Friday, February 28, 2025



Finally Friday. Not sure how I feel about that fact given this week but HERE WE ARE! the end of February. Let this month BE OVER! 

Olivia goes to CARLY of all people to ask with help "Saving Sasha from the Quartermaines". She wants to know if Jason is really the dad. Carly says she didn't ask Jason and doesn't know. Anyway, Olivia wants to offer a job to Sasha at The Metro and comp a room for her to get her out of the Q house. 

Sasha and Jason are in the Q kitchen and she says "your mother is driving me crazy". She goes on and on about the family and not having independence. She's pissed Monica gave the baby a sweater? WEIRD. Jason says he'll always be there for her, even with money if she needs. Sasha won't take CHARITY! Jason leaves, Cody comes in to get coffee. She keeps complaining. He calls her 'Cuz"... and says "too soon"?? 
She's going to go talk to Olivia at The Metro (but it will be Carly). 

Sidwell is in the elevator going up to see Jordan at the Metro. Natalia gets in. He says he won't tell her coworkers they were married once. Maxie comes to get on too. 

Maxie and Nat were asked by Lucy to come to the Metro for an SOS meeting. Their mineral seller gave their stuff to Enchantment so they have to find a new resource. Lucy looks over at Sidwell and grins. 

Jordan and Sidwell meet at the bar. They talk about Cyrus. Then Lucy comes over and steals him to talk about the mineral. He goes over the to table. They talk about a deal. He wants 5% of Deception. THEN Sasha comes over and tells them all he kidnapped her and held her in a room with a bomb. 

Lucky wants Isaiah to get him out of GH. Boring macho talk. Lucky has a new lease on life. 

Then Isaiah and Jordan are having coffee at the Coffee Corner. He tells her Sidwell is uber dangerous. She says she can take care of herself. 

Bobbie's: Alexis and Molly have lunch. They talk about Jason maybe killing Cyrus. Then about Sam dying. 

Kristina and Sonny have lunch. She wants to talk about his living arrangements. He hasn't bought a house yet. He's too busy. 

Ric and Ava come in.. everyone stares. Ric goes to say hi to Molly. Gets the eyeball from Alexis. He leaves then Ava goes to Sonny's table. She says that Avery has a recital and looks so cute in her outfit. Krissy lays into her about having a daughter while HER DAUGHTER is in a graveyard. You killed her, you bitch!!
Ric comes over and argues and says "MOLLY'S DAUGHTER" AHAHAHA

Sonny is clutching is chest and yells for Ric to knock it off. Alexis comes over and tells everyone to calm down. Sonny and Krissy leave. Molly has already left. Then Alexis leaves too. 

Later, Molly goes to the Qs and waits for Danny. She and Cody have a chem test again. She tells him about Bobbie's and her parents can't stand each other. 

Kristina goes to visit Lucky and they wonder if Jason killed Cyrus. 

Sonny and Jason talk at Sonny's. They wonder if Sidwell set fire to the warehouse and bombed his PH. they aren't sure but something is not adding up. 


Looks like Sidwell will get the Deception deal

Kirstina bitches at Lucky about Ava and "justice" 


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Try to Stay Awake


So last night I went to an amazing concert by Joss Stone. If you don't know who she is, look her up. Just an AMAZING voice. We found her when she was around 18-19 and coming out of England into the scene covering Rolling Stones songs. I feel a lot lighter and ready to tackle GH today! 
I watched yesterday's show and other than Ned and Olivia it was a MEH. 


Chase is in the gym with Dante. Chase is sad Brook doesn't want Finn to donate his sperms. Dante talks rationally to Chase and makes Chase see why that wouldn't be a good idea. Chase goes back home to talk to Brook. 

Brook talks to Lois about Chase wanting to have Finn be the donor. She doesn't want that. They talk about siblings and cousins and how weird it would be to lie to them (like Lois has done). Brook could never do that. She wonders if her baby knew it was adopted and if they hate her for giving them up. 

Tracey is having Marty over to talk about the Drew Cain/Quartermain name change. He says "When did you have the estate last evaluated"? Seems like Edward misjudged some land boundary and if she doesn't stop with the Drew stuff, he'll expose it. He says Lila and Edward would have to be moved "oh how gross" pffft. Tracey says she's calling their bluff and she's not dropping anything. Then Lulu comes in and tells them Lucky woke up. Asks Marty about Valentin. He says he doesn't know. After he leaves, Tracey says "he's lying to you, I can tell". 

Liz and Felicia talk about Lucky saving Liz and Liz saving Lucky.  

Lucky wakes up with Lulu at his side. I totally forgot about Lucky, btw. She starts yapping at him about what he did with Cyrus. She can't lose anyone else. She also says Cyrus is dead. Then she goes to tell Elizabeth he's up. 

Liz comes into Lucky's room, they kiss. Talk about life and Aiden. She's happy he came in to save her. She'll bring Aiden in in the morning. 

In Laura's office, Curtis, Jordan and Laura want to talk to Sonny about Sidwell.  They say he and Drew will use eminent domain to get his property. Sonny's massaging his chest. They think maybe he should sell it so there's not a turf war. He's like NO WAY... then Laura says he might not have a choice. Then the phone rings and she finds out Lucky is awake. Sonny is going to drive her to the hospital. 

They get to see Lucky and Lucky says he still needs his mother. 

At Charlie's: 

Sidwell and Lucy. Sidwell wants Lucy to help him buy Sonny's waterfront property. Lucy says nope. 

Stella and Tri. Trina tells her about her date with Kai and smiles a lot. They talk about the date. A lot. 

Carly and NuBrennan. She tells him Jason is arrested and yada yada. She doesn't like Lucy talking to Sidwell. Then Carly goes and tells Sidwell she knows he kidnapped Sasha and he was a bad man in Africa. Brennan tells him if he doesn't leave Carly alone, he'll 'drop a bomb on him'. Then Carly and Brennan talk about their relationship and he says she's worth the wait. 

Carly and Trina talk about Joss' 'last minute grad trip to Easter Island" (okaaaaay)

Lulu tells Dante she's going to find out what Martin knows about Valentin

Lucky tells Sonny his dad 'came to him' when he was out of it and said it wasn't his time yet, cowboy. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

No Body But...


Well, seems like everyone on BlueSky watched The Gates yesterday so...I wonder how many are with me today!! I'm taping it to watch later. 

Carly goes to see Jack Brennan to thank him for fixing her sink and also to ask who called him last night. She said she's glad he got the call because she would have asked him to stay the night. He would have if she'd asked. She wants to know what their relationship is.

Anna says only Jason's DNA was found at the cabin. He says he has an alibi. "It's DREW"?? She asks. The ADA goes in and tells him these charges will stick and he won't get out of this. 

Joss finds out Jason is at the PCPD and being questioned.  The ADA lady tells Anna she's off the case and Jason is being charged. Joss says NO! He didn't do it!! ADA lady goes into the room to talk to Jason. Joss says he didn't do it to Anna. Anna's like: How can you be so sure.  Then, in TWO SECONDS FLAT --Joss is in Brennan's office. It's BIZARRE.  Jack tells Carly to go see Jason at the PCPD before she sees Joss is there.  

Brennan then talks to Joss and tells her they planted Jason's DNA at the crime scene. HE TOLD JOSSLYN they PLANTED DNA. This is SO DUMB. Then he says Jason won't go to jail because there's no body (um, that's a lie) and it's better Cyrus stays dead and buried and yada yada. 
Can't they just ping Jason's phone?? vehicle? Or look at security footage from the Qs?

Alexis goes to Drew's to tell him Sam was murdered by Cyrus. Maxie is in Scout's room redoing the paint.  Drew is sorry. Alexis leaves. Maxie talks about installing a safe. Then Willow and Nina show up. Drew and Nina bicker. He says she's jelly of Willow. She says he wants to get Willow pregnant like Jason got Sasha pregnant. PFfffffffffft. 

Drew and Willow leave for the PCPD.

Nina wants Maxie to break into Drew's safe to get the goods on him. Maxie says no. 

Jordan goes to see Portia and tells her Cyrus is missing. Acts like she knows he was murdered. Portia is glad he's not a threat. 

Brad and Lucas talk about going to Miami to the GH conference. Brad wants Pina coladas. -- OH! SELINA WU walks off the elevator. She wants Brad to resign and work for her because Cody owes money and how it's going to be Brad's debt to pay off since he sent Cody to her. She leaves but texts Brad to meet her at the Surf Shack. She tells him he has to pay off the debt and he says he might have another way. 

Kai and Trina are at The Rice Modern Museum of Art. They are going to paint together on some wall. They talk about their paintings and Kai doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. Really TERRIBLE dialog and Trina deserves SUCH a better story. 

Alexis is talking to Lucas about the murder and she's mad she didn't know about it right away. She asks if she blamed him that night. She says it's all a blur. He says no. 


Carly finds out Sam/Dex were murdered by Cyrus. Jason is charged. Drew comes in and is asked about Jason's alibi

Brennan offers Joss a job

Brad gives his Aunt the testing results she can use to blackmail Portia with

Maxie gives Nina a folder with Drew's safe combination numbers

TODAY WAS SO WEIRD. Bad, bad editing and so many holes in this Cyrus thing. They have NO blood or body or anything....but a hair from Jason LOL.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Cocktails around Port Charles


Since I'm out today, I thought it would be fun to imagine what I'd order if I was out and about in the good city of Port Charles. It's a great spot for a bar-crawl!! 

CHARLIE'S:  Now that it has a blues inspired interior, all I can think of is jazz and having a crafted Bourbon Manhattan (Orange rind, no cherry) while sitting at the bar.  Liquor of choice: Douglas & Todd. 

SURF SHOP: Over at the Pacific Ocean DJ spinning diner-type place, I'm choosing a Peach Almond Shake. They used to make these at Fridays in days gone by.  Mixture of Peach Schnapps and Amaretto. 

BROWN DOG: This calls for a local craft brew and I'll choose our own Rohrbach's Scotch Ale. Hopefully, there will be a bar fight to watch! 

PORT CHARLES GRILLE:  Fancy setting, Fancy Fire-- and you know I'm choosing a Dirty Martini in honor of our girl Ava Jerome. Since I'm not a gin drinker, I'll have a vodka one with Absolute Mandarin (yes, I'm weird). 

THE METRO COURT:  The Metro Court  has a very '80s type vibe. The lighting is so bright and the decor just doesn't know what do with itself. I half expect a 'ladies night' to popup. I that spirit, I will be having a Cape Codder. Cant' go wrong with that. Vodka of Choice: just Well vodka, it won't matter! 

THE SAVOY:  I'm sure new manager N'neka will have a full menu of craft cocktails to choose from. I do think she'd make a mean Moscow Mule however, so I'll grab myself one of those. Tito's...and skip the mint. 

CAFE CHERIE:  You might ask, what is this? It looks like the PC Grille but it's white and more airy. Since I may hit this place for lunch, I'll keep it lighter with a Kir Royale. Champagne of choice:  Andre Brute. I'm not a picky champers drinker! 

POZZULO'S: If you get invited by the mob-boss himself for some homemade pasta, you'd better order some top-shelf scotch to wash it down. Make Sonny pay for the good-stuff. My choice? Johnny Walker Blue.

BOBBIE'S:  No, no drinks here but worth a mention if you need a nice hot chocolate on your way to the skate park. I'm thinking you could always put a little nip of Kahlua in there when you get outside! 

NOSTALIA VIBE: BUCKET 'O BLOOD:  One more to add to the mix. Robert and Luke's fave haunt! Since it's a bar that harkens to my earlier days, I will have my Dos Equis and a shot of JD.  That place deserves a broilermaker. 


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection


I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it's our never ending winter here (77" of snow and counting) or the fact I've watched for so long but things just seem less dramatic than usual.  

Well, let's get into it--  I'm already on my 2nd cup!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Let's Try this AGAIN!


I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on today. I had a new Severance to watch so... I did that instead. (if you know, you know)

Next week starts Beyond The Gates on CBS and it's on when GH is on here. I so wish it was on at 3pm/est and I would def watch live. Damn it. Just found out Neighbours is being canceled after this season. You know how much I love that Aussie soap now so I'm just sad. I will be tuning into East Enders on Brit Box instead. 


Brennan won't call the cops and wants to clean up Cyrus himself. Joss finds out he was outside when he was going to attack her. He says that she probably can't get away with self-defense because she brought the gun. He's going to clean it all up, but Joss can't ever tell anyone the WSB is involved. They go back to the WSB office. She takes a shower in the locker room and changes her clothes. The French lady says that they are looking for Cyrus now and might find the cabin. There's an APB because he attacked Lucky. He orders a clean up with ONE exception. (we dont' know what that is). 

Joss is in the bathroom. Flashes back. Throws up. Comes out and Brennan tells her he knew Cyrus killed Dex all along and wanted to "see what she did" because they want her on the WSB. 

Lucky is in a coma--family is waiting outside. Aiden and Liz go in to visit him. His machines start alarming. Portia and Isaiah try to revive him. They do. (shocker_

Dante finds out Cy killed Sam and Dex. Anna tries to find out where Cyrus might be. Jordan comes in with the property connection between Austin Gatlin-Holt and Cyrus. They get an address. Dante and Anna leave. 

Jason tries to make the peace with Drew for "Sam's kids sake" Drew is being a dick. He says Jason never had use for the Qs and he wishes HE was dropped off there instead of with Betsy Frank. Jason doesn't appreciate being a Q.  Throws Jason out of the house. 

Brook tells Chase she had a baby in HS and the father didn't even know about it. Chase is talking to her about what happened and how she chose what she did and yada yada. Chase is sympathetic and they talk through the whole thing. 

Tracey and Sasha. Sasha tells her the PI lady is looking into Michael and she told her her due date. Tracey wonders if she's going to marry Jason. Sasha says not her business and Tracey says it is now because that baby is a Quartermaine. Then Sasha says something like: YES Jason is the father, right when Jason walks into the kitchen. Sasha leaves. Tracey goes: WELL WELL WELL to Jason. She says she's glad he's staying at the Q house and he's 'one of them'. he says Drew is after him now. 


Dante, Anna and PCPD guys get to the cabin and kick the door in

Tracey is glad Jason is 'home'

Brennan helps Josslyn cover her tracks and hopes she becomes a WSB agent. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Internet Blow-Out


Chase and Brook Lyn are in the bedroom. Chase has on red boxers and Brook lyn? Her winter coat. 

Lulu and Dante talk about Chase's fertility problems. GEESH!

Laura and Jordan ask Anna who's the biggest threat: Drew, Sonny or Sidwell. 

Drew asks Willow to move into the new house

Cyrus runs out of Liz' house. Lucky is down. CPR. 

Joss is in Cyrus' house looking around. 

Jason is at Sam's grave, talking about killing Cyrus or not.

I'M SORRY! My internet was a fool and I didn't finish the show. I DO know Joss shot Cyrus at the end because I looked on Blue Sky. 

I'll watch it on Hulu later. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Killer Scenes


This winter! PHEW! It's like the late 70's and early 80s!! Just not giving up. Makes cabin fever real. I guess it's good to hunker down and watch GH. 

Carly and Brennan kiss in the kitchen. Kid interrupts them. Brennan talks to Donna about why people dream. :eyeroll: 

Gio and Emma come in to talk to Joss at Bobbie's. Emma wants Joss to go to her fundraiser for the bunnies. Joss is too busy. Emma's not happy. Joss gives her $100 and leaves. Gio likes Emma's "Passion" on issues. 

Dante sees Chase. They talk about his song. Chase tells him he can't make a baby. Dante says that he's sad but other ways to make a family. 

Lulu and Brook are in Deception working on an "Emergency". They solve it but Lulu is in trouble for answering the phone. Weird. I guess Lulu was mean to the guy selling the rare minerals and Brook wasn't happy. They fight. Yada yada. Then Dante walks in.

Savoy: Willow and Drew walk in. Curtis isn't happy. Willow makes a remark about Lucas sitting with Brad.  Curtis then tells Drew he doesn't want him there!! Drew and Willow leave. Drew takes her to show her the new house. 

Cyrus is at Liz' and won't leave. He finally gets her to ask "Why did you try to kill Lulu"? He says it was to be a gift and goes on about souls being released. OMG Becky and JEFF ARE AMAZING. You have to watch this!!!! He killed Sam because she saved Lulu and got in the way of his plans. Then he realized how good digitalis was and continued his work. Liz asks about Dex. He says Dex tried to kill him and also saw him outside of Sam's room. Flashback to Dex's body and Cyrus cutting off his morgue bracelet. Liz says she 'understands' why he's doing this to 'heal' people. He says that's why he tried with Michael, he was suffering. Then he says he has to kill her because she'll mess up his work. FAKE LUCKY breaks in the door and says: TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HER ahahahhaa.  Then Liz runs and Lucky and Cy fight over the needle. 


Cyrus stabs Lucky in the leg with the syringe

Joss goes into Cyrus' cabin

Drew asks Willow to move in with him

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



Opens with Chase in the shower. Then... they cut to something else. LOL 

Aiden made a cake for Lucky and Liz. His boyfriend Tobias is there. They are going to go to the skate together. TEMP Lucky and his weird hair is there. Liz and Lucky talk.

Anna tries to talk Jason out of killing Cyrus. Which Alexis JUST TRIED TO DO for a whole day. Good lord. She says she has enough evidence to bring Cyrus in. She issues a BOLO but tells him not to kill Cy because they can put him in jail. Plus, everyone knows they are friends and if he kills him, it will reflect badly on her. Oh this is just dumb. She gets all teary eyed and basically begs him not to kill him and "Trust her to do her job". They talk about how much they are alike and that she gets him even more than Carly does. I...think I hit my head?

If you know Lante Cupcakes, you're a VET! 

Lulu got cupcakes for Rocco at Eckert's. She takes them to the Qs and sees Dante. He says Rocco is at the Valentine's skate. He said Rocco didn't want cupcakes awhile ago because they reminded him of her. She's missed out on so much. Asks Dante questions about his life. WHY THE FK isn't Rocco there? I mean, he and Lulu haven't been in a scene since Dec! 

Spinelli sets Lucas up with a dreamy date at The Savoy. Brad is there too. The date is a model and gorgeous. Lucas is all flustered. LOL Brad is jelly. Lucas tells Gunther that he's not ready for a relationship yet and Gunther leaves. 

Then Brook Lyn and Chase walk in...say hi to Spin and ask where Maxie is. 

Also at The Savoy, Curtis and Portia celebrate. N'neka is there too. Portia wants to say hi to Trina and Curtis says to leave them alone.

Tri and Kai go to dinner there. He finds out Curtis owns the place. 

Carly gets a visit from Brennan in the Corinthos' kitchen. The water faucet sprays water all over, I'm sure to get Carly all wet. :EYEROLL: He's going to fix the sink. His dad was a plumber you know. 

Mac has a migraine over seeing the Sasha and Jason kiss. Felicia talks him down and he says he'll stand by Sasha. 

Lucas has a drink with Brad at the bar

Chase sings a valentine's day song

Dante and Lulu have a cupcake fight

Lucky and Liz kiss..Lucky leaves but forgets his cake

Jason won't say he won't kill Cyrus. He gets out of jail

Liz opens the door back up and it's CYRUS. 

Monday, February 17, 2025



take your mind off THE WORLD for awhile. 


Joss and Trina at the apartment. Kai texted her to go out. She doesn't want to leave Joss on Valentine's Day. Kai is taking her to The Savoy. Trina says yes and Joss is happy so she can go look for Austin's cabin that Brennan gave her the address to. 

Carly is making cookies. Sonny stops by to tell her the custody case is settled. 50-50. She's like, ok but WHY?? He gives the reasons but she knows something else is going on. They talk about Jason maybe being Sasha's baby daddy. Carly thinks he's doing for Sasha what he did for her and Michael. Sonny's like: NOT YOUR BUSINESS. She says she has to support Jason. He says maybe Sasha doesn't want her to know and yada yada. 

Laura is meeting with Curtis about the Pier situation. Drew had said he can take it over to make the boardwalk. Laura thinks he's doing it to hurt Sonny and in turn, Jason. They come up with reasons he shouldn't build there. Jordan comes in and talks about meeting Sidwell. She wants to get information out of him. Curtis isn't sure she should. Then DREW shows up. ugh. He says he'll match funds with Federal Money (AHAHAHAHA Um, ok) and if they don't take it, he'll let the bill die. He says "you'd do this if it wasn't Sonny's property so take the deal" and leaves. 

Mac wonders how and why Anna can keep Jason. She says something about Class D felony for threatening Cyrus. He's like, yeah, but Cyrus was in Danny's face. Anna says she's keeping him there so he doesn't kill Cyrus. OMG Mac: But would that be Sooo bad? Then Anna's like: He wouldn't leave any evidence, right? They are basically saying they hope he kills him lol

Liz visits Jason in the PCPD lounge room. She says she has evidence to put Cyrus away. Shoves a briefcase at him. She says she'll take it to Anna and Cyrus will be arrested and case closed. Jason says he's not sure the PCPD is up to the job. 

Mac sees Sasha who's at the station to see Jason. He's not happy she's going in to see Jason. She says the PI  told her about Willow and maybe she suspects Michael is the father. (which she doesn't she was just trying to get close to the Q staff to get info on Michael).

Liz goes in to see Anna. Tells her they have the evidence to put Cyrus away. She tells er about Turning Woods and what they found out. Anna asks for evidence. Liz says they went through the trash and got a receipt for syringes and a box they think contained digitalis. Anna's all: WELP! NO chain of evidence. NOW she cares about protocol?? This is SO WEIRD. Anna's so up and down.

Cyrus is shown in his room, reading his bible, touching the dried flower. Says "Thy Will Be Done". He pulls out a huge box of digitalis. 

At GH, Felicia tells Willow she's dong SO WELL. Then Marty comes in and Willow's all: UT OH. He says that the PI lady had an accident but she's making inroads with the Q staff--(Sasha). Then the nanny calls an Willow's car is impounded. Tracey had it towed. 

Sasha and Jason decide they have to pretend the baby is Jason's. Willow is trying to get her car back and is in there as well. 

PS> Joss had a NURSING textbook to study from. Wasn't she doing environmental studies? 


Joss is dressed in black and takes out Dex's gun

Anna tells liz she'll try to arrest Cyrus on another charge and to 'wait there'

Sasha sees Willow through the glass and tells Jason to "go with it" and kisses him---hard. Mac about has a heart attack lol 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas


Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and enjoyed watching. Things feel like a wheel that's turning and starting to click together.  I'm doing it a bit differently today. Going by characters that caught my eye. I'll try to smoosh it all in but it's a LOT!! 

Grab your coffee and let's go! 

Friday, February 14, 2025



FROM The NED and OLIVIA Fans on Twitter! 

OK !! SO I messed up and didn't get a blog out yesterday. I started watching the shows I missed an by 2pm I was sick. Stomach flu--BAD. UGH... I'm still not doing well. That's what the germ-job gets you!
This week is pretty much a bust for me when it comes to GH and I apologize. Not sure when I'll be back up and running. 

I did manage to make these notes!! 

Thursday's show was: Charlie's, Black Dog, PC Grille, Bobbie's.  GET THOSE set uses!! Anyway, YEAH for Tracey asking for Lila's ring back. I am also liking Jane and NLG. More Please. Also, Lucas is a GREAT character and great actor. 

TODAY'S SHOW!! I MADE IT! I'm not throwing up! 


Sasha and the doggie at GH.. I didn't see yesterday's show yet but someone said the PI lady got run over? She's ok and just has a neck brace on. Isaiah holds the doggie when Elaine goes to get her prescription. When she's back, she realizes she can't take the dog out 3x a day. Sasha says she'll take it. Elaine says they need to be honest with each other. 

Lulu is talking to Krissy about Sam. She's sorry. Says that without Sam she'd be dead and she's so sorry she got killed. "I see her as a bad-ass guardian angel". Lulu suddenly gets a text she has to get to the meeting. 

Brook is angry that Lulu is late for the Deception meeting. LaRue comes in and talks about LA meeting. They need a rare mineral for their new cream. OH! I bet it's a SIDWELL thing. He was mining in Africa. I am RIGHT! Lucy brings him to the meeting. Lulu is there now and is like: Um, didn't you try to kill my brother? 

Sidwell gets a tick out and Lucas is seeing him at GH. They talk about Wyndemere and Lucas says he grew up there as a child.  He wonders why. Lucas says his mom was married to a Cassadine. Then Sidwell tells him Jerome Gallery is refreshing his house. Lucas says: That's my AUNT!  Sidwell leaves. 

Molly and Drew are stuck on a roof, freezing. They talk about Sam's autopsy. FINALLY Cody takes his pants off (he has on long johns) and throws them off the roof. Lucas and Isaiah see them fall. They went outside to talk about their day. 

Sonny has an offer for Ava regarding Avery. He says he'll go back to the original 50-50 agreement. Ric balks. Says they can get ALL the custody. Sonny says they have to do this for Avery. Ava says he's trampled all over the agreement before, why wouldn't he now. Ric really wants to get him on the stand. Sonny says, ok 60-40 and talks about Avery and her feelings and yada yada. Ava suddenly says: 50-50. Ric goes nuts. Sonny says thank you and leaves. Ric and Ava talk. She's happy it's over and feels badly she was so focused on hurting Sonny. 

Jason is arrested?? Alexis goes to talk to him about Sam. She says she wants him dead too. Oh, Cyrus' days are numbered. She says SHE WANTS TO KILL him. Jason says it's not in your nature (Um, yes, it is!! LOL) she says "it's in yours".  She finally says that Sam wouldn't want them to kill Cyrus because of the toll it would take on Danny. Don't kill him, he will carry that guilt forever. 

Later, Sonny goes to see Krissy and tells her about the new custody arrangement. Kristina is pissed it's 50/50...Sonny says it's over. Done. Kristina says she didn't think she'd see her dad whimp out like this (paraphrased) 


Sidwell and LaRue were MARRIED ONCE!! 

Sonny tells Kristina this is the way it's going to be and dat. dat.

Cody and Molly get off the roof. 

Ric and Ava kiss


MAC Daddy is back on! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Another Day another Dollar!


I've heard I should watch the last 10 min of yesterday's show and that's about it! LOL.. I'll watch Friday on Hulu and catch up. (I HOPE!!) 

Another fun day with the 2 year olds. One of them knew what a lobster was yesterday and I almost cried (these kids are mostly non-verbal). They are joyful but the energy level is at like a 22! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Soapy Thoughts


Here we are! I have a lot to do today and won't make the show. Too bad because I want to see Ava and Ric after glow. That was ONE GIANT OLD FASHIONED SOAPY SCENE!! Just lust. 

It's interesting that when I think the show is moving along and there are entertaining things happening a lot of people think the opposite. I really wonder if some of it is because of age differences and what we watched as teens. Just an idea. I mean, a good story is a good story but my pacing and dialog expectations might not match others. I like a mine spicy and having a good villain around (cartoonish or regular) not all good people. A lot of us "vets" have also seen stories over and over again (See Jason as Baby-Daddy) and are either sick of them or can guess exactly what's going to happen along the way. 

Oh, I do want to point out the Tracey/Carly scene was unexpected and I didn't hate it. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

THE Park

 Monday after the SB!! Are you bloated? Hung over? NOT ME!! I only watched the halftime show. Which I thought was brilliant. :Clapping: 

Felicia invites Cody for a lecture and lunch. OH! She also invited Sasha..ahahaha. Wants them to make peace. He says he's sorry. She's saying it was really awful what he did to her. Cody says he only cares about her. Sasha says she can take care of herself. 

Willow and Marty meet at the Grille as well. He wants to know about the divorce standings. Does she still want to save her marriage or no? She wants to go ahead with the divorce. Nina runs in and is like: YOU SURE?? She gets Willow thinking about putting it off until Michael is back. 

Joss is working at Kelly's and has the girls with her..because, why not? She asks KRISTINA to watch them because she has 'something to do" wtf...! Krissy is going to take them to the PARK (where Ava is) and collect pinecones for a project for Avery. She asks if Avery's been asking about her mom and Joss says they talk at bedtime, as per agreement. She misses her daddy tho. Oh geesh. Cyrus comes in later and Joss says she owes him an apology. She says she knows he didn't kill Dex and the PCPD doesn't think so either. 

Later, French lady comes in and gives Joss a note from Jack Brennan. It's the address of Austin's old cabin. She gave it to her so it didn't leave a digital trail. 

Ava and Trina are walking through the park. Ava talks about having 2 mortgages and about Trina and Kai. Then Kai comes into the park and Ava goes to get coffee. Later, Ava sees Avery playing with Donna and Kristina. Avery says: MOMMY!! Ava wants to take he r to her new apartment. Krissy is like: Um no. Then Ric comes over and pull Ava away. 

Carly and Nina talk about Willow and Drew. Carly agrees they have to do something but they have to be careful. She's all in.

Cyrus is stalking Liz at GH. Ric brings her flowers to welcome her back. Cyrus still stalks her. 

Ric and Liz go to the park. She says she'll be careful around Cyrus and besides, he's banned from GH. Then she says Lucky is helping and Ric gets a jelly look on his face. 

Tracey tells JASON what went down at The Metro Court and Drew saying Jason was Sasha's baby Daddy. Jason is like: WHAT Tracey says: DENY IT!!  Jason says it's not her business. She says that confirms it!  She also says Danny and Monica don't know yet. He goes to find Sasha. 

Tracey is on the phone with Diane-- then Carly stomps in and stops her. I think she's going to be part of the plan. She wants Tracey to back off Drew/Willow because it will drive them together. 


Jason comes in and Cody's all: SO you the father!!?? HUH? HUH? 


Ric takes Ava to her apartment which is decorated in GIANT MOTH PAINTINGS. WEIRD. He says she's too desperate to get Avery back and she'll get in trouble. 

Kristina says to Liz: "if I can't have my daughter, neither can Ava"

Cody challenges Jason to a, actually he screams JUST SAY IT, YOU'RE THE FATHER OF SASHA'S BABY!! right in the Grille. 

Tracey tells Carly to "make it hurt" when it comes to Drew. 


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!


GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat right out!! Other times I was struggling to stay awake. A new face popped up like magic with no accent as welll

 Want to count Lulu's turtlenecks with me while we read?? 

Let's GO GO!! 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Horses on Socials


Portia apologizes to Elizabeth. She thought Ric Lansing fought well for her. Portia thinks there are only 3 digitalis deaths at GH. 

Nina finds out Drew bought a house and Maxie is helping him decorate it. Nina's losing it. NO WAY!! Maxie thinks she's jelly of Willow. 

Turning Woods nurse won't let Cyrus see an old lady until he talks to the director first. Director tells him to get lost. He thinks it's all Elizabeth's fault. Leaves mad. 

Lulu thinks that following European horse-sites might help her find Charlotte. Through her social accounts. While in Bobbie's, Cyrus comes in and she reminds him there's a restraining order out on him. Get out or she'll call the police. He says you don't know what I did for you. She goes to call the police but he leaves. 

Laura goes to meet with Drew at the Grille, not knowing Sidwell is there. Sidwell is trying to get Drew to take Sonny's Pier 55 for the new boardwalk and use eminent domain if you have to. Laura walks in. They bicker. Drew finds out Sidwell held Lucky hostage in Africa. They talk about the docks and Laura says she doesn't trust Sidwell and leaves. 

Lucas and Carly, who are now BFFs talk about her being 'loud' about Drew's tie at The Metro Court. He says they make it worse by trying to get to Drew/Willow. They'll just stick together. She doesn't think she'll help Nina. 

Later, Lucas apologizes to Willow for yelling at her that one time. 

Carly walks into Nina's office just as Maxie is talking about how Nina did everything she could when SHE was in love with Sonny, so don't judge Willow. Maxie leaves. Nina admits she was wrong to do what she did during Carly's marriage and Nixon Falls. Yada yada. Carly's stunned. Carly doesn't think they should do anything. Nina tells her Drew bought a house. 

Sonny and Natalia are at the doctor's in California. He goes into the office. OMG this was the most dragging thing all day. He'll need a pacemaker but Sonny wants to put it off until he finds the bomber.

Jordan talks to Anna about being a honey trap for Sidwell. Getting close to him and figuring out what's going on. Anna's like:COOL! I'll give you the equipment!! But you know, he's dangerous. 


A guy was in the doctor's office and he calls Sidwell---he was following Natalia...NOT SONNY! But heard everything. Nat must be one of his ex's. 

Cyrus sees Liz and Lucas talking--flashes back to the bible and flower

Thursday, February 6, 2025



Alexis tells Danny that the authorties don't think his mother's death is an accident.  He freaks out. Should they tell Scout? They decide not to. 

Lois goes to see Marty because she 'needs a lawyer". She pays him his retainer and says she has to tell him something that happened 21 years ago involving her daughter. She tells him the entire story and "no one can find out....ever"!! 

Brook Lyn is at the Gate House and GIO comes in (anvil) looking for Willow but Willow is at Nina's. Then Tracey comes in and Brook has to tell her Willow moved out. Tracey doesn't really care, she's going to go talk to lawyers.

Nina and Willow talk about her situation. Then DREW shows up. Nina tells him to back off and she'll fight for her daughter. 

Brad shows off his "guns" to Lucas and Stella. Lucas is impressed lol ==they chat and laugh it up. 

Curtis wonders why Portia is being so nice to Brad.  Then he goes to tell Stella how bad Brad is. Portia tries to stop him.  He asks Brad if he's still involved with Selina Wu. Brand says no. Curtis says you'd better not me!! 

Chase and Dante talk about Sam's murder. Rocco hears that Cyrus is the lead suspect.  Oh Hardy Boys with him and Danny ?  Danny leaves. 

Joss and  fake Brennan.  They talk about her looking at Cyrus' apartment. He suggests that Cyrus could have 'another place" to find. Then Carly walks in with Lucas. She wonders why Brennan is talking to Joss. He makes up some excuse. 

Joss talks to Lucas and looks up Cyrus on the phone. Wonders if he's heard of "Austin Gatlin Holt' 

Tracey shows up at Martins' room, wonders why Lois is there. Lois says she's there because of Willow. Tracey is upset Willow took the kids. Marty is saying it was her choice. 


Drew wants to go public with Willow 

Lois tells Martin that Gio is Brook's son

Joss asks Brennan to find out about Austin's property

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Mixed Day


Some of the cast will appear TODAY on Jennifer Hudson's show. Check your local listings. Will prob be on YouTube tomorrow. 

I had mucho dental work done this morning for a bridge. I've had trouble with ONE damn molar since I was in my late 20s and it just goes ON and ON and.. ON. I had an implant for 28 years and now it's this. SO MUCH NOVOCAINE! 

Anyway, Today's SHOW: (has there ever been a dentist on a soap??) 

Joss goes to break into Cyrus' apartment. The super stops her and then lets her in when she says she's getting a food list from "Brother Cyrus".  She enters the room. He goes to fix pipes. She finally finds a bible and in there is a daisy and I think someone gave that to Sam? The super comes back in and she leaves. 

Brad tells Cyrus to get out of the hospital.  Cyrus finally leaves. 

Liz and Lucky's dancing is interrupted by Ric. He tells Liz she can go back to work at GH. Luckys' snotty to him. THEN he ASKS him for help with Cyrus!! Wants to know what his parole conditions are. Ric will find out as a favor to Liz. 

Alexis tells Molly and Krissy she wants to tell Danny that Sam was murdered. Molly goes to pick her up and Kristina says "not a good idea". In the most stupid dialog exchange I've heard in awhile, Kristina thinks Danny is "too young" and they "don't even know the killer". Alexis asks how long they would have to wait until the killer is found and Kristina says: Well, Maybe Dad could help. :EYEROLL: WTF. Like the internet doesn't exist so Danny WILL find out. Alexis says Sam would have wanted them to tell him. 

Cody goes into the Q kitchen and sees Dante. Dante tells him that Sam was murdered.  They are sad. Molly shows up and takes Danny. Would have been nice to give Dante a heads up, no? 

Nina finds Willow at the Gate House. Willow tells her Carly was there and bolted before drinking her tea.

Metro Court. Drew says Jason probably used 'power' to get Sasha pregnant--Carly's like shut up. Sasha gets up and says THIS IS MY LIFE! She says to leave her and her baby daddy alone. BUT-- doesn't say Jason isn't the father. The ladies at the table gossip a bit. Tracey wants to talk to Willow but Brook goes instead. Brook stomps into Willow's and tells her what happened at The Metro. 

Drew wants to talk to Maxie about getting "a mother's advice". Um..okay? He bought a house and wants help decorating. After talking Maxie says you're a good dad and I'll help. 

Anna and Lulu talk about things. Where's Brennan? Would Carly know? Anna's knocking back whiskey-- because of Jason?? I'm not sure. 

Sasha goes to the Qs and confronts Cody. BUT she still doesn't say Jason isn't the father. He leaves. Tracey comes in and is surprisingly soft...she wants to talk to Sasha. She says it doesn't matter who the dad is she'll have her full support. 

Carly goes to GH and Lucas is all quizzing her about Jack Brennan. Jack went to see him and he wants to know if she's dating a WSB agent and if they've slept together. VERY cute scene. Very natural. Carly eats a sucker. Lucas says he should have told her all these things when she hooked up with Sonny. Jack's a liar. 

Anna says that Valentin was sighted in Germany but he's gone

Tracey will stand with Sasha, knows what it's like to be a single  mother and she raised Dillion alone, away from PC. 

Liz says she's all in on framing Cyrus if that's what it takes

Cyrus sees someone was poking around in his room. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

You Left Something...


It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!! 

Yesterday's show was painfully slow--TODAY'S SHOW is going to be the NUJACKBRENNAN. I'm so sad. BOOOO. BUT! I will give Joey #5 from OLTL a chance. 

First scene is NuBrennan and so far... sad horn. Carly's on the plane going back to Port Charles. Oh HOLLYWOOD Teeth. Eesh. French Lady calls and says she has to show him something. 

Anna is talking to Joss about Dex. Dex listed no family besides Joss on forms so she wanted her to know. She tells her Sam was murdered too. Joss says: Yeah, it's Cyrus. Joss volunteered at Turning Woods to get info on Cyrus  and says she can find out about other patients that may have died. Anna says NO! Stay out of this investigation! 

Gross Drew is coming down the stairs of Willow's, doing up his shirt. He says "he'll always see her". Barf. They talk about stuff. She's sad to be living in the lap of luxury because everyone keeps an eye on her. He leaves and I think he left his tie under the couch. 

OH! Carly comes over. Says she's home because Jason was visiting Michael and brought presents for the kids. Willow goes to make tea and Carly finds Drew's tie. 

Lucky and Liz still talking about Sidwell. Bore. The poker games. How he stopped JASON from killing him. His Dad was 'guiding him' during the poker games. Then he says 

Isaiah sees Sidwell and Jordan, goes over and asks him if he's going to kill him "himself" this time. Lucy comes over and chats.  Jordan is trying hard to charm Sidwell and get information from him. Isaiah doesn't get that clue and finally leaves. 

Deception meeting in The Metro: Lucy, Brook and Tracey arrive first. Lulu's late and Tracey yells at her to be on time. Sasha comes in with Maxie. She's already got a BELLY. Anyway, she's meeting Felicia to have some cake. Tracey isn't happy she's goofing off from work. They talk about Natalia being in LA. Tracey isn't happy that Sonny is there too. 

Felicia and Sasha sit and talk. Felicia says she really should try to get her Baby Daddy's medical records. Sasha says she can get in touch with the father if she has to. 

Then Drew is meeting Anna at The Metro restaurant too. He says he wants to put Sonny Corinthos in jail and clean up the organized crime in the area. THEN! Carly stomps in and says: "Congressman?? I found YOUR TIE in Michael's house when YOU WERE HAVING SEX WITH HIS WIFE" ahahahahaa! 

YEAH! Selina WU has an office and wants to make an offer to Cody. She wants him to sit in on a high stakes game (SIDWELL I'm sure). She'll pay him, give him money to play with and forgive his debt. He'll think about it. Then Drew comes in to talk to her and get dirt on Curtis. "you used to partner with him, right". She wants some information too. Then Cody walks in and is like: Um, WHY ARE YOU HERE, DREW?  Says it figures he's hanging out with Ms. Wu. Asks if he has a gambling debt. Then drops that Sasha is pregnant with Jason's baby LOL!! (You have to see it to believe it)

The French lady meets NuJack outside of "Cyrus' hideout" ... I think it's Austin's old house. He says to wait and see if Joss finds it

Carly STOMPS into the restaurant and holds up Drew's tie: I BOUGHT YOU THIS TIE!! She says she found it at Willow's and he's having sex while Michael is in a BURN UNIT. She says he's sleezy and yada yada. Everyone's eyes are @@!~ 


Liz and Lucky dance

Looks like Jack Brennan is 'testing' Joss for the WSB? I don't know... 

Carly yells at Drew and then he blurts out: well, YOUR PRECIOUS JASON KNOCKED UP SASHA WITH HIS BABY!! Gasps all around. 
WOW that was awesome. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

BORING DAY-O and Casting Shock


Monday. Hey. How ya'll doin?

Me? Meh.... I can only hope GH will be good. 

Dante and Lulu talk in the Horse House. They are sad Sam was murdered. Lulu is sad she was so mean to him. Sad horn. He tells her about proposing to Sam at her hospital bed. 

Lucky and Liz find more victims of Cyrus' digitalis in Turning Woods. Laura comes in and tells him Sidwell is in town.  Tells him he bought Wyndemere. "Be careful" she says. 

Laura and Jordan talk at The Metro bar about Sidwell. Laura leaves. Isaiah comes in Jordy tells him Sidwell is in town. Isaiah really doesn't care he's in town. He gets a phone call. 

Brook and Lois meet at The Metro. Lois has on the MOST FUGLY OUTFIT LOL... Brook says Dante has too  much going on to know he has a kid running around. Lois says why not? Like, changing her tune on that one!! Brook says the child might not even know they are adopted. 

Sonny and Alexis talk about Sam's murder. Good Lord, Sonny has all the emotion of a dead fish. PLUS his HAIR! god! can it BE any blacker? LOL  Sad that Sam was murdered. Well, Alexis is...who knows what Sonny is.  He says he knows what it's like to lose a child. He says he's there for her. 

At the Surf Shop, Maxie talks to Emma about "how to live with Anna". Then she tells her to find her own table when Sasha comes in. Then Emma is talking to Gio but gets up to listen in on Maxie and Sasha. She hears Maxie say "Some people" think Jason is the father of her baby. Then runs to GIO and tells him. He's like: NO, Jason was there when she told the family and he had no reaction. Emma says that's just him. "How cool that my Mom's new 1/2 sister is going to have her best friend's baby"... Good grief. 

Trina called Curtis to talk to Kai who's just sad. Kai has a TEAMMATE IN THE ROOM! Another person!! WOW. Curtis is going to talk to him about what he went through when he was shot. Quinn is the other kid in there. He leaves. Kai doesn't want a pep talk from Curtis. 

Quinn yells at Trina for distracting Kai with the Art project. That's why he's hurt. I tell you what, "Quinn" is way better an actor than Kai. 

REALLY boring show today


Charles Measure is being REPLACED BY ex-JOEY Buchanan Chris McKenna. This starts TOMORROW. !!! I guess CM left by his 'own accord' ...but CHRIS McKENNA? What. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Surgery: A Night At The Spa


Another shortie blog because there's not a lot to say other than I loved some of the shows and fell asleep with others. So hit and miss with me. The fundamental joy was with the Quartermaines! All in the same place, doing Q things and making me smile. 


Monday: Don't remember


Wednesday: Still on a high from Tuesday B

Thursday: Starting down the boring path again C 

Friday:  Not sure I want to even watch... ok, I watched also a C and only because Brad was on. 

Horses and Beers

  It's only Tuesday!! Let's see if anything happens today on GH. If you haven't see, be sure to check out the post below this an...