Monday, May 7, 2012

"Old Enough TO Steal My Gun"!

That's what Johnny tells dear old Daddy about Starr! 

Tracy and ALEXIS!! You know they've known each other for years not that you'd ever know that. Tracy says "let me in, it's billable"!! LOVED their scene together. Tracy stuck a dollar bill down Alexis' shirt LOL.

Um, Jason could never have gotten to the gate without a ticket. That's so wrong. Everyone knows that too, it's 2012.
OMG-- Connie changed back at the airport after Jason shoved her. LOL she's going to gag at that coat. Jason just tells the cops  to bug off at the Hospital. OMG !! 
Liz and Jason talk in the hospital...

BIG Set up for AZ's death-- or WHAT?! Geesh Tracy basically tells Alexis she's going to do it. Meaning she won't be the one that actually does..

Geesh, took Starr long enough to NOT SHOOT Sonny. Good lord!

The Haunted Starr stuff was just funny...McBain hiding in the corner--nostrils flairing. Lulu getting a "Flesh Wound"..and McBain shooting Ronnie. Now he's "McBOOM"
Oh he touched her hair!


  1. I don't think Jason was at the gate--on Friday they said security was backed up, so Connie was just sitting near the front ticketing area?

  2. Haunted star: OH! SO RONNIE IS THE ONE WHO TRIED TO SHOOT DANTE!!!! :) But got Sonny instead! I thought Connie was the one who did that!! Hmm was Ronnie the one who shot Anthony's tires too? McBain sees Sam and winks at her. :) While Dante and Ronnie talk, the ladies are trying to loosen their knots. Ronnie hears and shoots his gun!!! Was Sam shot?!!?! No it was Lulu!!! McBain shoots Ronnie!!!! McBain saved Sam!!! :) Oh just kiss already! :) They hug and Jason sees. :) Karen, Mcboom! ROFL!

    The airport: I love the way Jason grabs Connie! ROFL! Connie you can't escape!!! And that woman who talked to her friend on the phone, is being nosy and watching. She even talked to Connie ROFL! Oh Kate came out!!! ROFL! She is freaked out!!

    The hospital: The cops are there to talk to Kate. Liz talks to Kate about Dr Ewen being hit on the head. Kate is freaked out! ROFL! Jason sees Dante and Lulu. Dante tells Jason about Sam and Jason runs out! Lulu isn't seriously hurt. Just grazed. She is going to be okay. Dante is so worried awww! :)

    Alexis and Tracy: BAHAHAHAHA! Great scene!!! Alexis is home trying to relax because she had a long day. She is drinking wine, when Tracy shows up! She needs her help!! Tracy drinks her wine and gives her a dollar to be her lawyer. Alexis says no. Tracy tries to give her the money but Alexis don't want it! ROFL! Tracy puts the money in Alexis's shirt ROFL! Tracy talks about Papa Z. Tracy realizes a lot of things and thanks Alexis for the help. Alexis says no! She don't want her as a client. As Tracy leaves, Alexis throws the money outside hahahaha. Tracy opens the door and throws the money back at her! ROFL! I will call them Alexitrac. :) They are a cute couple. :)

    Starr, Sonny, and Michael: Zzzzzzzzz. I am more interested in the haunted star scenes than these scenes. Michael convinced Starr not to shoot Sonny. Zzzzzzz. She runs out. Sonny and Michael talk. Michael is his father's hero!

    Johnny's home: Papa Z thinks Tracy is trying to kill him ROFL! Starr shows up and gives the gun back to Johnny. Johnny kicks his grandpapa out! ROFL! As Starr is leaving, she is about to go in the elevator, when Michael shows up with 2 cops! DOH! She is being arrested!!!

    The next GH: IT'S BACK!!!! Well it was back on Friday!!! :) But it's back!!!!!! :)

  3. Nosey lady at the airport is phoning this real housewife lady that is suppose to be coming onto the show as a journie?

    I REALLY do not like the Starr character. Are they hinting at a Starr - Johnny pairing? Perhaps set up a triangle with NuXtina? Why can't they just pair Johhny with someone his own age, not the youngies or the cougars. Perhaps a Brooklyn Ashton or Serina Baldwin?

  4. Oh, and of course Alexis and Tracy know each other...Ned...Tracy was almost Alexis's mother-in-law.

  5. FYI...
    'Interesting read from Michael Fairmans site:

    Oprah Winfrey’s Cable Channel has Staggering Losses of Over $330 Million Dollars!


    Bad news for Oprah! Her cable network vision and dream, OWN, has been handed devastating financial numbers, according to a piece out from the New York Post!
    According to the NY Post: “The losses at Oprah Winfrey’s stumbling cable channel are approaching a staggering $330 million, according to a report over the weekend. And now industry insiders are predicting the Oprah Winfrey Network will not be able to survive another year if it does not find a hit show and make a dramatic turnaround.'

    Am I the only one thinking she could have saved ALL the soaps?

  6. FYI...
    'Interesting read from Michael Fairmans site:

    Oprah Winfrey’s Cable Channel has Staggering Losses of Over $330 Million Dollars!


    Bad news for Oprah! Her cable network vision and dream, OWN, has been handed devastating financial numbers, according to a piece out from the New York Post!
    According to the NY Post: “The losses at Oprah Winfrey’s stumbling cable channel are approaching a staggering $330 million, according to a report over the weekend. And now industry insiders are predicting the Oprah Winfrey Network will not be able to survive another year if it does not find a hit show and make a dramatic turnaround.'

    Am I the only one thinking she could have saved ALL the soaps?

  7. Here you ladies go again. There appears to be a few of you, who police this blog. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is not your blog to correct. Seldom do I post. But I read everything.

    I just want to say to did nothing wrong and thank you for your consideration with letting us know it was a spoiler/rumor. Good reading!

    Behave like adults. Most of us enjoy one another on here. I for one, look forward to 2cents comments.
    I also don't despise her nor do I see many but a few who do. Perhaps a little jealousy is involved?

    Like I said, I sit back and click on this site and read. Hardly post.
    Don't poison this wonderful site with your hatred and troublemaking ways.


  8. David...what's up? I didn't see anything going on?

  9. Today's show left the viewers interested with the shooting scenarios...well, were they going to talk for an hour or were they going to shoot? are your father's son, even if you are biologically a Quartermaine. There goes Mikey, trying to impress Daddy again by having Starr busted! I must admit, I am not all that thrilled with Starr on the show. She's just a bit too over the top with the acting. I keep thinking KA looks like she's going to start hyperventilating at any moment! Oh...and Starr's not exactly a little girl. I am not sure why we see people like Sonny calling her that.

    Connie/Kate...just commit her already, please!

    McBoom and McCall...Sam, just dump Jason already and pair off with John! I can actually tolerate Sam in her scenes with McBain more these days.

    Bye Ronnie...yet another character that overstayed his welcome in PC for too long! Cannot say I will miss him.

    Tracy and Alexis...they were a hoot! I wonder if AZ will turn up dead? I'd really wish he wouldn't, since he's quite amusing!

    Read that piece on the OWN network. I often wondered why I always see so many rehashed Discovery channel shows on her network. Now, I get it! I also understand why the network is tanking. If she'd have people on the network viewers would actually care about and not reair a zillion episodes of the same programs all the time (how often can one watch Dr. Phil?) then maybe she'd get somewhere! Still think it was a good idea to say "I can't save the soaps..." Oprah? It might have given her some good airtime to use to give AMC and OLTL a new home. I guess she didn't think so.

  10. What is going on is 2 cents listed spoilers and rumors and then went on to list them.
    As usual, the same people came at her to attack.

    I don't post Karen, but I had to today. These few women who are constantly on attack need to take their fustrations out eleswhere.
    I don't come here to see 'girly cat fights'.

    I also enjoy 2cents posts, as do many others.

  11. Last blog of yours.........

    What is going on is 2 cents listed spoilers and rumors and then went on to list them.
    As usual, the same people came at her to attack.

    I don't post Karen, but I had to today. These few women who are constantly on attack need to take their fustrations out eleswhere.
    I don't come here to see 'girly cat fights'.
    I also enjoy 2cents posts, as do many others from what I can see.

  12. Melody...I don't feel bad for O.
    Her network is failing so bad, yet when it was brought to her attention a chance to save it by taking on the soaps, she snubbed her nose.

    Did Oprah forget that GH was a lead in for her show for 25 years?
    karma is a bytch they say...

  13. How on Earth could Starr hold a gun on Sonny while she drove out to God-knows-where? I know he "let" her do this, but really. . . . I KNOW that on soaps (and movies and other TV, for that matter), people go on and on before they actually kill the person, but I think Starr set a new record. The dialogue was awful--repetitive and boring. Her acting must be pretty good to pull off those scenes with a straight face. Who else thinks she looks like the blonde woman from "Cougar Town?"

  14. Missed todays show I'll have to watch it later!

    As far as Oprah goes as much as I love soaps her bringing them onto her channel would not have been a huge win either. Yeah it would have helped some but it's also a cable channel which means if you don't have cable you would have not been able to watch. Believe me I know alot of people without cable! Alot of the shows she has are boring only a few appeal to me. She's not interested in tha hair pulling fist throwing crazy reality shows that are unfortunately successful on other channels. No cursing or inappropriate behavior which we all know sells. If she branched out with a more wider variety of shows like sitcoms, reality, talk, dramas and even one or two soap type shows I believe she would have more success. Oprah was a hit at one hour a day no one wants 24/7 Oprah but that's just my thought on it!

  15. I just watched the last 9 episodes over the last 2 days (6 yesterday and 3 today) and wow my head is still swimming with everything that has happened.

    Is this is what we have in store for all the rest of May? (a REAL May sweeps?!?!) Lord this is like a huge 180 from the crap we were swimming through a year ago!!!

    Happy Happy Joy Joy :)

  16. Ron Carlivati posted the next Gh promo on twitter and on you tube : GH promo 5/7/12. Watch! The lady that plays Tea has a terrible voice ( don't know her ) when she yells at Todd. There is also one for the next episode where Sam and Liz get into it.

    Today the show was just o.k. for me. I wondered why Dante didn't pull sam along with Lulu and leave but then we wouldn't have had McBain save Sam. Always happy to see Liz. Tracy and Alexis scene was funny. Michael/Sonny was boring and predictable as Michael always takes his father's side. Can't stand that Dante also sticks up for Sonny all blinded by sonny saving him and conveniently forgetting that when sonny didn't know his identity , he was quite willing to murder a cop. Lulu /Dante moment was o.k.

  17. love2chat402000 said...The lady that plays Tea has a terrible voice ( don't know her ) when she yells at Todd.
    She doesn't have a terrible voice. Tea is angry at Todd. And when she is angry, WATCH OUT! :)

  18. I read that Sam and Liz might duke it out a bit (as much as they can since Sam is pregnant). I wish they would have done this differently. Liz could have gotten a better storyline helping Sam through her rape, instead of looking like the busy body of the hospital. They had finally gotten these two to be civil to each other. And as a fan of Liz, I even tolerated their being friendly. I guess I will see how this plays out tomorrow.

    Yeah, I saw how Jason told the cops what to do and they listened. Just stupid! And making my girl Liz follow every order Jason barks out...

    Weren't they calling for Kate's flight to leave to Rio, so that is why she got up? So, she had to have been past security. And speaking of Security...where were they when Jason was manhandling Kate/Connie?

    The "rescue" scene was laughable and very easy to FF, which
    I did.

    I was a fan of OLTL, but I am not liking Starr or her storyline. I'm more excited to see Todd and Tea go at it again.

    Alexis+Tracy=Perfection!! Now, where is Patrick?!?

  19. All I can say is Sam better not try to blame Liz for her situation or for telling jason she saw McBain when jason grilled Liz as if he himself was a cop, showing Liz McBain's picture. Jasam problems are their own and if they tank, it's their own fault.

  20. Sonya, I don't know Tea's character as I had stopped watching OLTL a long time ago but her voice in the promo is terrible and shrill, and many people are saying so. Even on twitter, someone tweeted Ron with sarcasm, " That's what fans have been waiting for, another screechy voice like Starr's!" Her voice made me cringe but hopefully her personality isn't like that.

  21. love2chat402000 said...Sonya, I don't know Tea's character as I had stopped watching OLTL a long time ago but her voice in the promo is terrible and shrill, and many people are saying so. Even on twitter, someone tweeted Ron with sarcasm, " That's what fans have been waiting for, another screechy voice like Starr's!" Her voice made me cringe but hopefully her personality isn't like that.
    Well I think the actress is the best screamer!!! :) Awesome actress! But that is just me. Ready or not, here she comes! :)

  22. @AntJoan, don't forget to add in the list, Starr changed her nail color too. I know I said it before but, when I see those continuity errors it tickles me. I think Starr looks kind of like Tori Spelling. I'm not a fan of Starr so far and I was hoping I would like her.
    @2cents, karma is a bitch. Oprah had a golden opportunity to save the soaps and make a go of her network, she failed. The higher they are...

  23. Arghh, the believabiity factor is really getting tested, which wouldn't be so bad if supense was maintained. I just love this McBain - if I had known I would like him so much I would have watched OLTL. Starr is an unattractive, annoying little twit. Loved the Alexis/Tracy scenes. I guess Oprah overestimated her popularity. Her show made her and once that ended it was pretty much "Oprah who?"


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...