Monday, May 21, 2012

ABC Announces Mid-Afternoon Morning Show...

NOT GOOD people!! Lara Spencer and Josh Elliot are going to host a GMA show in the afternoon that replaces "The Revolution":
 Beginning Monday, July 9, ABC News will air a one hour extension of “Good Morning America” for nine weeks titled “Good Afternoon America.” The program will be anchored by GMA’s Josh Elliott and Lara Spencer, with Sam Champion, Robin Roberts, and George Stephanopoulos joining in with special appearances. The energetic, fast-paced program will feature the most-talked about celebrities, performances by the biggest names in the music industry, the latest pop culture news plus offer original entertainment, lifestyle, health, workplace and consumer reporting from an all-star list of contributors and other members of the ABC family.

I'm telling you this is a sign. 
Not a good one.
Start writing again..and watching and light a candle or whatever you do! 
Ironical that her  name is Lara Spencer! Now  I like her--a LOT. If the show is a hit at all, you know what's going to happen.


  1. This was known all along that GMA would replace revolution. I never felt that GH has even 1 year left. The shows are timed with the presidential race in hopes of gaining viewers for Couric. Many of us have not stopped writing to Disney, ABC , to the writers of the show and producers. They have lied flagrantly to viewers in the past and they will again. If it was only about ratings then OLTL would still be on. It's about money.
    There is a rumor all over the net that a significant number of people in the cast will be fired. Of course these rumors always surface and always are shot down by writers and actors. Actors are bound not to reveal it until it is officially announced. I hope it isn't true but it would spell the beginning of the end of GH.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know I don't trust abc. I wish I could stop watching there network!

    Here we go again, personally, I am tired of the fight.

    We fought for a year, got thrown a bone bringing back characters from the past for 5 minutes and now GH is on the way down again.

    I give up the fight.

  4. Well, I cried watching the end of Desperate Housewives, it was sooo sad, the end of an era. I eagerly anticipated the show after seeing the trailers for it, I knew I would love it, and I did. The Lane, the women, the mysteries, the music, the friendships--I loved all of it, and feel a tremendous loss.

    House also is ending this season, another show I loved, but Desperate was an amazing show, at least for me, it was nostalgic and modern at the same time, and also very original.

    I don't like when things end, and am not ready to start contemplating the end of GH again. . . .

  5. Well, I cried watching the end of Desperate Housewives, it was sooo sad, the end of an era. I eagerly anticipated the show after seeing the trailers for it, I knew I would love it, and I did. The Lane, the women, the mysteries, the music, the friendships--I loved all of it, and feel a tremendous loss.

    House also is ending this season, another show I loved, but Desperate was an amazing show, at least for me, it was nostalgic and modern at the same time, and also very original.

    I don't like when things end, and am not ready to start contemplating the end of GH again. . . .

  6. Ant Joan...I feel the same way about DH. I watched every episode since it started. The end was great. I just wish Mike had been in a Witness Protection Program or something. LOL

  7. Ant Joan and Di I did a post on DH on my blog and nobody posted so I took it down. I think. You are both welcome to start a disussion. I will go back there and see if I took it down or not.
    DH will be back in a movie or something along that order. Don't you think?

    As far as GMA goes, remember, these 2 people who are going to be in the afternoon version of GMA will need to be relaced on GMA in the morning, or their ratings will plumuth. Robin Roberts & George S. isn't my idea of good television programing in the morning.

  8. This is not news to me.We heard this a few months ago. I don't know why anyone is surprised to hear this.It is up to the affiliates whether or not they want to air GH,or should i say OLTL 2.0. I think RC needs to STOP writing for OLTL characters and start to write for GH back burned originals and GH because otherwise the show may be canceled and alot of GH only fans will not care.

  9. I also loved DH and thought the ending was great. I will miss this show. I watch GMA everyday as I get ready for work, although I really can't stand everyone except George. This is the nail in the coffin folks. If the ratings are an improvement in any way, GH is gone. I'm with My2Cents - tired of the fight.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...