my daughter - nor talks to her and Sonny never mentions her.

    2. She mentioned her last week about wanting to see her and getting her back but they should show her doing more absolutely

    3. Ava wasn't on today so why would they mention Avery?

    4. Avery is only mentioned when either Ava and/or Sonny are on. Ava hasn't been on in a few days.

    5. DI- I just meant since they said they wouldn't lie to Donna, I thought of Avery who is being raised by the nanny 100% of the time.

  4. Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Dante: I'm glad Krissy realized that she keeps making the same mistakes. You can change Krissy. You can do a lot of soul searching!

    Krissy and Chase: A ride share?!?!!! SERIOUSLY!? Krissy you know that Chase can call the ride share place right? For crying out loud just shut up and get a lawyer!!! She had postpartum depression? HUH?! Wow that was a really quick postpartum depression. It's gone now.

    Krissy and Diane: Krissy listen to Diane!!!


    Carly and Brennan: Flirtin flirtin flirtin. ;) Yeah he wants more than breakfast. ;)

    Carly, Brennan, and Diane: Yeah Diane is not dumb. Brennan isn't there for breakfast! He is there for Carly!!!! :)

    Carly and Diane: NO DIANE NO!!!!!!!!!!!


    The hospital:

    Tolly: Someone on twitter made a joke about Molly having a one night stand with Dex and she gets pregnant. Oh that is so soapy!!! I want it to happen now! I don't want them to have a one night stand and nothing happens. No thanks. Boring!! Oh my I want that bagel!!! :)

    Stella and TJ: Awwww great scene!!!!!

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Giggle mouse and Sonny: UGH!

    Carly and Sonny: UGH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    *Badger Bob overhears*



    Alexis and Heather: Heather is being so sweet and nice, and Alexis is very suspicious! Hahahahaha!

    Airport waiting area:

    Alexis and Marty: I heard Marty's accent a little. His accent needs to come back full time! It makes him charming!!!! Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: As you can see I haven't had my latte yet.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...