Friday, December 20, 2024

Christmas Eve


Yesterday's Show: 
Jason Sasha? Hmmmm... they are ok as friends, don't want anything else. LOVED Tracey and Martin. LIKE LOVED them. Joss and Cam both look like California kids, don't they? WHY didn't Cameron know about DEX?? Wouldn't Liz have said something? Social media? His brother? 

BTW, I would NEVER go into a sauna and sit on those wet tiles and...EWWWWWW. Gross. Curtis works as a ruthless executive. I approve. 

Anyone show Gretchen the zex tape?? :evil smile: 


Christmas Eve

Rice Plaza: Laura is going to light the tree. Runs into Trina says how happy she is Lulu and Lucky are home. Trina's like: Yeah, I bet Spencer would have liked it. Laura certinaly doesn't act cut up about Spencer. She goes to do her mayor duties. Kai walks out and says hello to Tri. They talk and they got an extension on their project so they can present together.

Brennan runs into Anna. He's out of the office! He talks about the bug Carly planted. Anna plays dumb and walks away. Anna goes to ask Laura if lulu is coming and if she knows she shot Charlotte. . Laura says not yet, too much information but it was an accident. Anna should forgive herself. 

Drew is at Nina's. Nina's like: look, I didn't invite you! She reminds them how many times they had zex and Willow walks out. Nina calls someone to come over. Oh! It's Nina and RIC! They were going out to dinner and Nina needs them to help with Drew. THEY WERE ON A DATE! squee. Ava tells Nina not to drink or she'll spill about Drew. Nina says this day just sucks LOL Willow and Drew walk out. Ric says: WELP! How's Aurora Drew, big changes right? You're out and Michael Corinthos is in? Drew and Willow talk and Wills is SO MAD at Michael. "how dare he"...God I hate her and Drew too. 

Sasha and Michael in the Q kitchen. She almost pukes and hides it. Then he says how sad he is without anyone home. He's going to Carly's. She almost tells him but only says "Happy Christmas". Felicia calls her to go get Cody to come over. Sasha talks to Cody and he doesn't want to go. She tells him James is really missing him. 

Over at Maxie's...James,  Spinelli, Mac and Fe talk about playing games later. James is pouting because CODY isn't coming. Anna comes over and so does Sasha. She couldn't get Cody to come. Anna says she has a surprise later. I HOPE IT's EMMA! 

Curtis and Stella welcome Marshall home and Stella walks out too. When Trina gets home, Curtis tells them about the Aurora deal and Drew double-crossing him and how Michael flamboozled Drew. He's CEO! He is sad about losing Drew as a friend and Portia is like: GET OVER IT. 

Kristina stops by her mom's when she knew Molly was out. She's going to her Dad's.  She gives Alexis a gift and they talk about the sad year. Krissy leaves, Diane comes in. Wants Alexis to go to St. Bart's with her. Alexis says no. They talk about Sam and hug. Diane wants to burn all the ornaments but has to make a good Christmas for Molly. Diane tells her to invite Ric tomorrow. Later, Alexis calls Ric JUST AS HE'S GOING TO KISS AVA! Damn it!! She wants him to come over. 

Carly takes a lasagna from Sonny and Avery runs upstairs. He finds out about Millow being apart and that Willow and Drew slept together. Sonny's pissed "Drew will pay" he says. Let's hope so.  Carly has to go pick something up. Joss and Sonny make peace. Michael and Kristina come over. Sonny and Michael talk about his breakup. Sonny says he is glad Michael isn't using his kids against Willow like he did with him and Morgan against Carly. 

Carly stopped by Bobbie's to get the donation they forgot. Brennan walks by, and is sad it's closed. They banter. She realizes he's alone. 

Ric goes to Alexis' house

Cody surprises James at Maxie's

Brennan ends up at Carly's for Christmas Eve

Thursday, December 19, 2024

GH: 2025 and Beyond

 Might not be in today due to Holiday Shenanigans--so here you go!! Please add yours! 

It is time for our annual predictions. For better or worse, here we go.
Don't take any of these too seriously. (Although we admit our track record
has been pretty good in recent years!)

Dave: No Nurses Ball this year. TPTB have been cutting costs and it won't be in budget. They couldn't even afford a pizza for Thanksgiving this year.
Karen: MAYBE they will do it because JJ is back and they'll want to showcase his talents. 

Dave: The Monica situation will be resolved. While we both wish last years April Fools joke with Merideth Baxter taking over would come true, they will probably kill off the character (with Leslie's permission). I secretly hope she leaves the house to Olivia so that when Tracy makes a stink, Olivia can say "It's my house. Monica gave it to me"
Karen: Hmmm, I think they might have Monica just retire and move to some rich country somewhere. I don't know why they haven't recast or had her pass away but I guess there's been enough sadness on GH. 

Dave: Audrey will probably die off camera as well. Maybe near April 1 so they can tie in the memories and clips with the anniversary. 
Karen: Nope, I think Audrey is truly just 'evaporated'. 

Dave: To combat the opening of Universal's New Epic Universe and to get some free publicity, GH will do a very quick (and cheap) location shoot at Disney World. (Disneyland substituting for it!) They can use cellphones and have the cast do some of the video. Almost like home videos.
Karen: Oh my gosh, never thought of this. It would be a great shoot. I think Cody, James, Georgie and Mac would be awesome. 

Karen: Heather will be back within the year. We won't know if it's just a 'nice' visit or if she's gone off the rails again. Things might start to happen and we assume it's her but ??? 
Dave: Love Alley. She took the role and made it her own and got an Emmy for it. Bring her back.

Karen: Lucas will struggle and give up medicine for the time being. He goes into a deep funk and Brad has to 'rescue' him. They spend time going to all the restaurants in PC and bonding over their love of "Wicked" 
Dave: I hate this couple. Lucas deserves better and stability. I can see him with someone older. OR maybe... just maybe... this could be the beginning of a "throuple". That's something you don't see on the soaps. Disney would never let it happen, tho. 

Dave: One of the current background characters is using a fake name. It will turn out that they are related to a family from generations ago.
Karen: This is like, a given !! 

Dave: Actors and actresses will start leaving the show when their storylines start shrinking into nothing. 
Karen: Hmmm, not sure about this one...maybe? 

Dave: I called Cody and Lulu as a couple and stand by it. Rick and Ava? Yes. I stand by both of these couplings.
Karen: Could well be...sets up a dynamic between Dante and him.. plus, Sasha's out of the picture so...

Dave: More courtroom storylines. We have Rick, Scotty, Diane and Alexis all ready to jump into action. Many PC residents will find themselves in court throughout the year.

Dave: There was an Erica Kane mention. You know what that means, right?
Karen: I HOPE SO! 

Dave: Speaking of Brook Lynn, many people think she is Gio's mom. (she was off canvas from 2001-2004, Gio was born in 2003. Brookie was 17. It could work) Everyone will think they are Mom and Son, but it will turn out he isn't. But that makes the GH family wonder... if Gio is not her child, who is?
Karen: I think it's 100% Gio 

Dave: Nina is murdered at her office. It will set up a traditional whodunnit with many suspects and bumbling cops. 
Karen: I HOPE NOT! I think Drew might get killed tho!

Dave: When Chad exits the role, Michael is shipped off to Paris to work at ELQ International. While there, he starts to live his life as a woman and in mid-summer he will return (recasted) as "Michelle". 

Well, I think Chad pissed off Frank so much, he just might kill Michael off!! Then Morgan can return. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024



Oh the weather outside is FRIGHTFUL! Dang--snow/rain stuff and just chilly to the bones. I like it better when it's arid and freezing I think lol 

Carly stomps into the coffee warehouse to mouth off to Drew about not telling her about Drew and Willow sleeping together. She goes on and on and...ugh. She wants to give the tape to Diane to show how sleezy Drew is and expose Willow so Michael can get the kids. Carly just goes on and on  and bark and barks. OMG it's so tedious. 

There's a charity drive that Jordan is running. Flu clinic, food pantry and clothing drive. Felicia is there too along with Willow and Dr. Gannon (giving shots) AND STUPID DREW WALKS IN. He wants to talk to Willow. He cares about her. GROSS. At least Jordan is shooting him nasty looks. OMG WILLOW invites Drew and Scout to Nina's for Christmas!! WHAT!! WHY!! UGH

Nina over decorated her apartment and Nina's like: Um, BUY enough stuff? Lol she wants it perfect for Wiley and Amelia. Ava says she has to tell Willow about her and Drew before it's too late. Nina's like NO WAY, NOPE. She called Martin Gray over to talk legal issues with Millow's marriage. He's like: Um, where's Willow?? Then they talk about why Millow broke up. Nina tells him about the affair. He says Michael is the injured party and Willow isn't Wiley's bio mother and the Qs are really ruthless. 

Curtis and Michael plot about Aurora. They are thinking of releasing a report early, tanking the stocks and Michael will buy them up and then name Curtis CEO. They are going to make it look like they are going Chapter 11. Curtis wants Michael to put it in writing he'll be CEO for 5 years and no takebacks. That's his condition. Michael does it and sends a message to a guy at the WSJ to run a story about Aurora 'collapsing".

Cam is home! Aiden brings him through the front door. Lucky is still there btw. Cam brings home a GIRL!! Gretchen. She plays the cello. Don't tell GIO! They want to go to Key West where her parents are this year. Liz decides to celebrate Christmas today instead. The kids go off to buy groceries. She is happy that Cam is happy. Kids come home. Aiden talks about Tobias and that he's in Disney right now. Then Liz asks Cameron to PLAY A SONG. why.

Joss is moping at home. Finds the present she was giving Dex. Trina walks in and they hug. Joss says she's numb. They talk about Dex dying so suddenly and then Spencer and Oscar. They continue to talk about their dead boyfriends. yada yada. 


Stock tanks ... Drew is concerned. 

Jordan gets her flu shot. 

Cam and Lucky sing "Oh Holy Night" 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Take a Shower

Cam will be visiting for the Holidays! 

 My NEW COMPUTER is here!! She's snow-white and her name is FIONA! I had no idea I ordered white. Lordy. 

Lucky goes to Liz' house with coffee Ric is already there. Ric is interviewing Liz about the hospital stuff. Lucky tries to talk and Ric is all "UM, I want to talk to her ALONE, bud".  Liz says Lucky can stay. They spar--(verbally) and Lucky says: Don't try to be her hero! I like them fighting over Liz! SHE LOOKS AMAZING BTW. Ric listens and tells her she should steer clear of GH for now. If Dex comes back with a dosage of digitalis in him, it's going to be bad for her.  When Ric leaves Lucky says: that guy makes me want to take a shower AHAHHAAHA ...trolling us 

Tracey yells at Sasha about Lulu's eggs being wrong. Sasha tells her to lay her own eggs HAHAHA. Sasha leaves. Olivia tells Tracey not to make Sasha mad because they'll never get a new cook during the holidays. 

Lulu is eating breakfast and Brook Lynn comes down. They sneer at each other. Talk about Sam and such. Then Lulu is all pissy about Dante and Brook says she's changed and a lot has happened in 4 years. Lulu says her daughter is missing. Brook says, welp! GO FIND HER. Lulu says something and Brook says "ask OUR FRIEND Maxie"..Lulu glares and walks out. Dante comes in and Brook says "she's still the snarky Spencer I remember". "If she only knew about that summer".. Dante says It was FOREVER AGO and we are not talking about it. LOL

Anna and Jason talk about Charlotte in her office. She has to find out what happened with Dex, can he go find Charlotte and Val? She feels bad about Josslyn and knows she never wanted Dex to be a cop. She cries. Jason leaves. 

Marty and Lulu talk at the coffee corner about Anna kidnapping him. Tells her Anna's hanging out with a criminal element. She's like: PROOF? he says I'm the PROOF!! He says that they took him to the warehouse and used Zip Ties!! It was about Charlotte so Laura is all: WELL, meh.  He says maybe Cyrus can help them. 

Sonny is at the church, giving money to the priest. Sasha walks in and lights a candle. Sonny says he remembers what day it is. She talks about Tracey's tantrum and how pointless it was. She's also clutching her stomach. Sonny says he hopes she gets to be a mom again.  OH! Little does he know, grandpa!! 

Maxie brings a card to Cody inviting him to the Scorpio fam holiday dinner. He's like: NOPE! Sasha is going to be there. Then Tracey comes in looking for Sasha complaining about how upset she got. Maxie says: It's the anniversary of her baby's death!! Tracey is like:Um, thank you for that info and leaves. Maxie goes to leave too but tells Cody to be with family on the holiday. 

Lulu goes to the stables and is surprised to see Cody. They are cute together. They talk about Camp Cooper and Dante and Cody being there together. Dante walks in. He seems jelly.

Maxie talks to Brook about Lulu and maybe they can all be friends. Launches into how she helped her with an unplanned pregnancy. Brook gets upset and sits down.

Sonny walks into Anna's office because he think she wants to talk to him about Dex's death. She knows he didn't have anything to do with it. 


Oh Brook Lyn is upset because she's not getting pregnant. Thinks something is wrong

Jason and Spinelli talk about finding Charlotte. Jason says he'll make sure Valentin is never a problem for Lulu again

In the church, Tracey leaves and Sasha talks about her baby (to God) and some guy is in there. OH! It's SIDWELL the diamond guy! 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Surf's UP!


It's time to do some soap!!! 

Carly stops Nina and Willow from leaving the Gatehouse.  She says "you're staying" To Wiley and Willow. Nina's like: NOPE! Get out of the way!!  Then Michael walks in. Willow asks him if he'd let them leave. He says ok. They walk out and Carly says "That was a MISTAKE" to Michael.  Then she goes to call Diane and sees all of her messages and that Dex died. 

Lulu and Dante are in the Surf restaurant, having a soda. Lulu wants Charlotte NOW! Dante says she needs to calm it down. Says if she gets hurt looking for Charlotte, Rocco will be lost. She agrees. 

Michael and Drew bark at each other.  Michael leaves. Then Ned and Tracey come in and get in Drew's face. YEAH!! Tracey tells him he's not a real Quartermaine, go back to being a Kane. He says what is a REAL Q? Not giving my dying father his medication? Ohhhhh!!  Tracey calls him fake and Ned is saying mean stuff too. THEN LULU WALKS IN! "Stepmonster, you haven't changed"!! They hug. Tracey makes everyone leave so she can talk to Lulu. She can't believe she's there, she's so happy. They talk about Luke's dying and life in the four years she was gone. Lulu just wants to find Charlotte. Tracey says she'll help. 

Liz calls Lucky in to tell him there's another one that's died, just like Sam died. They try to figure out what happened. Portia comes along and wants to talk to Elizabeth. Liz asks that Lucky comes with her for 'support'. Dex dies of an unexplained heart attack like Sam so Liz has to be on admin duty until they can figure it out. Liz agrees. 

Later, Liz and Lucky have a drink at the Surf Place. Lucky has a beer, Liz has a wine.  They say they need to figure it out before someone else dies. 

Anna and Jason are at GH, and Joss is in saying goodbye to Dex. Jason then walks to the door and watches Joss crying. She thinks she's dreaming and can't believe it. She tells Dex a bunch of lovey stuff and then hugs Jason and cries. They go to the bridge where she mentions Oscar and she can't do this again. They talk about Dex dying, she wants to know how it happened. Carly finds them --Jason must have texted her.  

Felicia and Mac come to GH and Anna cries to them about making Dex be a cop. Felicia says she just talked to him and he was really proud to be one.  The three of them talk about him getting stabbed and Felicia is not remembering a detail that happened. They want to figure out what happened. 


stupid Drew tries to call Willow, she won't pick up

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Caught In The Headlights


WELL!! Finally a Friday to celebrate!! It was so soapy, I loved it. The Monday-Thursday? Blah. But glorious Friday saved the week for me. Anything Q scandal related is so watchable. I had to use that photo because the antlers are HYSTERICAL!! 

I'm having some spiked punch. Let's get ready to GO! 

Friday, December 13, 2024



WELP!! Giant Q family SEZZZZZZZZX tape playing!! Soapy today!! 

Both Ava and Ric's cards are declined. No way to pay. Ava calls Lucas. It was $600!! Lucas pays and then decides to sit and eat and have more champagne!! 

Dante and cops crash Wyndemere, find Lulu there. Dante tells the cops to leave. The silent alarm went off. Lulu says she's there looking for clues about Charlotte. The house is just like it's been when someone lived there!! coverings, nothing!!! They talk about Sam dying and Lulu is sorry. Dante says he'll help her search Wyndemere. They find a box of Char's stuff. A shirt, a plastic Horse. 

Sex tape!! Ned laughs. Gio looks pained. Drew says: TURN IT Off! Tracey says: NOPE! OMG--tooo much to type up but you have to watch today!! AHAHAHAHA. Willow gets mad at Michael --for having the video. Carly yells at Willow. Wills can't believe Michael had it since Sam died. Michael says he wanted to have a last Christmas as a family.  EVERYONE gangs up on Drew. Tracey says that Alan wasn't even that bad!! AHHAA. 

Nina and Wils are at the Gatehouse-- Nina says: GET THE KIDS AND LEAVE!!!!!! Michael is rich and this is war!!

Tracey thinks they should leak it. Olivia says no, for Scout's sake. Drew says it's up to Michael

Joss leaves to go see Dex-- he's getting emergency care.  They are using paddles. Anna hugs her. Joss doesn't understand it at all!! Cries. Anna calls Carly.  

Trina asks Gio for his stadium pass.  She goes to see Kai. Tells him he was great and thanks for the art project. They flirt. 

Dex dies.... Liz is saying it's not right

Willow and Nina leave with the kids but Carly stops them: You're not taking his kids to Nina's!! 

Cassadines took Ava's money

I can't really type because my keyboard is not working. WATCH THE SHOW!! 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

UGH... Keyboard Issues


So, my trusty Dell is 7 years old and a work horse. Now keys aren't working and I have to press 2x for things like the 'o' key. Sometimes 3!! 

I will watch GH but write it up later--SORRY!! I hope Santa gets me a new one or I can use Wubby Hubby's !! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024



It's the middle of the week and BOY I hope GH picks up today! We are building to the "VIDEO reveal" but that's prob Friday. 

Lulu tells Brennan to call Valentin. Well, barks at him. He does. Val doesn't answer so she freaks out. Yells and smashes his phone. Jack leaves. Lulu and Carly talk about her 4 years asleep and the fact Sonny was married to Nina. 

Maxie finally finds Lulu and they gab a lot. Maxie says if Nina knew where Charlotte was she'd tell them . They gab on the couch. 

Maxie is talking to Nina, looking for Lulu. Then Drew comes in. Maxie leaves. Drew says he is making Michael CEO Of Aurora. Nina's like: NOT Curtis?? They argue. DUMB. He wants her help to 'soften the blow' 

Curtis is talking to Jordan about delaying some city plan until he takes over as CEO of Aurora. She agrees. Then Portia shows up. Jordan leaves. Curtis tells her his plan to take Aurora from Drew.  Portia is jelly that Jordan was there. 

Anna goes in to see Dex. He tells her what happened in the park. Then Joss stomps in and Anna leaves. Isaiah comes and says Dex was really lucky. Joss wondered if Sonny had him stabbed. ?? WHAT Then Joss says something stupid about how she thought Dex would be SAFE AS A COP. THE HELL?????????

Jordan talks to Isaiah and he's signed a contract and is staying in PC. 

Marty gets startled by someone and It's Jason who has him in the coffee warehouse. ANNA had Jason take him so she could question him about Charlotte and Valentin. They bluff they might use force. :EYEROLL: He says he has no idea where they are. Anna tells Jason to "Jog his memory"...what. They tie him up but he gives up his phone and Spinelli downloads his files. Carly STOMPS in and won't leave when Jason tells her to. OMG SHE'S HORRIBLE.  

Spinelli tracks Valentin to Zurich

Dex and Joss plan a tropical vacation. Oh, he's going to die for sure

TODAY'S SHOW WAS just... not good. 

NEWS INTERRUPTION....FBI Guy is leaving. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Just a Flesh Wound



Sasha is decorating a tiny gingerbread house for the 'main decoration for the Q dinner and Maxie walks in to see Lulu. Lulu's not there. They talk a bit about Sasha being PG. Willow walks in! She's all pissy to Sasha. Grabs Amelia's medicine and leaves. Maxie wants to know why they are so cold to each other.  Then Sasha and Maxie talk about cheating and Maxie being with Lucky and Liz judging her. Sasha says shes' not going too tell the father about the baby. 

Lulu is at Nina's office wanting to know where Charlotte is. Nina's like: I don't know. Lulu doesn't believe her. Nina says she's not with Valentin anymore anyway. Lulu yells at Nina about being a bitch to her and trying to get custody of Charlotte. Then Nina gets a call from Erica Kane and Lulu grabs the phone an hangs it up. Security comes. Lulu says she's going to call her cousin Carly, who's everyone's boss and tell her what's happening. 

Carly comes in and is so shocked to see how Lulu looks and hugs her. She says she doesn't think Nina knows where Charlotte is but she might be able to help her. 

Curtis called Drew into his office about the CEO Job and giving it to Michael. Drew tells him sorry, he changed his plans. BUT doesn't tell him Michael is taking over! He's faking it..!! Curtis says he knows he's a man of his word and he'll be happy to talk to him later. Then Michael comes in and Drew leaves. Curtis says that Drew didn't tell him about the CEO thing but wants to meet the 22nd. He says Drew is going to get what's coming to him. 

Jack is in Carly's office and throws the bug on her desk he found. He's not happy. He said he only called Valentin as a favor to her. They banter. Blah blah. He's so angry. She's defiant. She gets a phone call and leaves. 

Trina gets an email from Kai and he finished his half of their project during the night. She says it's awesome. She's miffed because it might be better than her part. She says he didn't use AI because she checked. Was she too hard on him? Joss says YEP! 

Lucas finds out that Brad is going to Miami and he's surprised. Not really happy but he says they are professionals and can do this. 

Rice Plaza: Felicia, Georgie and James looking for a tree. Dex comes along and introduces his new partner, Lauren. Cyrus is trying to get people to give to the kettle drive. Felicia is not happy to see him. OMG..then a big FIGHT breaks out with drunk PCU and Llanview guys!! ahahaha. Felicia sends James away because he wants to watch. Cops come and breaks it all up. Dex takes some vodka from a guy and goes to pour it out. When he does, someone knifes him in the back and he falls down. 
That was less than dramatic. Dex is in GH, talking with Chase and telling him what happened. Lucas comes to treat him. He says the wound is not by any organs and such. Dr. Gannon will operate on him soon. 

Over at the Square, Chase questions Cyrus who pulls and innocent act. Felicia tells Chase she was right there and saw it all. She gives him details and thinks that Dex was targeted because he was alone and isolated at that point. 

Felicia says that there's a part missing about the Dex stabbing but she's not sure what. 

Joss finds out Dex was stabbed

Carly takes Lulu to Brennan and says he can get in touch with Valentin. 

Willow tells Drew she's going to tell Michael after Christmas that they slept together. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Martin Is Back


The shooter news made GH a bit late today but just by a minute or 2, no biggie. It's time to get into a new week. Looks like Christmas! 

The Square has all the Christmas stuff happening. Lucky runs into Liz. They talk about Christmas Trees and picking one out. Memories of when they wanted to move to NYC when they were young come up. Nostalgia! GAH. They take a tree to her house. He's going to help decorate while Aiden is with his friends. Liz says that's great because Aiden probably doesn't want to do it anyway.  Lucky tells her it was hard to tell Lulu about Luke being dead. He says he's staying but needs a job. Liz says he can busk but Lucky says he doesn't have a guitar. She goes up and gets one from upstairs. 

Dex, Joss, Trina and Gio are getting a tree for the girls' apartment. The girls go off to find a tree holder and Dex goes t get coffee and CYRUS pops up and stares at him. Dex says: hey, you know..I saw you on Halloween by Lulu's room. Cyrus gives him a dirty look. 

Back at the apartment, they put up the tree. Gio talks about all his family traditions too trim the tree. Dex gets quiet and I think he's sad because his family sucked. Joss suggests they go out and take a walk because she "forgot something at Rice Plaza..."

Martin is home and sees Laura. She says Lulu has a clean bill of health and her scar just has to heal. They talk about how bad Cyrus is.  They are proud of Lulu getting out of the facility. Laura says how hard it was to tell Lulu all the bad stuff that's happened in the last 4 years. She knows how that goes because she too had a memory/time lapse. Martin hasn't heard from Valentin and has no idea where Charlotte is. 

Alexis and Molly talk about what Kristina said to her.  Molly says if Alexis doesn't take Krissy's side, she'll cut her off. That's why Molly needs to leave. Alexis says no, she's going to take care of her now. Molly wonders how she feels about the verdict. Alexis accepts it and isn't wasting her time blaming Ava. Molly is glad she understands her. They are going to live together for now. 

Over at Puzzoluos', Sonny and Kristina talk about after the trial. Kristina says she doesn't regret telling Molly she was never Adela's mother. Kristina will never forgive Ava for killing HER BABY Adele. Sonny says one way or another, she'll pay. Krissy isn't sure she wants to work in the coffee business. She doesn't want to lead the Youth Organization because she brings controversy to the whole thing. Sonny might have another idea. In the stupidest thing I've heard, he says That PHYLLIS moved back to Nixon Falls and he wants Kristina to RUN CHARLIE'S...????????? Wasn't she already running it???????? He says he'll give her the restaurant. I think I hit my head. WHAT.


OH! Joss and Dex Zex scene

Lucky sings "Elizabeth" to Liz like he did long ago ....with flashbacks

Flashback to Cyrus killing Sam with the digitalis. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Lulu On The Loose


We had a full week and I caught up on the 2 shows I missed. Watching them on Hulu is so different because the show is SO short and I don't have to see 8 commercials just for my local lawyers. 

So here we go-go! Let's eat a turkey sandwich in honor of Lulu's first meal in 4 years. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Oh My Gawd


Liz and Lucas talk about Lulu. She says Lucky is staying for his sister and her in case she's found liable for Sam's death. Lucas is called into Portia's office. 

Brad is in the breakroom talking to Stella about his love for Lucas. Stella says he has to work on himself for himself--not Lucas. Later: Lucas tells Liz Poria asked him to go to Miami for a conference and Brad overhears it. You know Brad's going to show up! He asks Portia if he can go. She's like: NOPE! It's for doctors and you're not using it for personal reasons. Stella overhears them talking. Brad leaves. She tells Portia she made a mistake. 

Lois is at Home and Hearth studio. The make up lady says she sounds so much better without her accent. Brook Lyn comes over. Maxie says they HAVE to sell 75K worth of product TODAY and it's going to be tough. Ok, so someone calls and it's a person from Lois' old neighborhood and she's yelling at Lois for DROPPING HER ACCENT. :eyeroll: She goes back to her old speech. UGH..and Deception sells out. 

Kai and Trina talking about the project and he can't do it with her. He will hand it in late. She's disappointed. He wants to postpone because of the Big East game against Llanview. Trina wants to do the project as planned because of her future. She's going to do it by herself.  Bunch of dumb dialog about football and passion and art. 

Courtroom: Verdict day. Molly thanks TJ again for her journal. Sonny, Alexis, Krissy, Ric and Ava are there so far. Jury is ready. Everyone stands.  AVA IS NOT GUILTY!!!!!!!! TJ runs out,, Molly follows him. Kristina just sits there, not moving. She's just stunned. Not hearing anything. She gets up and Alexis says it's over, no more legal recourse.

 Outside, TJ thinks Molly is satisfied with the verdict and he's angry. Krissy overhears him and says to Molly: You're SATISFIED? Kristina rips into Molly for believing Ava and not her. Then Ava wants to pick up Avery at Sonny's he says nope. Ava says she has every right. Alexis tells her to just take the win and go. Ava says she's doing what Alexis should have done years ago with Kristina: Get her away from Sonny.  They argue about custody. *sigh*

Kristina and Molly yell more. Molly says she's sorry for what she said to Kristina at Irene's grave. Krissy says "yeah and your dad was mean to me on the stand" LOL. Basically Kristina wants justice and Molly says it's over. 

Kristina to Molly: "You were never really Adela's mother"!! Molly leaves

Portia changes her mind about letting Brad go to the conference -he didn't need to blackmail her with Heather's hip

Trina is going to finish the project alone. 

VERY weirdly uneven show today 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Movin' on OUT!

After 2 days of being off, here I am!  So yesterday, Lulu found out MORE bad news and I guess Brook and Dante had a 'summer camp fling" (ERGO, GIO!!) She knew Cody too!! Okay..that would have worked if they would have done it in the beginning.  FINALLY Lulu's going to the doctor!! Maybe that night is finally over. 

WELP! Molly moved out of the apartment with TJ ..lock stock and barrell!! ALLL her stuff is in her car and going into Alexis' house. Alexis tells her she's still grieving and shouldn't be rash. 

TJ shows Curtis the empty apartment. He's like: MOLLY LEFT. There is NOTHING in there! She must have owned everything LOL. TJ came home and found her packing and she has just turned her emotions off. Curtis decides he needs to rearrange the living room and they will go shopping for new stuff. They find Molly's journal under the chair. Curtis wonders if they should take it to Alexis' house. 

TJ goes to Alexis' house to give Molly the journal. They are sad. He leaves, she cries. 

Kristina goes to see Natalia at Maxie's office.  She wants to thank her for lying on the stand for her in court. Natalia is like: Meh it was nothing. Kristina questions her memory about the Ava fall and Natalia tells her Ava is trash and she's sure it happened the way she said. Didn't Krissy JUST have a flashback in court and we SAW she remembered wrong? 

Isaiah is wandering around the building and spies Jordan in her office. Jordan is happy. He's looking for the notary for his contract. Jordan says that he shouldn't sign it. She thinks she should look it over and he probably can ask for more money. 

Dante is talking to Sonny in HIS office about Lulu. He needs help because with Lulu awake, he has some kids happy and others really really sad. He's mentally drained. They have a good talk about keeping the kids together by having dinners with them and such. 

In the office of Brennan, Jason walks in. Brennan offers him a job. Jason says no and he wants to know where Charlotte is. Jack says I don't know. Jason says yes you do.  Jason says if Brennan can arrange a meeting with him and Val, he'll get Charlotte and bring her home. He'll leave Valentin alone. 

Over at Anna's, Spinelli is waiting and Carly comes in. Anna says she's part of their 'operation' to lure Valentin out.  Carly's like NO WAY! Anna says she has to put a 'bug' on Brennan because she's the only one close enough to him. Spinelli thinks Brennan has to know where she is because Val and she left "NO Trace" and only the WSB could do that. 

So, Jason goes to Anna's and finds out Carly's mission and he's not happy Anna would put her in danger. :eyeroll: He wonders what is going to happen when Jack finds the bug and figures out it's Carly that planted it. 

Meanwhile, Carly is in Brennan's office trying to get him to tell her where Valentin and Char are. He's like I don't know. She wants water and plants the bug under his desk. LOL. Then tries too flatter him and leaves.  

Carly goes back to Anna's. Jason tells her to stay away from Brennan. She said she hid the bug good. Jason says they sweep daily for them. Carly gets mad at Anna. Anna's like: BLOOP! OH WELL... Jason says they need to be wary of Brennan. 


Kristina gets a call the jury is in.

Brennan calls a contact (probably Valentin) and says Lulu is awake. The gang listens in at Anna's place. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024



So, yesterday hair, today TEETH!! I had to switch appointments or I wouldn't have scheduled them back to back. 

I did watch Tuesday's show. And WOW JJ and Alexa Havins are magical together. Good scenes and I could even over look how badly the Port Charles phone tree is broken. It's still nighttime. LMAO. 

Still night. James is still the number one kid there.  Maxie is a delight as per usual. 

Tired of Carly and Jason --- but thank GOD Danny busted in.  

Ok, I think that's about it.  Hope today's show is good and it's finally 'tomorrow'. Also: Looks like NO Thanksgiving this year. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024



Yeah,  I have stuff to do and I'm needing a little break from the show because I'm getting way too crabby watching!! Between these middle of the night scenes and Lulu just floating around it's not doing it for me. 

We got our first snow today!! Only a covering but it's here. Cold too. Like Brrrrrrrr. Cold!! 

Have a good day. I think it will still be in the middle of the night for today's show-- who knows!! 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Turkey Sandwich


It's 20 degrees here! Let's see how they have Port Charles dealing with the cold weather. HA HA. 

OH!! WELP they have DREW coming out of the lake with a paddle board! ahahahaaha. Jason wants to talk to him. Tells him he's moving into the Q house and Monica said it's ok. Drew says he's taking Scout to DC with him. Carly stomps up on the deck. Jason says he's moving in with the Qs and Drew says if he does, he's leaving. Carly's like YOU'RE MOVING INTO THE QS???? Then she says they have too do what Sam would have wanted. 

Alexis asks Ric if he's proud of himself. They spar, she thinks it's all for revenge on Sonny. He says it's for his daughter and his client. More back and forth about his parenting and he says she hates Ava and it was JUST AN ACCIDENT.  She brings up him sleeping with Sam. Then lays into him saying he's the worst parent ever. 

Sonny takes Kristina home to Alexis' house. He tells her she did well on the stand. Calls the baby Adela. SONNY calls the baby ADELA. OOH! He tells Krissy to embrace her anger and revenge if it's going to keep her going and her head above water. He tells her if the justice system doesn't take care of Ava, he will. 

TJ and Molly talk about the case. TJ doesn't think it was a tragic accident. He blames Kristina. They say they haven't been talking to each other lately and they have to start. Aw, they cry and talk about the baby and TJ really needs to talk about it and Molly says it's too hard to talk about with him. They cry and Molly finally says she doesn't want kids EVER. TJ cries and can't believe it. He wants a baby.  They don't know what will happen to them from now on. 

Lucky FINALLY gets to Laura who's home and doing 'late work' with her assistant. He tells her Lulu is awake. This is so dumb. She didn't have reception at the docks. Laura sees the footage and figures she's on her way "home" to Port Charles. Laura finally calls the police. Lucky tells her about Cyrus lurking in the facility. Laura's like: WHAT!!? I told him to stay away! Pffft. Ok. 

Lulu at the Qs:  ROCCO? MOM:? they hug  She finds out she's been in a coma for a year. Then Dante walks in and goes: Lulu? Kinda like: OH, you're here? Then he says she should go to the hospital and she says nope. SO, she sits on the couch and Rocco gets her a SANDWICH. She tells Dante about hitching a ride and the Cyrus stuff. She says she went to her old house and there was a kid there. He says it's Maxie's and Lulu says she can't wait to see her. Then she wants to know how she ended up in a coma. They talk about the bomb and Dustin dying. Rocco brings her a turkey sandwich. She talks about the fact Maxie had to have given her the manicure she has. Danny is listening in the hallway. 


TJ leaves to spend the night somewhere else. 

Jason and Drew call a truce to live together at the Qs. 

Laura has to "GO DO SOMETHING AT THE OFFICE" AND LEAVES Lucky at her apartment. GOOD LORD

Lulu finds out she had a liver transplant but not the details. 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Hi Honey, I'm Home!

It was a three-dayer on GH this week and I have some thoughts. If you read the last 3 blog entries, you know where this is going!!! Lord have mercy. I'm trying there but dang, it's been tough. 

I think the whole town is skipping Thanksgiving this year but that doesn't mean you can't have some coffee and leftovers while reading.  Let's give it a go! 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Turkey Day


I have a feeling we may not get a Thanksgiving episode this year, so here's a vintage photo just for you. Hope you and yours have a great feast and much pi. Remember, no new episodes until Monday. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Hold on to ya Hats

Thanksgiving Eve and we have to ask ourselves: Will GH even CELEBRATE the holiday this year? I'm leaning to: NOPE!! Oh well, I hope they do Christmas? 

Ric gets Kristina to say it was HER BABY she was carrying. He says she was reckless with HER SISTER's baby. You did this. Alexis jumps up and says to stop it. The judge throws her out. Ric stops questioning Krissy. Molly is sad about everything and apologizes to Kristina. 

Natalia LaRue testifies about the accident they got into. Ric plays the 911 call. Then asks who caused the accident. Natalia lies and says SHE DID.  Says she got a text. Then Ric calls Molly. (BY the way, it HAS to be at least 9pm by now given what Lucky said earlier). Molly admits that Kristina was angry when she went to confront Ava and she warned her not to go. 

Ava's on the stand next. Explains what happens. Says she did close the drapes and switch the bag out. She regrets everything getting out of hand and the baby dying. The prosecution didn't even cross her--just closing arguments. 

Lucky is pissed Cyrus was volunteering at the facility. Doc says he's her uncle and talks on behalf of the family. Some orderly guy there calls Cyrus who's BUSSING TABLES AT THE PORT CHARLES GRILLE and tells him Lulu is missing. 

Lucky wants the security footage. Dr. says tomorrow. Lucky says he's calling the cops. The doctor says: Oh we are searching the whole grounds. Liz says: LET THEM LOOK! THIS IS ABSURD! 

THEN Liz and Lucky somehow know Cyrus is working at the PC Grille and ask him where Lulu is.  Tells Cy t stay away from Lulu. Cyrus says you've been gone for a decade, don't tell me about family. 

At the Qs, Brook and Chase run in to have sex and Olivia, Lois and Gio laugh.  After, Lois and Olivia talk about babies. 

Chase and Brook do it multiple times. Brook Lyn has so many clothes on it's LAUGHABLE. Then Chase says "we are going to have a baby for the first time together" or something like that. Brook looks guilty. I think she had Gio, gave him up for adoption and Lois knew where he went. She kept an eye out. Brook has no clue that he's her kid. 

OH! LULU is in the Q yard while GIO plays the VIOLIN!! YES, he's playing the STAR SPANGLED BANNER. OUTSIDE--at like 11pm. AHAHAHAHA.  She asks who he is. He says he lives there and mentions Lois has lived there for awhile. Lulu is confused. Then she wanders away and Gio watches her go. 

Sasha is shocked she's pregnant.

Lulu goes into the house, is confused. James asks who she is. She says: WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE? She stands here and James finally yells 'MOM! STRANGER DANGER" Maxie and Sasha come out. James says he's not lying. Maxie finds the spare key gone.  Spinelli has an app to the camera on the porch and they see a hoodie lady out there. James says she's blonde. Spin wants to tell the police. 


Lucky sees Lulu walking out of the facility on the security footage. 

James sees Lulu's face in a PHOTO ALBUM and says it was "the lady" LOL!! 

Ric gives his closing, it's great as usual. 

Rocco sees Lulu in the Q living room. Lulu can't believe it's Rocco

Jury deliberates. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Blow Them Pops


Ric decides to call Kristina at a later time during the trial.  Dante is up. Ric tries to establish that Dante doesn't like Ava and wants Sonny to get custody of Avery. Talk about the curtains being open, then closed and her tripping on the bag which Ava said were shoes. Then the prosecution rests. They take a recess. Then Ric recalls Kristina. Tries to get her to admit going to Ava's to confront her even though she was almost ready to give birth. Then Kristina lists Ava's crimes like "Killing Morgan". Goes on to describe what Kristina said at the restaurant. He has 4 witness statements about her threatening Ava. Ric is hitting hard. 

Cody picks Lulu up on the side of the road.  She says her boyfriend threw her out of the car and she doesn't have a coat or a phone. She can't remember anyone's number. Then, she eats a blow pop because Cody has a bunch in his divider in the truck. I am not kidding. Is Watermelon good? Nah she wants Cherry.  They giggle. GOOD LORD. They talk about families, and horses and...then Cody lets her out somewhere. Gives her money and a grape lollipop. OH! And his information in case she has to call him. 

Liz tells Lucky she's a target of Sam's autopsy investigation now. She tells him about the digitalis and they think it could have gotten mixed up but Lucky doesn't think so. He wants to help 'figure out' what happened. 
PHONE CALL: The place tells Lucky that Lulu is missing. 
Liz and Lucky go to the facility. They learn about the fire alarm. Lucky isn't happy. 

Sasha tells Maxie she might be pregnant. She tells her it's not Cody-- she met some guy in a bar. She's scared because she lost her other baby and she's alone now. Maxie says she has family and friends including WILLOW ahahahaa. 


Sasha is pregnant

Lulu finds the hidden key for her old house, puts it in the lock

Ric is making Kristina lose it on the stand. "Why would you go confront someone you feel is a murderer when you're that pregnant"? 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Contains Week Spoilers


MONDAY! Here I am. I saw the previews and I'll tell you this: YES, Lulu "Escapes" the Lakeside CARE CENTER--:EYEROLL: and wanders around Port Charles. I think James sees her. I have no idea how I'm going to react to those scenes! I think Curtis tapes Michael about the Drew deal and Ava/court. That's it so far.

I am expecting Lulu to be riding a horse at the Qs soon 


Michael is meeting with Drew and recording him. Drew says they need to be honest about 'the kiss' and they need to move forward and yada yada. Drew only cops to the one kiss and it will never happen again. Drew tells him he will make good by making him CEO. Curtis isn't as experienced as Michael. "I was never going to choose Curtis" 

Curtis is still at the gym trying to call Drew but Drew doesn't pick up. Jordan walks in and he confides in her what Michael told him about Drew betraying him with the CEO stuff.  They talk about Drew and if he's trustworthy. 

Lulu's pretending to be in a damn coma and the nurse doesn't even notice. Lulu's hooked to the monitor but I don't see an IV. She gets up, rubs her legs, stands. GETS to the COUCH. Then hears Cyrus in the hall telling the doctor HE'S going to have her transferred to South Carolina. The doctor says her mother has to sign off. By the time Cyrus is back in the room, Lulu's BACK IN BED--pretending. Then nurses come in to turn her like 1" and they talk about how busy they are going to be, getting 30 new patients that night. Then, they do to get coffee and Lulu gets up, WALKS IN THE HALL. Then she overhears the doctor tell the nurse that Lulu will be moving to SC tomorrow. SHE PULLS THE FIRE ALARM. Goes to the front desk, steals a gym bag and a hoodie. AHAHAHAHA this is so dumb. LULU goes into the woods to change. AHAHAHA. OMG. 

Courthouse: Everyone but Trina sits on Kristina's side. ALL the witnesses are there: IN THE COURTROOM, listening to everything. Illegal AF but you know, SOAP.  Opening statements by the prosecution and Ric. They even have a jury there! WOW... Ric basically says it's Kristina's fault. LaRue, Joss and Gio talk about Kristina's fall and how bad it looked. Trina gets on the stand too. Says she saw Ava up in the window and close the blinds. The doctors get up next. They admit they know the fall killed the baby but they don't know HOW Krissy fell. 
Kristina is up! 

She talks about wanting to be a surrogate and how easy her pregnancy was. She wanted to do everything right..yada yada. Then she is going to tell about the accident. She tells them Ava was furious when she visited her and that she pushed her out the window. (LIES) 


Curtis hears the Drew tape

Kristina is on the stand and Ric asks her why she's lying

Lulu STOPS SOMEONE in the ROAD and asks for a ride. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Rude Awakening


Such a frustrating week for me!! GH can be so good, then so uneven and just plain plodding along that it baffles the mind. I felt like Thursday and Friday were just "oh, let's do some narrative fillers for now". 

I think we should have some of Dante's breakfast, don't you? Let's give it a go! 

warning: I'm pretty scathing in this review. If you'd rather just have a nice, relaxing read you can skip it! 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Chad is leaving GH


I'm assuming there will be a recast because Michael is in the thick of things now!! 

Friday, November 22, 2024

This was a MEGA Filler Show


Welp, here's hoping there's more going on today than yesterday!!!! It was tough to get through. 

Michael and Curtis are in the gym. Michael tells him he might not be CEO of Aurora much longer. He tells Curtis that Drew tried to buy his silence by offering him Curtis' job. He wants to team up to get Drew out. 

Trina is in her apartment and Gio scares her by walking in. They talk about how Trina is doing. Boring. Dumb. They are both testifying at Ava's trial later. Trial talk. Violin talk. 

Sasha is having breakfast with Mac and Felicia. Mac has a letter from Robert for her. She says it's ok he left, she understands. They talk about family. Mac says Cody is taking it hard. Sasha thinks she should steer clear of him for awhile. 

Dante makes breakfast for the kids at the Q's. They say he did a good job. Jason walks in. The kids go to play a video game. Jason wants to talk to Dante about Danny. Jason wants to let Danny decide where to live. 

Scout drops a bunch of stuff in the foyer like paint to make decorations. The kids are upset they may be in trouble. The kids all work together to get it picked up aww, Jason and Dante look on and think how great they are. 

Stella sees TJ at GH and asks why he's not at the trial today. He says nope it's too much. Molly is at the trial and Stella is like "She's there by herself"?? She tells TJ he's not very savvy for not realizing he should be there. 

Ava and Ric are outside of Bobbie's. He says she'll win. She's anxious. He says don't worry, it will be fine. She's not so sure. They blab about the trial. Her odds. They walk on to get to the courthouse. 

Kristina and Molly are waiting in the courtroom. Kristina is cocky and says they'll get justice for their daughter. Molly tells her she's testifying for the DEFENSE. Krissy is not happy. Molly tells her the types of things she might have to attest to. Krissy says; WELL LIE! LOL.

TJ shows up at the courthouse. Then Ava and Ric walk in.

Today was probably one of the most boring shows in awhile. AND IT IS A FRIDAY!! SO much filler. No follow up on anything for 2 days. No Liz, no Lulu.  


Jason is moving into the Q house too. 

Sasha has a pregnancy test in her purse. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Filler Day


Well, let's see if Lulu is riding a bike today!  NOTE: Even tho they left us with the cliffhanger of Lulu hanging on the edge of the bed yesterday, she was NO WHERE TO BE SEEN TODAY!! That's GH for ya!!

Michael talks to Sasha in the Q kitchen. He says he can't go home. He's sad. He and Sasha have coffee. He tells her he knows Drew and Willow had Zex but can't tell them because he'd have to tell her he had zex with Sasha. 

Dante is packing up his Penthouse to move to the Qs. Chase comes over. Dante says he wants to stay at the PH with the memories but has to go to the Qs for the kids. 

Kristina and Sonny have dinner so she can whine about the trial tomorrow. She wants justice for ADELA.  She's never felt so badly because she lost Adela and Sam. So, Sonny offers her a job at the Coffee Warehouse. I guess Charlie's and the LGBTQ place have evaporated. 

Dex and Kai are at the gym talking about Trina. OMG so boring. They are going to spar. They spar. Kai gives Dex free tickets to Llanview game.

Trina and Joss are in Bobbie's talking about Kai and how much Trina doesn't like him. Like REALLY DOESN'T LIKE HIM. Kai comes in 10 minutes late. He did get the books they need to reference tho. 

OMG STUPID Kristina goes to Bobbie's after Sonny's dinner to get a Chai and runs into Joss. They talk about Krissy's sorrow and ADELA and Sam's funerals. She wants to apologize to Joss. Joss is going to testify for the prosecution. They want JUSTICE for Adela and Morgan. 

Alexis has Drew and Jason in the office to tell them about Sam's Will. Jason isn't happy about the Will and thinks the date is too early.  Jason says Danny should decide. Drew says that Danny likes living at the Qs. Alexis figures out they got into a fist fight and tells them to cut it out and start talking. They won't say why they fought. Jason goes to leave and says he'll fight for Danny to make up his own mind about who he's going to live with. 

Drew and Alexis talk about Jason and he says he's not stable. Look what he did to my face! Alexis says having the kids stay with her is an alternative. 

Sonny and Jason talk abou Sam's Will. Sonny says it's old. Call Diane. 

Jordan and TJ have dinner in his office and he tells her about Sam's funeral. He talks about missing Molly's birthday. 


Sonny vows to help Jason fight for Danny 

Drew says Danny and Scout are living with HIM!! 

Michael cries. 

NOTE: Nothing about Lulu today and it doesn't look like she's on tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Humpus Dayus


Yes, a Gallbladder Stuffy ~~

Before we begin, thank you for all the gallbladder advice! I've had inflammation for years but never an "attack" where I could barely breathe and the pain was that intense. I of course thought it had to be gallstones or a bile duct issue but an ultrasound ruled those out. ERGO... not much to do unless they become more frequent and then I'll get a contrast dye study. I want it out. There's 'thickening' but that's about it. My bloodwork was excellent. So thank you to all for your concern and I guess I'll just stick with hardly any fun food lol. 

To the person with a surgeon friend, you're very lucky !! 


Liz and Lucky talk MORE about him staying or going. Liz sees Lucas inside of Bobbie's. They go in. Lucas says he didn't go to the funeral because he'd be a distraction. 

Brennan comes into Bobbie's and Liz leaves for GH . 

Dante and Krissy are in the PH. Kristina is packing up Sam's stuff to 'go through" GEESH! woman! Give people a minute. Dante is sad. They talk about life. Dante blames himself. Doesn't think Sam would have done it without him being involved. 

Alexis is frantic and looking for Sam's will. She and Molly are at her office. Molly mentions that Ava's trial starts tomorrow. Molly says Ric called her as a witness for AVA's defense!! yippee

OMG Alexis finds Sam's Will and it names DREW as legal guardian for Scout and Danny! ahahaahhaaha. It's an old Will, not updated since Jason was found alive. 

Danny and Jason are in the cemetery. Danny puts a flower on "Baby Girl McCall" grave. Danny wonders if there's a heaven. He thinks he hurt Lucas earlier today and his mom loved him. He tells Jason what he said in anger. They talk  about emotions. 

Lulu wakes up...sees the room, looks at her PRISTINE SCAR AHAHAHAHA!! OMG. Okay. Oh, we are going to have to tell ourselves this is a show SO MUCH during this story!! I mean, coma patients are hooked up to a LOT OF shit!! AHAHAHA. So, she reaches for the call bell. I think she's in a facility again????? Cyrus is there, talking to a doctor in the hall-- and he says he's representing the family at her bedside. THEN THEY SHOW a fake flashback of NuLulu talking to Cyrus about a newspaper article like 3 years ago? I'm gonna drink'. =

LULU fools the nurse and pretends she's in a coma still. Then she sits up, gets up, puts her foot down, then falls. 

Cyrus tells the doctor HE WILL tell Laura that Lulu's improving so she doesn't get her hopes up. Lulu's faking being asleep I guess. 

Lucas gets called into Portia's office for the Corners' report. No surgical error caused her heart attack. Lucas asked what did. Portia shows him the report. Then the next time, Lucas sees Liz and is going to tell her something but Portia grabs her first. 


Sam was given digitalis and Elizabeth should get a union rep, there's going to be an investigation. 

Lulu gets off the floor, gets back on the bed, rubs her legs. 

AND I'M DYING ahahahhaa. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024



Here we are! Funeral Day!! I need some uplifting stuff dang it lol. I also watch Neighbours and I'm in a spot in 2022 where someone is dying and I CAN'T!!  Maybe I have to rewatch Schitt's Creek again. 

TODAY'S SHOW: Get them hankies!! 

Lucas is in the graveyard visiting his Dad's grave. Kiki is bringing him flowers. They talk about Julian and him loving his kids. She wonders why he's not at the funeral.  He tells her Danny stopped at the church and thinks he killed his mom. Ava says: DID YOU? lol He says he's still trying to work it out. Ava says she knows something about guilt. "maybe it runs in the family". She says jokingly he could change his last name to "Jerome". Also says she's always there for him. 

The church. Molly gets up to talk about Sam. Thanks everyone for being there. She goes on to say that the Davis sisters are a force and now only 3 sets of arms to hug instead of four. She knows Sam will always be there with them. Kristina talks about how much Sam helped her out of jams with no judgement. Then Spinelli gets up and tells everyone how Sam helped him get in shape for Maxie and how cool she was to a dork like him. Carly talks, there is a flashback of Sam slapping her. Then Liz is up. Another flashback of Liz calling Sam out for the fake kidnapping of Jake. OMG THEIR HAIR!! WOW. Giant. 

Lucky talks about what a hero Sam was and how she saved Lulu. He didn't wash his hair. NOPE. Dante is talking, very sad. Flashback to them deciding to move in together. He talks about mashing their families together and how strong Sam was. 
Rocco gets up and talks about Sam not being DNA related but how she accepted him and they were family. He will always think of Scout and Danny as his siblings. Then Jason talks and then Danny. Sad. 

Alexis is really sad too and it's long.  "She was my anchor".  Talks about not raising her but them becoming mother and daughter and friends. Flashback-- when Sam went into labor. Alexis gives a good speech but I'm not typing it all up!  "Thank you for choosing me, my angel". 


TONS of flashbacks. My fave was Liz and her burning St. Jaysas Clothes! 

LULU's eyes open. 

TOMORROW: Cyrus is in Lulu's room saying he's going to 'take care of her" 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Monday MM


Ever have one of those months? Goodness, it's been something. I get to go have a look see at my gallbladder later today. I'm kind of hoping they just rip it out right then and there lol. Hope YOU are all doing well and ready for another adventurous week on GH. I think the funeral is tomorrow and today is th lead up but we shall see. I feel like we've been through the wringer already with the Sam stuff!! 


Getting ready for the funeral. Maxie is looking at the flowers in the church and think they are too much. Lucas walks in. He says this is all his fault. Maxie says it's not. They go back and forth about his guilt and the surgery. Sam wouldn't want you to feel like this says Maxie. 

Alexis is getting ready and says to her girls she doesn't think she can do this today. She broke a bracelet Sam gave her for mother's day. Molly goes and tries to fix it. She's upset with Kristina. Kristina says "it's so sad, you were just getting ready to bury Adela" OMG!! Molly heard that too. Fking Kristina. Molly goes outside for air. Ric is there! yeah! 

Ric gives Molly a birthday gift to see 12 Angry Men. They are going together. They hug. TJ walks up. 

Alexis is inside talking to Krissy. She realizes she forgot Molly's birthday. Then she sees Ric outside and is mad he's there. TJ and Molly go inside. Ric says at least he remembered her birthday. Alexis says he's heartless and to get off her lawn. 

Scout sees Drew's face and asked what happened. They are all ready for the funeral. Drew says HE WALKED INTO A DOOR in the kitchen LOL. DERP. Rocco and Danny don't buy that. Scout wants Drew to promise he won't leave her. He does. Nina then comes in and puts some make up on Drew's face. She asks if Jason is in jail. He says no, Danny needs him. She says "is this just all about ONE kiss"?? Drew says yes it's just the one kiss. 

Nice scene with Danny and Rocco. Rocco says "no matter what anyone says we are brothers".

Liz wants to talk to Aiden. He knows it's about his Dad. Aiden says he figured out that Lucky would probably leave again. He feels good because his Dad is at least alive and he can see him now and then. 

Lucky is in Bobbie's looking at the iPad at an article about a flooded village somewhere in the world. Brennan comes in and says He's the guy that saved him. They talk about Bobbie's and PC. Brennan offers him a job "boots on the ground" with the WSB. Not sure where--but it pays good and he wants Lucky with the WSB. Lucky says the WSB always comes with strings and I'm not a puppet. It's a job with refugees and some political group forming they need intel on. He could get Lucky on a plane in 24 hours. Liz walks into Bobbie's. 

Dante and Cody are looking at family photos of Sam. Dante doesn't think there's much of a family without Sam. They aren't ready for the funeral but EVERYONE else is...this is weird. They keep talking. Olivia walks in (not dressed) and they talk about memories of Sam playing baseball. Dante leaves to "check on the kids"... Pfft. They are dressed and Danny is at the damn church!! 

Joss opens the door to their apartment and Kai is there. Trina comes up and shuts the door in his face. Joss talks her into hearing him out. Joss leaves for Sam's funeral. Kai wants another chance with Tri. He says his advisor thought Art history would be easy. He realizes it's not. Trina says she's busy. He says she wouldn't turn someone away from The Gallery that wanted to learn about Art, would she? He pleads his case and tries to dazzle her with some memorized Art History stuff. 


Trina gives Kai another chance

Lucky tells Liz about the job offer

Rocco overhears Nina telling Drew about Jason punching him

Danny yells at Lucas to get out of the church because he killed his mother. 


Christmas Eve

  Yesterday's Show:  Jason Sasha? Hmmmm... they are ok as friends, don't want anything else. LOVED Tracey and Martin. LIKE LOVED th...