And she wasn't half bad of an actress!! Nice to see her... she's such a legend. I so hope she gets a hand in the CyberSoap stuff. Angie and Jessie had another great day. AMC was dark today--forever since 1970. sniff.
Bride BOOKS!
OLTL: Don't DIE TODD NUMBER TWO!! cause I loves TSJ. Wahhh. He needs to get on GH somehow, or PRIMETIME. Tea screamed like a dang banshee!! LOL wow. Earpluggin' time. Booooooooooooooooo. Just boo. Flo is such a wonderful actress, she should have won at least 77 Emmys by now!
Jack's in the hospital? Someone finally crack his head with a frying pan?? Too bad he woke up. heh.
Nora was being such a meanie-- I understand her because of Matthew's situation. She's a bit out of control. Well, more than a bit!! eesh.
GENERAL HOSPITAL: total Miz chem-test. Drug talk. Two bottles vs one of Vicodin.
Some of the hospital scenes really confused me... just the whole Jason/Matt/Pat thing--and Maxie?? Oy.
Why doesn't Lucky just say he was injected?? Hmmm I don't get it. OMG Lulu was on my LAST NERVE. Good Gravy!! STFU!!
Bob the Badger is as big as Kristina.
BEST PART OF TODAY'S show was Alexis yelling and telling the truth to Carly! YOU GO LEXI! Loved how she told Carly to stop the smirk. Laura Wright tweeted this about today's show:
Told u guys a few weeks ago Nancy Killed it!!! That was a great day at work! =) now at the beach with the kiddos
*******other stuff*****
NANCY Lee Grahn Tweets:
grandma & I taking lake break, having a sandwich & ice tea & watching our soap, just like we did 30 yrs ago. Touchtone moments. #soapsmatter
Tomorrow Port Chuck will be in Rochester!! The Venue tweeted this to me:
@wubsnet Just in case you want to listen or watch @PortChuckBand will be on @theweaseshow @ 9. Web cam & streaming here:
I will try to tweet about the interview tomorrow.
Thank you for clicking on the ads on wubsnet..we raised $80 for Bradford Anderson's Bday Project for Lupus!! You guys are great. Next up: AIDS WALK LA for team Pretty the Series!!
OMG, I swear I have more headaches than anything else...damn it! I have since I was a kid. I just met someone that said "I've had like 2 in my lifetime" bitch. LOL. I'd be so much nicer, energetic -- ugh. wahhhhhhh.