Monday, July 17, 2023



Sonny, Dante and Anna still talk about her plan to lure the shooter. Dante says it's too dangerous. Sonny likes the plan. Dante still says it's too dangerous. Sonny backs up Anna. yada yada . Sonny leaves and Dante says he'll help her. Dante says he's done ops before and REALLY WANTS to help. It's like he's crushing on her LOL They are going to partner together. 

Lucy meets Jackson for dinner in Pine Valley looking ultra sexy.  Jackson comes out and Felicia leaves. He orders wine. Asks about where she's from. Then says: HA AH! Your maiden name wouldn't be COE would it???? "I know exactly why you're here" Talks about Erica Kane and Enchantment. Says she doesn't own any of it anymore. He doesn't like being used. He gets a call saying he has to go to the office. (Felicia is breaking into the safe) and Lucy tries to keep him at the restaurant. He ends up staying and they talk about Hummingbird Cake. He's remembering where he knows that from. 

Felicia finds a folder marked "Marecellia" or something and looks inside. OMG .. the end: The police come in and arrest her and Lucy is in handcuffs and Jackson is behind her!! Busted!! 

Olivia freaks out and throws stuff around the Q living room while Brook and Tracey try to calm her down. She's looking for stuff for the Q Picnic/GH thing and can't find it. She misses Ned. Cody comes in carrying Leo who has a bloody knee. He fell off Comet and Tracey says "Call Elmers" LOL Then Brook tells her Ned is singing at the park. Tracey leaves. 

Ned sings in the park. Chase invites Greg to watch? (I don't know, just go with it) He says Brook told him to watch Ned? I don't get that part. Then some guitar guy comes up and says to arrest Ned. He's a busker at that spot and wants it back. Ned suggests a "play off". Tracey comes running up, yelling at Ned. Tells the other guy to go embarrass his parents somewhere else. LOL She lays into Ned about acting like the man he is or at least "act" like it. Tells him about Olivia, Brook and Leo needing him. Good scenes. Watch on You Tube. Neddie finally says: I can't come back to that life and leaves. Chase follows. Greg and Tracey talk about kids. They are together A LOT...??????? Hmmmm...

Ava and Nina have dinner to catch up. Ava says she had sex with Austin. Then Austin comes in, kisses Ava and sits down. He's all lovey dovey. Ava flashes back to the zex. Nina says she has to go to the restroom. Austin says Mason told him to get "Betty Rutherford" into Sonny's house as a mole. Then he mentions Ryan's Bar. Ava says "He's threatening my mother". And then Sonny walks in looking for Nina. Ava says something like "I think our nanny needs help, I want to hire someone too" he says no way not until he vets them first. Austin doesn't look happy. Sonny asks Nina about Austin later and when they met and all that jazz. 


Chase walks into the Q house with Neddie. 


  1. Tracy and Neddie....great exchange. Anna and Dante had a pretty good conversation too.
    But wait...Delia Ryan is Ava Jerome's mother???? Delia was one of my favorite all time characters. Ava is on that list so I guess it's okay but it did stun me.
    Olivia is crytalking again.
    I do prefer the no Ashford, no Davis girls episodes right now.

    1. "But wait...Delia Ryan is Ava Jerome's mother???? Delia was one of my favorite all time characters. Ava is on that list so I guess it's okay but it did stun me."

      Oh dear! You didn't watch the episode when Ava went to visit her mother? Yes her father had an affair with Delia!!! :)

      "Olivia is crytalking again."

      ROFL! Poor Olivia is so upset. :(

    2. Do you recall when that episode was? Approximately.

    3. "zazu says, Do you recall when that episode was? Approximately."

      No I don't! EVERYONE HERE HELP!!!!! :)

    4. Yes Delia was on GH a few times in the last decade as Ava's mother. She is one of my all-time favorites too! Last seen she is running Ryan's bar as Maeve and Johnny have either died or are in a nursing home. Helen Gallagher is still with us (96 years old), so it's possible that at least Maeve is alive in continuity somewhere. Here's a clip from 10 years ago with Delia in the Ryan's bar on one of her GH appearances. Long live Delia! I still go back and watch Ryan's Hope scenes when her schemes get foiled and she starts crying and getting into hysterics with the Ryans. So awesome! -OldSchoolGHfan

    5. Thank you OldSchoolGHfan!!!! :) Hey where have you been? :)

    6. Now I do remember. Thank you!

  2. Ditto the Ashfords and Davis girls

  3. TODAY I enjoyed Tracy and yep Greg + Tracy!!
    Loved seeing the wheels of Sonny moving when he said "Austin found Avery right" and "when did it start"......but again 2 complete weeks of no Ava/Franco and suddenly appearing is hard to get in to the storyline.
    -----Wonder whose body Dex finds this week?
    -------I HONESTLY thought guitar guy was a plant or he was gonna mean something.

    1. "mufasa says, TODAY I enjoyed Tracy and yep Greg + Tracy!!"

      What shall we call them? Hmm. Gracy? :)

      "Wonder whose body Dex finds this week?"

      OH! You read the spoilers? I did too! By accident. I don't know who the body is though.

    2. you don't think it's Mason do you?

    3. "mufasa says, you don't think it's Mason do you?"

      No I don't. I hope it's not him! :(

  4. There were a lot of funny one liners today!

    Rice plaza:

    Chase, Gregory, Eddie Maine, Tracy, and this other musician: Oh boy! That musician isn't happy!!! Yikes! Better be careful Eddie Maine! This musician could sue you! Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Oh please go embarrass your parents someplace else!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the look on his face! BAHAHAHAHAH!

    Eddie Maine and Tracy: GAH!!!! This made me emotional!! Great scene! BRAVA!!!

    Tracy and the other musician: When that musician looked at Tracy, he looked like Spinny! :)

    Tracy and Gregory: What will happen here? :) ;)

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Ava and Nina:

    Nina: You had sex with Austin?

    Ava: Surprise.


    Nina: I know you went to the nurses ball with him, but I haven't heard anything since.

    Thank you Nina! We the viewers haven't heard anything since either! Until they had Zex!

    Ava, Nina, and Pawtucket Holtster: Pawtucket Holtster is so happy to see Ava! BAHAHAHA!

    Jolt: How the hell did Mason Jar know about Ava's bio mother?! From the boss? Is the boss Olivia Jerome? :)

    Jolt and Sonny: BAHAHAHAHAHA! The way Sonny is looking at Pawtucket Holtster! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh oh goodbye Pilar. :) Yes of course Sonny will have to vet this new person. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Nison: Yes Sonny! You will have to get to know Pawtucket Holtster! ROFL!

    Q home: I'm surprised Olivia wants to do the picnic again. I mean since what happened last year. Awww poor young uncle Leo! Yes uncle Leo it's not Mr. Ed's fault! You tell Tracy! :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Dante and Anna: Partners eh? Okay. :) It looked like they were going to kiss!! I was waiting for it.

    Pine Valley restaurant: What the hell? What is this restaurant?!!?! I never heard of it!!! Come on writers! Do some research!!

    Jack, Felicia, and Lucy:

    Jack: No no no Jack. My friends call me Jack.


    Jack and Lucy: His ex wife Erica. :'( Jack is really really good!!! He found out who Lucy is right quick. :) GAH! Jack please move to Port Chuckles!!!! I love how Lucy was rubbing her foot on him hahahaha. Yup that is how you get a man to stay! ;)

    Jack's office:

    Jack, Lucy, Cop, and Felicia: RA RO!

    Previews: Oh? You know who to call Lucy? Ghostbusters? :) OH OH OH! Is she going to call Marty?! :)

    1. Oops forgot a couple of things.

      Chase and Gregory:

      Chase: Oh I don't mind. It's Brooklyn.

      Awwwwwwwww. :)

      Chase: She means everything to me.

      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

      Q home: OH! Eddie Maine is listening to his mother!!!! :) So he is going to fake it. Will his family believe him?

  5. I might actually start watching the show again if they do a Tracy/Greegory/Alexis story!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...