Thursday, May 10, 2012


PS: I was just informed that Kim Kardashian, Snooki and JWOW are in Toronto today.AHAHHA.  All the tanning beds will be full!

NEW SCOOPS up... looks like JaSam will have some interesting things to get through. (Or people!) 

FINALLY, Heather is shown. She's been off since April 30th! Olivia is pretty nasty to that crazy lady.  LOL Heather hates Olivia's hair.

Paddy looks like, JT is doing a great job!! He just doesn't care-- and yelled at Matt to GET OUT. People on soaps move on way too fast, this is perfect.

Tea is here! And they mention SAM!! Todd's son!! I loved SAM he was such a great kid. So cute too. I LOVE listening to Tea. I never thought I'd see her again when OLTL went off air. Here she is. SWOON. Dorian Lord mention too!! eeeee! Told you FL was a stellar actress!!

Spinelli and Mac and Flea-- thank goodness MacnFlea are together, doing something.Spinelli shows them Matt on the boat! NO! Wait..he shows them something else. The hammering, not the kick in the face. Hmmm, did he doctor the tape or was that AZ first, then she climbed back on the boat?

Carly whips Johnny's flowers at him--right in her hotel lobby.  Poor Johnny, she's like FLOWERS? Are you KIDDING ME?!! LOL. AND She says Johnny raped Kate!! WOW!!

MAGGIE'S NOT DEAD? WHAT!!  ahahaaha. 


  1. Hi Karen!

    I know you're a big OLTL fan and I do agree that FL is good actress, but...this is GH! I have to say that I am very happy about Todd Maning being on GH, I love Roger! The only OLTL plot I ever followed was Marty's rape back in the day.
    My only concern is that with all these OLTL actor's coming on, it's hard to be invested w/o knowing their background.
    Not too mention that they're are a lot of GH actor's not getting enough love. Re: Alexis and where is Diane? Can't she represent Star? We'll see how this plays out.

    I do think the show is better, but I agree that there is still work to be done.

  2. "You can take your apology and take your flowers and..."

    Seems like everyone was getting a whatfor today! Not that most of them didn't deserve it!

    I appreciated the Sonny/Jason break today. We got Carly instead, and I enjoyed her scenes! I know there are shades of gray with the issue, but boinking someone who is not all there in the head is technically I agree with Carly calling Johnny out on that one. It's not the first time he boinked a psycho though...He boinked Dr. Niles too! I don't know what the heck they are doing to Johnny lately. I am not buying that he loves Carly sooooo much! Hasn't been enough time spent on them as a couple for that to be believable.

    I honestly cannot get into Tea being here, since I don't know her, but at least someone's there to defend Starr. I guess there goes the idea of Starr and Michael, if the writers were going for that. I sure as heck wouldn't hook up with someone who blew the whistle on me!

    Glad to see Heather again and Steve...Oopsie, Mags isn't dead! Heather has more work to do. I am surprised she hasn't offed Livvy yet!

    Poor Patrick...why don't they stop showing Anna with Luke so much (I do like them together.) and show her supporting her son-in-law and granddaughter? I feel badly for him. I wonder when we'll see Robin again. As I thought they might, they showed that she's being held somewhere with the big scary nurse and then nothing! I expect it might be awhile.

    I liked Spin, Felicia, Mac and Matt. I think Spin suspects the culprit with Dr. Niles is Matt...and now so does he. Is this going to be his exit? He goes to Pentonville? What a waste of a character! It isn't a good thing to be a doctor on this's like open season on them!

    Lots of yapping going on...hope it is all going somewhere!

  3. Olivia, Heather, and Steve: Heather thinks it's a waste of time for Olivia to pay Steve's bail. Heather says Steve will just walk right through that door. She was right! He did! ROFL! Steve says the charges are dropped and Maggie wrote a letter and confessed to the murder. Heather wants to celebrate Steve's freedom. :) Steve is on the phone. Maggie is on the floor! She is still alive and breathing! What the hell?!! Heather you screwed up!!!

    Patrick and Matt: Great scene! So sad. :( Matt is just trying to help him but he doesn't want help! Patrick seems depressed. :( I am going to miss the Patrick and Matt scenes when Jason Cook leaves. :(

    The haunted star: Mac and Felicia show up and Spinny tell them about the killer in the video footage. Felicia says there is a picture of the killer?! The way she says it, Yikes! That was bad! Can we start that scene again? They look at the footage and they know it's not Maxie! They can free her! YAY!!!! Matt shows up and wants to see the footage. The look on his face! Does he recognize himself?

    Kate and Liz: Kate boo hooing.. Liz is there for her. Liz explains about her past with Lucky and Nik. Kate asks her if Lucky forgave her but Liz won't answer!!!!

    Carly and Johnny: Great scene!!!! Johnny gives her flowers, but Carly throws the water that the flowers were in, in his face! She brings up how he slept with Connie and do you know what that makes him? A rapist! That is what Carly said!!! She don't want anything to do with Johnny! He isn't giving up on Carly! Awww! :)

    Carly and Todd: Todd gave her flowers hehehe. Awww. :)

    Todd, Starr, and Tea: Todd and Starr scene awww. :) Tea shows up YAY!!!! :) These are great scenes!!! Tea is angry at Todd. Tea your husband is still ALIVE!!!!!! :) This is awesome closure for us OLTL'rs . :)

  4. I liked the scenes with Mac, Felicia and Spinelli. I'm glad he found a way to help Maxie without blowing the whistle on Matt. (I think Matt recognized himself too.)

    I won't comment on the scene with Starr and company except to say, "Did they add a skylight in the interrogation room?" I've never ever seen people bathed in light in that room before. lol It looked very contrived to me, like a very old movie.

    Maggie being alive was a great touch. I think Heather is losing her touch. :D I also think Johnny will be next on her agenda as she overheard someone say he turned Steve in.

    I liked Carly's accusation to Johnny about rape. She's right. It's good to see the soaps acknowledge that a woman has to be sober and cognisant to give consent.

    The highlight of the day for me - Carly asking Johnny if he unscrewed Kate. PMSL. I guess we know now how she got that screw loose!

  5. Can anyone tell me what the Dorian reference was? My two guys were yapping during that scene and I missed some stuff GRRRRR!! I was expecting Tea to punch Todd.

    Carly telling Johnny to go "unscrew Kate" was fun. Glad to see she called him out on what he did to Kate. The look on his face when she said that.

    Sonya you have to cut Heather a break. She has been in the hospital for a while so her tea making skills are rusty.

    OH, JT made me almost cry today with Patrick being so depressed. He is playing it sooo well. Phinny needs to go give him so "tough love" and kick him the rear.

    Liked the Kate/Liz scenes also (heck I like all of it today).

  6. I know there are shades of gray with the issue, but boinking someone who is not all there in the head is technically I agree with Carly calling Johnny out on that one.


    Melody: first off, DID, or MPD, is not even legally accepted in many states and countries as a defense. And, regardless, it is still the same person, and one that is not impaired by alcohol, nor loss of moral judgment, so it is not insanity, even if a psych condition. A depressed person is still sane, even if clinically depressed. The Todd scenes show how PTSD can be manipulated. DID is even worse.

    Second, recall that Kate threatened Johnny to do it or tell Sonny that he indeed did try to rape her and attack her. If anything, Kate (or Conni- legally the same) blackmailed Johnny into sex. It's a silly angle all the way around. Let's hope Johnny recalls this pertinent 'fact.'

  7. I know alot of people are not warm to some OLTL people coming over and as a die hard GH'er I understand. FL/Tea is only going to be on for around 6 weeks so only Todd/Starr and McBain are going to be left. Believe me Starr is much better when she's around Todd at least that was always the case on OLTL.

    Hate that they are going to send Matt to jail (I'm guessing since he's leaving) I also hate what they did to Johnny. Even Carly brought up how he and Kate/Connie could have faked it so that Sonny thought they slept together...I don't know why they didn't write it that way!

    I did like Elizabeth and Kates scenes...see two women can have a conversation without being snarking. OK one was handcuffed to a bed but that's not the still can happen!

    I loved Tea/Todd/Starr scenes!

  8. Another love/hate day for me. I am having trouble with all the OLTL characters and the screen time they are getting. I know I've said it before, I hope it evens out more. I was an OLTL fan and absolutely love Tea. She is a nice fit for GH, just like McBain is.

    Carly/Johnny scenes were PERFECTLY done. I enjoyed every second. That's right Johnny, you did rape Kate and now you have to live with it.

    Heather/Steve/Olivia! Stevennnn Larssszzzz just showing up like that was a bit much for me. I don't know, I guess I just have to get used to Ron's OLTL writing for GH characters. It's either so choppy or it's explained to us like we're 3 year olds. Maggie alive. LOL. You know there's going to be some deathbed chatter.

    Once again, I actually enjoyed the Kate scenes. The vulnerable, guilt ridden Kate trying to explain "Connie". Nice having her chat with Liz.

    Patrick. Not enough airtime, imo. I would like to see more of the grieving, more people interacting with him....just plain MORE.

  9. Oh how nice was a break from the 2 lovers today! (Jason & Sonny)

    Delgato....that temper, how I have missed you. Welcome to GH!!

    Maggie being alive was a great 'touch'. btw..who takes a type written letter as proof to free Steve? Steve looked FINE.

    YES Sam is Victor's son! I know Karen, its hard to think of Todd as Victor.

    For those of you you hate the fact OLTL is coming over, imo it beats the alternative. I will take it.

    I ff thru Liz & Connie so I was surprised to see Connie at the police station.

    Todd & Carly...Now that I can see!!
    And like! Johnny is out of Carlys life and Todd Manning is making an entrance!

  10. Batgary said... Sonya you have to cut Heather a break. She has been in the hospital for a while so her tea making skills are rusty.
    ROFL! Yeah VERY rusty!!! But, okay I will cut her a break. :)

  11. Cosmoetica said...

    I know there are shades of gray with the issue, but boinking someone who is not all there in the head is technically I agree with Carly calling Johnny out on that one.

    know there are shades of gray with the issue, but boinking someone who is not all there in the head is technically I agree with Carly calling Johnny out on that one.


    Melody: first off, DID, or MPD, is not even legally accepted in many states and countries as a defense. And, regardless, it is still the same person, and one that is not impaired by alcohol, nor loss of moral judgment, so it is not insanity, even if a psych condition. A depressed person is still sane, even if clinically depressed. The Todd scenes show how PTSD can be manipulated. DID is even worse.

    Second, recall that Kate threatened Johnny to do it or tell Sonny that he indeed did try to rape her and attack her. If anything, Kate (or Conni- legally the same) blackmailed Johnny into sex. It's a silly angle all the way around. Let's hope Johnny recalls this pertinent 'fact.'

    Cos...Thanks for clearing that all up for me...I really don't know what I'd do without your sage advice everytime you attempt to correct my thoughts on something...they are thoughts, not facts. Thanks for your wisdom.

    Have I ever done something to irritate you, Cos? You seem to enjoy correcting me. I come here to share thoughts on a soap, so please forgive me if I don't get the details correct enough for you or I miss something. My college credentials at the undergraduate and graduate level are not in psychology, but I thank you for the psych lesson.

    One thing we do agree on...the storyline angle is indeed silly.

  12. I apologize in advance for the long post and please be aware it may contain spoilers:

    Hi Karen! I've never commented here before but I always read everything. I love your blog! Thank you so much for your hard work, your commitment and brilliant sense of humour. I'm Italian (sorry for my English, btw), I moved to canada almost 3 years ago when pg with my first child, I am not a long time viewer but love GH and JaSam. Huge fan. BUT I do have to be honest: I loved JaSam back in the day, find them a bit boring after their reunion in 2009 but now...with Jason, awful writing.... I simply adore McBam!! Absolutely love ME with KeMo, I refuse to believe they'll turn out to be siblings! I don't think this is the way they are going, anyway, especially after yesterday, they really seemed like they were about to kiss. Btw, ME is not on contract, right? He's supposed to stay until September. I can't believe I evr was a Jasam fann, I would love to see Sam and John together, although I would be sad because I think Sam is perfect for Jason. Maybe Steve Burton is leaving? I wish :) Nope, the baby will turn out to be his, and Sam and John will go separate ways because he wants to go after Sonny. Plus, with the current soap situation, they would never break JaSam nor John and Natalie, I think. They need supporters/viewers. They can't afford to lose them. Am I wrong? What do YOU think will happen to John McBain and JaSam? They're simply teasing us, right? is there anything Mcbammers could do to change what will happen? I'd like to know your opinion because I trust you. I hope you can enlighten me. Thank you!

  13. Ooops, I forgot:

    what happened to Jason and John when Sam left?

    will we ever know who Sam's father is?

  14. Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) got a role on the series True Blood ( love this show ) and she will appear on it starting in June. She's fantastic and I'm happy for her ( GH's loss ).
    I did catch some of the episode online. Liked Liz's scenes with Kate. I skipped through Carly and Johnny. I think Jason Thompson is magnificent!Every time I see him, my heart becomes heavy. His grief is palpable.Sad Matt will be leaving and in this way as the killer , as if Patrick doen't have enough to deal with.

  15. Cos...Thanks for clearing that all up for me...I really don't know what I'd do without your sage advice everytime you attempt to correct my thoughts on something...they are thoughts, not facts. Thanks for your wisdom.

    Have I ever done something to irritate you, Cos? You seem to enjoy correcting me. I come here to share thoughts on a soap, so please forgive me if I don't get the details correct enough for you or I miss something. My college credentials at the undergraduate and graduate level are not in psychology, but I thank you for the psych lesson.

    One thing we do agree on...the storyline angle is indeed silly.


    Melody: You're welcome. I realize the burden of sheepskins on the white collar crowd who rarely have time to focus on laid bare facts- even as presented in fictive media.

    Shrinkology often goes above an beyond even the degreed, so any help I can provide, take it gratis.

    I accept your next thanks and apology in advance, because, in no way, shape, nor form, was Johnny's sex with Kate on par with Luke's rape of Laura or Todd's rape of Marty on OLTL. To even suggest they are diminishes real rape with a Boy who cried Wolf sort of fiction. Feminists should be ashamed if they even try to equate the real and faux types.

    Again, always glad to help, Mel.

  16. OK, just adding "my 2 cents" here! I have not looked this up, and plan to do so, but it would seem to me that DID is considered psychotic, and therefore "insane," and should qualify as a defense. I'll check w/some colleagues, and some lawyers, and get back to ya'll if I find anything out. (As I practice psychotherapy in NYS, the information should apply in Port Charles.)

  17. "Shades of Gray"...HMMM the BOOK LADIES?? Naughty Naughty LOL

    VICTOR's son..DUH, sorry.

    AND Mya yes, the show has a LOTTA work to do.
    I will of course, be talking about this in Sunday Surgery! LOL


    AntJoan: the basic gist of all these links is as I stated: MPD or DID is legally on thin ground, as very few legal and psych experts feel it is a legit state, and even those that do admit that they would have to prove the 'alter' insane- merely being split is not insanity itself.

    To use the GH example, nothing we have seen from Connie is legal insanity. Is Sonny insane because he's a homicidal Mob boss with manic depression? AZ was clearly faking his insanity. All Connie has done is seduce/blackmail Johnny into sex, play head games with Sonny, and assault a dr.

    Unless we are to medically decriminalize all criminal behavior, this simply does not qualify.

    Therefore, Connie, as the blackmailer, was clearly the party in charge of her encounter w Johnny, and clearly knew what she was doing. Is Connie unethical? Yes. So are Johnny, Sonny, Jason, Jax, Carly, and, let's face it, every soap character going.

    Are they all insane? Cartini has made a mess (however enjoyable) of this storyline. Better to have let Heather claim the MPD.

  19. I HATED the Todd/Tea scenes because i don't know or give a shit about them or their dumb s/l from OLTL.It really made me want to change the channel when they came on and wasted halh of the show talking about crap that happened on OLTL that GH fans don't know or care about.From now on when they come on i WILL change the channel and watch the compitetion and make the ratings go down.That how much i HATE the OLTL characters being on GH.

  20. For all the OLTL HATERS, don't watch GH anymore.
    Because as a long time vet of BOTH shows, it bought GH another year. For that I am grateful.

    STOP the COMPLAINING about silly stuff like Todd, Starr, Tea, McNostrils, etc........and be thankful we still have a GH to watch.

  21. I thought the Todd/Tea scenes were a waste of time since I have no idea who or what they are talking about and they spent too much time talking. Tea might be an interesting character though, - Strr looks like a 12yr. old with them. Carly gave me a headache - isn't that her workplace, too? I agree that what Johnny did was unforgivable but he is just so darn cute. Strong scenes with Matt and Patrick, as well as Liz and Kate. I dread Connie popping out again. The Heather/Steven Lars/Maggie scenario is so ridiculous. Heather makes my skin crawl. Loved seeing Flea and Mac. Happy Mother's Day to all!!!

  22. Thanks, Cossie...

    No more apologies or thanks will be needed in future, I can assure you. I am not exactly on board the feminist train, so maybe that is where we differ.

    While I appreciate your knowledge, it all seems a bit trivial when we are discussing a fictional soap where cops, doctors and lawyers do things they'd never do in reality and people can just walk into private residences.

    Karen has had enough negativity on the blog of late, so I certainly don't want to add to that, as I have no problem with someone I don't know.

    I tend to try not to force my own opinions and thoughts on might want to try that sometime. Isn't omnipotence grand?

  23. Mel: Omniscience is grander, and more correct.

    But it was you and some others that brought such gravitas to a fiction. I just helped your feet onto mother earth.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...