Monday, July 1, 2024

Jordan's Pink Dress


What a day. I just want to forget life and watch something that will make me forget!! I believe the whole "Natalia is a raging homophobe" is going to happen this week. 

Trina drops off stuff to Ava's place. Ava asks her to tell her "Everything Joss has ever said about Sonny".  She basically begs Trina to help her with custody by telling her what Dex/Joss say about Sonny. Trina says Joss doesn't talk about Sonny much and she doesn't know anything. She can only help her by working in The Gallery. Then Ava lets Adrian the gossip guy in and they listen to Natalia's voice tape. He's so happy and wonders if it's AI. Ava's like: NOPE! She wonders how Alexis is going to feel about the story. He says: She quit! It's going to run today. 

Sonny's at the pool with Avery. Talks to Gio. Finds out that Joss and Trina are moving into the garage apartment. Sonny asks Joss to keep her opinion about his to herself because Gio is 'family' and 'special'. Joss says she's not saying anything and learned from the Kristina thing. Sonny will probably mess it up anyway. LOL  Trina comes in and tells Joss how uncomfortable Ava made her feel and the custody battle coming. Joss said she actually THINKS AVERY IS BETTER OFF WITH HER FATHER. WTF. UGH 
Ava comes down to the pool Gio takes Avery to get ice cream. Sonny tells Ava he threw her out and doesn't want to see her face at the pool or anywhere else. Ava tells him to be very careful because she will come at him HARD in a custody case. Sonny asks if she's threatening him. She says it's a promise. Doesn't he know who she is? That's her daughter and he'd better watch his step. 

Meeting at Deception about Blaze's contract. Lois, Lucy, Scott, Maxie and then Mama La Rue show up. Blaze gets there. Lois is saying how people think shes' Blaze's mother. Mama La Rue isn't happy about that. They talk about how well everything is going and they hope this latest contract is acceptable to Natalia. And NOPE! Mama says it's terrible!! Maxie gets a ton of alerts on her phone about Deception being in the news. She doesn't check it. They argue about video interviews with Blaze. More alerts come in.

Alexis tells Nina she's quitting. Says they don't have a contract so goodbye! Drew is happy she got her law license back. Nina leaves to go make Adrian the editor in chief. Alexis leaves and Jordan comes in. She heard he's running for office when she was in DC at a Mayor's thing she went to with Laura. She wants him to get busy because some lady is running who's horrible. He needs to beat her. Then Jordan leaves and Nina walks back in. *sigh*-- She finds out Drew is changing his name to Quartermaine. She wants to manage the camp!! She wants to help him win! 

Alexis goes to Kristina's house and says she quit her job. Krissy goes to get OJ and Alexis sees the resumes for the manager for the LBGTQIA Center. OH! The Center is opening in August! Then Kristina complains she's carried a child for 9 months and will give birth, then have to give it up. OMG. UGH She cries.. "it's not even MY DUE DATE"! It's THEIR DUE DATE! Sobbing. I'm eyerolling. Alexis tells her how great she is and has a big heart. 

END: Maxie is looking at her phone and sees all of the headlines about Blaze and what her mother has said. 



  1. ---still think they are chem testing Jordan and Drew
    ----AT LEAST the recording is happening early this week and not Friday!
    -----I DID like Trina seeing this side of Ava
    I didn't do well today
    ------Kristina is unbearable to watch --------plus the writers need to get it together: TODAY Krissy said the center was opening in August...........a couple of weeks ago she declared the center is running great
    -------NINA offering to be CAMPAIGN MANAGER for Drew was ridiculous. She has no time NOR EXPERIENCE
    -------Sonny is calm and not screaming-------------what about the pills????
    -----Ava declaring 'no one can know where the recording came from'---------ah, Natalia will know IMMEDIATELY
    -------Avery knows Gio - spoke to him and yet minutes later Sonny asks "Do you remember Gio"
    -------I guess that no one knows about Finn -------Lois was cagey about why Brook Lynn wasn't there.

    1. "Mufasa says, still think they are chem testing Jordan and Drew"

      Me too!!!!

      "-plus the writers need to get it together: TODAY Krissy said the center was opening in August...........a couple of weeks ago she declared the center is running great"

      Yeah it's so very confusing!!!! Writers need to talk to each other!

      "Ava declaring 'no one can know where the recording came from'---------ah, Natalia will know IMMEDIATELY"

      Yeah that's what I am thinking! She will definitely know immediately!!!!!

    2. I think Lois didn't want to go into the "they are taking care of Violet because Finn's a drunk" LOL

  2. Sure continues to look like Ava's being set up for a whodunit story.

    1. If Maura West leaves GH as unredeemable and Eva/Natalia stays - I am gonna lose it!!

    2. IMO the only way that GH would lose MW if it was her desire to go. I don't see her being set up at all.

  3. What exactly does Ava want from sharing Natalia's conversation? Of course Natalia will know where it came from. Won't it make Sonny even angrier even though it exposes N's deepest homophobic thoughts? I don't get it.
    That gossip nitwit would never be the editor of anything, unless he owned it.
    Looks like the big baby pillow has arrived.
    MB had Michael Easton on "State of Mind" this week.

    1. Sonny has been spending a lot of time with Natalia.

    2. I think Ava is also trying to get even with Kristina too.
      I noticed Krissy's pillow had an indentation of a belly button!!

    3. Yep, getting even with Kristina and she's mad at Sonny. BUT--she KNOWS LaRue will know it was her that leaked it! PLUS it doesn't do anything about custody

    4. True,kd. But it's a very grown up wy of stomping your feet. Go Ava.

  4. Metrocourt/Ava's room: Ava is just standing there like a queen! :)

    Ava and Trina: Uh Ava you don't need to do all that! You lived with Sonny for months. You know everything already. Dumb scene.

    Mr. Dimwit and Ava: Ooooooo! Now THIS is more like it.. Soapy delicious.. *Evil smile* Mr. Dimwit wins the line of the day.

    Mr. Dimwit: Oh ho ho mama!


    Krissy's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: She looks 9 months! OH she is 8 months okay. 1 more month to go. Wow this was a fast pregnancy. ROFL! Great scene! Krissy is struggling. Tolly haven't even been around this pregnancy. They haven't even been to the ultrasound appointments!

    Krissy: I know you warned me about this.

    Hey! It's about time someone said that! :)

    Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Gio and Trina: When Gio walked away I saw that Trina was checking him out. *Facepalm*

    Joss and Trina: *Facepalm*

    Gio and Sonny: Gio just wuvs his new neighbors!!! No housewarming gift Gio? Like maybe Tribbles? :)

    Sonny and Ava: OH YES! Queen Ava!!!!! I bow to the queen! :) Hmmm so her hotel room she could see at the roof pool? interesting.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Are they going to argue so much that they have zex?

    Nina, Ryan, Lavery, and Alexis: Hahaha. Yes Alexis tell her you quit!!! :D You never belonged there anyway. You are a lawyer. It's in your blood!!!

    Jordan and Ryan Lavery: Will they have a fling?

    Nina and Ryan Lavery: Now will they have zex? No? Okay. I'm ready for it.

    Deception offices:

    Maxie, Lucy, Scotty, Blaze, Lois, and Mama giggle mouse: OH! The tea has been spilt!! Delicious!!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!

    Sidnote: Awwww no Tribbles today. No group chat today. Too bad. :(

  5. They must have gotten rid of ME/Finn to pay for Steve Burton and JJ

  6. Kristina looks like she grew three dress sizes in a month.

    1. She's the size of Montana for sure!! LIKE: HELLO she has awhile to go lol



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...