Finally Friday. Not sure how I feel about that fact given this week but HERE WE ARE! the end of February. Let this month BE OVER!
Olivia goes to CARLY of all people to ask with help "Saving Sasha from the Quartermaines". She wants to know if Jason is really the dad. Carly says she didn't ask Jason and doesn't know. Anyway, Olivia wants to offer a job to Sasha at The Metro and comp a room for her to get her out of the Q house.
Sasha and Jason are in the Q kitchen and she says "your mother is driving me crazy". She goes on and on about the family and not having independence. She's pissed Monica gave the baby a sweater? WEIRD. Jason says he'll always be there for her, even with money if she needs. Sasha won't take CHARITY! Jason leaves, Cody comes in to get coffee. She keeps complaining. He calls her 'Cuz"... and says "too soon"??
She's going to go talk to Olivia at The Metro (but it will be Carly).
Sidwell is in the elevator going up to see Jordan at the Metro. Natalia gets in. He says he won't tell her coworkers they were married once. Maxie comes to get on too.
Maxie and Nat were asked by Lucy to come to the Metro for an SOS meeting. Their mineral seller gave their stuff to Enchantment so they have to find a new resource. Lucy looks over at Sidwell and grins.
Jordan and Sidwell meet at the bar. They talk about Cyrus. Then Lucy comes over and steals him to talk about the mineral. He goes over the to table. They talk about a deal. He wants 5% of Deception. THEN Sasha comes over and tells them all he kidnapped her and held her in a room with a bomb.
Lucky wants Isaiah to get him out of GH. Boring macho talk. Lucky has a new lease on life.
Then Isaiah and Jordan are having coffee at the Coffee Corner. He tells her Sidwell is uber dangerous. She says she can take care of herself.
Bobbie's: Alexis and Molly have lunch. They talk about Jason maybe killing Cyrus. Then about Sam dying.
Kristina and Sonny have lunch. She wants to talk about his living arrangements. He hasn't bought a house yet. He's too busy.
Ric and Ava come in.. everyone stares. Ric goes to say hi to Molly. Gets the eyeball from Alexis. He leaves then Ava goes to Sonny's table. She says that Avery has a recital and looks so cute in her outfit. Krissy lays into her about having a daughter while HER DAUGHTER is in a graveyard. You killed her, you bitch!!
Ric comes over and argues and says "MOLLY'S DAUGHTER" AHAHAHA
Sonny is clutching is chest and yells for Ric to knock it off. Alexis comes over and tells everyone to calm down. Sonny and Krissy leave. Molly has already left. Then Alexis leaves too.
Later, Molly goes to the Qs and waits for Danny. She and Cody have a chem test again. She tells him about Bobbie's and her parents can't stand each other.
Kristina goes to visit Lucky and they wonder if Jason killed Cyrus.
Sonny and Jason talk at Sonny's. They wonder if Sidwell set fire to the warehouse and bombed his PH. they aren't sure but something is not adding up.
Looks like Sidwell will get the Deception deal
Kirstina bitches at Lucky about Ava and "justice"