Friday, May 25, 2012

New Spoilers are UP!

Yepper,  go check them out...WUBS NET What do YOU think Krissy's 'project' will be?? Hmmmm!! I can ONLY IMAGINE!! Jason gets arrested for murdering Franco and then McBain is beaten!. Hmmm. And it's just when Sam needs some help with the Bay-Bay!! Heather is all over the place in PC.


  1. Hmmm, Mac and Flea back together? Sure thing!

    Anna "no" to Luke or "no" to PC commish? or both?
    I was thinking back a few months ago when all the rumors of Robin leaving and vets returning were going around and I thought at the time: wouldn't it be cool for them to bring back Robert and Anna as a married couple and have Robert be the one to stick around as an FBI liaison to give Sonny hell while Anna came and went from PC since she was still an active spy. Turns out that I was wrong on a lot of things with that but kinda cool that I got the gist of ONE of them sticking around who is kinda working against Sonny. Damn, I wish Anna would be the PC Commish again!

  2. Krissy's "project" will be to show off her surgically enhanced rack. "Hey Mom, look, new boobs!" "Now I've got chestaloons just like you!"

  3. shocker. a pregnant woman does not deliver her baby with no complications. Hasn't Sam been through enough for this baby, and then to have her go through a storm and lose blood? Sounds like the Liz having Jake storyline to me. There was a storm and everything, but it was Jason to save her. Is it going to be McBain for Sam?

  4. and the best?? Mac & Felicia try to reconcile!!!!

  5. Jasam was just so sad today. The question I have is does Jason know he is hurting Sam by not answering her about the child birth class. If there was ever a time for Jason to stand up for Sam, it was with the reporter. He just told Sam to go meet Molly. Sam was about to break down, but no comfort from her husband. I think Patrick removed Jason's humanity with that last surgery. Someone buy the "Tin Man" a "heart", please!!!

  6. By the way, the highlight of GH today was the Qu's, Luke, and Heather. Love this storyline.

  7. Monica, Tracy, Luke and Heather = HEAVEN!! So many vets!! Please get rid of the OLTL crew and bring back and USE all of our vets! If this show indeed is going out(and, if not, us longtime fans are being tortured endlessly with the possibility), PLEASE reward us with what we want! Who are they holding with Robin? Oh, I don't know, maybe Jake, Alan, AJ, Georgie, etc., etc.

  8. Friday's show was another good one. Only bad for me was having to listen to Sam apologize to Jason AGAIN. I'm really disappointed in Ron for writing Sam this way. For someone who claims to be a fan and long time viewer of GH he has completely lost sight of Sam's character. Pregnant or not, Sam would NEVER be the groveling whiney apologetic wimp he's writing her as.

    Really looking forward to the new Kristina. At least this one looks age appropriate. Can't wait to see how she fits in as a "Davis Girl". Great storyline there for her with the whole Sonny paying her way into college thing.

    The Q's are hilarious and Heather seems to have her nose into everyone's business. Soapy goodness at it's best.

  9. "Sam would NEVER be the groveling whiney apologetic wimp he's writing her as" -NOT TRUE

    Ron is writing Sam the way she has always been written. The character of Sam has ALWAYS been Whiney and pathetic when she is with Jason. That is why I hate her.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yep - age appropriate Kristina.


  12. Cosmo - if you have ever seen any of my past posts you would know I despise the character of Sonny most of all. My problem with the OLTL characters is that they are NOT taking airtime away from Sonny. In fact it seems the OLTLers are being use to prop up Sonny and gang (Jason, Carly, Michael, Sam). Who are they are taking airtime away from is Anna, Felicia, Mac, Alexis, Patrick, etc. OLTLers, in my opinion, are not needed when there are core GH characters being under utilized.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...