Thursday, August 18, 2011

Erin Chambers Let Go From GH?

Soap Opera Weekly is reporting that Erin was let go from GH and will leave in a dramatic fashion according to Daytime Confidential. 

Looks like she's fired-- and NOT returning as her own twin as reported earlier on several net sites. OR is  SOW playing word games? "Erin Chambers out as Siobhan"??  (Meaning in as a different character??) 

Right now, it looks like she's gone. 
Oh, Oyrish what will we do widt out cher accent? 

NOTE: I'm still hearing she's going to play Ethan's "Lady in White"-- or another character... plot thickens!! Got 3 emails last night about it! 


  1. "Let go from GH" sounds pretty final to me, as in "let out of contract", meaning she is not coming back as somebody else, either. Unless SOW and some other media have been fed bad information or are lying, which they would never do, right? *wink*

  2. I really hope she's gone for good. Soaps need to stop bringing the same person back on as a different character. It's so damn annoying.

  3. THANK YOU!!!!! YOu have made my day!!! It's been a while since I have disliked a character so much!! Oh happy day!!

  4. well, darn.I really like her. I like her accent too---I have a friend from Ireland who sounds like her. She was so different---refreshingly different.I was hoping she would be a part of the scene for a while longer.....maybe with Ethan?

  5. LOL her "accent" is fake. The actress isn't Irish.

  6. OH NO!! I really liked her!! That's awful news.... Wow, you must be so happy. Lucky you.

  7. I think she's NOT going... just a hunch and inside stuff. I still say she's going to be "the lady in white"

  8. I am not a fan of her in the current capacity, however am open to her being on just without that awful accent. Have her be involved with all new people will help as well. I think one website actually says Erin was "fired"

  9. She isn't a bad actress, but the character is just not interesting. I want fewer newbies & more vets. Hear that Mr. Wolf? It ain't fixed yet.

  10. I never found her accent to be all that terrible and i'm quite used to an irish brogue.

  11. I don't think she's for Ethan, whoever is going to play her. Their meeting is just a means of introducing GW's big umbrella storyline coming up, is what I've heard.

  12. She's another newbie who needs to go. NOW. She isn't good enough to warrant keeping her to play another character when vets are not being written for.

  13. She was just a prop to get stupid LL2 back together.

  14. I am so over the doppelganger s/l's... oh well. I want Liz to take care of a seriously injured Jax and get on with her life.

  15. I suppose everyone must browse on this.



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